[civicrm-core.git] / templates / CRM / common / TabHeader.js
1 // https://civicrm.org/licensing
2 /**
3 * By default this simply loads tabs via ajax CRM.loadPage method
4 * Tabs with class 'ajaxForm' will use CRM.loadForm instead, suitable for most forms
5 * Tabs with class 'livePage' will get popup action links, suitable for crud tables
6 */
7 cj(function($) {
8 var tabSettings = CRM.tabSettings || {};
9 tabSettings.active = tabSettings.active ? $('#tab_' + tabSettings.active).prevAll().length : 0;
10 $("#mainTabContainer")
11 .on('tabsbeforeactivate', function(e, ui) {
12 // Warn of unsaved changes - requires formNavigate.tpl to be included in each tab
13 if (!global_formNavigate) {
14 CRM.alert(ts('Your changes in the <em>%1</em> tab have not been saved.', {1: ui.oldTab.text()}), ts('Unsaved Changes'), 'warning');
15 global_formNavigate = true;
16 }
17 })
18 .on('tabsbeforeload', function(e, ui) {
19 // Use civicrm ajax wrappers rather than the default $.load
20 if (!ui.panel.data("civiCrmSnippet")) {
21 var method = ui.tab.hasClass('ajaxForm') ? 'loadForm' : 'loadPage';
22 var params = {target: ui.panel};
23 if (method === 'loadForm') {
24 params.autoClose = params.openInline = params.cancelButton = params.refreshAction = false;
25 ui.panel.on('crmFormLoad', function() {
26 // Hack: "Save and done" and "Cancel" buttons submit without ajax
27 $('.cancel.form-submit, input[name$=upload_done]', this).on('click', function(e) {
28 $(this).closest('form').ajaxFormUnbind();
29 })
30 });
31 }
32 if (ui.tab.hasClass('livePage')) {
33 ui.panel
34 .off('click.crmLivePage')
35 .on('click.crmLivePage', 'a.button, a.action-item', function() {
36 var url = $(this).attr('href');
37 // only follow real links not javascript buttons
38 if (url === '#' || $(this).attr('onclick') || $(this).hasClass('no-popup')) {
39 return;
40 }
41 CRM.loadForm(url, {
42 openInline: 'a:not("[href=#], .no-popup")'
43 }).on('crmFormSuccess', function(e, data) {
44 // Refresh when form completes
45 ui.panel.crmSnippet('refresh');
46 });
47 return false;
48 });
49 }
50 ui.panel
51 .off('.tabInfo')
52 .on('crmLoad.tabInfo crmFormSuccess.tabInfo', function(e, data) {
53 if (data) {
54 if (typeof(data.tabCount) !== 'undefined') {
55 CRM.tabHeader.updateCount(ui.tab, data.tabCount);
56 }
57 if ($.isPlainObject(data.updateTabs)) {
58 $.each(data.updateTabs, CRM.tabHeader.updateCount);
59 $.each(data.updateTabs, CRM.tabHeader.resetTab);
60 }
61 if (typeof(data.tabValid) !== 'undefined') {
62 var method = data.tabValid ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
63 ui.tab[method]('disabled');
64 }
65 }
66 });
67 CRM[method]($('a', ui.tab).attr('href'), params);
68 }
69 e.preventDefault();
70 })
71 .tabs(tabSettings);
72 });
73 (function($) {
74 // Utility functions
75 CRM.tabHeader = CRM.tabHeader || {};
77 /**
78 * @param tab jQuery selector
79 * @returns panel jQuery object
80 */
81 CRM.tabHeader.getTabPanel = function(tab) {
82 return $('#' + $(tab).attr('aria-controls'));
83 };
85 /**
86 * Update the counter in a tab
87 * @param tab jQuery selector
88 * @param count number
89 */
90 CRM.tabHeader.updateCount = function(tab, count) {
91 var oldClass = $(tab).attr('class').match(/(crm-count-\d+)/);
92 if (oldClass) {
93 $(tab).removeClass(oldClass[0]);
94 }
95 $(tab)
96 .addClass('crm-count-' + count)
97 .find('a em').html('' + count);
98 };
100 /**
101 * Clears tab content so that it will be refreshed next time the user clicks on it
102 * @param tab
103 */
104 CRM.tabHeader.resetTab = function(tab) {
105 var $panel = CRM.tabHeader.getTabPanel(tab);
106 if ($(tab).hasClass('ui-tabs-active')) {
107 $panel.crmSnippet('refresh');
108 } else {
109 $panel.data("civiCrmSnippet") && $panel.crmSnippet('destroy');
110 }
111 };
112 })(cj);