Test for failure of the fork() when a root process creates a log file.
[exim.git] / src / src / log.c
1 /* $Cambridge: exim/src/src/log.c,v 1.3 2005/03/29 15:19:25 ph10 Exp $ */
3 /*************************************************
4 * Exim - an Internet mail transport agent *
5 *************************************************/
7 /* Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1995 - 2005 */
8 /* See the file NOTICE for conditions of use and distribution. */
10 /* Functions for writing log files. The code for maintaining datestamped
11 log files was originally contributed by Tony Sheen. */
14 #include "exim.h"
16 #define LOG_NAME_SIZE 256
17 #define MAX_SYSLOG_LEN 870
19 #define LOG_MODE_FILE 1
20 #define LOG_MODE_SYSLOG 2
22 enum { lt_main, lt_reject, lt_panic, lt_process };
24 static uschar *log_names[] = { US"main", US"reject", US"panic", US"process" };
28 /*************************************************
29 * Local static variables *
30 *************************************************/
32 static uschar mainlog_name[LOG_NAME_SIZE];
33 static uschar rejectlog_name[LOG_NAME_SIZE];
35 static uschar *mainlog_datestamp = NULL;
36 static uschar *rejectlog_datestamp = NULL;
38 static int mainlogfd = -1;
39 static int rejectlogfd = -1;
40 static ino_t mainlog_inode = 0;
41 static ino_t rejectlog_inode = 0;
43 static uschar *panic_save_buffer = NULL;
44 static BOOL panic_recurseflag = FALSE;
46 static BOOL syslog_open = FALSE;
47 static BOOL path_inspected = FALSE;
48 static int logging_mode = LOG_MODE_FILE;
49 static uschar *file_path = US"";
54 /*************************************************
55 * Write to syslog *
56 *************************************************/
58 /* The given string is split into sections according to length, or at embedded
59 newlines, and syslogged as a numbered sequence if it is overlong or if there is
60 more than one line.
62 Arguments:
63 priority syslog priority
64 s the string to be written
66 Returns: nothing
67 */
69 static void
70 write_syslog(int priority, uschar *s)
71 {
72 int len, pass;
73 int linecount = 0;
75 if (!syslog_timestamp) s += log_timezone? 26 : 20;
77 len = Ustrlen(s);
79 #ifndef NO_OPENLOG
80 if (!syslog_open)
81 {
82 #ifdef SYSLOG_LOG_PID
83 openlog(CS syslog_processname, LOG_PID|LOG_CONS, syslog_facility);
84 #else
85 openlog(CS syslog_processname, LOG_CONS, syslog_facility);
86 #endif
87 syslog_open = TRUE;
88 }
89 #endif
91 /* First do a scan through the message in order to determine how many lines
92 it is going to end up as. Then rescan to output it. */
94 for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
95 {
96 int i;
97 int tlen;
98 uschar *ss = s;
99 for (i = 1, tlen = len; tlen > 0; i++)
100 {
101 int plen = tlen;
102 uschar *nlptr = Ustrchr(ss, '\n');
103 if (nlptr != NULL) plen = nlptr - ss;
105 if (plen > MAX_SYSLOG_LEN) plen = MAX_SYSLOG_LEN;
106 #endif
107 tlen -= plen;
108 if (ss[plen] == '\n') tlen--; /* chars left */
110 if (pass == 0) linecount++; else
111 {
112 if (linecount == 1)
113 syslog(priority, "%.*s", plen, ss);
114 else
115 syslog(priority, "[%d%c%d] %.*s", i,
116 (ss[plen] == '\n' && tlen != 0)? '\\' : '/',
117 linecount, plen, ss);
118 }
119 ss += plen;
120 if (*ss == '\n') ss++;
121 }
122 }
123 }
127 /*************************************************
128 * Die tidily *
129 *************************************************/
131 /* This is called when Exim is dying as a result of something going wrong in
132 the logging, or after a log call with LOG_PANIC_DIE set. Optionally write a
133 message to debug_file or a stderr file, if they exist. Then, if in the middle
134 of accepting a message, throw it away tidily; this will attempt to send an SMTP
135 response if appropriate. Otherwise, try to close down an outstanding SMTP call
136 tidily.
138 Arguments:
139 s1 Error message to write to debug_file and/or stderr and syslog
140 s2 Error message for any SMTP call that is in progress
141 Returns: The function does not return
142 */
144 static void
145 die(uschar *s1, uschar *s2)
146 {
147 if (s1 != NULL)
148 {
149 write_syslog(LOG_CRIT, s1);
150 if (debug_file != NULL) debug_printf("%s\n", s1);
151 if (log_stderr != NULL && log_stderr != debug_file)
152 fprintf(log_stderr, "%s\n", s1);
153 }
154 if (receive_call_bombout) receive_bomb_out(s2); /* does not return */
155 if (smtp_input) smtp_closedown(s2);
156 exim_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
157 }
161 /*************************************************
162 * Create a log file *
163 *************************************************/
165 /* This function is called to create and open a log file. It may be called in a
166 subprocess when the original process is root.
168 Arguments:
169 name the file name
171 The file name has been build in a working buffer, so it is permissible to
172 overwrite it temporarily if it is necessary to create the directory.
174 Returns: a file descriptor, or < 0 on failure (errno set)
175 */
177 static int
178 create_log(uschar *name)
179 {
180 int fd = Uopen(name, O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY, LOG_MODE);
182 /* If creation failed, attempt to build a log directory in case that is the
183 problem. */
185 if (fd < 0 && errno == ENOENT)
186 {
187 BOOL created;
188 uschar *lastslash = Ustrrchr(name, '/');
189 *lastslash = 0;
190 created = directory_make(NULL, name, LOG_DIRECTORY_MODE, FALSE);
191 DEBUG(D_any) debug_printf("%s log directory %s\n",
192 created? "created" : "failed to create", name);
193 *lastslash = '/';
194 if (created) fd = Uopen(name, O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY, LOG_MODE);
195 }
197 return fd;
198 }
203 /*************************************************
204 * Open a log file *
205 *************************************************/
207 /* This function opens one of a number of logs, which all (except for the
208 "process log") reside in the same directory, creating the directory if it does
209 not exist. This may be called recursively on failure, in order to open the
210 panic log.
212 The directory is in the static variable file_path. This is static so that it
213 the work of sorting out the path is done just once per Exim process.
215 Exim is normally configured to avoid running as root wherever possible, the log
216 files must be owned by the non-privileged exim user. To ensure this, first try
217 an open without O_CREAT - most of the time this will succeed. If it fails, try
218 to create the file; if running as root, this must be done in a subprocess to
219 avoid races.
221 Arguments:
222 fd where to return the resulting file descriptor
223 type lt_main, lt_reject, lt_panic, or lt_process
225 Returns: nothing
226 */
228 static void
229 open_log(int *fd, int type)
230 {
231 uid_t euid;
232 BOOL ok;
233 uschar buffer[LOG_NAME_SIZE];
235 /* Sort out the file name. This depends on the type of log we are opening. The
236 process "log" is written in the spool directory by default, but a path name can
237 be specified in the configuration. */
239 if (type == lt_process)
240 {
241 if (process_log_path == NULL)
242 ok = string_format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/exim-process.info",
243 spool_directory);
244 else
245 ok = string_format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", process_log_path);
246 }
248 /* The names of the other three logs are controlled by file_path. The panic log
249 is written to the same directory as the main and reject logs, but its name does
250 not have a datestamp. The use of datestamps is indicated by %D in file_path.
251 When opening the panic log, if %D is present, we remove the datestamp from the
252 generated name; if it is at the start, remove a following non-alphameric
253 character as well; otherwise, remove a preceding non-alphameric character. This
254 is definitely kludgy, but it sort of does what people want, I hope. */
256 else
257 {
258 ok = string_format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), CS file_path, log_names[type]);
260 /* Save the name of the mainlog for rollover processing. Without a datestamp,
261 it gets statted to see if it has been cycled. With a datestamp, the datestamp
262 will be compared. The static slot for saving it is the same size as buffer,
263 and the text has been checked above to fit, so this use of strcpy() is OK. */
265 if (type == lt_main)
266 {
267 Ustrcpy(mainlog_name, buffer);
268 mainlog_datestamp = mainlog_name + string_datestamp_offset;
269 }
271 /* Ditto for the reject log */
273 else if (type == lt_reject)
274 {
275 Ustrcpy(rejectlog_name, buffer);
276 rejectlog_datestamp = rejectlog_name + string_datestamp_offset;
277 }
279 /* Remove any datestamp if this is the panic log. This is rare, so there's no
280 need to optimize getting the datestamp length. We remove one non-alphanumeric
281 char afterwards if at the start, otherwise one before. */
283 else if (string_datestamp_offset >= 0)
284 {
285 uschar *from = buffer + string_datestamp_offset;
286 uschar *to = from + Ustrlen(tod_stamp(tod_log_datestamp));
287 if (from == buffer || from[-1] == '/')
288 {
289 if (!isalnum(*to)) to++;
290 }
291 else
292 {
293 if (!isalnum(from[-1])) from--;
294 }
296 /* This strcpy is ok, because we know that to is a substring of from. */
298 Ustrcpy(from, to);
299 }
300 }
302 /* If the file name is too long, it is an unrecoverable disaster */
304 if (!ok)
305 {
306 die(US"exim: log file path too long: aborting",
307 US"Logging failure; please try later");
308 }
310 /* We now have the file name. Try to open an existing file. After a successful
311 open, arrange for automatic closure on exec(), and then return. */
313 *fd = Uopen(buffer, O_APPEND|O_WRONLY, LOG_MODE);
315 if (*fd >= 0)
316 {
317 fcntl(*fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(*fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);
318 return;
319 }
321 /* Open was not successful: try creating the file. If this is a root process,
322 we must do the creating in a subprocess set to exim:exim in order to ensure
323 that the file is created with the right ownership. Otherwise, there can be a
324 race if another Exim process is trying to write to the log at the same time.
325 The use of SIGUSR1 by the exiwhat utility can provoke a lot of simultaneous
326 writing. */
328 euid = geteuid();
330 /* If we are already running as the Exim user (even if that user is root),
331 we can go ahead and create in the current process. */
333 if (euid == exim_uid) *fd = create_log(buffer);
335 /* Otherwise, if we are root, do the creation in an exim:exim subprocess. If we
336 are neither exim nor root, creation is not attempted. */
338 else if (euid == root_uid)
339 {
340 int status;
341 pid_t pid = fork();
343 /* In the subprocess, change uid/gid and do the creation. Return 0 from the
344 subprocess on success. There doesn't seem much point in testing for setgid
345 and setuid errors. */
347 if (pid == 0)
348 {
349 (void)setgid(exim_gid);
350 (void)setuid(exim_uid);
351 _exit((create_log(buffer) < 0)? 1 : 0);
352 }
354 /* If we created a subprocess, wait for it. If it succeeded retry the open. */
356 if (pid > 0)
357 {
358 while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid);
359 if (status == 0) *fd = Uopen(buffer, O_APPEND|O_WRONLY, LOG_MODE);
360 }
362 /* If we failed to create a subprocess, we are in a bad way. We fall through
363 with *fd still < 0, and errno set, letting the code below handle the error. */
364 }
366 /* If we now have an open file, set the close-on-exec flag and return. */
368 if (*fd >= 0)
369 {
370 fcntl(*fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(*fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);
371 return;
372 }
374 /* Creation failed. There are some circumstances in which we get here when
375 the effective uid is not root or exim, which is the problem. (For example, a
376 non-setuid binary with log_arguments set, called in certain ways.) Rather than
377 just bombing out, force the log to stderr and carry on if stderr is available.
378 */
380 if (euid != root_uid && euid != exim_uid && log_stderr != NULL)
381 {
382 *fd = fileno(log_stderr);
383 return;
384 }
386 /* Otherwise this is a disaster. This call is deliberately ONLY to the panic
387 log. If possible, save a copy of the original line that was being logged. If we
388 are recursing (can't open the panic log either), the pointer will already be
389 set. */
391 if (panic_save_buffer == NULL)
392 {
393 panic_save_buffer = (uschar *)malloc(LOG_BUFFER_SIZE);
394 if (panic_save_buffer != NULL)
395 memcpy(panic_save_buffer, log_buffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE);
396 }
398 log_write(0, LOG_PANIC_DIE, "Cannot open %s log file \"%s\": %s: "
399 "euid=%d egid=%d", log_names[type], buffer, strerror(errno), euid, getegid());
400 /* Never returns */
401 }
405 /*************************************************
406 * Add configuration file info to log line *
407 *************************************************/
409 /* This is put in a function because it's needed twice (once for debugging,
410 once for real).
412 Arguments:
413 ptr pointer to the end of the line we are building
414 flags log flags
416 Returns: updated pointer
417 */
419 static uschar *
420 log_config_info(uschar *ptr, int flags)
421 {
422 Ustrcpy(ptr, "Exim configuration error");
423 ptr += 24;
425 if ((flags & (LOG_CONFIG_FOR & ~LOG_CONFIG)) != 0)
426 {
427 Ustrcpy(ptr, " for ");
428 return ptr + 5;
429 }
431 if ((flags & (LOG_CONFIG_IN & ~LOG_CONFIG)) != 0)
432 {
433 sprintf(CS ptr, " in line %d of %s", config_lineno, config_filename);
434 while (*ptr) ptr++;
435 }
437 Ustrcpy(ptr, ":\n ");
438 return ptr + 4;
439 }
442 /*************************************************
443 * A write() operation failed *
444 *************************************************/
446 /* This function is called when write() fails on anything other than the panic
447 log, which can happen if a disk gets full or a file gets too large or whatever.
448 We try to save the relevant message in the panic_save buffer before crashing
449 out.
451 Arguments:
452 name the name of the log being written
453 length the string length being written
454 rc the return value from write()
456 Returns: does not return
457 */
459 static void
460 log_write_failed(uschar *name, int length, int rc)
461 {
462 int save_errno = errno;
464 if (panic_save_buffer == NULL)
465 {
466 panic_save_buffer = (uschar *)malloc(LOG_BUFFER_SIZE);
467 if (panic_save_buffer != NULL)
468 memcpy(panic_save_buffer, log_buffer, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE);
469 }
471 log_write(0, LOG_PANIC_DIE, "failed to write to %s: length=%d result=%d "
472 "errno=%d (%s)", name, length, rc, save_errno,
473 (save_errno == 0)? "write incomplete" : strerror(save_errno));
474 /* Never returns */
475 }
479 /*************************************************
480 * Write message to log file *
481 *************************************************/
483 /* Exim can be configured to log to local files, or use syslog, or both. This
484 is controlled by the setting of log_file_path. The following cases are
485 recognized:
487 log_file_path = "" write files in the spool/log directory
488 log_file_path = "xxx" write files in the xxx directory
489 log_file_path = "syslog" write to syslog
490 log_file_path = "syslog : xxx" write to syslog and to files (any order)
492 The one exception to this is messages containing LOG_PROCESS. These are always
493 written to exim-process.info in the spool directory. They aren't really log
494 messages in the same sense as the others.
496 The message always gets '\n' added on the end of it, since more than one
497 process may be writing to the log at once and we don't want intermingling to
498 happen in the middle of lines. To be absolutely sure of this we write the data
499 into a private buffer and then put it out in a single write() call.
501 The flags determine which log(s) the message is written to, or for syslogging,
502 which priority to use, and in the case of the panic log, whether the process
503 should die afterwards.
505 The variable really_exim is TRUE only when exim is running in privileged state
506 (i.e. not with a changed configuration or with testing options such as -brw).
507 If it is not, don't try to write to the log because permission will probably be
508 denied.
510 Avoid actually writing to the logs when exim is called with -bv or -bt to
511 test an address, but take other actions, such as panicing.
513 In Exim proper, the buffer for building the message is got at start-up, so that
514 nothing gets done if it can't be got. However, some functions that are also
515 used in utilities occasionally obey log_write calls in error situations, and it
516 is simplest to put a single malloc() here rather than put one in each utility.
517 Malloc is used directly because the store functions may call log_write().
519 If a message_id exists, we include it after the timestamp.
521 Arguments:
522 selector write to main log or LOG_INFO only if this value is zero, or if
523 its bit is set in log_write_selector
524 flags each bit indicates some independent action:
525 LOG_SENDER add raw sender to the message
526 LOG_RECIPIENTS add raw recipients list to message
527 LOG_CONFIG add "Exim configuration error"
528 LOG_CONFIG_FOR add " for " instead of ":\n "
529 LOG_CONFIG_IN add " in line x[ of file y]"
530 LOG_MAIN write to main log or syslog LOG_INFO
531 LOG_REJECT write to reject log or syslog LOG_NOTICE
532 LOG_PANIC write to panic log or syslog LOG_ALERT
533 LOG_PANIC_DIE write to panic log or LOG_ALERT and then crash
534 LOG_PROCESS write to process log (always a file)
535 format a printf() format
536 ... arguments for format
538 Returns: nothing
539 */
541 void
542 log_write(unsigned int selector, int flags, char *format, ...)
543 {
544 uschar *ptr;
545 int length, rc;
546 int paniclogfd;
547 va_list ap;
549 /* If panic_recurseflag is set, we have failed to open the panic log. This is
550 the ultimate disaster. First try to write the message to a debug file and/or
551 stderr and also to syslog. If panic_save_buffer is not NULL, it contains the
552 original log line that caused the problem. Afterwards, expire. */
554 if (panic_recurseflag)
555 {
556 uschar *extra = (panic_save_buffer == NULL)? US"" : panic_save_buffer;
557 if (debug_file != NULL) debug_printf("%s%s", extra, log_buffer);
558 if (log_stderr != NULL && log_stderr != debug_file)
559 fprintf(log_stderr, "%s%s", extra, log_buffer);
560 if (*extra != 0) write_syslog(LOG_CRIT, extra);
561 write_syslog(LOG_CRIT, log_buffer);
562 die(US"exim: could not open panic log - aborting: see message(s) above",
563 US"Unexpected log failure, please try later");
564 }
566 /* Ensure we have a buffer (see comment above); this should never be obeyed
567 when running Exim proper, only when running utilities. */
569 if (log_buffer == NULL)
570 {
571 log_buffer = (uschar *)malloc(LOG_BUFFER_SIZE);
572 if (log_buffer == NULL)
573 {
574 fprintf(stderr, "exim: failed to get store for log buffer\n");
575 exim_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
576 }
577 }
579 /* If we haven't already done so, inspect the setting of log_file_path to
580 determine whether to log to files and/or to syslog. Bits in logging_mode
581 control this, and for file logging, the path must end up in file_path. This
582 variable must be in permanent store because it may be required again later in
583 the process. */
585 if (!path_inspected)
586 {
587 BOOL multiple = FALSE;
588 int old_pool = store_pool;
590 store_pool = POOL_PERM;
592 /* If nothing has been set, don't waste effort... the default values for the
593 statics are file_path="" and logging_mode = LOG_MODE_FILE. */
595 if (log_file_path[0] != 0)
596 {
597 int sep = ':'; /* Fixed separator - outside use */
598 uschar *s;
599 uschar *ss = log_file_path;
600 logging_mode = 0;
601 while ((s = string_nextinlist(&ss,&sep,log_buffer,LOG_BUFFER_SIZE)) != NULL)
602 {
603 if (Ustrcmp(s, "syslog") == 0)
604 logging_mode |= LOG_MODE_SYSLOG;
605 else if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_FILE) != 0) multiple = TRUE;
606 else
607 {
608 logging_mode |= LOG_MODE_FILE;
610 /* If a non-empty path is given, use it */
612 if (s[0] != 0)
613 {
614 file_path = string_copy(s);
615 }
617 /* If the path is empty, we want to use the first non-empty, non-
618 syslog item in LOG_FILE_PATH, if there is one, since the value of
619 log_file_path may have been set at runtime. If there is no such item,
620 use the ultimate default in the spool directory. */
622 else
623 {
624 uschar *t;
625 uschar *tt = US LOG_FILE_PATH;
626 while ((t = string_nextinlist(&tt,&sep,log_buffer,LOG_BUFFER_SIZE))
627 != NULL)
628 {
629 if (Ustrcmp(t, "syslog") == 0 || t[0] == 0) continue;
630 file_path = string_copy(t);
631 break;
632 }
633 } /* Empty item in log_file_path */
634 } /* First non-syslog item in log_file_path */
635 } /* Scan of log_file_path */
636 }
638 /* If no modes have been selected, it is a major disaster */
640 if (logging_mode == 0)
641 die(US"Neither syslog nor file logging set in log_file_path",
642 US"Unexpected logging failure");
644 /* Set up the ultimate default if necessary. Then revert to the old store
645 pool, and record that we've sorted out the path. */
647 if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_FILE) != 0 && file_path[0] == 0)
648 file_path = string_sprintf("%s/log/%%slog", spool_directory);
649 store_pool = old_pool;
650 path_inspected = TRUE;
652 /* If more than one file path was given, log a complaint. This recursive call
653 should work since we have now set up the routing. */
655 if (multiple)
656 {
657 log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC,
658 "More than one path given in log_file_path: using %s", file_path);
659 }
660 }
662 /* If debugging, show all log entries, but don't show headers. Do it all
663 in one go so that it doesn't get split when multi-processing. */
665 DEBUG(D_any|D_v)
666 {
667 int i;
668 ptr = log_buffer;
670 Ustrcpy(ptr, "LOG:");
671 ptr += 4;
673 /* Show the options that were passed into the call. These are those whose
674 flag values do not have the 0x80000000 bit in them. Note that this
675 automatically exclude the "all" setting. */
677 for (i = 0; i < log_options_count; i++)
678 {
679 unsigned int bit = log_options[i].bit;
680 if ((bit & 0x80000000) != 0) continue;
681 if ((selector & bit) != 0)
682 {
683 *ptr++ = ' ';
684 Ustrcpy(ptr, log_options[i].name);
685 while (*ptr) ptr++;
686 }
687 }
689 sprintf(CS ptr, "%s%s%s%s%s\n ",
690 ((flags & LOG_MAIN) != 0)? " MAIN" : "",
691 ((flags & LOG_PANIC) != 0)? " PANIC" : "",
692 ((flags & LOG_PANIC_DIE) == LOG_PANIC_DIE)? " DIE" : "",
693 ((flags & LOG_PROCESS) != 0)? " PROCESS": "",
694 ((flags & LOG_REJECT) != 0)? " REJECT" : "");
696 while(*ptr) ptr++;
697 if ((flags & LOG_CONFIG) != 0) ptr = log_config_info(ptr, flags);
699 va_start(ap, format);
700 if (!string_vformat(ptr, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - (ptr-log_buffer)-1, format, ap))
701 Ustrcpy(ptr, "**** log string overflowed log buffer ****");
702 va_end(ap);
704 while(*ptr) ptr++;
705 Ustrcat(ptr, "\n");
706 debug_printf("%s", log_buffer);
707 }
709 /* If no log file is specified, we are in a mess. */
712 log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC_DIE, "log_write called with no log "
713 "flags set");
715 /* There are some weird circumstances in which logging is disabled. */
717 if (disable_logging)
718 {
719 DEBUG(D_any) debug_printf("log writing disabled\n");
720 return;
721 }
723 /* Create the main message in the log buffer, including the message
724 id except for the process log and when called by a utility. */
726 ptr = log_buffer;
727 if (really_exim && (flags & LOG_PROCESS) == 0 && message_id[0] != 0)
728 sprintf(CS ptr, "%s %s ", tod_stamp(tod_log), message_id);
729 else sprintf(CS ptr, "%s ", tod_stamp(tod_log));
731 while(*ptr) ptr++;
732 if ((flags & LOG_CONFIG) != 0) ptr = log_config_info(ptr, flags);
734 va_start(ap, format);
735 if (!string_vformat(ptr, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - (ptr-log_buffer)-1, format, ap))
736 Ustrcpy(ptr, "**** log string overflowed log buffer ****\n");
737 while(*ptr) ptr++;
738 va_end(ap);
740 /* Add the raw, unrewritten, sender to the message if required. This is done
741 this way because it kind of fits with LOG_RECIPIENTS. */
743 if ((flags & LOG_SENDER) != 0 &&
744 ptr < log_buffer + LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 8 - Ustrlen(raw_sender))
745 {
746 sprintf(CS ptr, " from <%s>", raw_sender);
747 while (*ptr) ptr++;
748 }
750 /* Add list of recipients to the message if required; the raw list,
751 before rewriting, was saved in raw_recipients. There may be none, if an ACL
752 discarded them all. */
754 if ((flags & LOG_RECIPIENTS) != 0 && ptr < log_buffer + LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 6 &&
755 raw_recipients_count > 0)
756 {
757 int i;
758 sprintf(CS ptr, " for");
759 while (*ptr) ptr++;
760 for (i = 0; i < raw_recipients_count; i++)
761 {
762 uschar *s = raw_recipients[i];
763 if (log_buffer + LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - ptr < Ustrlen(s) + 3) break;
764 sprintf(CS ptr, " %s", s);
765 while (*ptr) ptr++;
766 }
767 }
769 sprintf(CS ptr, "\n");
770 while(*ptr) ptr++;
771 length = ptr - log_buffer;
773 /* Handle loggable errors when running a utility, or when address testing.
774 Write to log_stderr unless debugging (when it will already have been written),
775 or unless there is no log_stderr (expn called from daemon, for example). */
777 if (!really_exim || log_testing_mode)
778 {
779 if (debug_selector == 0 && log_stderr != NULL &&
780 (selector == 0 || (selector & log_write_selector) != 0))
781 {
782 if (host_checking)
783 fprintf(log_stderr, "LOG: %s", CS(log_buffer + 20)); /* no timestamp */
784 else
785 fprintf(log_stderr, "%s", CS log_buffer);
786 }
787 if ((flags & LOG_PANIC_DIE) == LOG_PANIC_DIE) exim_exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
788 return;
789 }
791 /* Handle the main log. We know that either syslog or file logging (or both) is
792 set up. A real file gets left open during reception or delivery once it has
793 been opened, but we don't want to keep on writing to it for too long after it
794 has been renamed. Therefore, do a stat() and see if the inode has changed, and
795 if so, re-open. */
797 if ((flags & LOG_MAIN) != 0 &&
798 (selector == 0 || (selector & log_write_selector) != 0))
799 {
800 if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_SYSLOG) != 0 &&
801 (syslog_duplication || (flags & (LOG_REJECT|LOG_PANIC)) == 0))
802 write_syslog(LOG_INFO, log_buffer);
804 if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_FILE) != 0)
805 {
806 struct stat statbuf;
808 /* Check for a change to the mainlog file name when datestamping is in
809 operation. This happens at midnight, at which point we want to roll over
810 the file. Closing it has the desired effect. */
812 if (mainlog_datestamp != NULL)
813 {
814 uschar *nowstamp = tod_stamp(tod_log_datestamp);
815 if (Ustrncmp (mainlog_datestamp, nowstamp, Ustrlen(nowstamp)) != 0)
816 {
817 close(mainlogfd); /* Close the file */
818 mainlogfd = -1; /* Clear the file descriptor */
819 mainlog_inode = 0; /* Unset the inode */
820 mainlog_datestamp = NULL; /* Clear the datestamp */
821 }
822 }
824 /* Otherwise, we want to check whether the file has been renamed by a
825 cycling script. This could be "if else", but for safety's sake, leave it as
826 "if" so that renaming the log starts a new file even when datestamping is
827 happening. */
829 if (mainlogfd >= 0)
830 {
831 if (Ustat(mainlog_name, &statbuf) < 0 || statbuf.st_ino != mainlog_inode)
832 {
833 close(mainlogfd);
834 mainlogfd = -1;
835 mainlog_inode = 0;
836 }
837 }
839 /* If the log is closed, open it. Then write the line. */
841 if (mainlogfd < 0)
842 {
843 open_log(&mainlogfd, lt_main); /* No return on error */
844 if (fstat(mainlogfd, &statbuf) >= 0) mainlog_inode = statbuf.st_ino;
845 }
847 /* Failing to write to the log is disastrous */
849 if ((rc = write(mainlogfd, log_buffer, length)) != length)
850 {
851 log_write_failed(US"main log", length, rc);
852 /* That function does not return */
853 }
854 }
855 }
857 /* Handle the log for rejected messages. This can be globally disabled. If
858 there are any header lines (i.e. if the rejection is happening after the DATA
859 phase), log the recipients and the headers. */
861 if (write_rejectlog && (flags & LOG_REJECT) != 0)
862 {
863 header_line *h;
865 if (header_list != NULL && (log_extra_selector & LX_rejected_header) != 0)
866 {
867 if (recipients_count > 0)
868 {
869 int i;
871 /* List the sender */
873 string_format(ptr, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - (ptr-log_buffer),
874 "Envelope-from: <%s>\n", sender_address);
875 while (*ptr) ptr++;
877 /* List up to 5 recipients */
879 string_format(ptr, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - (ptr-log_buffer),
880 "Envelope-to: <%s>\n", recipients_list[0].address);
881 while (*ptr) ptr++;
883 for (i = 1; i < recipients_count && i < 5; i++)
884 {
885 string_format(ptr, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - (ptr-log_buffer), " <%s>\n",
886 recipients_list[i].address);
887 while (*ptr) ptr++;
888 }
890 if (i < recipients_count)
891 {
892 (void)string_format(ptr, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - (ptr-log_buffer),
893 " ...\n");
894 while (*ptr) ptr++;
895 }
896 }
898 /* A header with a NULL text is an unfilled in Received: header */
900 for (h = header_list; h != NULL; h = h->next)
901 {
902 BOOL fitted;
903 if (h->text == NULL) continue;
904 fitted = string_format(ptr, LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - (ptr-log_buffer),
905 "%c %s", h->type, h->text);
906 while(*ptr) ptr++;
907 if (!fitted) /* Buffer is full; truncate */
908 {
909 ptr -= 100; /* For message and separator */
910 if (ptr[-1] == '\n') ptr--;
911 Ustrcpy(ptr, "\n*** truncated ***\n");
912 while (*ptr) ptr++;
913 break;
914 }
915 }
917 length = ptr - log_buffer;
918 }
920 /* Write to syslog or to a log file */
922 if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_SYSLOG) != 0 &&
923 (syslog_duplication || (flags & LOG_PANIC) == 0))
924 write_syslog(LOG_NOTICE, log_buffer);
926 /* Check for a change to the rejectlog file name when datestamping is in
927 operation. This happens at midnight, at which point we want to roll over
928 the file. Closing it has the desired effect. */
930 if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_FILE) != 0)
931 {
932 struct stat statbuf;
934 if (rejectlog_datestamp != NULL)
935 {
936 uschar *nowstamp = tod_stamp(tod_log_datestamp);
937 if (Ustrncmp (rejectlog_datestamp, nowstamp, Ustrlen(nowstamp)) != 0)
938 {
939 close(rejectlogfd); /* Close the file */
940 rejectlogfd = -1; /* Clear the file descriptor */
941 rejectlog_inode = 0; /* Unset the inode */
942 rejectlog_datestamp = NULL; /* Clear the datestamp */
943 }
944 }
946 /* Otherwise, we want to check whether the file has been renamed by a
947 cycling script. This could be "if else", but for safety's sake, leave it as
948 "if" so that renaming the log starts a new file even when datestamping is
949 happening. */
951 if (rejectlogfd >= 0)
952 {
953 if (Ustat(rejectlog_name, &statbuf) < 0 ||
954 statbuf.st_ino != rejectlog_inode)
955 {
956 close(rejectlogfd);
957 rejectlogfd = -1;
958 rejectlog_inode = 0;
959 }
960 }
962 /* Open the file if necessary, and write the data */
964 if (rejectlogfd < 0)
965 {
966 open_log(&rejectlogfd, lt_reject); /* No return on error */
967 if (fstat(rejectlogfd, &statbuf) >= 0) rejectlog_inode = statbuf.st_ino;
968 }
970 if ((rc = write(rejectlogfd, log_buffer, length)) != length)
971 {
972 log_write_failed(US"reject log", length, rc);
973 /* That function does not return */
974 }
975 }
976 }
979 /* Handle the process log file, where exim processes can be made to dump
980 details of what they are doing by sending them a USR1 signal. Note that
981 a message id is not automatically added above. This information is always
982 written to a file - never to syslog. */
984 if ((flags & LOG_PROCESS) != 0)
985 {
986 int processlogfd;
987 open_log(&processlogfd, lt_process); /* No return on error */
988 if ((rc = write(processlogfd, log_buffer, length)) != length)
989 {
990 log_write_failed(US"process log", length, rc);
991 /* That function does not return */
992 }
993 (void)close(processlogfd);
994 }
997 /* Handle the panic log, which is not kept open like the others. If it fails to
998 open, there will be a recursive call to log_write(). We detect this above and
999 attempt to write to the system log as a last-ditch try at telling somebody. In
1000 all cases, try to write to log_stderr. */
1002 if ((flags & LOG_PANIC) != 0)
1003 {
1004 if (log_stderr != NULL && log_stderr != debug_file)
1005 fprintf(log_stderr, "%s", CS log_buffer);
1007 if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_SYSLOG) != 0)
1008 {
1009 write_syslog(LOG_ALERT, log_buffer);
1010 }
1012 /* If this panic logging was caused by a failure to open the main log,
1013 the original log line is in panic_save_buffer. Make an attempt to write it. */
1015 if ((logging_mode & LOG_MODE_FILE) != 0)
1016 {
1017 panic_recurseflag = TRUE;
1018 open_log(&paniclogfd, lt_panic); /* Won't return on failure */
1019 panic_recurseflag = FALSE;
1021 if (panic_save_buffer != NULL)
1022 (void) write(paniclogfd, panic_save_buffer, Ustrlen(panic_save_buffer));
1024 if ((rc = write(paniclogfd, log_buffer, length)) != length)
1025 {
1026 int save_errno = errno;
1027 write_syslog(LOG_CRIT, log_buffer);
1028 sprintf(CS log_buffer, "write failed on panic log: length=%d result=%d "
1029 "errno=%d (%s)", length, rc, save_errno, strerror(save_errno));
1030 write_syslog(LOG_CRIT, log_buffer);
1031 flags |= LOG_PANIC_DIE;
1032 }
1034 close(paniclogfd);
1035 }
1037 /* Give up if the DIE flag is set */
1039 if ((flags & LOG_PANIC_DIE) != LOG_PANIC)
1040 die(NULL, US"Unexpected failure, please try later");
1041 }
1042 }
1046 /*************************************************
1047 * Close any open log files *
1048 *************************************************/
1050 void
1051 log_close_all(void)
1052 {
1053 if (mainlogfd >= 0)
1054 { close(mainlogfd); mainlogfd = -1; }
1055 if (rejectlogfd >= 0)
1056 { close(rejectlogfd); rejectlogfd = -1; }
1057 closelog();
1058 syslog_open = FALSE;
1059 }
1061 /* End of log.c */