Merge pull request #14713 from pradpnayak/REF-1
[civicrm-core.git] / tests / phpunit / CRM / Export / BAO / ExportTest.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * Class CRM_Core_DAOTest
5 *
6 * @group headless
7 */
8 class CRM_Export_BAO_ExportTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
10 /**
11 * Contact IDs created for testing.
12 *
13 * @var array
14 */
15 protected $contactIDs = [];
17 /**
18 * Contribution IDs created for testing.
19 *
20 * @var array
21 */
22 protected $contributionIDs = [];
24 /**
25 * Contribution IDs created for testing.
26 *
27 * @var array
28 */
29 protected $activityIDs = [];
31 /**
32 * Contribution IDs created for testing.
33 *
34 * @var array
35 */
36 protected $membershipIDs = [];
38 /**
39 * Master Address ID created for testing.
40 *
41 * @var int
42 */
43 protected $masterAddressID;
45 protected $locationTypes = [];
47 /**
48 * Processor generated in test.
49 *
50 * @var \CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor
51 */
52 protected $processor;
54 /**
55 * Cleanup data.
56 *
57 * @throws \Exception
58 */
59 public function tearDown() {
60 $this->quickCleanUpFinancialEntities();
61 $this->quickCleanup([
62 'civicrm_contact',
63 'civicrm_email',
64 'civicrm_address',
65 'civicrm_relationship',
66 'civicrm_membership',
67 'civicrm_case',
68 'civicrm_case_contact',
69 'civicrm_case_activity',
70 ]);
72 if (!empty($this->locationTypes)) {
73 $this->callAPISuccess('LocationType', 'delete', ['id' => $this->locationTypes['Whare Kai']['id']]);
74 $this->callAPISuccess('LocationType', 'create', ['id' => $this->locationTypes['Main']['id'], 'name' => 'Main']);
75 }
76 if ($this->processor && $this->processor->getTemporaryTable()) {
77 // delete the export temp table
78 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $this->processor->getTemporaryTable());
79 }
80 parent::tearDown();
81 }
83 /**
84 * Basic test to ensure the exportComponents function completes without error.
85 *
86 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
87 * @throws \League\Csv\Exception
88 */
89 public function testExportComponentsNull() {
90 $this->startCapturingOutput();
91 try {
92 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
93 TRUE,
94 [],
95 [],
96 NULL,
97 NULL,
98 NULL,
99 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
100 NULL,
101 NULL,
102 FALSE,
103 FALSE,
104 [
105 'exportOption' => 1,
106 ]
107 );
108 }
109 catch (CRM_Core_Exception_PrematureExitException $e) {
110 }
111 $this->processor = $e->errorData['processor'];
112 ob_end_clean();
113 }
115 /**
116 * Basic test to ensure the exportComponents function can export selected fields for contribution.
117 */
118 public function testExportComponentsContribution() {
119 $this->setUpContributionExportData();
120 $selectedFields = [
121 ['Individual', 'first_name'],
122 ['Individual', 'last_name'],
123 ['Contribution', 'receive_date'],
124 ['Contribution', 'contribution_source'],
125 ['Individual', 'street_address', 1],
126 ['Individual', 'city', 1],
127 ['Individual', 'country', 1],
128 ['Individual', 'email', 1],
129 ['Contribution', 'trxn_id'],
130 ];
132 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
133 TRUE,
134 $this->contributionIDs,
135 [],
136 'receive_date desc',
137 $selectedFields,
138 NULL,
139 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
140 ' IN ( ' . implode(',', $this->contributionIDs) . ')',
141 NULL,
142 FALSE,
143 FALSE,
144 [
145 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
146 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
147 ]
148 );
150 // delete the export temp table and component table
151 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
152 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
153 }
155 /**
156 * Basic test to ensure the exportComponents function can export selected fields for contribution.
157 */
158 public function testExportComponentsMembership() {
159 $this->setUpMembershipExportData();
160 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
161 TRUE,
162 $this->membershipIDs,
163 [],
164 NULL,
165 NULL,
166 NULL,
167 CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT,
168 ' IN ( ' . implode(',', $this->membershipIDs) . ')',
169 NULL,
170 FALSE,
171 FALSE,
172 [
173 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT,
174 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
175 ]
176 );
178 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * from ' . $tableName);
179 $dao->fetch();
180 $this->assertEquals('100.00', $dao->componentpaymentfield_total_amount);
181 $this->assertEquals('Completed', $dao->componentpaymentfield_contribution_status);
182 $this->assertEquals('Credit Card', $dao->componentpaymentfield_payment_instrument);
183 $this->assertEquals(1, $dao->N);
185 // delete the export temp table and component table
186 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
187 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
188 }
190 /**
191 * Basic test to ensure the exportComponents function can export selected fields for contribution.
192 */
193 public function testExportComponentsActivity() {
194 $this->setUpActivityExportData();
195 $selectedFields = [
196 ['Individual', 'display_name'],
197 ['Individual', '5_a_b', 'display_name'],
198 ];
200 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
201 FALSE,
202 $this->activityIDs,
203 [],
204 '`activity_date_time` desc',
205 $selectedFields,
206 NULL,
207 CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT,
208 ' IN ( ' . implode(',', $this->activityIDs) . ')',
209 NULL,
210 FALSE,
211 FALSE,
212 [
213 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT,
214 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
215 ]
216 );
218 // delete the export temp table and component table
219 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
220 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
221 }
223 /**
224 * Test the function that extracts the arrays used to structure the output.
225 *
226 * The keys in the output fields array should by matched by field aliases in the sql query (with
227 * exceptions of course - currently country is one - although maybe a future refactor can change that!).
228 *
229 * We are trying to move towards simpler processing in the per row iteration as that may be
230 * repeated 100,000 times and in general we should simply be able to match the query fields to
231 * our expected rows & do a little pseudoconstant mapping.
232 */
233 public function testGetExportStructureArrays() {
234 // This is how return properties are formatted internally within the function for passing to the BAO query.
235 $returnProperties = [
236 'first_name' => 1,
237 'last_name' => 1,
238 'receive_date' => 1,
239 'contribution_source' => 1,
240 'location' => [
241 'Home' => [
242 'street_address' => 1,
243 'city' => 1,
244 'country' => 1,
245 'email' => 1,
246 'im-1' => 1,
247 'im_provider' => 1,
248 'phone-1' => 1,
249 ],
250 ],
251 'phone' => 1,
252 'trxn_id' => 1,
253 'contribution_id' => 1,
254 ];
256 $contactRelationshipTypes = CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::getContactRelationshipType(
257 NULL,
258 NULL,
259 NULL,
260 NULL,
261 TRUE,
262 'name',
264 );
266 $query = new CRM_Contact_BAO_Query([], $returnProperties, NULL,
269 );
271 list($select) = $query->query();
272 $pattern = '/as `?([^`,]*)/';
273 $queryFieldAliases = [];
274 preg_match_all($pattern, $select, $queryFieldAliases, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
275 $processor = new CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor(CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::MODE_CONTRIBUTE, NULL, 'AND');
276 $processor->setQueryFields($query->_fields);
278 list($outputFields) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::getExportStructureArrays($returnProperties, $processor, $contactRelationshipTypes, '');
279 foreach (array_keys($outputFields) as $fieldAlias) {
280 if ($fieldAlias == 'Home-country') {
281 $this->assertTrue(in_array($fieldAlias . '_id', $queryFieldAliases[1]), 'Country is subject to some funky translate so we make sure country id is present');
282 }
283 else {
284 $this->assertTrue(in_array($fieldAlias, $queryFieldAliases[1]), 'looking for field ' . $fieldAlias . ' in generaly the alias fields need to match the outputfields');
285 }
286 }
288 }
290 /**
291 * Set up some data for us to do testing on.
292 */
293 public function setUpContributionExportData() {
294 $this->setUpContactExportData();
295 $this->contributionIDs[] = $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[0], 'trxn_id' => 'null', 'invoice_id' => 'null']);
296 $this->contributionIDs[] = $this->contributionCreate(['contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[1], 'trxn_id' => 'null', 'invoice_id' => 'null']);
297 }
299 /**
300 * Set up some data for us to do testing on.
301 */
302 public function setUpMembershipExportData() {
303 $this->setUpContactExportData();
304 // Create an extra so we don't get false passes due to 1
305 $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[0]]);
306 $this->membershipIDs[] = $this->contactMembershipCreate(['contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[0]]);
307 $this->setUpContributionExportData();
308 $this->callAPISuccess('membership_payment', 'create', [
309 'contribution_id' => $this->contributionIDs[0],
310 'membership_id' => $this->membershipIDs[0],
311 ]);
312 $this->callAPISuccess('LineItem', 'get', [
313 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_membership',
314 'membership_id' => $this->membershipIDs[0],
315 'api.LineItem.create' => ['contribution_id' => $this->contributionIDs[0]],
316 ]);
317 }
319 /**
320 * Set up data to test case export.
321 */
322 public function setupCaseExportData() {
323 $contactID1 = $this->individualCreate();
324 $contactID2 = $this->individualCreate([], 1);
326 $case = $this->callAPISuccess('case', 'create', [
327 'case_type_id' => 1,
328 'subject' => 'blah',
329 'contact_id' => $contactID1,
330 ]);
331 $this->callAPISuccess('CaseContact', 'create', [
332 'case_id' => $case['id'],
333 'contact_id' => $contactID2,
334 ]);
335 }
337 /**
338 * Set up some data for us to do testing on.
339 */
340 public function setUpActivityExportData() {
341 $this->setUpContactExportData();
342 $this->activityIDs[] = $this->activityCreate(['contact_id' => $this->contactIDs[0]])['id'];
343 }
345 /**
346 * Set up some data for us to do testing on.
347 */
348 public function setUpContactExportData() {
349 $this->contactIDs[] = $contactA = $this->individualCreate(['gender_id' => 'Female']);
350 // Create address for contact A.
351 $params = [
352 'contact_id' => $contactA,
353 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
354 'street_address' => 'Ambachtstraat 23',
355 'postal_code' => '6971 BN',
356 'country_id' => '1152',
357 'city' => 'Brummen',
358 'is_primary' => 1,
359 ];
360 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', $params);
361 $addressId = $result['id'];
363 $this->callAPISuccess('email', 'create', [
364 'id' => $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('Email', ['contact_id' => $params['contact_id'], 'return' => 'id']),
365 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
366 'email' => '',
367 'is_primary' => 1,
368 ]);
369 $this->callAPISuccess('email', 'create', ['contact_id' => $params['contact_id'], 'location_type_id' => 'Work', 'email' => '', 'is_primary' => 0]);
371 $params['is_primary'] = 0;
372 $params['location_type_id'] = 'Work';
373 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', $params);
374 $this->contactIDs[] = $contactB = $this->individualCreate();
376 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', [
377 'contact_id' => $contactB,
378 'location_type_id' => "Home",
379 'master_id' => $addressId,
380 ]);
381 $this->masterAddressID = $addressId;
383 }
385 /**
386 * Test variants of primary address exporting.
387 *
388 * @param int $isPrimaryOnly
389 *
390 * @dataProvider getBooleanDataProvider
391 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
392 */
393 public function testExportPrimaryAddress($isPrimaryOnly) {
394 \Civi::settings()->set('searchPrimaryDetailsOnly', $isPrimaryOnly);
395 $this->setUpContactExportData();
397 $selectedFields = [['Individual', 'email', ' '], ['Individual', 'email', '1'], ['Individual', 'email', '2']];
398 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
399 TRUE,
400 [],
401 [['email', 'LIKE', 'c', 0, 1]],
402 NULL,
403 $selectedFields,
404 NULL,
405 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
406 " IN ({$this->contactIDs[0]}, {$this->contactIDs[1]})",
407 NULL,
408 FALSE,
409 FALSE,
410 [
411 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
412 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
413 ]
414 );
416 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * from ' . $tableName);
417 $dao->fetch();
418 $this->assertEquals('', $dao->email);
419 $this->assertEquals('', $dao->work_email);
420 $this->assertEquals('', $dao->home_email);
421 $this->assertEquals(2, $dao->N);
422 \Civi::settings()->set('searchPrimaryDetailsOnly', FALSE);
423 }
425 /**
426 * Test that when exporting a pseudoField it is reset for NULL entries.
427 *
428 * ie. we have a contact WITH a gender & one without - make sure the latter one
429 * does NOT retain the gender of the former.
430 *
431 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
432 */
433 public function testExportPseudoField() {
434 $this->setUpContactExportData();
435 $selectedFields = [['Individual', 'gender_id']];
436 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($selectedFields, $this->contactIDs);
437 $this->assertEquals('Female,', CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(gender_id) FROM {$tableName}"));
438 }
440 /**
441 * Test that when exporting a pseudoField it is reset for NULL entries.
442 *
443 * This is specific to the example in CRM-14398
444 */
445 public function testExportPseudoFieldCampaign() {
446 $this->setUpContributionExportData();
447 $campaign = $this->callAPISuccess('Campaign', 'create', ['title' => 'Big campaign']);
448 $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'create', ['campaign_id' => 'Big_campaign', 'id' => $this->contributionIDs[0]]);
449 $selectedFields = [['Individual', 'gender_id'], ['Contribution', 'contribution_campaign_title']];
450 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
451 TRUE,
452 $this->contactIDs[1],
453 [],
454 NULL,
455 $selectedFields,
456 NULL,
457 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
458 " IN (" . implode(",", $this->contactIDs) . ")",
459 NULL,
460 FALSE,
461 FALSE,
462 [
463 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
464 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
465 ]
466 );
467 $this->assertEquals('Big campaign,', CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(contribution_campaign_title) FROM {$tableName}"));
468 }
470 /**
471 * Test exporting relationships.
472 */
473 public function testExportRelationships() {
474 $organization1 = $this->organizationCreate(['organization_name' => 'Org 1', 'legal_name' => 'pretty legal', 'contact_source' => 'friend who took a law paper once']);
475 $organization2 = $this->organizationCreate(['organization_name' => 'Org 2', 'legal_name' => 'well dodgey']);
476 $contact1 = $this->individualCreate(['employer_id' => $organization1, 'first_name' => 'one']);
477 $contact2 = $this->individualCreate(['employer_id' => $organization2, 'first_name' => 'one']);
478 $employerRelationshipTypeID = $this->callAPISuccessGetValue('RelationshipType', ['return' => 'id', 'label_a_b' => 'Employee of']);
479 $selectedFields = [
480 ['Individual', 'first_name', ''],
481 ['Individual', $employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b', 'organization_name', ''],
482 ['Individual', $employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b', 'legal_name', ''],
483 ['Individual', $employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b', 'contact_source', ''],
484 ];
485 list($tableName, $sqlColumns, $headerRows) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
486 FALSE,
487 [$contact1, $contact2],
488 [],
489 NULL,
490 $selectedFields,
491 NULL,
492 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
493 " IN ( $contact1, $contact2 )",
494 NULL,
495 FALSE,
496 FALSE,
497 [
498 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
499 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
500 ]
501 );
503 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$tableName}");
504 $dao->fetch();
505 $this->assertEquals('one', $dao->first_name);
506 $this->assertEquals('Org 1', $dao->{$employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b_organization_name'});
507 $this->assertEquals('pretty legal', $dao->{$employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b_legal_name'});
508 $this->assertEquals('friend who took a law paper once', $dao->{$employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b_contact_source'});
510 $dao->fetch();
511 $this->assertEquals('Org 2', $dao->{$employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b_organization_name'});
512 $this->assertEquals('well dodgey', $dao->{$employerRelationshipTypeID . '_a_b_legal_name'});
514 $this->assertEquals([
515 0 => 'First Name',
516 1 => 'Employee of-Organization Name',
517 2 => 'Employee of-Legal Name',
518 3 => 'Employee of-Contact Source',
519 ], $headerRows);
520 }
522 /**
523 * Test exporting relationships.
524 *
525 * This is to ensure that CRM-13995 remains fixed.
526 *
527 * @dataProvider getBooleanDataProvider
528 *
529 * @param bool $includeHouseHold
530 *
531 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
532 */
533 public function testExportRelationshipsMergeToHousehold($includeHouseHold) {
534 list($householdID, $houseHoldTypeID) = $this->setUpHousehold();
536 if ($includeHouseHold) {
537 $this->contactIDs[] = $householdID;
538 }
539 $selectedFields = [
540 ['Individual', $houseHoldTypeID . '_a_b', 'state_province', ''],
541 ['Individual', $houseHoldTypeID . '_a_b', 'city', ''],
542 ['Individual', 'city', ''],
543 ['Individual', 'state_province', ''],
544 ['Individual', 'contact_source', ''],
545 ];
546 list($tableName, $sqlColumns, $headerRows) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
547 FALSE,
548 $this->contactIDs,
549 [],
550 NULL,
551 $selectedFields,
552 NULL,
553 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
554 " IN (" . implode(",", $this->contactIDs) . ")",
555 NULL,
556 FALSE,
557 TRUE,
558 [
559 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
560 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
561 ]
562 );
563 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$tableName}");
564 while ($dao->fetch()) {
565 $this->assertEquals(1, $dao->N);
566 $this->assertEquals('Portland', $dao->city);
567 $this->assertEquals('ME', $dao->state_province);
568 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
569 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
570 $this->assertEquals('household sauce', $dao->contact_source);
571 }
573 $this->assertEquals([
574 0 => 'City',
575 1 => 'State',
576 2 => 'Contact Source',
577 3 => 'Household ID',
578 ], $headerRows);
579 $this->assertEquals(
580 [
581 'city' => 'city varchar(64)',
582 'state_province' => 'state_province varchar(64)',
583 'civicrm_primary_id' => 'civicrm_primary_id varchar(16)',
584 'contact_source' => 'contact_source varchar(255)',
585 ], $sqlColumns);
586 }
588 /**
589 * Test exporting relationships.
590 */
591 public function testExportRelationshipsMergeToHouseholdAllFields() {
592 list($householdID) = $this->setUpHousehold();
593 list($tableName) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
594 FALSE,
595 $this->contactIDs,
596 [],
597 NULL,
598 NULL,
599 NULL,
600 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
601 " IN (" . implode(",", $this->contactIDs) . ")",
602 NULL,
603 FALSE,
604 TRUE,
605 [
606 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
607 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
608 ]
609 );
610 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$tableName}");
611 while ($dao->fetch()) {
612 $this->assertEquals('Unit Test household', $dao->display_name);
613 $this->assertEquals('Portland', $dao->city);
614 $this->assertEquals('ME', $dao->state_province);
615 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
616 $this->assertEquals($householdID, $dao->civicrm_primary_id);
617 $this->assertEquals('Unit Test household', $dao->addressee);
618 $this->assertEquals(1, $dao->N);
619 }
620 }
622 /**
623 * Test master_address_id field.
624 */
625 public function testExportCustomData() {
626 $this->setUpContactExportData();
628 $customData = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate(__FUNCTION__, 'ContactTest.php');
630 $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', [
631 'id' => $this->contactIDs[1],
632 'custom_' . $customData['custom_field_id'] => 'BlahdeBlah',
633 'api.Address.create' => ['location_type_id' => 'Billing', 'city' => 'Waipu'],
634 ]);
635 $selectedFields = [
636 ['Individual', 'city', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Address', 'location_type_id', 'Billing')],
637 ['Individual', 'custom_1'],
638 ];
640 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($selectedFields, $this->contactIDs[1]);
641 $this->assertEquals([
642 'billing_city' => 'billing_city varchar(64)',
643 'custom_1' => 'custom_1 varchar(255)',
644 ], $sqlColumns);
646 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName);
647 while ($dao->fetch()) {
648 $this->assertEquals('BlahdeBlah', $dao->custom_1);
649 $this->assertEquals('Waipu', $dao->billing_city);
650 }
651 }
653 /**
654 * Attempt to do a fairly full export of location data.
655 */
656 public function testExportIMData() {
657 // Use default providers.
658 $providers = ['AIM', 'GTalk', 'Jabber', 'MSN', 'Skype', 'Yahoo'];
659 // Main sure labels are not all anglo chars.
660 $this->diversifyLocationTypes();
662 $locationTypes = ['Billing' => 'Billing', 'Home' => 'Home', 'Main' => 'Méin', 'Other' => 'Other', 'Whare Kai' => 'Whare Kai'];
664 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
665 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
666 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->householdCreate();
667 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->organizationCreate();
668 foreach ($this->contactIDs as $contactID) {
669 foreach ($providers as $provider) {
670 foreach ($locationTypes as $locationName => $locationLabel) {
671 $this->callAPISuccess('IM', 'create', [
672 'contact_id' => $contactID,
673 'location_type_id' => $locationName,
674 'provider_id' => $provider,
675 'name' => $locationName . $provider . $contactID,
676 ]);
677 }
678 }
679 }
681 $relationships = [
682 $this->contactIDs[1] => ['label' => 'Spouse of'],
683 $this->contactIDs[2] => ['label' => 'Household Member of'],
684 $this->contactIDs[3] => ['label' => 'Employee of'],
685 ];
687 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationshipType) {
688 $relationshipTypeID = $this->callAPISuccess('RelationshipType', 'getvalue', ['label_a_b' => $relationshipType['label'], 'return' => 'id']);
689 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
690 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[0],
691 'relationship_type_id' => $relationshipTypeID,
692 'contact_id_b' => $contactID,
693 ]);
694 $relationships[$contactID]['id'] = $result['id'];
695 $relationships[$contactID]['relationship_type_id'] = $relationshipTypeID;
696 }
698 $fields = [['Individual', 'contact_id']];
699 // ' ' denotes primary location type.
700 foreach (array_keys(array_merge($locationTypes, [' ' => ['Primary']])) as $locationType) {
701 $fields[] = [
702 'Individual',
703 'im_provider',
704 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
705 ];
706 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationship) {
707 $fields[] = [
708 'Individual',
709 $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b',
710 'im_provider',
711 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
712 ];
713 }
714 foreach ($providers as $provider) {
715 $fields[] = [
716 'Individual',
717 'im',
718 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
719 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'provider_id', $provider),
720 ];
721 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationship) {
722 $fields[] = [
723 'Individual',
724 $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b',
725 'im',
726 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
727 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'provider_id', $provider),
728 ];
729 }
730 }
731 }
732 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($fields, $this->contactIDs[0]);
734 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName);
735 while ($dao->fetch()) {
736 $id = $dao->contact_id;
737 $this->assertEquals('AIM', $dao->billing_im_provider);
738 $this->assertEquals('BillingJabber' . $id, $dao->billing_im_screen_name_jabber);
739 $this->assertEquals('BillingSkype' . $id, $dao->billing_im_screen_name_skype);
740 foreach ($relationships as $relatedContactID => $relationship) {
741 $relationshipString = $field = $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b';
742 $field = $relationshipString . '_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo';
743 $this->assertEquals('BillingYahoo' . $relatedContactID, $dao->$field);
744 // @todo efforts to output 'im_provider' for related contacts seem to be giving a blank field.
745 }
746 }
748 $this->assertEquals([
749 'billing_im_provider' => 'billing_im_provider text',
750 'billing_im_screen_name' => 'billing_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
751 'billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'billing_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
752 'billing_im_screen_name_skype' => 'billing_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
753 'billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'billing_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
754 'home_im_provider' => 'home_im_provider text',
755 'home_im_screen_name' => 'home_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
756 'home_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'home_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
757 'home_im_screen_name_skype' => 'home_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
758 'home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'home_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
759 'main_im_provider' => 'main_im_provider text',
760 'main_im_screen_name' => 'main_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
761 'main_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'main_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
762 'main_im_screen_name_skype' => 'main_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
763 'main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'main_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
764 'other_im_provider' => 'other_im_provider text',
765 'other_im_screen_name' => 'other_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
766 'other_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'other_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
767 'other_im_screen_name_skype' => 'other_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
768 'other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'other_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
769 'im_provider' => 'im_provider text',
770 'im_screen_name' => 'im_screen_name varchar(64)',
771 'contact_id' => 'contact_id varchar(255)',
772 '2_a_b_im_provider' => '2_a_b_im_provider text',
773 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
774 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
775 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
776 '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
777 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
778 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
779 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
780 '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
781 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
782 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
783 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
784 '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
785 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
786 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
787 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
788 '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
789 '2_a_b_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
790 '8_a_b_im_provider' => '8_a_b_im_provider text',
791 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
792 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
793 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
794 '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
795 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
796 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
797 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
798 '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
799 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
800 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
801 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
802 '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
803 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
804 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
805 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
806 '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
807 '8_a_b_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
808 '5_a_b_im_provider' => '5_a_b_im_provider text',
809 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
810 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
811 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
812 '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_billing_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
813 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
814 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
815 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
816 '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_home_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
817 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
818 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
819 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
820 '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_main_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
821 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
822 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
823 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
824 '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_other_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
825 '5_a_b_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
826 'whare_kai_im_provider' => 'whare_kai_im_provider text',
827 'whare_kai_im_screen_name' => 'whare_kai_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
828 'whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber' => 'whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
829 'whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype' => 'whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
830 'whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo' => 'whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
831 '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name' => '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
832 '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber' => '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
833 '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype' => '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
834 '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '2_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
835 '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name' => '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
836 '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber' => '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
837 '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype' => '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
838 '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '8_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
839 '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name' => '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name varchar(64)',
840 '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber' => '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_jabber varchar(64)',
841 '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype' => '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_skype varchar(64)',
842 '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo' => '5_a_b_whare_kai_im_screen_name_yahoo varchar(64)',
843 ], $sqlColumns);
845 }
847 /**
848 * Test phone data export.
849 *
850 * Less over the top complete than the im test.
851 */
852 public function testExportPhoneData() {
853 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
854 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
855 $locationTypes = ['Billing' => 'Billing', 'Home' => 'Home'];
856 $phoneTypes = ['Mobile', 'Phone'];
857 foreach ($this->contactIDs as $contactID) {
858 $this->callAPISuccess('Phone', 'create', [
859 'contact_id' => $contactID,
860 'location_type_id' => 'Billing',
861 'phone_type_id' => 'Mobile',
862 'phone' => 'Billing' . 'Mobile' . $contactID,
863 'is_primary' => 1,
864 ]);
865 $this->callAPISuccess('Phone', 'create', [
866 'contact_id' => $contactID,
867 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
868 'phone_type_id' => 'Phone',
869 'phone' => 'Home' . 'Phone' . $contactID,
870 ]);
871 }
873 $relationships = [
874 $this->contactIDs[1] => ['label' => 'Spouse of'],
875 ];
877 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationshipType) {
878 $relationshipTypeID = $this->callAPISuccess('RelationshipType', 'getvalue', ['label_a_b' => $relationshipType['label'], 'return' => 'id']);
879 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
880 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[0],
881 'relationship_type_id' => $relationshipTypeID,
882 'contact_id_b' => $contactID,
883 ]);
884 $relationships[$contactID]['id'] = $result['id'];
885 $relationships[$contactID]['relationship_type_id'] = $relationshipTypeID;
886 }
888 $fields = [['Individual', 'contact_id']];
889 // ' ' denotes primary location type.
890 foreach (array_keys(array_merge($locationTypes, [' ' => ['Primary']])) as $locationType) {
891 $fields[] = [
892 'Individual',
893 'phone',
894 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
895 ];
896 $fields[] = [
897 'Individual',
898 'phone_type_id',
899 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
900 ];
901 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationship) {
902 $fields[] = [
903 'Individual',
904 $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b',
905 'phone_type_id',
906 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
907 ];
908 }
909 foreach ($phoneTypes as $phoneType) {
910 $fields[] = [
911 'Individual',
912 'phone',
913 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
914 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'phone_type_id', $phoneType),
915 ];
916 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationship) {
917 $fields[] = [
918 'Individual',
919 $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b',
920 'phone_type_id',
921 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
922 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Phone', 'phone_type_id', $phoneType),
923 ];
924 }
925 }
926 }
927 list($tableName) = $this->doExport($fields, $this->contactIDs[0]);
929 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName);
930 while ($dao->fetch()) {
931 // note there is some chance these might be random on some mysql co
932 $this->assertEquals('BillingMobile3', $dao->billing_phone_mobile);
933 $this->assertEquals('', $dao->billing_phone_phone);
934 $relField = '2_a_b_phone_type_id';
935 $this->assertEquals('Phone', $dao->$relField);
936 $this->assertEquals('Mobile', $dao->phone_type_id);
937 $this->assertEquals('Mobile', $dao->billing_phone_type_id);
938 }
939 }
941 /**
942 * Export City against multiple location types.
943 */
944 public function testExportAddressData() {
945 $this->diversifyLocationTypes();
947 $locationTypes = ['Billing' => 'Billing', 'Home' => 'Home', 'Main' => 'Méin', 'Other' => 'Other', 'Whare Kai' => 'Whare Kai'];
949 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
950 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->individualCreate();
951 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->householdCreate();
952 $this->contactIDs[] = $this->organizationCreate();
953 $fields = [['Individual', 'contact_id']];
954 foreach ($this->contactIDs as $contactID) {
955 foreach ($locationTypes as $locationName => $locationLabel) {
956 $this->callAPISuccess('Address', 'create', [
957 'contact_id' => $contactID,
958 'location_type_id' => $locationName,
959 'street_address' => $locationLabel . $contactID . 'street_address',
960 'city' => $locationLabel . $contactID . 'city',
961 'postal_code' => $locationLabel . $contactID . 'postal_code',
962 ]);
963 $fields[] = ['Individual', 'city', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Address', 'location_type_id', $locationName)];
964 $fields[] = ['Individual', 'street_address', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Address', 'location_type_id', $locationName)];
965 $fields[] = ['Individual', 'postal_code', CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_Address', 'location_type_id', $locationName)];
966 }
967 }
969 $relationships = [
970 $this->contactIDs[1] => ['label' => 'Spouse of'],
971 $this->contactIDs[2] => ['label' => 'Household Member of'],
972 $this->contactIDs[3] => ['label' => 'Employee of'],
973 ];
975 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationshipType) {
976 $relationshipTypeID = $this->callAPISuccess('RelationshipType', 'getvalue', ['label_a_b' => $relationshipType['label'], 'return' => 'id']);
977 $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
978 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[0],
979 'relationship_type_id' => $relationshipTypeID,
980 'contact_id_b' => $contactID,
981 ]);
982 $relationships[$contactID]['id'] = $result['id'];
983 $relationships[$contactID]['relationship_type_id'] = $relationshipTypeID;
984 }
986 // ' ' denotes primary location type.
987 foreach (array_keys(array_merge($locationTypes, [' ' => ['Primary']])) as $locationType) {
988 foreach ($relationships as $contactID => $relationship) {
989 $fields[] = [
990 'Individual',
991 $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b',
992 'city',
993 CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Core_BAO_IM', 'location_type_id', $locationType),
994 ];
995 }
996 }
997 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($fields, $this->contactIDs[0]);
999 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName);
1000 while ($dao->fetch()) {
1001 $id = $dao->contact_id;
1002 $this->assertEquals('Méin' . $id . 'city', $dao->main_city);
1003 $this->assertEquals('Billing' . $id . 'street_address', $dao->billing_street_address);
1004 $this->assertEquals('Whare Kai' . $id . 'postal_code', $dao->whare_kai_postal_code);
1005 foreach ($relationships as $relatedContactID => $relationship) {
1006 $relationshipString = $field = $relationship['relationship_type_id'] . '_a_b';
1007 $field = $relationshipString . '_main_city';
1008 $this->assertEquals('Méin' . $relatedContactID . 'city', $dao->$field);
1009 }
1010 }
1012 $this->assertEquals([
1013 'contact_id' => 'contact_id varchar(255)',
1014 'billing_city' => 'billing_city varchar(64)',
1015 'billing_street_address' => 'billing_street_address varchar(96)',
1016 'billing_postal_code' => 'billing_postal_code varchar(64)',
1017 'home_city' => 'home_city varchar(64)',
1018 'home_street_address' => 'home_street_address varchar(96)',
1019 'home_postal_code' => 'home_postal_code varchar(64)',
1020 'main_city' => 'main_city varchar(64)',
1021 'main_street_address' => 'main_street_address varchar(96)',
1022 'main_postal_code' => 'main_postal_code varchar(64)',
1023 'other_city' => 'other_city varchar(64)',
1024 'other_street_address' => 'other_street_address varchar(96)',
1025 'other_postal_code' => 'other_postal_code varchar(64)',
1026 'whare_kai_city' => 'whare_kai_city varchar(64)',
1027 'whare_kai_street_address' => 'whare_kai_street_address varchar(96)',
1028 'whare_kai_postal_code' => 'whare_kai_postal_code varchar(64)',
1029 '2_a_b_billing_city' => '2_a_b_billing_city varchar(64)',
1030 '2_a_b_home_city' => '2_a_b_home_city varchar(64)',
1031 '2_a_b_main_city' => '2_a_b_main_city varchar(64)',
1032 '2_a_b_other_city' => '2_a_b_other_city varchar(64)',
1033 '2_a_b_whare_kai_city' => '2_a_b_whare_kai_city varchar(64)',
1034 '2_a_b_city' => '2_a_b_city varchar(64)',
1035 '8_a_b_billing_city' => '8_a_b_billing_city varchar(64)',
1036 '8_a_b_home_city' => '8_a_b_home_city varchar(64)',
1037 '8_a_b_main_city' => '8_a_b_main_city varchar(64)',
1038 '8_a_b_other_city' => '8_a_b_other_city varchar(64)',
1039 '8_a_b_whare_kai_city' => '8_a_b_whare_kai_city varchar(64)',
1040 '8_a_b_city' => '8_a_b_city varchar(64)',
1041 '5_a_b_billing_city' => '5_a_b_billing_city varchar(64)',
1042 '5_a_b_home_city' => '5_a_b_home_city varchar(64)',
1043 '5_a_b_main_city' => '5_a_b_main_city varchar(64)',
1044 '5_a_b_other_city' => '5_a_b_other_city varchar(64)',
1045 '5_a_b_whare_kai_city' => '5_a_b_whare_kai_city varchar(64)',
1046 '5_a_b_city' => '5_a_b_city varchar(64)',
1047 ], $sqlColumns);
1048 }
1050 /**
1051 * Test master_address_id field.
1052 */
1053 public function testExportMasterAddress() {
1054 $this->setUpContactExportData();
1056 //export the master address for contact B
1057 $selectedFields = [
1058 ['Individual', 'master_id', 1],
1059 ];
1060 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
1061 TRUE,
1062 [$this->contactIDs[1]],
1063 [],
1064 NULL,
1065 $selectedFields,
1066 NULL,
1067 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
1068 " IN ({$this->contactIDs[1]})",
1069 NULL,
1070 FALSE,
1071 FALSE,
1072 [
1073 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
1074 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
1075 ]
1076 );
1077 $field = key($sqlColumns);
1079 //assert the exported result
1080 $masterName = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT {$field} FROM {$tableName}");
1081 $displayName = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getMasterDisplayName($this->masterAddressID);
1082 $this->assertEquals($displayName, $masterName);
1084 // delete the export temp table and component table
1085 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
1086 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
1087 }
1089 /**
1090 * Test that deceased and do not mail contacts are removed from contacts before
1091 *
1092 * @dataProvider getReasonsNotToMail
1093 *
1094 * @param array $reason
1095 * @param array $addressReason
1096 *
1097 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
1098 */
1099 public function testExportDeceasedDoNotMail($reason, $addressReason) {
1100 $contactA = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', [
1101 'first_name' => 'John',
1102 'last_name' => 'Doe',
1103 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1104 ]);
1106 $contactB = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge([
1107 'first_name' => 'Jane',
1108 'last_name' => 'Doe',
1109 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
1110 ], $reason));
1112 //create address for contact A
1113 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', [
1114 'contact_id' => $contactA['id'],
1115 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
1116 'street_address' => 'ABC 12',
1117 'postal_code' => '123 AB',
1118 'country_id' => '1152',
1119 'city' => 'ABC',
1120 'is_primary' => 1,
1121 ]);
1123 //create address for contact B
1124 $this->callAPISuccess('address', 'create', array_merge([
1125 'contact_id' => $contactB['id'],
1126 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
1127 'street_address' => 'ABC 12',
1128 'postal_code' => '123 AB',
1129 'country_id' => '1152',
1130 'city' => 'ABC',
1131 'is_primary' => 1,
1132 ], $addressReason));
1134 //export and merge contacts with same address
1135 list($tableName, $sqlColumns, $headerRows, $processor) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
1136 TRUE,
1137 [$contactA['id'], $contactB['id']],
1138 [],
1139 NULL,
1140 NULL,
1141 NULL,
1142 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
1143 " IN ({$contactA['id']}, {$contactB['id']})",
1144 NULL,
1145 TRUE,
1146 FALSE,
1147 [
1148 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
1149 'mergeOption' => TRUE,
1150 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
1151 'postal_mailing_export' => [
1152 'postal_mailing_export' => TRUE,
1153 ],
1154 ]
1155 );
1157 $this->assertTrue(!in_array('state_province_id', $processor->getHeaderRows()));
1158 $greeting = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT email_greeting FROM {$tableName}");
1160 //Assert email_greeting is not merged
1161 $this->assertNotContains(',', (string) $greeting);
1163 // delete the export temp table and component table
1164 $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tableName}";
1165 CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
1166 }
1168 /**
1169 * Get reasons that a contact is not postalable.
1170 *
1171 * @return array
1172 */
1173 public function getReasonsNotToMail() {
1174 return [
1175 [['is_deceased' => 1], []],
1176 [['do_not_mail' => 1], []],
1177 [[], ['street_address' => '']],
1178 ];
1179 }
1181 /**
1182 * Set up household for tests.
1183 *
1184 * @return array
1185 * @throws \Exception
1186 */
1187 protected function setUpHousehold() {
1188 $this->setUpContactExportData();
1189 $householdID = $this->householdCreate([
1190 'source' => 'household sauce',
1191 'api.Address.create' => [
1192 'city' => 'Portland',
1193 'state_province_id' => 'Maine',
1194 'location_type_id' => 'Home',
1195 ],
1196 ]);
1198 $relationshipTypes = $this->callAPISuccess('RelationshipType', 'get', [])['values'];
1199 $houseHoldTypeID = NULL;
1200 foreach ($relationshipTypes as $id => $relationshipType) {
1201 if ($relationshipType['name_a_b'] === 'Household Member of') {
1202 $houseHoldTypeID = $relationshipType['id'];
1203 }
1204 }
1205 $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
1206 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[0],
1207 'contact_id_b' => $householdID,
1208 'relationship_type_id' => $houseHoldTypeID,
1209 ]);
1210 $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', [
1211 'contact_id_a' => $this->contactIDs[1],
1212 'contact_id_b' => $householdID,
1213 'relationship_type_id' => $houseHoldTypeID,
1214 ]);
1215 return [$householdID, $houseHoldTypeID];
1216 }
1218 /**
1219 * Do a CiviCRM export.
1220 *
1221 * @param array $selectedFields
1222 * @param int $id
1223 *
1224 * @param int $exportMode
1225 *
1226 * @return array
1227 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
1228 */
1229 protected function doExport($selectedFields, $id, $exportMode = CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT) {
1230 $ids = (array) $id;
1231 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
1232 TRUE,
1233 $ids,
1234 [],
1235 NULL,
1236 $selectedFields,
1237 NULL,
1238 $exportMode,
1239 " IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")",
1240 NULL,
1241 FALSE,
1242 FALSE,
1243 [
1244 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTACT_EXPORT,
1245 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
1246 ]
1247 );
1248 return [$tableName, $sqlColumns];
1249 }
1251 /**
1252 * Ensure component is enabled.
1253 *
1254 * @param int $exportMode
1255 */
1256 public function ensureComponentIsEnabled($exportMode) {
1257 if ($exportMode === CRM_Export_Form_Select::CASE_EXPORT) {
1258 CRM_Core_BAO_ConfigSetting::enableComponent('CiviCase');
1259 }
1260 }
1262 /**
1263 * Test our export all field metadata retrieval.
1264 *
1265 * @dataProvider additionalFieldsDataProvider
1266 *
1267 * @param int $exportMode
1268 * @param $expected
1269 */
1270 public function testAdditionalReturnProperties($exportMode, $expected) {
1271 $this->ensureComponentIsEnabled($exportMode);
1272 $processor = new CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor($exportMode, NULL, 'AND');
1273 $metadata = $processor->getAdditionalReturnProperties();
1274 $this->assertEquals($expected, $metadata);
1275 }
1277 /**
1278 * Test our export all field metadata retrieval.
1279 *
1280 * @dataProvider allFieldsDataProvider
1281 *
1282 * @param int $exportMode
1283 * @param $expected
1284 */
1285 public function testDefaultReturnProperties($exportMode, $expected) {
1286 $this->ensureComponentIsEnabled($exportMode);
1287 $processor = new CRM_Export_BAO_ExportProcessor($exportMode, NULL, 'AND');
1288 $metadata = $processor->getDefaultReturnProperties();
1289 $this->assertEquals($expected, $metadata);
1290 }
1292 /**
1293 * Get fields returned from additionalFields function.
1294 *
1295 * @return array
1296 */
1297 public function additionalFieldsDataProvider() {
1298 return [
1299 [
1300 'anything that will then be defaulting ton contact',
1301 $this->getExtraReturnProperties(),
1302 ],
1303 [
1304 CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT,
1305 array_merge($this->getExtraReturnProperties(), $this->getActivityReturnProperties()),
1306 ],
1307 [
1308 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CASE_EXPORT,
1309 array_merge($this->getExtraReturnProperties(), $this->getCaseReturnProperties()),
1310 ],
1311 [
1312 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
1313 array_merge($this->getExtraReturnProperties(), $this->getContributionReturnProperties()),
1314 ],
1315 [
1316 CRM_Export_Form_Select::EVENT_EXPORT,
1317 array_merge($this->getExtraReturnProperties(), $this->getEventReturnProperties()),
1318 ],
1319 [
1320 CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT,
1321 array_merge($this->getExtraReturnProperties(), $this->getMembershipReturnProperties()),
1322 ],
1323 [
1324 CRM_Export_Form_Select::PLEDGE_EXPORT,
1325 array_merge($this->getExtraReturnProperties(), $this->getPledgeReturnProperties()),
1326 ],
1328 ];
1329 }
1331 /**
1332 * get data for testing field metadata by query mode.
1333 */
1334 public function allFieldsDataProvider() {
1335 return [
1336 [
1337 'anything that will then be defaulting ton contact',
1338 $this->getBasicReturnProperties(TRUE),
1339 ],
1340 [
1341 CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT,
1342 array_merge($this->getBasicReturnProperties(FALSE), $this->getActivityReturnProperties()),
1343 ],
1344 [
1345 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CASE_EXPORT,
1346 array_merge($this->getBasicReturnProperties(FALSE), $this->getCaseReturnProperties()),
1347 ],
1348 [
1349 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
1350 array_merge($this->getBasicReturnProperties(FALSE), $this->getContributionReturnProperties()),
1351 ],
1352 [
1353 CRM_Export_Form_Select::EVENT_EXPORT,
1354 array_merge($this->getBasicReturnProperties(FALSE), $this->getEventReturnProperties()),
1355 ],
1356 [
1357 CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT,
1358 array_merge($this->getBasicReturnProperties(FALSE), $this->getMembershipReturnProperties()),
1359 ],
1360 [
1361 CRM_Export_Form_Select::PLEDGE_EXPORT,
1362 array_merge($this->getBasicReturnProperties(FALSE), $this->getPledgeReturnProperties()),
1363 ],
1364 ];
1365 }
1367 /**
1368 * Get return properties manually added in.
1369 */
1370 public function getExtraReturnProperties() {
1371 return [];
1372 }
1374 /**
1375 * Get basic return properties.
1376 *
1377 * @param bool $isContactMode
1378 * Are we in contact mode or not
1379 *
1380 * @return array
1381 */
1382 protected function getBasicReturnProperties($isContactMode) {
1383 $returnProperties = [
1384 'id' => 1,
1385 'contact_type' => 1,
1386 'contact_sub_type' => 1,
1387 'do_not_email' => 1,
1388 'do_not_phone' => 1,
1389 'do_not_mail' => 1,
1390 'do_not_sms' => 1,
1391 'do_not_trade' => 1,
1392 'is_opt_out' => 1,
1393 'legal_identifier' => 1,
1394 'external_identifier' => 1,
1395 'sort_name' => 1,
1396 'display_name' => 1,
1397 'nick_name' => 1,
1398 'legal_name' => 1,
1399 'image_URL' => 1,
1400 'preferred_communication_method' => 1,
1401 'preferred_language' => 1,
1402 'preferred_mail_format' => 1,
1403 'hash' => 1,
1404 'contact_source' => 1,
1405 'first_name' => 1,
1406 'middle_name' => 1,
1407 'last_name' => 1,
1408 'prefix_id' => 1,
1409 'suffix_id' => 1,
1410 'formal_title' => 1,
1411 'communication_style_id' => 1,
1412 'email_greeting_id' => 1,
1413 'postal_greeting_id' => 1,
1414 'addressee_id' => 1,
1415 'job_title' => 1,
1416 'gender_id' => 1,
1417 'birth_date' => 1,
1418 'is_deceased' => 1,
1419 'deceased_date' => 1,
1420 'household_name' => 1,
1421 'organization_name' => 1,
1422 'sic_code' => 1,
1423 'user_unique_id' => 1,
1424 'current_employer_id' => 1,
1425 'contact_is_deleted' => 1,
1426 'created_date' => 1,
1427 'modified_date' => 1,
1428 'addressee' => 1,
1429 'email_greeting' => 1,
1430 'postal_greeting' => 1,
1431 'current_employer' => 1,
1432 'location_type' => 1,
1433 'street_address' => 1,
1434 'street_number' => 1,
1435 'street_number_suffix' => 1,
1436 'street_name' => 1,
1437 'street_unit' => 1,
1438 'supplemental_address_1' => 1,
1439 'supplemental_address_2' => 1,
1440 'supplemental_address_3' => 1,
1441 'city' => 1,
1442 'postal_code_suffix' => 1,
1443 'postal_code' => 1,
1444 'geo_code_1' => 1,
1445 'geo_code_2' => 1,
1446 'address_name' => 1,
1447 'master_id' => 1,
1448 'county' => 1,
1449 'state_province' => 1,
1450 'country' => 1,
1451 'phone' => 1,
1452 'phone_ext' => 1,
1453 'email' => 1,
1454 'on_hold' => 1,
1455 'is_bulkmail' => 1,
1456 'signature_text' => 1,
1457 'signature_html' => 1,
1458 'im_provider' => 1,
1459 'im' => 1,
1460 'openid' => 1,
1461 'world_region' => 1,
1462 'url' => 1,
1463 'groups' => 1,
1464 'tags' => 1,
1465 'notes' => 1,
1466 'phone_type_id' => 1,
1467 ];
1468 if (!$isContactMode) {
1469 unset($returnProperties['groups']);
1470 unset($returnProperties['tags']);
1471 unset($returnProperties['notes']);
1472 }
1473 return $returnProperties;
1474 }
1476 /**
1477 * Get return properties for pledges.
1478 *
1479 * @return array
1480 */
1481 public function getPledgeReturnProperties() {
1482 return [
1483 'contact_type' => 1,
1484 'contact_sub_type' => 1,
1485 'sort_name' => 1,
1486 'display_name' => 1,
1487 'pledge_id' => 1,
1488 'pledge_amount' => 1,
1489 'pledge_total_paid' => 1,
1490 'pledge_create_date' => 1,
1491 'pledge_start_date' => 1,
1492 'pledge_next_pay_date' => 1,
1493 'pledge_next_pay_amount' => 1,
1494 'pledge_status' => 1,
1495 'pledge_is_test' => 1,
1496 'pledge_contribution_page_id' => 1,
1497 'pledge_financial_type' => 1,
1498 'pledge_frequency_interval' => 1,
1499 'pledge_frequency_unit' => 1,
1500 'pledge_currency' => 1,
1501 'pledge_campaign_id' => 1,
1502 'pledge_balance_amount' => 1,
1503 'pledge_payment_id' => 1,
1504 'pledge_payment_scheduled_amount' => 1,
1505 'pledge_payment_scheduled_date' => 1,
1506 'pledge_payment_paid_amount' => 1,
1507 'pledge_payment_paid_date' => 1,
1508 'pledge_payment_reminder_date' => 1,
1509 'pledge_payment_reminder_count' => 1,
1510 'pledge_payment_status' => 1,
1511 ];
1512 }
1514 /**
1515 * Get membership return properties.
1516 *
1517 * @return array
1518 */
1519 public function getMembershipReturnProperties() {
1520 return [
1521 'contact_type' => 1,
1522 'contact_sub_type' => 1,
1523 'sort_name' => 1,
1524 'display_name' => 1,
1525 'membership_type' => 1,
1526 'member_is_test' => 1,
1527 'member_is_pay_later' => 1,
1528 'join_date' => 1,
1529 'membership_start_date' => 1,
1530 'membership_end_date' => 1,
1531 'membership_source' => 1,
1532 'membership_status' => 1,
1533 'membership_id' => 1,
1534 'owner_membership_id' => 1,
1535 'max_related' => 1,
1536 'membership_recur_id' => 1,
1537 'member_campaign_id' => 1,
1538 'member_is_override' => 1,
1539 'member_auto_renew' => 1,
1540 ];
1541 }
1543 /**
1544 * Get return properties for events.
1545 *
1546 * @return array
1547 */
1548 public function getEventReturnProperties() {
1549 return [
1550 'contact_type' => 1,
1551 'contact_sub_type' => 1,
1552 'sort_name' => 1,
1553 'display_name' => 1,
1554 'event_id' => 1,
1555 'event_title' => 1,
1556 'event_start_date' => 1,
1557 'event_end_date' => 1,
1558 'event_type' => 1,
1559 'participant_id' => 1,
1560 'participant_status' => 1,
1561 'participant_status_id' => 1,
1562 'participant_role' => 1,
1563 'participant_role_id' => 1,
1564 'participant_note' => 1,
1565 'participant_register_date' => 1,
1566 'participant_source' => 1,
1567 'participant_fee_level' => 1,
1568 'participant_is_test' => 1,
1569 'participant_is_pay_later' => 1,
1570 'participant_fee_amount' => 1,
1571 'participant_discount_name' => 1,
1572 'participant_fee_currency' => 1,
1573 'participant_registered_by_id' => 1,
1574 'participant_campaign_id' => 1,
1575 ];
1576 }
1578 /**
1579 * Get return properties for activities.
1580 *
1581 * @return array
1582 */
1583 public function getActivityReturnProperties() {
1584 return [
1585 'activity_id' => 1,
1586 'contact_type' => 1,
1587 'contact_sub_type' => 1,
1588 'sort_name' => 1,
1589 'display_name' => 1,
1590 'activity_type' => 1,
1591 'activity_type_id' => 1,
1592 'activity_subject' => 1,
1593 'activity_date_time' => 1,
1594 'activity_duration' => 1,
1595 'activity_location' => 1,
1596 'activity_details' => 1,
1597 'activity_status' => 1,
1598 'activity_priority' => 1,
1599 'source_contact' => 1,
1600 'source_record_id' => 1,
1601 'activity_is_test' => 1,
1602 'activity_campaign_id' => 1,
1603 'result' => 1,
1604 'activity_engagement_level' => 1,
1605 'parent_id' => 1,
1606 ];
1607 }
1609 /**
1610 * Get return properties for Case.
1611 *
1612 * @return array
1613 */
1614 public function getCaseReturnProperties() {
1615 return [
1616 'contact_type' => 1,
1617 'contact_sub_type' => 1,
1618 'sort_name' => 1,
1619 'display_name' => 1,
1620 'phone' => 1,
1621 'case_start_date' => 1,
1622 'case_end_date' => 1,
1623 'case_subject' => 1,
1624 'case_source_contact_id' => 1,
1625 'case_activity_status' => 1,
1626 'case_activity_duration' => 1,
1627 'case_activity_medium_id' => 1,
1628 'case_activity_details' => 1,
1629 'case_activity_is_auto' => 1,
1630 'contact_id' => 1,
1631 'case_id' => 1,
1632 'case_activity_subject' => 1,
1633 'case_status' => 1,
1634 'case_type' => 1,
1635 'case_role' => 1,
1636 'case_deleted' => 1,
1637 'case_recent_activity_date' => 1,
1638 'case_recent_activity_type' => 1,
1639 'case_scheduled_activity_date' => 1,
1640 ];
1641 }
1643 /**
1644 * Get return properties for contribution.
1645 *
1646 * @return array
1647 */
1648 public function getContributionReturnProperties() {
1649 return [
1650 'contact_type' => 1,
1651 'contact_sub_type' => 1,
1652 'sort_name' => 1,
1653 'display_name' => 1,
1654 'financial_type' => 1,
1655 'contribution_source' => 1,
1656 'receive_date' => 1,
1657 'thankyou_date' => 1,
1658 'contribution_cancel_date' => 1,
1659 'total_amount' => 1,
1660 'accounting_code' => 1,
1661 'payment_instrument' => 1,
1662 'payment_instrument_id' => 1,
1663 'contribution_check_number' => 1,
1664 'non_deductible_amount' => 1,
1665 'fee_amount' => 1,
1666 'net_amount' => 1,
1667 'trxn_id' => 1,
1668 'invoice_id' => 1,
1669 'invoice_number' => 1,
1670 'currency' => 1,
1671 'cancel_reason' => 1,
1672 'receipt_date' => 1,
1673 'is_test' => 1,
1674 'is_pay_later' => 1,
1675 'contribution_status' => 1,
1676 'contribution_recur_id' => 1,
1677 'amount_level' => 1,
1678 'contribution_note' => 1,
1679 'contribution_batch' => 1,
1680 'contribution_campaign_title' => 1,
1681 'contribution_campaign_id' => 1,
1682 'contribution_soft_credit_name' => 1,
1683 'contribution_soft_credit_amount' => 1,
1684 'contribution_soft_credit_type' => 1,
1685 'contribution_soft_credit_contact_id' => 1,
1686 'contribution_soft_credit_contribution_id' => 1,
1687 ];
1688 }
1690 /**
1691 * Test the column definition when 'all' fields defined.
1692 *
1693 * @param int $exportMode
1694 * @param array $expected
1695 * @param array $expectedHeaders
1696 *
1697 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
1698 * @dataProvider getSqlColumnsOutput
1699 */
1700 public function testGetSQLColumnsAndHeaders($exportMode, $expected, $expectedHeaders) {
1701 $this->ensureComponentIsEnabled($exportMode);
1702 // We need some data so that we can get to the end of the export
1703 // function. Hopefully one day that won't be required to get metadata info out.
1704 // eventually aspire to call $provider->getSQLColumns straight after it
1705 // is intiated.
1706 $this->setupBaseExportData($exportMode);
1708 $result = CRM_Export_BAO_Export::exportComponents(
1709 TRUE,
1710 [1],
1711 [],
1712 NULL,
1713 NULL,
1714 NULL,
1715 $exportMode,
1716 NULL,
1717 NULL,
1718 FALSE,
1719 FALSE,
1720 [
1721 'exportOption' => CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
1722 'suppress_csv_for_testing' => TRUE,
1723 ]
1724 );
1725 $this->assertEquals($expected, $result[1]);
1726 $this->assertEquals($expectedHeaders, $result[2]);
1727 }
1729 /**
1730 * Test exported with data entry mis-fire.
1731 *
1732 * Not fatal error if data incomplete.
1733 *
1734 *
1735 */
1736 public function testExportIncompleteSubmission() {
1737 $this->setUpContactExportData();
1738 $this->doExport([['Individual', '']], $this->contactIDs[1]);
1739 }
1741 /**
1742 * Test exported with fields to output specified.
1743 *
1744 * @dataProvider getAllSpecifiableReturnFields
1745 *
1746 * @param int $exportMode
1747 * @param array $selectedFields
1748 * @param array $expected
1749 */
1750 public function testExportSpecifyFields($exportMode, $selectedFields, $expected) {
1751 $this->ensureComponentIsEnabled($exportMode);
1752 $this->setUpContributionExportData();
1753 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($selectedFields, $this->contactIDs[1], $exportMode);
1754 $this->assertEquals($expected, $sqlColumns);
1755 }
1757 /**
1758 * Test export fields when no payment fields to be exported.
1759 */
1760 public function textExportParticipantSpecifyFieldsNoPayment() {
1761 $selectedFields = $this->getAllSpecifiableParticipantReturnFields();
1762 foreach ($selectedFields as $index => $field) {
1763 if (substr($field[1], 0, 22) === 'componentPaymentField_') {
1764 unset($selectedFields[$index]);
1765 }
1766 }
1768 $expected = $this->getAllSpecifiableParticipantReturnFields();
1769 foreach ($expected as $index => $field) {
1770 if (substr($index, 0, 22) === 'componentPaymentField_') {
1771 unset($expected[$index]);
1772 }
1773 }
1775 list($tableName, $sqlColumns) = $this->doExport($selectedFields, $this->contactIDs[1], CRM_Export_Form_Select::EVENT_EXPORT);
1776 $this->assertEquals($expected, $sqlColumns);
1777 }
1779 /**
1780 * Get all return fields (@return array
1781 *
1782 * @todo - still being built up.
1783 *
1784 */
1785 public function getAllSpecifiableReturnFields() {
1786 return [
1787 [
1788 CRM_Export_Form_Select::EVENT_EXPORT,
1789 $this->getAllSpecifiableParticipantReturnFields(),
1790 $this->getAllSpecifiableParticipantReturnColumns(),
1791 ],
1792 ];
1793 }
1795 /**
1796 * Get expected return column output for participant mode return all columns.
1797 *
1798 * @return array
1799 */
1800 public function getAllSpecifiableParticipantReturnColumns() {
1801 return [
1802 'participant_campaign_id' => 'participant_campaign_id varchar(128)',
1803 'participant_contact_id' => 'participant_contact_id varchar(16)',
1804 'componentpaymentfield_contribution_status' => 'componentpaymentfield_contribution_status text',
1805 'currency' => 'currency varchar(3)',
1806 'componentpaymentfield_received_date' => 'componentpaymentfield_received_date text',
1807 'default_role_id' => 'default_role_id varchar(16)',
1808 'participant_discount_name' => 'participant_discount_name varchar(16)',
1809 'event_id' => 'event_id varchar(16)',
1810 'event_end_date' => 'event_end_date varchar(32)',
1811 'event_start_date' => 'event_start_date varchar(32)',
1812 'template_title' => 'template_title varchar(255)',
1813 'event_title' => 'event_title varchar(255)',
1814 'participant_fee_amount' => 'participant_fee_amount varchar(32)',
1815 'participant_fee_currency' => 'participant_fee_currency varchar(3)',
1816 'fee_label' => 'fee_label varchar(255)',
1817 'participant_fee_level' => 'participant_fee_level longtext',
1818 'participant_is_pay_later' => 'participant_is_pay_later varchar(16)',
1819 'participant_id' => 'participant_id varchar(16)',
1820 'participant_note' => 'participant_note text',
1821 'participant_role_id' => 'participant_role_id varchar(128)',
1822 'participant_role' => 'participant_role varchar(255)',
1823 'participant_source' => 'participant_source varchar(128)',
1824 'participant_status_id' => 'participant_status_id varchar(16)',
1825 'participant_status' => 'participant_status varchar(255)',
1826 'participant_register_date' => 'participant_register_date varchar(32)',
1827 'participant_registered_by_id' => 'participant_registered_by_id varchar(16)',
1828 'participant_is_test' => 'participant_is_test varchar(16)',
1829 'componentpaymentfield_total_amount' => 'componentpaymentfield_total_amount text',
1830 'componentpaymentfield_transaction_id' => 'componentpaymentfield_transaction_id varchar(255)',
1831 'transferred_to_contact_id' => 'transferred_to_contact_id varchar(16)',
1832 ];
1833 }
1835 /**
1836 * @return array
1837 */
1838 public function getAllSpecifiableParticipantReturnFields() {
1839 return [
1840 0 =>
1841 [
1842 0 => 'Participant',
1843 1 => '',
1844 ],
1845 1 =>
1846 [
1847 0 => 'Participant',
1848 1 => 'participant_campaign_id',
1849 ],
1850 2 =>
1851 [
1852 0 => 'Participant',
1853 1 => 'participant_contact_id',
1854 ],
1855 3 =>
1856 [
1857 0 => 'Participant',
1858 1 => 'componentPaymentField_contribution_status',
1859 ],
1860 4 =>
1861 [
1862 0 => 'Participant',
1863 1 => 'currency',
1864 ],
1865 5 =>
1866 [
1867 0 => 'Participant',
1868 1 => 'componentPaymentField_received_date',
1869 ],
1870 6 =>
1871 [
1872 0 => 'Participant',
1873 1 => 'default_role_id',
1874 ],
1875 7 =>
1876 [
1877 0 => 'Participant',
1878 1 => 'participant_discount_name',
1879 ],
1880 8 =>
1881 [
1882 0 => 'Participant',
1883 1 => 'event_id',
1884 ],
1885 9 =>
1886 [
1887 0 => 'Participant',
1888 1 => 'event_end_date',
1889 ],
1890 10 =>
1891 [
1892 0 => 'Participant',
1893 1 => 'event_start_date',
1894 ],
1895 11 =>
1896 [
1897 0 => 'Participant',
1898 1 => 'template_title',
1899 ],
1900 12 =>
1901 [
1902 0 => 'Participant',
1903 1 => 'event_title',
1904 ],
1905 13 =>
1906 [
1907 0 => 'Participant',
1908 1 => 'participant_fee_amount',
1909 ],
1910 14 =>
1911 [
1912 0 => 'Participant',
1913 1 => 'participant_fee_currency',
1914 ],
1915 15 =>
1916 [
1917 0 => 'Participant',
1918 1 => 'fee_label',
1919 ],
1920 16 =>
1921 [
1922 0 => 'Participant',
1923 1 => 'participant_fee_level',
1924 ],
1925 17 =>
1926 [
1927 0 => 'Participant',
1928 1 => 'participant_is_pay_later',
1929 ],
1930 18 =>
1931 [
1932 0 => 'Participant',
1933 1 => 'participant_id',
1934 ],
1935 19 =>
1936 [
1937 0 => 'Participant',
1938 1 => 'participant_note',
1939 ],
1940 20 =>
1941 [
1942 0 => 'Participant',
1943 1 => 'participant_role_id',
1944 ],
1945 21 =>
1946 [
1947 0 => 'Participant',
1948 1 => 'participant_role',
1949 ],
1950 22 =>
1951 [
1952 0 => 'Participant',
1953 1 => 'participant_source',
1954 ],
1955 23 =>
1956 [
1957 0 => 'Participant',
1958 1 => 'participant_status_id',
1959 ],
1960 24 =>
1961 [
1962 0 => 'Participant',
1963 1 => 'participant_status',
1964 ],
1965 25 =>
1966 [
1967 0 => 'Participant',
1968 1 => 'participant_status',
1969 ],
1970 26 =>
1971 [
1972 0 => 'Participant',
1973 1 => 'participant_register_date',
1974 ],
1975 27 =>
1976 [
1977 0 => 'Participant',
1978 1 => 'participant_registered_by_id',
1979 ],
1980 28 =>
1981 [
1982 0 => 'Participant',
1983 1 => 'participant_is_test',
1984 ],
1985 29 =>
1986 [
1987 0 => 'Participant',
1988 1 => 'componentPaymentField_total_amount',
1989 ],
1990 30 =>
1991 [
1992 0 => 'Participant',
1993 1 => 'componentPaymentField_transaction_id',
1994 ],
1995 31 =>
1996 [
1997 0 => 'Participant',
1998 1 => 'transferred_to_contact_id',
1999 ],
2000 ];
2001 }
2003 /**
2004 * @param string $exportMode
2005 */
2006 public function setupBaseExportData($exportMode) {
2007 $this->createLoggedInUser();
2008 if ($exportMode === CRM_Export_Form_Select::CASE_EXPORT) {
2009 $this->setupCaseExportData();
2010 }
2011 if ($exportMode === CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT) {
2012 $this->setUpContributionExportData();
2013 }
2014 if ($exportMode === CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT) {
2015 $this->setUpMembershipExportData();
2016 }
2017 if ($exportMode === CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT) {
2018 $this->setUpActivityExportData();
2019 }
2020 }
2022 /**
2023 * Get comprehensive sql columns output.
2024 *
2025 * @return array
2026 */
2027 public function getSqlColumnsOutput() {
2028 return [
2029 [
2030 'anything that will then be defaulting ton contact',
2031 $this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(TRUE),
2032 $this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(TRUE),
2033 ],
2034 [
2035 CRM_Export_Form_Select::ACTIVITY_EXPORT,
2036 array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getActivitySqlColumns()),
2037 array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getActivityHeaderDefinition()),
2038 ],
2039 [
2040 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CASE_EXPORT,
2041 array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getCaseSqlColumns()),
2042 array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getCaseHeaderDefinition()),
2043 ],
2044 [
2045 CRM_Export_Form_Select::CONTRIBUTE_EXPORT,
2046 array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getContributionSqlColumns()),
2047 array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getContributeHeaderDefinition()),
2048 ],
2049 [
2050 CRM_Export_Form_Select::EVENT_EXPORT,
2051 array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getParticipantSqlColumns()),
2052 array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getParticipantHeaderDefinition()),
2053 ],
2054 [
2055 CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT,
2056 array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getMembershipSqlColumns()),
2057 array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getMemberHeaderDefinition()),
2058 ],
2059 [
2060 CRM_Export_Form_Select::PLEDGE_EXPORT,
2061 array_merge($this->getBasicSqlColumnDefinition(FALSE), $this->getPledgeSqlColumns()),
2062 array_merge($this->getBasicHeaderDefinition(FALSE), $this->getPledgeHeaderDefinition()),
2063 ],
2065 ];
2066 }
2068 /**
2069 * Get the header definition for exports.
2070 *
2071 * @param bool $isContactExport
2072 *
2073 * @return array
2074 */
2075 protected function getBasicHeaderDefinition($isContactExport) {
2076 $headers = [
2077 0 => 'Contact ID',
2078 1 => 'Contact Type',
2079 2 => 'Contact Subtype',
2080 3 => 'Do Not Email',
2081 4 => 'Do Not Phone',
2082 5 => 'Do Not Mail',
2083 6 => 'Do Not Sms',
2084 7 => 'Do Not Trade',
2085 8 => 'No Bulk Emails (User Opt Out)',
2086 9 => 'Legal Identifier',
2087 10 => 'External Identifier',
2088 11 => 'Sort Name',
2089 12 => 'Display Name',
2090 13 => 'Nickname',
2091 14 => 'Legal Name',
2092 15 => 'Image Url',
2093 16 => 'Preferred Communication Method',
2094 17 => 'Preferred Language',
2095 18 => 'Preferred Mail Format',
2096 19 => 'Contact Hash',
2097 20 => 'Contact Source',
2098 21 => 'First Name',
2099 22 => 'Middle Name',
2100 23 => 'Last Name',
2101 24 => 'Individual Prefix',
2102 25 => 'Individual Suffix',
2103 26 => 'Formal Title',
2104 27 => 'Communication Style',
2105 28 => 'Email Greeting ID',
2106 29 => 'Postal Greeting ID',
2107 30 => 'Addressee ID',
2108 31 => 'Job Title',
2109 32 => 'Gender',
2110 33 => 'Birth Date',
2111 34 => 'Deceased',
2112 35 => 'Deceased Date',
2113 36 => 'Household Name',
2114 37 => 'Organization Name',
2115 38 => 'Sic Code',
2116 39 => 'Unique ID (OpenID)',
2117 40 => 'Current Employer ID',
2118 41 => 'Contact is in Trash',
2119 42 => 'Created Date',
2120 43 => 'Modified Date',
2121 44 => 'Addressee',
2122 45 => 'Email Greeting',
2123 46 => 'Postal Greeting',
2124 47 => 'Current Employer',
2125 48 => 'Location Type',
2126 49 => 'Street Address',
2127 50 => 'Street Number',
2128 51 => 'Street Number Suffix',
2129 52 => 'Street Name',
2130 53 => 'Street Unit',
2131 54 => 'Supplemental Address 1',
2132 55 => 'Supplemental Address 2',
2133 56 => 'Supplemental Address 3',
2134 57 => 'City',
2135 58 => 'Postal Code Suffix',
2136 59 => 'Postal Code',
2137 60 => 'Latitude',
2138 61 => 'Longitude',
2139 62 => 'Address Name',
2140 63 => 'Master Address Belongs To',
2141 64 => 'County',
2142 65 => 'State',
2143 66 => 'Country',
2144 67 => 'Phone',
2145 68 => 'Phone Extension',
2146 69 => 'Phone Type',
2147 70 => 'Email',
2148 71 => 'On Hold',
2149 72 => 'Use for Bulk Mail',
2150 73 => 'Signature Text',
2151 74 => 'Signature Html',
2152 75 => 'IM Provider',
2153 76 => 'IM Screen Name',
2154 77 => 'OpenID',
2155 78 => 'World Region',
2156 79 => 'Website',
2157 80 => 'Group(s)',
2158 81 => 'Tag(s)',
2159 82 => 'Note(s)',
2160 ];
2161 if (!$isContactExport) {
2162 unset($headers[80]);
2163 unset($headers[81]);
2164 unset($headers[82]);
2165 }
2166 return $headers;
2167 }
2169 /**
2170 * Get the definition for activity headers.
2171 *
2172 * @return array
2173 */
2174 protected function getActivityHeaderDefinition() {
2175 return [
2176 81 => 'Activity ID',
2177 82 => 'Activity Type',
2178 83 => 'Activity Type ID',
2179 84 => 'Subject',
2180 85 => 'Activity Date',
2181 86 => 'Duration',
2182 87 => 'Location',
2183 88 => 'Details',
2184 89 => 'Activity Status',
2185 90 => 'Activity Priority',
2186 91 => 'Source Contact',
2187 92 => 'source_record_id',
2188 93 => 'Test',
2189 94 => 'Campaign ID',
2190 95 => 'result',
2191 96 => 'Engagement Index',
2192 97 => 'parent_id',
2193 ];
2194 }
2196 /**
2197 * Get the definition for case headers.
2198 *
2199 * @return array
2200 */
2201 protected function getCaseHeaderDefinition() {
2202 return [
2203 81 => 'contact_id',
2204 82 => 'Case ID',
2205 83 => 'case_activity_subject',
2206 84 => 'Case Subject',
2207 85 => 'Case Status',
2208 86 => 'Case Type',
2209 87 => 'Role in Case',
2210 88 => 'Case is in the Trash',
2211 89 => 'case_recent_activity_date',
2212 90 => 'case_recent_activity_type',
2213 91 => 'case_scheduled_activity_date',
2214 92 => 'Case Start Date',
2215 93 => 'Case End Date',
2216 94 => 'case_source_contact_id',
2217 95 => 'case_activity_status',
2218 96 => 'case_activity_duration',
2219 97 => 'case_activity_medium_id',
2220 98 => 'case_activity_details',
2221 99 => 'case_activity_is_auto',
2222 ];
2223 }
2225 /**
2226 * Get the definition for contribute headers.
2227 *
2228 * @return array
2229 */
2230 protected function getContributeHeaderDefinition() {
2231 return [
2232 81 => 'Financial Type',
2233 82 => 'Contribution Source',
2234 83 => 'Date Received',
2235 84 => 'Thank-you Date',
2236 85 => 'Cancelled / Refunded Date',
2237 86 => 'Total Amount',
2238 87 => 'Accounting Code',
2239 88 => 'Payment Methods',
2240 89 => 'Payment Method ID',
2241 90 => 'Check Number',
2242 91 => 'Non-deductible Amount',
2243 92 => 'Fee Amount',
2244 93 => 'Net Amount',
2245 94 => 'Transaction ID',
2246 95 => 'Invoice Reference',
2247 96 => 'Invoice Number',
2248 97 => 'Currency',
2249 98 => 'Cancellation / Refund Reason',
2250 99 => 'Receipt Date',
2251 106 => 'Test',
2252 107 => 'Is Pay Later',
2253 108 => 'Contribution Status',
2254 109 => 'Recurring Contribution ID',
2255 110 => 'Amount Label',
2256 111 => 'Contribution Note',
2257 112 => 'Batch Name',
2258 113 => 'Campaign Title',
2259 114 => 'Campaign ID',
2260 116 => 'Soft Credit For',
2261 117 => 'Soft Credit Amount',
2262 118 => 'Soft Credit Type',
2263 119 => 'Soft Credit For Contact ID',
2264 120 => 'Soft Credit For Contribution ID',
2265 ];
2266 }
2268 /**
2269 * Get the definition for event headers.
2270 *
2271 * @return array
2272 */
2273 protected function getParticipantHeaderDefinition() {
2274 return [
2275 81 => 'Event',
2276 82 => 'Event Title',
2277 83 => 'Event Start Date',
2278 84 => 'Event End Date',
2279 85 => 'Event Type',
2280 86 => 'Participant ID',
2281 87 => 'Participant Status',
2282 88 => 'Participant Status Id',
2283 89 => 'Participant Role',
2284 90 => 'Participant Role Id',
2285 91 => 'Participant Note',
2286 92 => 'Register date',
2287 93 => 'Participant Source',
2288 94 => 'Fee level',
2289 95 => 'Test',
2290 96 => 'Is Pay Later',
2291 97 => 'Fee Amount',
2292 98 => 'Discount Name',
2293 99 => 'Fee Currency',
2294 100 => 'Registered By ID',
2295 101 => 'Campaign ID',
2296 ];
2297 }
2299 /**
2300 * Get the definition for member headers.
2301 *
2302 * @return array
2303 */
2304 protected function getMemberHeaderDefinition() {
2305 return [
2306 81 => 'Membership Type',
2307 82 => 'Test',
2308 83 => 'Is Pay Later',
2309 84 => 'Member Since',
2310 85 => 'Membership Start Date',
2311 86 => 'Membership Expiration Date',
2312 87 => 'Source',
2313 88 => 'Membership Status',
2314 89 => 'Membership ID',
2315 90 => 'Primary Member ID',
2316 91 => 'max_related',
2317 92 => 'membership_recur_id',
2318 93 => 'Campaign ID',
2319 94 => 'member_is_override',
2320 95 => 'member_auto_renew',
2321 ];
2322 }
2324 /**
2325 * Get the definition for pledge headers.
2326 *
2327 * @return array
2328 */
2329 protected function getPledgeHeaderDefinition() {
2330 return [
2331 81 => 'Pledge ID',
2332 82 => 'Total Pledged',
2333 83 => 'Total Paid',
2334 84 => 'Pledge Made',
2335 85 => 'pledge_start_date',
2336 86 => 'Next Payment Date',
2337 87 => 'Next Payment Amount',
2338 88 => 'Pledge Status',
2339 89 => 'Test',
2340 90 => 'Pledge Contribution Page Id',
2341 91 => 'pledge_financial_type',
2342 92 => 'Pledge Frequency Interval',
2343 93 => 'Pledge Frequency Unit',
2344 94 => 'pledge_currency',
2345 95 => 'Campaign ID',
2346 96 => 'Balance Amount',
2347 97 => 'Payment ID',
2348 98 => 'Scheduled Amount',
2349 99 => 'Scheduled Date',
2350 100 => 'Paid Amount',
2351 101 => 'Paid Date',
2352 102 => 'Last Reminder',
2353 103 => 'Reminders Sent',
2354 104 => 'Pledge Payment Status',
2355 ];
2356 }
2358 /**
2359 * Get the column definition for exports.
2360 *
2361 * @param bool $isContactExport
2362 *
2363 * @return array
2364 */
2365 protected function getBasicSqlColumnDefinition($isContactExport) {
2366 $columns = [
2367 'civicrm_primary_id' => 'civicrm_primary_id varchar(16)',
2368 'contact_type' => 'contact_type varchar(64)',
2369 'contact_sub_type' => 'contact_sub_type varchar(255)',
2370 'do_not_email' => 'do_not_email varchar(16)',
2371 'do_not_phone' => 'do_not_phone varchar(16)',
2372 'do_not_mail' => 'do_not_mail varchar(16)',
2373 'do_not_sms' => 'do_not_sms varchar(16)',
2374 'do_not_trade' => 'do_not_trade varchar(16)',
2375 'is_opt_out' => 'is_opt_out varchar(16)',
2376 'legal_identifier' => 'legal_identifier varchar(32)',
2377 'external_identifier' => 'external_identifier varchar(64)',
2378 'sort_name' => 'sort_name varchar(128)',
2379 'display_name' => 'display_name varchar(128)',
2380 'nick_name' => 'nick_name varchar(128)',
2381 'legal_name' => 'legal_name varchar(128)',
2382 'image_url' => 'image_url longtext',
2383 'preferred_communication_method' => 'preferred_communication_method varchar(255)',
2384 'preferred_language' => 'preferred_language varchar(5)',
2385 'preferred_mail_format' => 'preferred_mail_format varchar(8)',
2386 'hash' => 'hash varchar(32)',
2387 'contact_source' => 'contact_source varchar(255)',
2388 'first_name' => 'first_name varchar(64)',
2389 'middle_name' => 'middle_name varchar(64)',
2390 'last_name' => 'last_name varchar(64)',
2391 'prefix_id' => 'prefix_id varchar(255)',
2392 'suffix_id' => 'suffix_id varchar(255)',
2393 'formal_title' => 'formal_title varchar(64)',
2394 'communication_style_id' => 'communication_style_id varchar(16)',
2395 'email_greeting_id' => 'email_greeting_id varchar(16)',
2396 'postal_greeting_id' => 'postal_greeting_id varchar(16)',
2397 'addressee_id' => 'addressee_id varchar(16)',
2398 'job_title' => 'job_title varchar(255)',
2399 'gender_id' => 'gender_id varchar(16)',
2400 'birth_date' => 'birth_date varchar(32)',
2401 'is_deceased' => 'is_deceased varchar(16)',
2402 'deceased_date' => 'deceased_date varchar(32)',
2403 'household_name' => 'household_name varchar(128)',
2404 'organization_name' => 'organization_name varchar(128)',
2405 'sic_code' => 'sic_code varchar(8)',
2406 'user_unique_id' => 'user_unique_id varchar(255)',
2407 'current_employer_id' => 'current_employer_id varchar(16)',
2408 'contact_is_deleted' => 'contact_is_deleted varchar(16)',
2409 'created_date' => 'created_date varchar(32)',
2410 'modified_date' => 'modified_date varchar(32)',
2411 'addressee' => 'addressee varchar(255)',
2412 'email_greeting' => 'email_greeting varchar(255)',
2413 'postal_greeting' => 'postal_greeting varchar(255)',
2414 'current_employer' => 'current_employer varchar(128)',
2415 'location_type' => 'location_type text',
2416 'street_address' => 'street_address varchar(96)',
2417 'street_number' => 'street_number varchar(16)',
2418 'street_number_suffix' => 'street_number_suffix varchar(8)',
2419 'street_name' => 'street_name varchar(64)',
2420 'street_unit' => 'street_unit varchar(16)',
2421 'supplemental_address_1' => 'supplemental_address_1 varchar(96)',
2422 'supplemental_address_2' => 'supplemental_address_2 varchar(96)',
2423 'supplemental_address_3' => 'supplemental_address_3 varchar(96)',
2424 'city' => 'city varchar(64)',
2425 'postal_code_suffix' => 'postal_code_suffix varchar(12)',
2426 'postal_code' => 'postal_code varchar(64)',
2427 'geo_code_1' => 'geo_code_1 varchar(32)',
2428 'geo_code_2' => 'geo_code_2 varchar(32)',
2429 'address_name' => 'address_name varchar(255)',
2430 'master_id' => 'master_id varchar(128)',
2431 'county' => 'county varchar(64)',
2432 'state_province' => 'state_province varchar(64)',
2433 'country' => 'country varchar(64)',
2434 'phone' => 'phone varchar(32)',
2435 'phone_ext' => 'phone_ext varchar(16)',
2436 'phone_type_id' => 'phone_type_id varchar(16)',
2437 'email' => 'email varchar(254)',
2438 'on_hold' => 'on_hold varchar(16)',
2439 'is_bulkmail' => 'is_bulkmail varchar(16)',
2440 'signature_text' => 'signature_text longtext',
2441 'signature_html' => 'signature_html longtext',
2442 'im_provider' => 'im_provider text',
2443 'im_screen_name' => 'im_screen_name varchar(64)',
2444 'openid' => 'openid varchar(255)',
2445 'world_region' => 'world_region varchar(128)',
2446 'url' => 'url varchar(128)',
2447 'groups' => 'groups text',
2448 'tags' => 'tags text',
2449 'notes' => 'notes text',
2450 ];
2451 if (!$isContactExport) {
2452 unset($columns['groups']);
2453 unset($columns['tags']);
2454 unset($columns['notes']);
2455 }
2456 return $columns;
2457 }
2459 /**
2460 * Get Case SQL columns.
2461 *
2462 * @return array
2463 */
2464 protected function getCaseSqlColumns() {
2465 return [
2466 'case_start_date' => 'case_start_date varchar(32)',
2467 'case_end_date' => 'case_end_date varchar(32)',
2468 'case_subject' => 'case_subject varchar(128)',
2469 'case_source_contact_id' => 'case_source_contact_id varchar(255)',
2470 'case_activity_status' => 'case_activity_status text',
2471 'case_activity_duration' => 'case_activity_duration text',
2472 'case_activity_medium_id' => 'case_activity_medium_id varchar(255)',
2473 'case_activity_details' => 'case_activity_details text',
2474 'case_activity_is_auto' => 'case_activity_is_auto text',
2475 'contact_id' => 'contact_id varchar(255)',
2476 'case_id' => 'case_id varchar(16)',
2477 'case_activity_subject' => 'case_activity_subject text',
2478 'case_status' => 'case_status text',
2479 'case_type' => 'case_type text',
2480 'case_role' => 'case_role text',
2481 'case_deleted' => 'case_deleted varchar(16)',
2482 'case_recent_activity_date' => 'case_recent_activity_date text',
2483 'case_recent_activity_type' => 'case_recent_activity_type text',
2484 'case_scheduled_activity_date' => 'case_scheduled_activity_date text',
2485 ];
2486 }
2488 /**
2489 * Get activity sql columns.
2490 *
2491 * @return array
2492 */
2493 protected function getActivitySqlColumns() {
2494 return [
2495 'activity_id' => 'activity_id varchar(16)',
2496 'activity_type' => 'activity_type varchar(255)',
2497 'activity_type_id' => 'activity_type_id varchar(16)',
2498 'activity_subject' => 'activity_subject varchar(255)',
2499 'activity_date_time' => 'activity_date_time varchar(32)',
2500 'activity_duration' => 'activity_duration varchar(16)',
2501 'activity_location' => 'activity_location varchar(255)',
2502 'activity_details' => 'activity_details longtext',
2503 'activity_status' => 'activity_status varchar(255)',
2504 'activity_priority' => 'activity_priority varchar(255)',
2505 'source_contact' => 'source_contact varchar(255)',
2506 'source_record_id' => 'source_record_id varchar(255)',
2507 'activity_is_test' => 'activity_is_test varchar(16)',
2508 'activity_campaign_id' => 'activity_campaign_id varchar(128)',
2509 'result' => 'result text',
2510 'activity_engagement_level' => 'activity_engagement_level varchar(16)',
2511 'parent_id' => 'parent_id varchar(255)',
2512 ];
2513 }
2515 /**
2516 * Get participant sql columns.
2517 *
2518 * @return array
2519 */
2520 protected function getParticipantSqlColumns() {
2521 return [
2522 'event_id' => 'event_id varchar(16)',
2523 'event_title' => 'event_title varchar(255)',
2524 'event_start_date' => 'event_start_date varchar(32)',
2525 'event_end_date' => 'event_end_date varchar(32)',
2526 'event_type' => 'event_type varchar(255)',
2527 'participant_id' => 'participant_id varchar(16)',
2528 'participant_status' => 'participant_status varchar(255)',
2529 'participant_status_id' => 'participant_status_id varchar(16)',
2530 'participant_role' => 'participant_role varchar(255)',
2531 'participant_role_id' => 'participant_role_id varchar(128)',
2532 'participant_note' => 'participant_note text',
2533 'participant_register_date' => 'participant_register_date varchar(32)',
2534 'participant_source' => 'participant_source varchar(128)',
2535 'participant_fee_level' => 'participant_fee_level longtext',
2536 'participant_is_test' => 'participant_is_test varchar(16)',
2537 'participant_is_pay_later' => 'participant_is_pay_later varchar(16)',
2538 'participant_fee_amount' => 'participant_fee_amount varchar(32)',
2539 'participant_discount_name' => 'participant_discount_name varchar(16)',
2540 'participant_fee_currency' => 'participant_fee_currency varchar(3)',
2541 'participant_registered_by_id' => 'participant_registered_by_id varchar(16)',
2542 'participant_campaign_id' => 'participant_campaign_id varchar(128)',
2543 ];
2544 }
2546 /**
2547 * Get contribution sql columns.
2548 *
2549 * @return array
2550 */
2551 public function getContributionSqlColumns() {
2552 return [
2553 'civicrm_primary_id' => 'civicrm_primary_id varchar(16)',
2554 'contact_type' => 'contact_type varchar(64)',
2555 'contact_sub_type' => 'contact_sub_type varchar(255)',
2556 'do_not_email' => 'do_not_email varchar(16)',
2557 'do_not_phone' => 'do_not_phone varchar(16)',
2558 'do_not_mail' => 'do_not_mail varchar(16)',
2559 'do_not_sms' => 'do_not_sms varchar(16)',
2560 'do_not_trade' => 'do_not_trade varchar(16)',
2561 'is_opt_out' => 'is_opt_out varchar(16)',
2562 'legal_identifier' => 'legal_identifier varchar(32)',
2563 'external_identifier' => 'external_identifier varchar(64)',
2564 'sort_name' => 'sort_name varchar(128)',
2565 'display_name' => 'display_name varchar(128)',
2566 'nick_name' => 'nick_name varchar(128)',
2567 'legal_name' => 'legal_name varchar(128)',
2568 'image_url' => 'image_url longtext',
2569 'preferred_communication_method' => 'preferred_communication_method varchar(255)',
2570 'preferred_language' => 'preferred_language varchar(5)',
2571 'preferred_mail_format' => 'preferred_mail_format varchar(8)',
2572 'hash' => 'hash varchar(32)',
2573 'contact_source' => 'contact_source varchar(255)',
2574 'first_name' => 'first_name varchar(64)',
2575 'middle_name' => 'middle_name varchar(64)',
2576 'last_name' => 'last_name varchar(64)',
2577 'prefix_id' => 'prefix_id varchar(255)',
2578 'suffix_id' => 'suffix_id varchar(255)',
2579 'formal_title' => 'formal_title varchar(64)',
2580 'communication_style_id' => 'communication_style_id varchar(16)',
2581 'email_greeting_id' => 'email_greeting_id varchar(16)',
2582 'postal_greeting_id' => 'postal_greeting_id varchar(16)',
2583 'addressee_id' => 'addressee_id varchar(16)',
2584 'job_title' => 'job_title varchar(255)',
2585 'gender_id' => 'gender_id varchar(16)',
2586 'birth_date' => 'birth_date varchar(32)',
2587 'is_deceased' => 'is_deceased varchar(16)',
2588 'deceased_date' => 'deceased_date varchar(32)',
2589 'household_name' => 'household_name varchar(128)',
2590 'organization_name' => 'organization_name varchar(128)',
2591 'sic_code' => 'sic_code varchar(8)',
2592 'user_unique_id' => 'user_unique_id varchar(255)',
2593 'current_employer_id' => 'current_employer_id varchar(16)',
2594 'contact_is_deleted' => 'contact_is_deleted varchar(16)',
2595 'created_date' => 'created_date varchar(32)',
2596 'modified_date' => 'modified_date varchar(32)',
2597 'addressee' => 'addressee varchar(255)',
2598 'email_greeting' => 'email_greeting varchar(255)',
2599 'postal_greeting' => 'postal_greeting varchar(255)',
2600 'current_employer' => 'current_employer varchar(128)',
2601 'location_type' => 'location_type text',
2602 'street_address' => 'street_address varchar(96)',
2603 'street_number' => 'street_number varchar(16)',
2604 'street_number_suffix' => 'street_number_suffix varchar(8)',
2605 'street_name' => 'street_name varchar(64)',
2606 'street_unit' => 'street_unit varchar(16)',
2607 'supplemental_address_1' => 'supplemental_address_1 varchar(96)',
2608 'supplemental_address_2' => 'supplemental_address_2 varchar(96)',
2609 'supplemental_address_3' => 'supplemental_address_3 varchar(96)',
2610 'city' => 'city varchar(64)',
2611 'postal_code_suffix' => 'postal_code_suffix varchar(12)',
2612 'postal_code' => 'postal_code varchar(64)',
2613 'geo_code_1' => 'geo_code_1 varchar(32)',
2614 'geo_code_2' => 'geo_code_2 varchar(32)',
2615 'address_name' => 'address_name varchar(255)',
2616 'master_id' => 'master_id varchar(128)',
2617 'county' => 'county varchar(64)',
2618 'state_province' => 'state_province varchar(64)',
2619 'country' => 'country varchar(64)',
2620 'phone' => 'phone varchar(32)',
2621 'phone_ext' => 'phone_ext varchar(16)',
2622 'email' => 'email varchar(254)',
2623 'on_hold' => 'on_hold varchar(16)',
2624 'is_bulkmail' => 'is_bulkmail varchar(16)',
2625 'signature_text' => 'signature_text longtext',
2626 'signature_html' => 'signature_html longtext',
2627 'im_provider' => 'im_provider text',
2628 'im_screen_name' => 'im_screen_name varchar(64)',
2629 'openid' => 'openid varchar(255)',
2630 'world_region' => 'world_region varchar(128)',
2631 'url' => 'url varchar(128)',
2632 'phone_type_id' => 'phone_type_id varchar(16)',
2633 'financial_type' => 'financial_type varchar(255)',
2634 'contribution_source' => 'contribution_source varchar(255)',
2635 'receive_date' => 'receive_date varchar(32)',
2636 'thankyou_date' => 'thankyou_date varchar(32)',
2637 'contribution_cancel_date' => 'contribution_cancel_date varchar(32)',
2638 'total_amount' => 'total_amount varchar(32)',
2639 'accounting_code' => 'accounting_code varchar(64)',
2640 'payment_instrument' => 'payment_instrument varchar(255)',
2641 'payment_instrument_id' => 'payment_instrument_id varchar(16)',
2642 'contribution_check_number' => 'contribution_check_number varchar(255)',
2643 'non_deductible_amount' => 'non_deductible_amount varchar(32)',
2644 'fee_amount' => 'fee_amount varchar(32)',
2645 'net_amount' => 'net_amount varchar(32)',
2646 'trxn_id' => 'trxn_id varchar(255)',
2647 'invoice_id' => 'invoice_id varchar(255)',
2648 'invoice_number' => 'invoice_number varchar(255)',
2649 'currency' => 'currency varchar(3)',
2650 'cancel_reason' => 'cancel_reason longtext',
2651 'receipt_date' => 'receipt_date varchar(32)',
2652 'is_test' => 'is_test varchar(16)',
2653 'is_pay_later' => 'is_pay_later varchar(16)',
2654 'contribution_status' => 'contribution_status varchar(255)',
2655 'contribution_recur_id' => 'contribution_recur_id varchar(16)',
2656 'amount_level' => 'amount_level longtext',
2657 'contribution_note' => 'contribution_note text',
2658 'contribution_batch' => 'contribution_batch text',
2659 'contribution_campaign_title' => 'contribution_campaign_title varchar(255)',
2660 'contribution_campaign_id' => 'contribution_campaign_id varchar(128)',
2661 'contribution_soft_credit_name' => 'contribution_soft_credit_name varchar(255)',
2662 'contribution_soft_credit_amount' => 'contribution_soft_credit_amount varchar(255)',
2663 'contribution_soft_credit_type' => 'contribution_soft_credit_type varchar(255)',
2664 'contribution_soft_credit_contact_id' => 'contribution_soft_credit_contact_id varchar(255)',
2665 'contribution_soft_credit_contribution_id' => 'contribution_soft_credit_contribution_id varchar(255)',
2666 ];
2667 }
2669 /**
2670 * Get pledge sql columns.
2671 *
2672 * @return array
2673 */
2674 public function getPledgeSqlColumns() {
2675 return [
2676 'pledge_id' => 'pledge_id varchar(16)',
2677 'pledge_amount' => 'pledge_amount varchar(32)',
2678 'pledge_total_paid' => 'pledge_total_paid text',
2679 'pledge_create_date' => 'pledge_create_date varchar(32)',
2680 'pledge_start_date' => 'pledge_start_date text',
2681 'pledge_next_pay_date' => 'pledge_next_pay_date text',
2682 'pledge_next_pay_amount' => 'pledge_next_pay_amount text',
2683 'pledge_status' => 'pledge_status varchar(255)',
2684 'pledge_is_test' => 'pledge_is_test varchar(16)',
2685 'pledge_contribution_page_id' => 'pledge_contribution_page_id varchar(255)',
2686 'pledge_financial_type' => 'pledge_financial_type text',
2687 'pledge_frequency_interval' => 'pledge_frequency_interval varchar(255)',
2688 'pledge_frequency_unit' => 'pledge_frequency_unit varchar(255)',
2689 'pledge_currency' => 'pledge_currency text',
2690 'pledge_campaign_id' => 'pledge_campaign_id varchar(128)',
2691 'pledge_balance_amount' => 'pledge_balance_amount text',
2692 'pledge_payment_id' => 'pledge_payment_id varchar(16)',
2693 'pledge_payment_scheduled_amount' => 'pledge_payment_scheduled_amount varchar(32)',
2694 'pledge_payment_scheduled_date' => 'pledge_payment_scheduled_date varchar(32)',
2695 'pledge_payment_paid_amount' => 'pledge_payment_paid_amount text',
2696 'pledge_payment_paid_date' => 'pledge_payment_paid_date text',
2697 'pledge_payment_reminder_date' => 'pledge_payment_reminder_date varchar(32)',
2698 'pledge_payment_reminder_count' => 'pledge_payment_reminder_count varchar(16)',
2699 'pledge_payment_status' => 'pledge_payment_status varchar(255)',
2700 ];
2701 }
2703 /**
2704 * Get membership sql columns.
2705 *
2706 * @return array
2707 */
2708 public function getMembershipSqlColumns() {
2709 return [
2710 'membership_type' => 'membership_type varchar(128)',
2711 'member_is_test' => 'member_is_test varchar(16)',
2712 'member_is_pay_later' => 'member_is_pay_later varchar(16)',
2713 'join_date' => 'join_date varchar(32)',
2714 'membership_start_date' => 'membership_start_date varchar(32)',
2715 'membership_end_date' => 'membership_end_date varchar(32)',
2716 'membership_source' => 'membership_source varchar(128)',
2717 'membership_status' => 'membership_status varchar(255)',
2718 'membership_id' => 'membership_id varchar(16)',
2719 'owner_membership_id' => 'owner_membership_id varchar(16)',
2720 'max_related' => 'max_related text',
2721 'membership_recur_id' => 'membership_recur_id varchar(255)',
2722 'member_campaign_id' => 'member_campaign_id varchar(128)',
2723 'member_is_override' => 'member_is_override text',
2724 'member_auto_renew' => 'member_auto_renew text',
2725 ];
2726 }
2728 /**
2729 * Change our location types so we have some edge cases in the mix.
2730 *
2731 * - a space in the name
2732 * - name differs from label
2733 * - non-anglo char in the label (not valid in the name).
2734 */
2735 protected function diversifyLocationTypes() {
2736 $this->locationTypes['Main'] = $this->callAPISuccess('Location_type', 'get', [
2737 'name' => 'Main',
2738 'return' => 'id',
2739 'api.LocationType.Create' => ['display_name' => 'Méin'],
2740 ]);
2741 $this->locationTypes['Whare Kai'] = $this->callAPISuccess('Location_type', 'create', [
2742 'name' => 'Whare Kai',
2743 'display_name' => 'Whare Kai',
2744 ]);
2745 }
2747 }