support for picking up attachments in case of a expired session
[squirrelmail.git] / src / move_messages.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * move_messages.php
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The SquirrelMail Project Team
7 * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
8 *
9 * Enables message moving between folders on the IMAP server.
10 *
11 * $Id$
12 */
14 require_once('../src/validate.php');
15 require_once('../functions/display_messages.php');
16 require_once('../functions/imap.php');
18 global $compose_new_win;
20 function putSelectedMessagesIntoString($msg) {
21 $j = 0;
22 $i = 0;
23 $firstLoop = true;
25 // If they have selected nothing msg is size one still, but will
26 // be an infinite loop because we never increment j. so check to
27 // see if msg[0] is set or not to fix this.
28 while (($j < count($msg)) && ($msg[0])) {
29 if ($msg[$i]) {
30 if ($firstLoop != true) {
31 $selectedMessages .= "&amp;";
32 } else {
33 $firstLoop = false;
34 }
36 $selectedMessages .= "selMsg[$j]=$msg[$i]";
38 $j++;
39 }
40 $i++;
41 }
42 }
44 function attachSelectedMessages($msg, $imapConnection) {
46 global $mailbox, $username, $attachment_dir, $attachments, $identity,
47 $data_dir, $composesession, $lastTargetMailbox, $uid_support;
49 if (!isset($attachments)) {
50 $attachments = array();
51 session_register('attachments');
52 }
54 if (!isset($composesession) ) {
55 $composesession = 1;
56 session_register('composesession');
57 } else {
58 $composesession++;
59 }
61 $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir, $composesession);
63 $rem_attachments = array();
64 foreach ($attachments as $info) {
65 if ($info['session'] == $composesession) {
66 $attached_file = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$info[localfilename]";
67 if (file_exists($attached_file)) {
68 unlink($attached_file);
69 }
70 } else {
71 $rem_attachments[] = $info;
72 }
73 }
75 $attachments = $rem_attachments;
78 $i = 0;
79 $j = 0;
80 $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir);
81 while ($j < count($msg)) {
82 if (isset($msg[$i])) {
83 $id = $msg[$i];
84 $body_a = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, "FETCH $id RFC822",true, $response, $readmessage, $uid_support);
85 if ($response = 'OK') {
86 // get subject so we can set the remotefilename
87 $read = sqimap_run_command ($imapConnection, "FETCH $id BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (Subject)]", true, $response, $readmessage, $uid_support);
88 $subject = substr($read[1], strpos($read[1], ' '));
89 $subject = trim($subject);
91 if (isset($subject) && $subject != '') {
92 $subject = htmlentities($subject);
93 } else {
94 $subject = _("<No subject>");
95 $subject = htmlentities($subject);
96 }
98 array_shift($body_a);
99 $body = implode('', $body_a);
100 $body .= "\r\n";
102 $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, 'FILE', 7);
103 $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename";
105 $fp = fopen( $full_localfilename, 'w');
106 fwrite ($fp, $body);
107 fclose($fp);
109 $newAttachment = array();
110 $newAttachment['localfilename'] = $localfilename;
111 $newAttachment['type'] = "message/rfc822";
112 $newAttachment['remotefilename'] = "$subject".".eml";
113 $newAttachment['session'] = $composesession;
114 $attachments[] = $newAttachment;
115 flush();
116 }
117 $j++;
118 }
119 $i++;
121 }
122 setPref($data_dir, $username, 'attachments', serialize($attachments));
123 return $composesession;
124 }
126 $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
127 sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox);
129 /* remember changes to mailbox setting */
130 if (!isset($lastTargetMailbox)) {
131 $lastTargetMailbox = 'INBOX';
132 }
133 if ($targetMailbox != $lastTargetMailbox) {
134 $lastTargetMailbox = $targetMailbox;
135 session_register('lastTargetMailbox');
136 }
138 // expunge-on-demand if user isn't using move_to_trash or auto_expunge
139 if(isset($expungeButton)) {
140 sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, true);
141 $location = get_location();
142 if (isset($where) && isset($what)) {
143 header ("Location: $location/search.php?mailbox=".urlencode($mailbox)."&what=".urlencode($what)."&where=".urlencode($where));
144 } else {
145 header ("Location: $location/right_main.php?sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&mailbox=". urlencode($mailbox));
146 }
148 } elseif(isset($undeleteButton)) {
149 // undelete messages if user isn't using move_to_trash or auto_expunge
151 if (is_array($msg) == 1) {
152 // Removes \Deleted flag from selected messages
153 $j = 0;
154 $i = 0;
156 // If they have selected nothing msg is size one still, but will be an infinite
157 // loop because we never increment j. so check to see if msg[0] is set or not to fix this.
158 while ($j < count($msg)) {
159 if ($msg[$i]) {
160 sqimap_messages_remove_flag ($imapConnection, $msg[$i], $msg[$i], "Deleted");
161 $j++;
162 }
163 $i++;
164 }
165 $location = get_location();
167 if ($where && $what)
168 header ("Location: $location/search.php?mailbox=".urlencode($mailbox)."&what=".urlencode($what)."&where=".urlencode($where));
169 else
170 header ("Location: $location/right_main.php?sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&mailbox=". urlencode($mailbox));
171 } else {
172 displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox);
173 error_message(_("No messages were selected."), $mailbox, $sort, $startMessage, $color);
174 }
175 } elseif (!isset($moveButton)) {
176 // If the delete button was pressed, the moveButton variable will not be set.
177 if (is_array($msg) == 1) {
178 // Marks the selected messages as 'Deleted'
179 $j = 0;
180 $i = 0;
182 // If they have selected nothing msg is size one still, but will be an infinite
183 // loop because we never increment j. so check to see if msg[0] is set or not to fix this.
184 while ($j < count($msg)) {
185 if (isset($msg[$i])) {
186 if (isset($markRead)) {
187 sqimap_messages_flag($imapConnection, $msg[$i], $msg[$i], "Seen");
188 } else if (isset($markUnread)) {
189 sqimap_messages_remove_flag($imapConnection, $msg[$i], $msg[$i], "Seen");
190 } else if (isset($attache)) {
191 break;
192 } else {
193 sqimap_messages_delete($imapConnection, $msg[$i], $msg[$i], $mailbox);
194 }
195 $j++;
196 }
197 $i++;
198 }
199 if ($auto_expunge) {
200 sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, true);
201 }
202 $location = get_location();
203 if (isset($where) && isset($what)) {
204 if (isset($attache)) {
205 $composesession = attachSelectedMessages($msg, $imapConnection);
206 if ($compose_new_win == '1') {
207 header ("Location: $location/search.php?mailbox=".urlencode($mailbox)."&what=".urlencode($what)."&where=".urlencode($where)."&composenew=1&session=$composesession&attachedmessages=true");
208 } else {
209 header ("Location: $location/compose.php?startMessage=$startMessage&mailbox=". urlencode($mailbox)."&session=$composesession&attachedmessages=true".$wherewhat);
210 }
211 } else {
212 header ("Location: $location/search.php?mailbox=".urlencode($mailbox)."&what=".urlencode($what)."&where=".urlencode($where));
213 }
214 } elseif(isset($attache)) {
215 $composesession = attachSelectedMessages($msg, $imapConnection);
216 if ($compose_new_win == '1') {
217 header ("Location: $location/right_main.php?sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&mailbox=". urlencode($mailbox)."&composenew=1&session=$composesession&attachedmessages=true");
218 } else {
219 header ("Location: $location/compose.php?startMessage=$startMessage&mailbox=". urlencode($mailbox)."&session=$composesession&attachedmessages=true");
220 }
221 } else {
222 header ("Location: $location/right_main.php?sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&mailbox=". urlencode($mailbox));
223 }
224 } else {
225 displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox);
226 error_message(_("No messages were selected."), $mailbox, $sort, $startMessage, $color);
227 }
228 } else { // Move messages
229 // lets check to see if they selected any messages
230 if (is_array($msg) == 1) {
231 $j = 0;
232 $i = 0;
234 // If they have selected nothing msg is size one still, but will be an infinite
235 // loop because we never increment j. so check to see if msg[0] is set or not to fix this.
236 while ($j < count($msg)) {
237 if (isset($msg[$i])) {
238 /** check if they would like to move it to the trash folder or not */
239 sqimap_messages_copy($imapConnection, $msg[$i], $msg[$i], $targetMailbox);
240 sqimap_messages_flag($imapConnection, $msg[$i], $msg[$i], "Deleted");
241 $j++;
242 }
243 $i++;
244 }
245 if ($auto_expunge == true)
246 sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imapConnection, $mailbox, true);
248 $location = get_location();
249 if (isset($where) && isset($what))
250 header ("Location: $location/search.php?mailbox=".urlencode($mailbox)."&what=".urlencode($what)."&where=".urlencode($where));
251 else
252 header ("Location: $location/right_main.php?sort=$sort&startMessage=$startMessage&mailbox=". urlencode($mailbox));
253 } else {
254 displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox);
255 error_message(_("No messages were selected."), $mailbox, $sort, $startMessage, $color);
256 }
257 }
259 // Log out this session
260 sqimap_logout($imapConnection);
262 ?>
263 </BODY></HTML>