Use bitfields for flags in the "addr" struct
[exim.git] / src / src / exiqsumm.src
3 # Mail Queue Summary
4 # Christoph Lameter, 21 May 1997
5 # Modified by Philip Hazel, June 1997
6 # Bug fix: June 1998 by Philip Hazel
7 # Message sizes not listed by -bp with K or M
8 # suffixes were getting divided by 10.
9 # Bug fix: October 1998 by Philip Hazel
10 # Sorting wasn't working right with Perl 5.005
11 # Fix provided by John Horne
12 # Bug fix: November 1998 by Philip Hazel
13 # Failing to recognize domain literals in recipient addresses
14 # Fix provided by Malcolm Ray
15 # Bug fix: July 2002 by Philip Hazel
16 # Not handling time periods of more than 100 days
17 # Fix provided by Randy Banks
18 # Added summary line: September 2002 by Philip Hazel
19 # Code provided by Joachim Wieland
20 # June 2003 by Philip Hazel
21 # Initialize $size, $age, $id to avoid warnings when bad
22 # data is provided
23 # Bug fix: July 2003 by Philip Hazel
24 # Incorrectly skipping the first lines of messages whose
25 # message ID ends in 'D'! Before Exim 4.14 this didn't
26 # matter because they never did. Looks like an original
27 # typo. Fix provided by Chris Liddiard.
28 # November 2006 by Jori Hamalainen
29 # Added feature to separate frozen and bounced messages from queue
30 # Added feature to list queue per source - destination pair
31 # Changed regexps to compile once to very minor speed optimization
32 # Short circuit for empty lines
33 #
34 # Usage: mailq | exiqsumm [-a] [-b] [-c] [-f] [-s]
35 # Default sorting is by domain name
36 # -a sorts by age of oldest message
37 # -b enables bounce message separation
38 # -c sorts by count of message
39 # -f enables frozen message separation
40 # -s enables source destination separation
42 # Slightly modified sub from eximstats
44 use warnings;
45 BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' };
47 sub print_volume_rounded {
48 my($x) = pop @_;
49 if ($x < 10000)
50 {
51 return sprintf("%6d", $x);
52 }
53 elsif ($x < 10000000)
54 {
55 return sprintf("%4dKB", ($x + 512)/1024);
56 }
57 else
58 {
59 return sprintf("%4dMB", ($x + 512*1024)/(1024*1024));
60 }
61 }
63 sub s_conv {
64 my($x) = @_;
65 my($v,$s) = $x =~ /([\d\.]+)([A-Z]|)/o;
66 if ($s eq "K") { return $v * 1024 };
67 if ($s eq "M") { return $v * 1024 * 1024 };
68 return $v;
69 }
71 sub older {
72 my($x1,$x2) = @_;
73 my($v1,$s1) = $x1 =~ /(\d+)(\w)/o;
74 my($v2,$s2) = $x2 =~ /(\d+)(\w)/o;
75 return $v1 <=> $v2 if ($s1 eq $s2);
76 return (($s2 eq "m") ||
77 ($s2 eq "h" && $s1 eq "d") ||
78 ($s2 eq "d" && $s1 eq "w"))? 1 : -1;
79 }
81 #
82 # Main Program
83 #
85 $sort_by_count = 0;
86 $sort_by_age = 0;
88 $size = "0";
89 $age = "0d";
90 $id = "";
93 while (@ARGV > 0 && substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) eq "-")
94 {
95 if ($ARGV[0] eq "-a") { $sort_by_age = 1; }
96 if ($ARGV[0] eq "-c") { $sort_by_count = 1; }
97 if ($ARGV[0] eq "-f") { $enable_frozen = 1; }
98 if ($ARGV[0] eq "-b") { $enable_bounces = 1; }
99 if ($ARGV[0] eq "-s") { $enable_source = 1; }
100 shift @ARGV;
101 }
103 while (<>)
104 {
105 # Skip empty and already delivered lines
107 if (/^$/o || /^\s*D\s\S+/o) { next; }
109 # If it's the first line of a message, pick out the data. Note: it may
110 # have text after the final > (e.g. frozen) so don't insist that it ends >.
112 if (/^([\d\s]{2,3}\w)\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)\s\<(\S*)\>/o)
113 {
114 ($age,$size,$id,$src)=($1,$2,$3,$4);
115 $src =~ s/([^\@]*)\@(.*?)$/$2/o;
116 if (/\*\*\*\sfrozen\s\*\*\*/o) { $frozen=1; } else { $frozen=0; }
117 if ($src eq "") { $bounce=1; $src="<>"; } else { $bounce=0; }
118 }
120 # Else check for a recipient line: to handle source-routed addresses, just
121 # pick off the first domain.
123 elsif (/^\s+[^@]*\@([\w\.\-]+|\[(\d+\.){3}\d+\])/o)
124 {
125 if ($enable_source) {
126 $domain = "\L$src > $1";
127 } else {
128 $domain = "\L$1";
129 }
130 $domain .= " (b)" if ($bounce && $enable_bounces);
131 $domain .= " (f)" if ($frozen && $enable_frozen);
132 $queue{$domain}++;
133 $q_oldest{$domain} = $age
134 if (!defined $q_oldest{$domain} || &older($age,$q_oldest{$domain}) > 0);
135 $q_recent{$domain} = $age
136 if (!defined $q_recent{$domain} || &older($q_recent{$domain},$age) > 0);
137 $q_size{$domain} = 0 if (!defined $q_size{$domain});
138 $q_size{$domain} += &s_conv($size);
139 }
140 }
142 print "\nCount Volume Oldest Newest Domain";
143 print "\n----- ------ ------ ------ ------\n\n";
145 my ($count, $volume, $max_age, $min_age) = (0, 0, "0m", undef);
147 foreach $id (sort
148 {
149 $sort_by_age? &older($q_oldest{$b}, $q_oldest{$a}) :
150 $sort_by_count? ($queue{$b} <=> $queue{$a}) :
151 $a cmp $b
152 }
153 keys %queue)
154 {
155 printf("%5d %.6s %6s %6s %.80s\n",
156 $queue{$id}, &print_volume_rounded($q_size{$id}), $q_oldest{$id},
157 $q_recent{$id}, $id);
158 $max_age = $q_oldest{$id} if &older($q_oldest{$id}, $max_age) > 0;
159 $min_age = $q_recent{$id}
160 if (!defined $min_age || &older($min_age, $q_recent{$id}) > 0);
161 $volume += $q_size{$id};
162 $count += $queue{$id};
163 }
164 $min_age ||= "0000d";
165 printf("---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
166 printf("%5d %.6s %6s %6s %.80s\n",
167 $count, &print_volume_rounded($volume), $max_age, $min_age, "TOTAL");
168 print "\n";
170 # End