Merge branch '5.4' of
[civicrm-core.git] / tests / phpunit / CRM / Export / BAO / ExportTest.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * Class CRM_Core_DAOTest
5 * @group headless
6 */
7 class CRM_Export_BAO_ExportTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
9 /**
10 * Contact IDs created for testing.
11 *
12 * @var array
13 */
14 protected $contactIDs = [];
16 /**
17 * Contribution IDs created for testing.
18 *
19 * @var array
20 */
21 protected $contributionIDs = [];
23 /**
24 * Contribution IDs created for testing.
25 *
26 * @var array
27 */
28 protected $activityIDs = [];
30 /**
31 * Master Address ID created for testing.
32 *
33 * @var int
34 */
35 protected $masterAddressID;
37 public function tearDown() {
38 $this->quickCleanup(['civicrm_contact', 'civicrm_email', 'civicrm_address', 'civicrm_relationship']);
39 $this->quickCleanUpFinancialEntities();
40 parent::tearDown();
41 }
43 /**
44 * Basic test to ensure the exportComponents function completes without error.
45 */
46 public function testExportComponentsNull() {
47 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
48 TRUE,
49 array(),
50 array(),
51 NULL,
52 NULL,
53 NULL,
54 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
55 NULL,
56 NULL,
59 array(
60 'exportOption' => 1,
61 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
62 )
63 );
65 // delete the export temp table and component table
66 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
67 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
68 }
70 /**
71 * Basic test to ensure the exportComponents function can export selected fields for contribution.
72 */
73 public function testExportComponentsContribution() {
74 $this->setUpContributionExportData();
75 $selectedFields = array(
76 array('Individual', 'first_name'),
77 array('Individual', 'last_name'),
78 array('Contribution', 'receive_date'),
79 array('Contribution', 'contribution_source'),
80 array('Individual', 'street_address', 1),
81 array('Individual', 'city', 1),
82 array('Individual', 'country', 1),
83 array('Individual', 'email', 1),
84 array('Contribution', 'trxn_id'),
85 );
87 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
88 TRUE,
89 $this->contributionIDs,
90 array(),
91 'receive_date desc',
92 $selectedFields,
93 NULL,
94 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
95 ' IN ( ' . implode(',', $this->contributionIDs) . ')',
96 NULL,
99 array(
100 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
101 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
102 )
103 );
105 // delete the export temp table and component table
106 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
107 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
108 }
110 /**
111 * Basic test to ensure the exportComponents function can export selected fields for contribution.
112 */
113 public function testExportComponentsActivity() {
114 $this->setUpActivityExportData();
115 $selectedFields = array(
116 array('Individual', 'display_name'),
117 array('Individual', '5_a_b', 'display_name'),
118 );
120 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
121 FALSE,
122 $this->activityIDs,
123 array(),
124 '`activity_date_time` desc',
125 $selectedFields,
126 NULL,
127 CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT,
128 ' IN ( ' . implode(',', $this->activityIDs) . ')',
129 NULL,
130 FALSE,
131 FALSE,
132 array(
133 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT,
134 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
135 )
136 );
138 // delete the export temp table and component table
139 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
140 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
141 }
143 /**
144 * Test the function that extracts the arrays used to structure the output.
145 *
146 * The keys in the output fields array should by matched by field aliases in the sql query (with
147 * exceptions of course - currently country is one - although maybe a future refactor can change that!).
148 *
149 * We are trying to move towards simpler processing in the per row iteration as that may be
150 * repeated 100,000 times and in general we should simply be able to match the query fields to
151 * our expected rows & do a little pseudoconstant mapping.
152 */
153 public function testGetExportStructureArrays() {
154 // This is how return properties are formatted internally within the function for passing to the BAO query.
155 $returnProperties = array(
156 'first_name' => 1,
157 'last_name' => 1,
158 'receive_date' => 1,
159 'contribution_source' => 1,
160 'location' => array(
161 'Home' => array(
162 'street_address' => 1,
163 'city' => 1,
164 'country' => 1,
165 'email' => 1,
166 'im-1' => 1,
167 'im_provider' => 1,
168 'phone-1' => 1,
169 ),
170 ),
171 'phone' => 1,
172 'trxn_id' => 1,
173 'contribution_id' => 1,
174 );
176 $contactRelationshipTypes = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::getContactRelationshipType(
177 NULL,
178 NULL,
179 NULL,
180 NULL,
181 TRUE,
182 'name',
184 );
186 $query = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Query(array(), $returnProperties, NULL,
189 );
191 list($select) = $query->query();
192 $pattern = '/as `?([^`,]*)/';
193 $queryFieldAliases = array();
194 preg_match_all($pattern, $select, $queryFieldAliases, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
195 $processor = new CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor(CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_CONTRIBUTE, 'AND');
196 $processor->setQueryFields($query->_fields);
198 list($outputFields) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::getExportStructureArrays($returnProperties, $processor, $contactRelationshipTypes, '');
199 foreach (array_keys($outputFields) as $fieldAlias) {
200 if ($fieldAlias == 'Home-country') {
201 $this->assertTrue(in_array($fieldAlias . '_id', $queryFieldAliases[1]), 'Country is subject to some funky translate so we make sure country id is present');
202 }
203 else {
204 $this->assertTrue(in_array($fieldAlias, $queryFieldAliases[1]), 'looking for field ' . $fieldAlias . ' in generaly the alias fields need to match the outputfields');
205 }
206 }
208 }
210 /**
211 * Set up some data for us to do testing on.
212 */
213 public function setUpContributionExportData() {
214 $this->setUpContactExportData();
215 $this->contributionIDs[] = $this->contributionCreate(array('contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[0], 'trxn_id' => 'null', 'invoice_id' => 'null'));
216 $this->contributionIDs[] = $this->contributionCreate(array('contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[1], 'trxn_id' => 'null', 'invoice_id' => 'null'));
217 }
219 /**
220 * Set up some data for us to do testing on.
221 */
222 public function setUpActivityExportData() {
223 $this->setUpContactExportData();
224 $this->activityIDs[] = $this->activityCreate(array('contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[0]))['id'];
225 }
227 /**
228 * Set up some data for us to do testing on.
229 */
230 public function setUpContactExportData() {
231 $this->contactIDs[] = $contactA = $this->individualCreate(['gender_id' => 'Female']);
232 // Create address for contact A.
233 $params = array(
234 'contact_id' => $contactA,
235 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
236 'street_address' => 'Ambachtstraat 23',
237 'postal_code' => '6971 BN',
238 'country_id' => '1152',
239 'city' => 'Brummen',
240 'is_primary' => 1,
241 );
242 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', $params);
243 $addressId = $result['id'];
245 $this->callAPISuccess('email', 'create', array(
246 'id' => $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Email', ['contact_id' => $params['contact_id'], 'return' => 'id']),
247 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
248 'email' => '',
249 'is_primary' => 1,
250 ));
251 $this->callAPISuccess('email', 'create', array('contact_id' => $params['contact_id'], 'location_type_id' => 'Work', 'email' => '', 'is_primary' => 0));
253 $params['is_primary'] = 0;
254 $params['location_type_id'] = 'Work';
255 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', $params);
256 $this->contactIDs[] = $contactB = $this->individualCreate();
258 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array(
259 'contact_id' => $contactB,
260 'location_type_id' => "Home",
261 'master_id' => $addressId,
262 ));
263 $this->masterAddressID = $addressId;
265 }
267 /**
268 * Test variants of primary address exporting.
269 *
270 * @param int $isPrimaryOnly
271 *
272 * @dataProvider getPrimarySearchOptions
273 */
274 public function testExportPrimaryAddress($isPrimaryOnly) {
275 \Civi::settings()->set('searchPrimaryDetailsOnly', $isPrimaryOnly);
276 $this->setUpContactExportData();
278 $selectedFields = [['Individual', 'email', ' '], ['Individual', 'email', '1'], ['Individual', 'email', '2']];
279 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
280 TRUE,
281 [],
282 [['email', 'LIKE', 'c', 0, 1]],
283 NULL,
284 $selectedFields,
285 NULL,
286 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
287 " IN ({$this->contactIDs[0]}, {$this->contactIDs[1]})",
288 NULL,
289 FALSE,
290 FALSE,
291 array(
292 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
293 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
294 )
295 );
297 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * from ' . $tableName);
298 $dao->fetch();
299 $this->assertEquals('', $dao->email);
300 $this->assertEquals('', $dao->work_email);
301 $this->assertEquals('', $dao->home_email);
302 $this->assertEquals(2, $dao->N);
303 \Civi::settings()->set('searchPrimaryDetailsOnly', FALSE);
304 }
306 /**
307 * Get the options for the primary search setting field.
308 * @return array
309 */
310 public function getPrimarySearchOptions() {
311 return [[TRUE], [FALSE]];
312 }
314 /**
315 * Test that when exporting a pseudoField it is reset for NULL entries.
316 *
317 * ie. we have a contact WITH a gender & one without - make sure the latter one
318 * does NOT retain the gender of the former.
319 */
320 public function testExportPseudoField() {
321 $this->setUpContactExportData();
322 $selectedFields = [['Individual', 'gender_id']];
323 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
324 TRUE,
325 $this->contactIDs[1],
326 array(),
327 NULL,
328 $selectedFields,
329 NULL,
330 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
331 " IN (" . implode(",", $this->contactIDs) . ")",
332 NULL,
333 FALSE,
334 FALSE,
335 array(
336 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
337 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
338 )
339 );
340 $this->assertEquals('Female,', CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(gender_id) FROM {$tableName}"));
341 }
343 /**
344 * Test that when exporting a pseudoField it is reset for NULL entries.
345 *
346 * This is specific to the example in CRM-14398
347 */
348 public function testExportPseudoFieldCampaign() {
349 $this->setUpContributionExportData();
350 $campaign = $this->callAPISuccess('Campaign', 'create', ['title' => 'Big campaign']);
351 $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', ['campaign_id' => 'Big_campaign', 'id' => $this->contributionIDs[0]]);
352 $selectedFields = [['Individual', 'gender_id'], ['Contribution', 'contribution_campaign_title']];
353 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
354 TRUE,
355 $this->contactIDs[1],
356 array(),
357 NULL,
358 $selectedFields,
359 NULL,
360 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
361 " IN (" . implode(",", $this->contactIDs) . ")",
362 NULL,
363 FALSE,
364 FALSE,
365 array(
366 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
367 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
368 )
369 );
370 $this->assertEquals('Big campaign,', CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(contribution_campaign_title) FROM {$tableName}"));
371 }
373 /**
374 * Test exporting relationships.
375 *
376 * This is to ensure that CRM-13995 remains fixed.
377 */
378 public function testExportRelationshipsMergeToHousehold() {
379 list($householdID, $houseHoldTypeID) = $this->setUpHousehold();
381 $selectedFields = [
382 ['Individual', $houseHoldTypeID . '_a_b', 'state_province', ''],
383 ['Individual', $houseHoldTypeID . '_a_b', 'city', ''],
384 ['Individual', 'city', ''],
385 ['Individual', 'state_province', ''],
386 ];
387 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
388 FALSE,
389 $this->contactIDs,
390 [],
391 NULL,
392 $selectedFields,
393 NULL,
394 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
395 " IN (" . implode(",", $this->contactIDs) . ")",
396 NULL,
397 FALSE,
398 TRUE,
399 [
400 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
401 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
402 ]
403 );
404 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$tableName}");
405 while ($dao->fetch()) {
406 $this->assertEquals('Portland', $dao->city);
407 $this->assertEquals('ME', $dao->state_province);
408 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
409 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
410 }
412 }
414 /**
415 * Test exporting relationships.
416 */
417 public function testExportRelationshipsMergeToHouseholdAllFields() {
418 $this->markTestIncomplete('Does not yet work under CI due to mysql limitation (number of columns in table). Works on some boxes');
419 list($householdID) = $this->setUpHousehold();
420 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
421 FALSE,
422 $this->contactIDs,
423 [],
424 NULL,
425 NULL,
426 NULL,
427 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
428 " IN (" . implode(",", $this->contactIDs) . ")",
429 NULL,
430 FALSE,
431 TRUE,
432 [
433 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
434 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
435 ]
436 );
437 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$tableName}");
438 while ($dao->fetch()) {
439 $this->assertEquals('Portland', $dao->city);
440 $this->assertEquals('ME', $dao->state_province);
441 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
442 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
443 $this->assertEquals('Unit Test Household', $dao->addressee);
444 $this->assertEquals('Unit Test Household', $dao->display_name);
445 }
446 }
448 /**
449 * Test master_address_id field.
450 */
451 public function testExportCustomData() {
452 $this->setUpContactExportData();
454 $customData = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, 'ContactTest.php');
456 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
457 'id' => $this->contactIDs[1],
458 'custom_' . $customData['custom_field_id'] => 'BlahdeBlah',
459 'api.Address.create' => ['location_type_id' => 'Billing', 'city' => 'Waipu'],
460 ]);
461 $selectedFields = [
462 ['Individual', 'city', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Address', 'location_type_id', 'Billing')],
463 ['Individual', 'custom_1'],
464 ];
466 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($selectedFields, $this->contactIDs[1]);
467 $this->assertEquals([
468 'billing_city' => 'billing_city text',
469 'custom_1' => 'custom_1 varchar(255)',
470 ], $sqlColumns);
472 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName);
473 while ($dao->fetch()) {
474 $this->assertEquals('BlahdeBlah', $dao->custom_1);
475 $this->assertEquals('Waipu', $dao->billing_city);
476 }
477 }
479 /**
480 * Attempt to do a fairly full export of location data.
481 */
482 public function testExportIMData() {
483 // Use default providers.
484 $providers = ['AIM', 'GTalk', 'Jabber', 'MSN', 'Skype', 'Yahoo'];
485 $locationTypes = ['Billing', 'Home', 'Main', 'Other'];
487 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
488 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
489 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->householdCreate();
490 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->organizationCreate();
491 foreach ($this->contactIDs as $contactID) {
492 foreach ($providers as $provider) {
493 foreach ($locationTypes as $locationType) {
494 $this->callAPISuccess('IM', 'create', [
495 'contact_id' => $contactID,
496 'location_type_id' => $locationType,
497 'provider_id' => $provider,
498 'name' => $locationType . $provider . $contactID,
499 ]);
500 }
501 }
502 }
504 $relationships = [
505 $this->contactIDs[1] => ['label' => 'Spouse of'],
506 $this->contactIDs[2] => ['label' => 'Household Member of'],
507 $this->contactIDs[3] => ['label' => 'Employee of']
508 ];
510 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationshipType) {
511 $relationshipTypeID = $this->callAPISuccess('RelationshipType', 'getvalue', ['label_a_b' => $relationshipType['label'], 'return' => 'id']);
512 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
513 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[0],
514 'relationship_type_id' => $relationshipTypeID,
515 'contact_id_b' => $contactID
516 ]);
517 $relationships[$contactID]['id'] = $result['id'];
518 $relationships[$contactID]['relationship_type_id'] = $relationshipTypeID;
519 }
521 $fields = [['Individual', 'contact_id']];
522 // ' ' denotes primary location type.
523 foreach (array_merge($locationTypes, [' ']) as $locationType) {
524 $fields[] = [
525 'Individual',
526 'im_provider',
527 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
528 ];
529 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationship) {
530 $fields[] = [
531 'Individual',
532 $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b',
533 'im_provider',
534 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
535 ];
536 }
537 foreach ($providers as $provider) {
538 $fields[] = [
539 'Individual',
540 'im',
541 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
542 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'provider_id', $provider),
543 ];
544 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationship) {
545 $fields[] = [
546 'Individual',
547 $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b',
548 'im',
549 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
550 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'provider_id', $provider),
551 ];
552 }
553 }
554 }
555 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($fields, $this->contactIDs[0]);
557 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName);
558 while ($dao->fetch()) {
559 $id = $dao->contact_id;
560 $this->assertEquals('AIM', $dao->billing_im_provider);
561 $this->assertEquals('BillingJabber' . $id, $dao->billing_im_screen_name_jabber);
562 $this->assertEquals('BillingSkype' . $id, $dao->billing_im_screen_name_skype);
563 foreach ($relationships as $relatedContactID => $relationship) {
564 $relationshipString = $field = $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b';
565 $field = $relationshipString . '_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo';
566 $this->assertEquals('BillingYahoo' . $relatedContactID, $dao->$field);
567 // @todo efforts to output 'im_provider' for related contacts seem to be giving a blank field.
568 }
569 }
571 // early return for now until we solve a leakage issue.
572 return;
574 $this->assertEquals([
575 'billing_im_provider' => 'billing_im_provider text',
576 'billing_im_screen_name' => 'billing_im_screen_name text',
577 'billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'billing_im_screen_name_jabber text',
578 'billing_im_screen_name_skype' => 'billing_im_screen_name_skype text',
579 'billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'billing_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
580 'home_im_provider' => 'home_im_provider text',
581 'home_im_screen_name' => 'home_im_screen_name text',
582 'home_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'home_im_screen_name_jabber text',
583 'home_im_screen_name_skype' => 'home_im_screen_name_skype text',
584 'home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'home_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
585 'main_im_provider' => 'main_im_provider text',
586 'main_im_screen_name' => 'main_im_screen_name text',
587 'main_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'main_im_screen_name_jabber text',
588 'main_im_screen_name_skype' => 'main_im_screen_name_skype text',
589 'main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'main_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
590 'other_im_provider' => 'other_im_provider text',
591 'other_im_screen_name' => 'other_im_screen_name text',
592 'other_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'other_im_screen_name_jabber text',
593 'other_im_screen_name_skype' => 'other_im_screen_name_skype text',
594 'other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'other_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
595 'im_provider' => 'im_provider text',
596 'im' => 'im varchar(64)',
597 'contact_id' => 'contact_id varchar(255)',
598 '2_a_b_im_provider' => '2_a_b_im_provider text',
599 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name text',
600 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber text',
601 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype text',
602 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
603 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name text',
604 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber text',
605 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype text',
606 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
607 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name text',
608 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber text',
609 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype text',
610 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
611 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name text',
612 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber text',
613 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype text',
614 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
615 '2_a_b_im' => '2_a_b_im text',
616 '8_a_b_im_provider' => '8_a_b_im_provider text',
617 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name text',
618 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber text',
619 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype text',
620 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
621 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name text',
622 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber text',
623 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype text',
624 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
625 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name text',
626 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber text',
627 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype text',
628 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
629 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name text',
630 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber text',
631 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype text',
632 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
633 '8_a_b_im' => '8_a_b_im text',
634 '5_a_b_im_provider' => '5_a_b_im_provider text',
635 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name text',
636 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber text',
637 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype text',
638 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
639 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name text',
640 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber text',
641 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype text',
642 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
643 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name text',
644 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber text',
645 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype text',
646 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
647 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name text',
648 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber text',
649 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype text',
650 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo text',
651 '5_a_b_im' => '5_a_b_im text',
652 ], $sqlColumns);
654 }
656 /**
657 * Test master_address_id field.
658 */
659 public function testExportMasterAddress() {
660 $this->setUpContactExportData();
662 //export the master address for contact B
663 $selectedFields = array(
664 array('Individual', 'master_id', 1),
665 );
666 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
667 TRUE,
668 array($this->contactIDs[1]),
669 array(),
670 NULL,
671 $selectedFields,
672 NULL,
673 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
674 " IN ({$this->contactIDs[1]})",
675 NULL,
676 FALSE,
677 FALSE,
678 array(
679 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
680 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
681 )
682 );
683 $field = key($sqlColumns);
685 //assert the exported result
686 $masterName = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT {$field} FROM {$tableName}");
687 $displayName = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getMasterDisplayName($this->masterAddressID);
688 $this->assertEquals($displayName, $masterName);
690 // delete the export temp table and component table
691 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
692 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
693 }
695 /**
696 * Test that deceased and do not mail contacts are removed from contacts before
697 */
698 public function testExportDeceasedDoNotMail() {
699 $contactA = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array(
700 'first_name' => 'John',
701 'last_name' => 'Doe',
702 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
703 ));
705 $contactB = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array(
706 'first_name' => 'Jane',
707 'last_name' => 'Doe',
708 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
709 'is_deceased' => 1,
710 ));
712 //create address for contact A
713 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array(
714 'contact_id' => $contactA['id'],
715 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
716 'street_address' => 'ABC 12',
717 'postal_code' => '123 AB',
718 'country_id' => '1152',
719 'city' => 'ABC',
720 'is_primary' => 1,
721 ));
723 //create address for contact B
724 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array(
725 'contact_id' => $contactB['id'],
726 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
727 'street_address' => 'ABC 12',
728 'postal_code' => '123 AB',
729 'country_id' => '1152',
730 'city' => 'ABC',
731 'is_primary' => 1,
732 ));
734 //export and merge contacts with same address
735 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
736 TRUE,
737 array($contactA['id'], $contactB['id']),
738 array(),
739 NULL,
740 NULL,
741 NULL,
742 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
743 " IN ({$contactA['id']}, {$contactB['id']})",
744 NULL,
745 TRUE,
746 FALSE,
747 array(
748 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
749 'mergeOption' => TRUE,
750 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
751 'postal_mailing_export' => array(
752 'postal_mailing_export' => TRUE,
753 ),
754 )
755 );
757 $greeting = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT email_greeting FROM {$tableName}");
759 //Assert email_greeting is not merged
760 $this->assertNotContains(',', (string) $greeting);
762 // delete the export temp table and component table
763 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
764 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
765 }
767 /**
768 * @return array
769 */
770 protected function setUpHousehold() {
771 $this->setUpContactExportData();
772 $householdID = $this->householdCreate([
773 'api.Address.create' => [
774 'city' => 'Portland',
775 'state_province_id' => 'Maine',
776 'location_type_id' => 'Home'
777 ]
778 ]);
780 $relationshipTypes = $this->callAPISuccess('RelationshipType', 'get', [])['values'];
781 $houseHoldTypeID = NULL;
782 foreach ($relationshipTypes as $id => $relationshipType) {
783 if ($relationshipType['name_a_b'] === 'Household Member of') {
784 $houseHoldTypeID = $relationshipType['id'];
785 }
786 }
787 $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
788 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[0],
789 'contact_id_b' => $householdID,
790 'relationship_type_id' => $houseHoldTypeID,
791 ]);
792 $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
793 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[1],
794 'contact_id_b' => $householdID,
795 'relationship_type_id' => $houseHoldTypeID,
796 ]);
797 return array($householdID, $houseHoldTypeID);
798 }
800 /**
801 * @param $selectedFields
802 * @return array
803 */
804 protected function doExport($selectedFields, $id) {
805 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
806 TRUE,
807 array($id),
808 array(),
809 NULL,
810 $selectedFields,
811 NULL,
812 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
813 " IN ({$id})",
814 NULL,
815 FALSE,
816 FALSE,
817 array(
818 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
819 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
820 )
821 );
822 return array($tableName, $sqlColumns);
823 }
825 }