Update Unit test styling to cover the future coder version
[civicrm-core.git] / tests / phpunit / CRM / Utils / NumberTest.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * Class CRM_Utils_NumberTest
5 * @group headless
6 */
7 class CRM_Utils_NumberTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
9 /**
10 * @return array
11 */
12 public function randomDecimalCases() {
13 $cases = array();
14 // array(array $precision, int $expectedMinInclusive, int $expectedMaxExclusive)
15 $cases[] = array(array(1, 0), 0, 10);
16 $cases[] = array(array(5, 2), 0, 1000);
17 $cases[] = array(array(10, 8), 0, 100);
18 return $cases;
19 }
21 /**
22 * @param array $precision
23 * @param int $expectedMinInclusive
24 * @param int $expectedMaxExclusive
25 * @dataProvider randomDecimalCases
26 */
27 public function testCreateRandomDecimal($precision, $expectedMinInclusive, $expectedMaxExclusive) {
28 list ($sigFigs, $decFigs) = $precision;
29 for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
30 $decimal = CRM_Utils_Number::createRandomDecimal($precision);
31 // print "Assert $decimal between $expectedMinInclusive and $expectedMaxExclusive\n";
32 $this->assertTrue(($expectedMinInclusive <= $decimal) && ($decimal < $expectedMaxExclusive), "Assert $decimal between $expectedMinInclusive and $expectedMaxExclusive");
33 if (strpos($decimal, '.') === FALSE) {
34 $decimal .= '.';
35 }
36 list ($before, $after) = explode('.', $decimal);
37 $this->assertTrue(strlen($before) + strlen($after) <= $sigFigs, "Assert $decimal [$before;$after] has <= $sigFigs sigFigs");
38 $this->assertTrue(strlen($after) <= $decFigs, "Assert $decimal [$before;$after] has <= $decFigs decFigs");
39 }
40 }
42 /**
43 * @return array
44 */
45 public function truncDecimalCases() {
46 $cases = array();
47 // array($value, $precision, $expectedValue)
48 $cases[] = array(523, array(1, 0), 5);
49 $cases[] = array(523, array(5, 2), 523);
50 $cases[] = array(523, array(10, 8), 52.3);
51 $cases[] = array(12345, array(3, 3), 0.123);
52 $cases[] = array(0.12345, array(10, 0), 12345);
53 $cases[] = array(-123.45, array(4, 2), -12.34);
54 return $cases;
55 }
57 /**
58 * @param $value
59 * @param $precision
60 * @param $expectedValue
61 * @dataProvider truncDecimalCases
62 */
63 public function testCreateTruncatedDecimal($value, $precision, $expectedValue) {
64 list ($sigFigs, $decFigs) = $precision;
65 $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, CRM_Utils_Number::createTruncatedDecimal($value, $precision),
66 "assert createTruncatedValue($value, ($sigFigs,$decFigs)) == $expectedValue"
67 );
68 }
70 public function sizeCases() {
71 $cases = [];
72 $cases[] = ['20M', '20971520'];
73 $cases[] = ['40G', '42949672960'];
74 return $cases;
75 }
77 /**
78 * @param $size
79 * @param $expectedValue
80 * @dataProvider sizeCases
81 */
82 public function testFormatUnitSize($size, $expectedValue) {
83 $this->assertEquals($expectedValue, CRM_Utils_Number::formatUnitSize($size));
84 }
86 }