[civicrm-core.git] / tests / phpunit / CRM / Contribute / Import / Parser / ContributionTest.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * @file
4 * File for the CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser_ContributionTest class.
5 */
6 /**
7 * Test Contribution import parser.
8 *
9 * @package CiviCRM
10 * @group headless
11 */
12 class CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser_ContributionTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
13 protected $_tablesToTruncate = [];
14 use CRMTraits_Custom_CustomDataTrait;
16 /**
17 * Default entity for class.
18 *
19 * @var string
20 */
21 protected $entity = 'Contribution';
23 /**
24 * Setup function.
25 */
26 public function tearDown() {
27 $this->quickCleanUpFinancialEntities();
28 parent::tearDown();
29 }
31 /**
32 * Test import parser will add contribution and soft contribution each for different contact.
33 *
34 * In this case primary contact and secondary contact both are identified by external identifier.
35 *
36 * @dataProvider getThousandSeparators
37 *
38 * @param string $thousandSeparator
39 *
40 * @throws \Exception
41 */
42 public function testImportParserWithSoftCreditsByExternalIdentifier($thousandSeparator) {
43 $this->setCurrencySeparators($thousandSeparator);
44 $contact1Params = [
45 'first_name' => 'Contact',
46 'last_name' => 'One',
47 'external_identifier' => 'ext-1',
48 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
49 ];
50 $contact2Params = [
51 'first_name' => 'Contact',
52 'last_name' => 'Two',
53 'external_identifier' => 'ext-2',
54 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
55 ];
56 $contact1Id = $this->individualCreate($contact1Params);
57 $contact2Id = $this->individualCreate($contact2Params);
58 $values = [
59 "total_amount" => $this->formatMoneyInput(1230.99),
60 "financial_type" => "Donation",
61 "external_identifier" => "ext-1",
62 "soft_credit" => "ext-2",
63 ];
64 $mapperSoftCredit = [NULL, NULL, NULL, "external_identifier"];
65 $mapperSoftCreditType = [NULL, NULL, NULL, "1"];
66 $this->runImport($values, CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser::SOFT_CREDIT, $mapperSoftCredit, NULL, $mapperSoftCreditType);
67 $params = ['contact_id' => $contact1Id];
68 $values = [];
69 $contributionsOfMainContact = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::retrieve($params, $values, $values);
70 $this->assertEquals(1230.99, $contributionsOfMainContact->total_amount);
71 $this->assertEquals(1230.99, $contributionsOfMainContact->net_amount);
72 $this->assertEquals(0, $contributionsOfMainContact->fee_amount);
74 $params["contact_id"] = $contact2Id;
75 $contributionsOfSoftContact = CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionSoft::retrieve($params, $values);
76 $this->assertEquals(1, $contributionsOfMainContact->N, 'Contribution not added for primary contact');
77 $this->assertEquals(1, $contributionsOfSoftContact->N, 'Soft Contribution not added for secondary contact');
78 $this->callAPISuccess('ContributionSoft', 'Delete', ['id' => $contributionsOfSoftContact->id]);
79 $this->callAPISuccess('Contribution', 'Delete', ['id' => $contributionsOfMainContact->id]);
80 }
82 /**
83 * Test dates are parsed
84 */
85 public function testParsedDates() {
86 $mapperKeys = [];
87 $form = new CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser_Contribution($mapperKeys);
88 $params = ['receive_date' => '20/10/2019'];
89 CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->set('dateTypes', 32);
90 $form->formatDateFields($params);
91 $this->assertEquals('20191020', $params['receive_date']);
93 $params = ['receive_date' => '20/10/2019'];
94 CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->set('dateTypes', 32);
95 $form->formatInput($params);
96 $this->assertEquals('20191020', $params['receive_date']);
97 }
99 /**
100 * Test payment types are passed.
101 *
102 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
103 */
104 public function testPaymentTypeLabel() {
105 $contactID = $this->individualCreate();
106 $values = ['contribution_contact_id' => $contactID, 'total_amount' => 10, 'financial_type' => 'Donation', 'payment_instrument' => 'Check'];
107 // Note that the expected result should logically be CRM_Import_Parser::valid but writing test to reflect not fix here
108 $this->runImport($values, CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, NULL);
109 $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contactID]);
110 $this->assertEquals('Check', $contribution['payment_instrument']);
112 $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'create', [
113 'option_group_id' => 'payment_instrument',
114 'value' => 777,
115 'name' => 'random',
116 'label' => 'not at all random',
117 ]);
118 $values = ['contribution_contact_id' => $contactID, 'total_amount' => 10, 'financial_type' => 'Donation', 'payment_instrument' => 'not at all random'];
119 $this->runImport($values, CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, NULL);
120 $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contactID, 'payment_instrument_id' => 'random']);
121 $this->assertEquals('not at all random', $contribution['payment_instrument']);
122 }
124 /**
125 * Test handling of contribution statuses.
126 *
127 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
128 */
129 public function testContributionStatusLabel() {
130 $contactID = $this->individualCreate();
131 $values = ['contribution_contact_id' => $contactID, 'total_amount' => 10, 'financial_type' => 'Donation', 'payment_instrument' => 'Check', 'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending'];
132 // Note that the expected result should logically be CRM_Import_Parser::valid but writing test to reflect not fix here
133 $this->runImport($values, CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, NULL);
134 $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contactID]);
135 $this->assertEquals('Pending Label**', $contribution['contribution_status']);
137 $this->callAPISuccess('OptionValue', 'create', [
138 'option_group_id' => 'contribution_status',
139 'value' => 777,
140 'name' => 'random',
141 'label' => 'not at all random',
142 ]);
143 $values['contribution_status_id'] = 'not at all random';
144 $this->runImport($values, CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, NULL);
145 $contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contactID, 'contribution_status_id' => 'random']);
146 $this->assertEquals('not at all random', $contribution['contribution_status']);
148 $values['contribution_status_id'] = 'just say no';
149 $this->runImport($values, CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR);
150 $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contactID], 2);
152 // Per https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/issues/1285 it's a bit arguable but Ok we can support id...
153 $values['contribution_status_id'] = 3;
154 $this->runImport($values, CRM_Import_Parser::DUPLICATE_UPDATE, NULL);
155 $this->callAPISuccessGetCount('Contribution', ['contact_id' => $contactID, 'contribution_status_id' => 3], 1);
157 }
159 /**
160 * Test dates are parsed
161 *
162 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
163 */
164 public function testParsedCustomDates() {
165 $this->createCustomGroupWithFieldOfType([], 'date');
166 $mapperKeys = [];
167 $form = new CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser_Contribution($mapperKeys);
168 $params = [$this->getCustomFieldName('date') => '20/10/2019'];
169 CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->set('dateTypes', 32);
170 $formatted = [];
171 $form->formatInput($params, $formatted);
172 // @todo I feel like we should work towards this actually parsing $params here -
173 // & dropping formatting but
174 // per https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/pull/14986 for now $formatted is parsing
175 // The issue I hit was that when I tried to extend to checking they were correctly imported
176 // I was not actually sure what correct behaviour was for what dates were accepted since
177 // on one hand the custom fields have a date format & on the other there is an input format &
178 // it seems to ignore the latter in favour of the former - which seems wrong.
179 $this->assertEquals('20191020000000', $formatted[$this->getCustomFieldName('date')]);
180 }
182 /**
183 * Run the import parser.
184 *
185 * @param array $originalValues
186 *
187 * @param int $onDuplicateAction
188 * @param int $expectedResult
189 * @param array|null $mapperSoftCredit
190 * @param array|null $mapperPhoneType
191 * @param array|null $mapperSoftCreditType
192 * @param array|null $fields
193 * Array of field names. Will be calculated from $originalValues if not passed in.
194 */
195 protected function runImport($originalValues, $onDuplicateAction, $expectedResult, $mapperSoftCredit = NULL, $mapperPhoneType = NULL, $mapperSoftCreditType = NULL, $fields = NULL) {
196 if (!$fields) {
197 $fields = array_keys($originalValues);
198 }
199 $values = array_values($originalValues);
200 $parser = new CRM_Contribute_Import_Parser_Contribution($fields, $mapperSoftCredit, $mapperPhoneType, $mapperSoftCreditType);
201 $parser->_contactType = 'Individual';
202 $parser->init();
203 $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $parser->import($onDuplicateAction, $values), 'Return code from parser import was not as expected');
204 }
206 }