Merge pull request #23154 from civicrm/5.49
[civicrm-core.git] / templates / CRM / Price / Page / table.tpl
1 {*
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
4 | |
5 | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
6 | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
7 | and copyright information, see |
8 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
9 *}
10 {foreach from=$contexts item=context}
11 {if $context EQ "Event"}
12 {if $action eq 8}
13 {ts}If you no longer want to use this price set, click the event title below, and modify the fees for that event.{/ts}
14 {else}
15 {ts}This price set is used by the event(s) listed below. Click the event title to change or remove the price set.{/ts}
16 {/if}
17 <br /><br />
18 <table class="report">
19 <thead class="sticky">
20 <th scope="col">{ts}Event{/ts}</th>
21 <th scope="col">{ts}Type{/ts}</th>
22 <th scope="col">{ts}Public{/ts}</th>
23 <th scope="col">{ts}Date(s){/ts}</th>
24 </thead>
26 {foreach from=$usedBy.civicrm_event item=event key=id}
27 <tr>
28 <td><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/event/manage/fee" q="action=update&reset=1&id=`$id`"}" title="{ts}Change or remove the price set used for this event.{/ts}">{$event.title}</a></td>
29 <td>{$event.eventType}</td>
30 <td>{if $event.isPublic}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}</td>
31 <td>{$event.startDate|crmDate}{if $event.endDate}&nbsp;to&nbsp;{$event.endDate|crmDate}{/if}</td>
32 </tr>
33 {/foreach}
34 </table>
35 {/if}
36 {if $context EQ "Contribution"}
37 {if $action eq 8}
38 {ts}If you no longer want to use this price set, click the contribution page title below, and modify the Amounts or Membership tab configuration.{/ts}
39 {else}
40 {ts}This price set is used by the contribution page(s) listed below. Click the contribution page title to change or remove the price set.{/ts}
41 {/if}
42 <br /><br />
43 <table class="report">
44 <thead class="sticky">
45 <th scope="col">{ts}Contribution Page{/ts}</th>
46 <th scope="col">{ts}Type{/ts}</th>
47 <th scope="col">{ts}Date(s){/ts}</th>
48 </thead>
50 {foreach from=$usedBy.civicrm_contribution_page item=contributionPage key=id}
51 <tr>
52 <td><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/contribute/settings" q="action=update&reset=1&id=`$id`"}" title="{ts}Change or remove the price set used for this contribution page.{/ts}">{$contributionPage.title}</a></td>
53 <td>{$contributionPage.type}</td>
54 <td>{$contributionPage.startDate|truncate:10:''|crmDate}{if $contributionPage.endDate}&nbsp;to&nbsp;{$contributionPage.endDate|truncate:10:''|crmDate}{/if}</td>
55 </tr>
56 {/foreach}
57 </table>
58 {/if}
59 {if $context EQ "EventTemplate"}
60 {if $action eq 8}
61 {ts}If you no longer want to use this price set, click the event template title below, and modify the fees for that event.{/ts}
62 {else}
63 {ts}This price set is used by the event template(s) listed below. Click the event template title to change or remove the price set.{/ts}
64 {/if}
65 <br /><br />
66 <table class="report">
67 <thead class="sticky">
68 <th scope="col">{ts}Event Template Name{/ts}</th>
69 <th scope="col">{ts}Type{/ts}</th>
70 <th scope="col">{ts}Public{/ts}</th>
71 </thead>
72 {foreach from=$usedBy.civicrm_event_template item=eventTemplate key=id}
73 <tr>
74 <td><a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/event/manage/fee" q="action=update&reset=1&id=`$id`"}" title="{ts}Change or remove the price set used for this event template.{/ts}">{$eventTemplate.title}</a></td>
75 <td>{$eventTemplate.eventType}</td>
76 <td>{if $eventTemplate.isPublic}{ts}Yes{/ts}{else}{ts}No{/ts}{/if}</td>
77 </tr>
78 {/foreach}
79 </table>
80 {/if}
81 {/foreach}