Merge pull request #16604 from civicrm/5.23
[civicrm-core.git] / templates / CRM / common / formButtons.tpl
1 {*
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
4 | |
5 | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
6 | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
7 | and copyright information, see |
8 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
9 *}
11 {crmRegion name='form-buttons'}
12 {* Loops through $linkButtons and assigns html "a" (link) buttons to the template. Used for additional entity functions such as "Move to Case" or "Renew Membership" *}
13 {if $linkButtons}
14 {foreach from=$linkButtons item=linkButton}
15 {if $linkButton.accesskey}
16 {capture assign=accessKey}accesskey="{$linkButton.accessKey}"{/capture}
17 {else}{assign var="accessKey" value=""}
18 {/if}
19 {if $linkButton.icon}
20 {capture assign=icon}<i class="crm-i {$linkButton.icon}"></i> {/capture}
21 {else}{assign var="icon" value=""}
22 {/if}
23 {if $linkButton.ref}
24 {capture assign=linkname}name="{$linkButton.ref}"{/capture}
25 {else}{capture assign=linkname}name="{$}"{/capture}
26 {/if}
27 <a class="button" {$linkname} href="{crmURL p=$linkButton.url q=$linkButton.qs}" {$accessKey} {$linkButton.extra}><span>{$icon}{$linkButton.title}</span></a>
28 {/foreach}
29 {/if}
31 {* Loops through $form.buttons.html array and assigns separate spans with classes to allow theming by button and name.
32 * crmBtnType grabs type keyword from button name (e.g. 'upload', 'next', 'back', 'cancel') so types of buttons can be styled differently via css.
33 *}
34 {foreach from=$form.buttons item=button key=key name=btns}
35 {if $key|substring:0:4 EQ '_qf_'}
36 {if $location}
37 {assign var='html' value=$form.buttons.$key.html|crmReplace:id:"$key-$location"}
38 {else}
39 {assign var='html' value=$form.buttons.$key.html}
40 {/if}
41 {crmGetAttribute html=$html attr='crm-icon' assign='icon'}
42 {capture assign=iconPrefix}{$icon|truncate:3:"":true}{/capture}
43 {if $icon && $iconPrefix eq 'fa-'}
44 {assign var='buttonClass' value=' crm-i-button'}
45 {capture assign=iconDisp}<i class="crm-i {$icon}"></i>{/capture}
46 {elseif $icon}
47 {assign var='buttonClass' value=' crm-icon-button'}
48 {capture assign=iconDisp}<span class="crm-button-icon ui-icon-{$icon}"> </span>{/capture}
49 {/if}
50 {crmGetAttribute html=$html attr='disabled' assign='disabled'}
51 <span class="crm-button crm-button-type-{$key|crmBtnType} crm-button{$key}{$buttonClass}{if $disabled} crm-button-disabled{/if}"{if $buttonStyle} style="{$buttonStyle}"{/if}>
52 {$iconDisp}
53 {$html}
54 </span>
55 {/if}
56 {/foreach}
57 {/crmRegion}