Merge pull request #19081 from civicrm/5.32
[civicrm-core.git] / templates / CRM / Admin / Form / CKEditorConfig.tpl
1 {*
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
4 | |
5 | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
6 | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
7 | and copyright information, see |
8 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
9 *}
10 <style>{literal}
11 .select2-results .ui-icon,
12 .select2-results .crm-i,
13 .select2-container .ui-icon,
14 .select2-container .crm-i,
15 .select2-results img,
16 .select2-container img {
17 display: inline-block;
18 position: relative;
19 top: 2px;
20 }
21 #toolbarModifierWrapper .toolbar button:last-child,
22 #toolbarModifierWrapper .toolbar button[data-group=config] {
23 display: none;
24 }
25 .api-field-desc {
26 font-size: .8em;
27 color: #828282;
28 line-height: 1.3em;
29 }
30 .select2-highlighted .api-field-desc {
31 color: #fcfcfc;
32 }
33 #crm-custom-config-options > div {
34 margin: .5em .2em;
35 }
36 #crm-container .ui-tabs-nav {
37 padding-bottom: 0;
38 }
39 #crm-container .ui-tabs-nav li {
40 margin-left: .3em;
41 }
42 #crm-container .ui-tabs-nav a {
43 font-size: 1.1em;
44 border-bottom: 0 none;
45 padding: 3px 10px 1px !important;
46 }
47 {/literal}</style>
48 {* Force the custom config file to reload by appending a new query string *}
49 <script type="text/javascript">
50 {if $configUrl}CKEDITOR.config.customConfig = '{$configUrl}?{php}print str_replace(array(' ', '.'), array('', '='), microtime());{/php}'{/if};
51 </script>
53 <div class="ui-tabs">
54 <ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header">
55 <li>{ts}Preset:{/ts}</li>
56 {foreach from=$presets key='k' item='p'}
57 <li class="ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-state-default ui-tab {if $k == $preset}ui-tabs-active ui-state-active{/if}">
58 <a class="ui-tabs-anchor" href="{crmURL q="preset=$k"}">{$p}</a>
59 </li>
60 {/foreach}
61 </ul>
62 </div>
63 <div id="toolbarModifierForm">
64 <fieldset>
65 <div class="crm-block crm-form-block">
66 <label for="skin">{ts}Skin{/ts}</label>
67 <select id="skin" name="config_skin" class="crm-select2 eight config-param">
68 {foreach from=$skins item='s'}
69 <option value="{$s}" {if $s == $skin}selected{/if}>{$s|ucfirst}</option>
70 {/foreach}
71 </select>
72 &nbsp;&nbsp;
73 <label for="extraPlugins">{ts}Plugins{/ts}</label>
74 <input id="extraPlugins" name="config_extraPlugins" class="huge config-param" value="{$extraPlugins}" placeholder="{ts}Select optional extra features{/ts}">
75 </div>
77 <div class="editors-container">
78 <div id="editor-basic"></div>
79 <div id="editor-advanced"></div>
80 </div>
82 <div class="configurator">
83 <div>
84 <div id="toolbarModifierWrapper" class="active"></div>
85 </div>
86 </div>
88 <div class="crm-block crm-form-block">
89 <fieldset>
90 <legend>{ts}Advanced Options{/ts}</legend>
91 <div class="description">{ts 1='href="" target="_blank"'}Refer to the <a %1>CKEditor Api Documentation</a> for details.{/ts}</div>
92 <div id="crm-custom-config-options"></div>
93 </fieldset>
94 </div>
96 <div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="bottom"}</div>
97 </fieldset>
98 </div>
99 <script type="text/template" id="config-row-tpl">
100 <div class="crm-config-option-row">
101 <input class="huge crm-config-option-name" placeholder="{ts}Option{/ts}"/>
102 </div>
103 </script>