Merge pull request #1625 from pradpnayak/CRM-13340
[civicrm-core.git] / templates / CRM / Batch / Form / Search.tpl
1 {*
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | CiviCRM version 4.4 |
4 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2013 |
6 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
8 | |
9 | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
10 | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
11 | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
12 | |
13 | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
14 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
16 | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
17 | |
18 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
19 | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
20 | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
21 | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
22 | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
23 | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at |
24 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
25 *}
26 <div class="crm-block crm-form-block crm-batch-search-form-block">
27 <h3>{ts}Data Entry Batches{/ts}</h3>
28 <table class="form-layout-compressed">
29 <tr>
30 <td>
31 {$form.title.html}<br />
32 <span class="description font-italic">
33 {ts}Complete OR partial batch name.{/ts}
34 </span>
35 </td>
36 <td>{$form.buttons.html}</td>
37 </tr>
38 </table>
39 </div>
40 <div class="crm-submit-buttons">
41 <a accesskey="N" href="{crmURL p='civicrm/batch/add' q='reset=1&action=add'}" id="newBatch" class="button"><span><div class="icon add-icon"></div>{ts}New Data Entry Batch{/ts}</span></a><br/>
42 </div>
43 <table id="crm-batch-selector">
44 <thead>
45 <tr>
46 <th class="crm-batch-name">{ts}Batch Name{/ts}</th>
47 <th class="crm-batch-type">{ts}Type{/ts}</th>
48 <th class="crm-batch-item_count">{ts}Item Count{/ts}</th>
49 <th class="crm-batch-total_amount">{ts}Total Amount{/ts}</th>
50 <th class="crm-batch-status">{ts}Status{/ts}</th>
51 <th class="crm-batch-created_by">{ts}Created By{/ts}</th>
52 <th></th>
53 </tr>
54 </thead>
55 </table>
57 {literal}
58 <script type="text/javascript">
59 cj( function() {
60 buildBatchSelector( false );
61 cj('#_qf_Search_refresh').click( function() {
62 buildBatchSelector(true);
63 });
64 });
66 function buildBatchSelector( filterSearch ) {
67 var status = {/literal}{$status}{literal};
68 if (filterSearch) {
69 crmBatchSelector.fnDestroy();
70 var ZeroRecordText = '<div class="status messages">{/literal}{ts escape="js"}No matching Data Entry Batches found for your search criteria.{/ts}{literal}</li></ul></div>';
71 }
72 else if (status == 1) {
73 var ZeroRecordText = {/literal}'<div class="status messages">{ts escape="js"}You do not have any Open Data Entry Batches.{/ts}</div>'{literal};
74 }
75 else {
76 var ZeroRecordText = {/literal}'<div class="status messages">{ts escape="js"}No Data Entry Batches have been created for this site.{/ts}</div>'{literal};
77 }
79 var columns = '';
80 var sourceUrl = {/literal}'{crmURL p="civicrm/ajax/batchlist" h=0 q="snippet=4"}'{literal};
82 crmBatchSelector = cj('#crm-batch-selector').dataTable({
83 "bFilter" : false,
84 "bAutoWidth" : false,
85 "aaSorting" : [],
86 "aoColumns" : [
87 {sClass:'crm-batch-name'},
88 {sClass:'crm-batch-type'},
89 {sClass:'crm-batch-item_count right'},
90 {sClass:'crm-batch-total_amount right'},
91 {sClass:'crm-batch-status'},
92 {sClass:'crm-batch-created_by'},
93 {sClass:'crm-batch-links', bSortable:false}
94 ],
95 "bProcessing": true,
96 "asStripClasses" : [ "odd-row", "even-row" ],
97 "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
98 "sDom" : '<"crm-datatable-pager-top"lfp>rt<"crm-datatable-pager-bottom"ip>',
99 "bServerSide": true,
100 "bJQueryUI": true,
101 "sAjaxSource": sourceUrl,
102 "iDisplayLength": 25,
103 "oLanguage": { "sZeroRecords": ZeroRecordText,
104 "sProcessing": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Processing...{/ts}"{literal},
105 "sLengthMenu": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Show _MENU_ entries{/ts}"{literal},
106 "sInfo": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries{/ts}"{literal},
107 "sInfoEmpty": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries{/ts}"{literal},
108 "sInfoFiltered": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}(filtered from _MAX_ total entries){/ts}"{literal},
109 "sSearch": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Search:{/ts}"{literal},
110 "oPaginate": {
111 "sFirst": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}First{/ts}"{literal},
112 "sPrevious": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Previous{/ts}"{literal},
113 "sNext": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Next{/ts}"{literal},
114 "sLast": {/literal}"{ts escape='js'}Last{/ts}"{literal}
115 }
116 },
117 "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
118 if (filterSearch) {
119 aoData.push(
120 {name:'title', value: cj('.crm-batch-search-form-block #title').val()}
121 );
122 }
123 cj.ajax({
124 "dataType": 'json',
125 "type": "POST",
126 "url": sSource,
127 "data": aoData,
128 "success": fnCallback
129 });
130 }
131 });
132 }
134 </script>
135 {/literal}