Testsuite: use certs expring before end of 2037, to avoid GnuTLS top-limit clamp...
[exim.git] / test / aux-fixed / exim-ca / genall
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
4 set -e
5 set -x
7 clica --help >/dev/null 2>&1
9 echo Ensure time is set to 2012/11/01 12:34
10 echo use - date -u 110112342012
11 echo hit return when ready
12 read junk
13 for tld in com org net
14 do
15 idir="example.$tld"
16 rm -fr "$idir"
17 clica -D "$idir" -p password -B 1024 -I -N example.$tld -F \
18 -C http://crl.example.$tld/latest.crl -O http://oscp.example.$tld/
20 # -m <months>
21 clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 101 -S server1.example.$tld -m 301 \
22 -8 alternatename.server1.example.$tld,alternatename2.server1.example.$tld,*.test.ex
23 clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 102 -S revoked1.example.$tld -m 301
24 clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 103 -S expired1.example.$tld -m 1
25 clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 201 -S server2.example.$tld -m 301
26 clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 202 -S revoked2.example.$tld -m 301
27 clica -D example.$tld -p password -s 203 -S expired2.example.$tld -m 1
30 # openssl seems to generate a file (ca_chain.pam) in an order it
31 # cannot then use (the key applies to the first cert in the file?).
32 # Generate a shuffled one.
33 cd example.$tld/server1.example.$tld
34 openssl pkcs12 -in server1.example.$tld.p12 -passin file:pwdfile -cacerts -out cacerts.pem -nokeys
35 cat server1.example.$tld.pem cacerts.pem > fullchain.pem
36 rm cacerts.pem
37 cd ../..
38 done
40 # and loop again
41 for tld in com org net
42 do
43 CADIR=example.$tld/CA
44 #give ourselves an OSCP key to work with
45 pk12util -o $CADIR/OCSP.p12 -n 'OCSP Signer' -d $CADIR -K password -W password
46 openssl pkcs12 -in $CADIR/OCSP.p12 -passin pass:password -passout pass:password -nodes -nocerts -out $CADIR/OCSP.key
48 # also need variation from Signer
49 pk12util -o $CADIR/Signer.p12 -n 'Signing Cert' -d $CADIR -K password -W password
50 openssl pkcs12 -in $CADIR/Signer.p12 -passin pass:password -passout pass:password -nodes -nocerts -out $CADIR/Signer.key
52 # create some index files for the ocsp responder to work with
53 # tab-sep
54 # 0: Revoked/Expired/Valid letter
55 # 1: Expiry date (ASN1_UTCTIME)
56 # 2: Revocation date
57 # 3: Serial no. (unique)
58 # 4: file
59 # 5: DN, index
61 cat >$CADIR/index.valid.txt <<EOF
62 V 130110200751Z 65 unknown CN=server1.example.$tld
63 V 130110200751Z 66 unknown CN=revoked1.example.$tld
64 V 130110200751Z 67 unknown CN=expired1.example.$tld
65 V 130110200751Z c9 unknown CN=server2.example.$tld
66 V 130110200751Z ca unknown CN=revoked2.example.$tld
67 V 130110200751Z cb unknown CN=expired2.example.$tld
68 EOF
69 cat >$CADIR/index.revoked.txt <<EOF
70 R 130110200751Z 100201142709Z,superseded 65 unknown CN=server1.example.$tld
71 R 130110200751Z 100201142709Z,superseded 66 unknown CN=revoked1.example.$tld
72 R 130110200751Z 100201142709Z,superseded 67 unknown CN=expired1.example.$tld
73 R 130110200751Z 100201142709Z,superseded c9 unknown CN=server2.example.$tld
74 R 130110200751Z 100201142709Z,superseded ca unknown CN=revoked2.example.$tld
75 R 130110200751Z 100201142709Z,superseded cb unknown CN=expired2.example.$tld
76 EOF
78 # Now create all the ocsp requests and responses
79 for server in server1 revoked1 expired1 server2 revoked2 expired2
80 do
81 SPFX=example.$tld/$server.example.$tld/$server.example.$tld
82 openssl ocsp -issuer $CADIR/Signer.pem -cert $SPFX.pem -no_nonce -sha256 -reqout $SPFX.ocsp.req
84 OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/OCSP.pem -rkey $CADIR/OCSP.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -noverify"
85 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.good.resp
86 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 30 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.dated.resp
87 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.revoked.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.revoked.resp
89 OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/Signer.pem -rkey $CADIR/Signer.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -noverify"
90 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signer.good.resp
91 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 30 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signer.dated.resp
92 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.revoked.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signer.revoked.resp
94 OGENCOMMON="-rsigner $CADIR/Signer.pem -rkey $CADIR/Signer.key -CA $CADIR/Signer.pem -resp_no_certs -noverify"
95 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signernocert.good.resp
96 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.valid.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 30 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signernocert.dated.resp
97 openssl ocsp -index $CADIR/index.revoked.txt $OGENCOMMON -ndays 3652 -sha256 -reqin $SPFX.ocsp.req -respout $SPFX.ocsp.signernocert.revoked.resp
98 done
99 done
101 # and loop again to generate unlocked keys and client cert bundles
102 for tld in com org net
103 do
104 for server in server1 revoked1 expired1 server2 revoked2 expired2
105 do
106 SDIR=example.$tld/$server.example.$tld
107 SPFX=$SDIR/$server.example.$tld
108 openssl rsa -in $SPFX.key -passin file:$SDIR/pwdfile -out $SPFX.unlocked.key
109 cat $SPFX.pem example.$tld/CA/Signer.pem >$SPFX.chain.pem
110 done
111 done
113 echo Please to reset date to now.
114 echo 'service ntpdate start (not on a systemd though...)'
115 echo
116 echo Then hit return
117 read junk
119 # Create CRL files in .der and .pem
120 # empty versions, and ones with the revoked servers
121 for tld in com org net
122 do
123 CADIR=example.$tld/CA
124 CRLIN=$CADIR/crl.empty.in.txt
125 DATENOW=`date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ`
126 echo "update=$DATENOW " >$CRLIN
127 crlutil -G -d $CADIR -f $CADIR/pwdfile \
128 -n 'Signing Cert' -c $CRLIN -o $CADIR/crl.empty
129 openssl crl -in $CADIR/crl.empty -inform der -out $CADIR/crl.empty.pem
130 done
131 sleep 2
132 for tld in com org net
133 do
134 CADIR=example.$tld/CA
135 CRLIN=$CADIR/crl.v2.in.txt
136 DATENOW=`date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ`
137 echo "update=$DATENOW " >$CRLIN
138 echo "addcert 102 $DATENOW" >>$CRLIN
139 echo "addcert 202 $DATENOW" >>$CRLIN
140 crlutil -G -d $CADIR -f $CADIR/pwdfile \
141 -n 'Signing Cert' -c $CRLIN -o $CADIR/crl.v2
142 openssl crl -in $CADIR/crl.v2 -inform der -out $CADIR/crl.v2.pem
143 done
145 # Finally, a single certificate-directory
146 cd example.com/server1.example.com
147 mkdir -p certdir
148 cd certdir
149 f=../../CA/CA.pem
150 h=`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in $f`
151 rm -f $h.0
152 ln -s $f $h.0
153 f=../../CA/Signer.pem
154 h=`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in $f`
155 rm -f $h.0
156 ln -s $f $h.0
157 cd ../../..
159 pwd
160 ls -l
162 find example.* -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
163 find example.* -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
165 echo "CA, Certificate, CRL and OSCP Response generation complete"