Major update -- Added mail reading, and many many many bug fixes
[squirrelmail.git] / src / right_main.php
1 <?
2 /**
3 ** right_main.php
4 **
5 ** This is where the mailboxes are listed. This controls most of what
6 ** goes on in SquirrelMail.
7 **
8 **/
10 if(!isset($logged_in)) {
11 echo "You must <a href=\"login.php\">login</a> first.";
12 exit;
13 }
14 if(!isset($username) || !isset($key)) {
15 echo "You need a valid user and password to access this page!";
16 exit;
17 }
18 ?>
19 <HTML>
20 <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#0000EE" ALINK="#0000EE">
21 <FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica">
22 <?
23 include("../config/config.php");
24 include("../functions/imap.php");
25 include("../functions/strings.php");
26 include("../functions/date.php");
27 include("../functions/page_header.php");
28 include("../functions/array.php");
29 include("../functions/mailbox.php");
30 include("../functions/mailbox_display.php");
31 include("../functions/display_messages.php");
33 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 //
35 // incoming variables from URL:
36 // $sort Direction to sort by date
37 // values: 0 - descending order
38 // values: 1 - ascending order
39 // $startMessage Message to start at
40 // $mailbox Full Mailbox name
41 //
42 // incoming from cookie:
43 // $username duh
44 // $key pass
45 //
46 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
49 // open a connection on the imap port (143)
50 $imapConnection = loginToImapServer($username, $key, $imapServerAddress);
52 // If the page has been loaded without a specific mailbox,
53 // just show a page of general info.
54 if (!isset($mailbox)) {
55 displayPageHeader("None");
56 general_info($motd, $org_logo, $version, $org_name);
57 exit;
58 }
60 // switch to the mailbox, and get the number of messages in it.
61 selectMailbox($imapConnection, $mailbox, $numMessages);
63 // Display the header at the top of the page
64 displayPageHeader($mailbox);
66 // Get the list of messages for this mailbox
67 showMessagesForMailbox($imapConnection, $mailbox, $numMessages, $startMessage, $sort);
69 // close the connection
70 fputs($imapConnection, "1 logout\n");
71 fclose($imapConnection);
72 ?>
73 </FONT>
74 </BODY>
75 </HTML>