Implement checks for correct PHP variables_order and gpc_order settings
[squirrelmail.git] / src / configtest.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * SquirrelMail configtest script
5 *
6 * @copyright &copy; 2003-2007 The SquirrelMail Project Team
7 * @license GNU Public License
8 * @version $Id$
9 * @package squirrelmail
10 * @subpackage config
11 */
13 /************************************************************
14 * NOTE: you do not need to change this script! *
15 * If it throws errors you need to adjust your config. *
16 ************************************************************/
18 // This script could really use some restructuring as it has grown quite rapidly
19 // but is not very 'clean'. Feel free to get some structure into this thing.
21 /** force verbose error reporting and turn on display of errors */
22 error_reporting(E_ALL);
23 ini_set('display_errors',1);
25 /** Blockcopy from init.php. Cleans globals. */
26 if ((bool) ini_get('register_globals') &&
27 strtolower(ini_get('register_globals'))!='off') {
28 /**
29 * Remove all globals that are not reserved by PHP
30 * 'value' and 'key' are used by foreach. Don't unset them inside foreach.
31 */
32 foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
33 switch($key) {
34 case 'HTTP_POST_VARS':
35 case '_POST':
36 case 'HTTP_GET_VARS':
37 case '_GET':
39 case '_COOKIE':
41 case '_SERVER':
42 case 'HTTP_ENV_VARS':
43 case '_ENV':
44 case 'HTTP_POST_FILES':
45 case '_FILES':
46 case '_REQUEST':
48 case '_SESSION':
49 case 'GLOBALS':
50 case 'key':
51 case 'value':
52 break;
53 default:
54 unset($GLOBALS[$key]);
55 }
56 }
57 // Unset variables used in foreach
58 unset($GLOBALS['key']);
59 unset($GLOBALS['value']);
60 }
63 /**
64 * Displays error messages and warnings
65 * @param string $str message
66 * @param boolean $fatal fatal error or only warning
67 */
68 function do_err($str, $fatal = TRUE) {
69 global $IND, $warnings;
70 $level = $fatal ? 'FATAL ERROR:' : 'WARNING:';
71 echo '<p>'.$IND.'<font color="red"><b>' . $level . '</b></font> ' .$str. "</p>\n";
72 if($fatal) {
73 echo '</body></html>';
74 exit;
75 } else {
76 $warnings++;
77 }
78 }
80 ob_implicit_flush();
81 /** @ignore */
82 define('SM_PATH', '../');
83 /** load minimal function set */
84 require(SM_PATH . 'include/constants.php');
85 require(SM_PATH . 'functions/global.php');
86 require(SM_PATH . 'functions/strings.php');
87 $SQM_INTERNAL_VERSION = preg_split('/\./', SM_VERSION, 3);
90 /** set default value in order to block remote access */
91 $allow_remote_configtest=false;
93 /** Load all configuration files before output begins */
95 /* load default configuration */
96 require(SM_PATH . 'config/config_default.php');
97 /* reset arrays in default configuration */
98 $ldap_server = array();
99 $plugins = array();
100 $fontsets = array();
101 $theme = array();
102 $theme[0]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/default_theme.php';
103 $theme[0]['NAME'] = 'Default';
104 $aTemplateSet = array();
105 $aTemplateSet[0]['ID'] = 'default';
106 $aTemplateSet[0]['NAME'] = 'Default';
107 /* load site configuration */
108 if (file_exists(SM_PATH . 'config/config.php')) {
109 require(SM_PATH . 'config/config.php');
110 }
111 /* load local configuration overrides */
112 if (file_exists(SM_PATH . 'config/config_local.php')) {
113 require(SM_PATH . 'config/config_local.php');
114 }
116 /** Load plugins */
117 global $disable_plugins;
118 $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks = array();
119 if (!$disable_plugins && file_exists(SM_PATH . 'config/plugin_hooks.php')) {
120 require(SM_PATH . 'config/plugin_hooks.php');
121 }
123 /** Warning counter */
124 $warnings = 0;
126 /** indent */
127 $IND = str_repeat('&nbsp;',4);
129 /**
130 * get_location starts session and must be run before output is started.
131 */
132 $test_location = get_location();
134 ?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
135 "">
136 <html>
137 <head>
138 <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
139 <title>SquirrelMail configtest</title>
140 </head>
141 <body>
142 <h1>SquirrelMail configtest</h1>
144 <p>This script will try to check some aspects of your SquirrelMail configuration
145 and point you to errors whereever it can find them. You need to go run <tt></tt>
146 in the <tt>config/</tt> directory first before you run this script.</p>
148 <?php
150 $included = array_map('basename', get_included_files() );
151 if(!in_array('config.php', $included)) {
152 if(!file_exists(SM_PATH . 'config/config.php')) {
153 do_err('Config file '.SM_PATH . 'config/config.php does not exist!<br />'.
154 'You need to run <tt></tt> first.');
155 }
156 do_err('Could not read '.SM_PATH.'config/config.php! Check file permissions.');
157 }
158 if(!in_array('strings.php', $included)) {
159 do_err('Could not include '.SM_PATH.'functions/strings.php!<br />'.
160 'Check permissions on that file.');
161 }
163 /* Block remote use of script */
164 if (! $allow_remote_configtest) {
165 sqGetGlobalVar('REMOTE_ADDR',$client_ip,SQ_SERVER);
166 sqGetGlobalVar('SERVER_ADDR',$server_ip,SQ_SERVER);
168 if ((! isset($client_ip) || $client_ip!='') &&
169 (! isset($client_ip) || ! isset($server_ip) || $client_ip!=$server_ip)) {
170 do_err('Enable "Allow remote configtest" option in squirrelmail configuration in order to use this script.');
171 }
172 }
174 echo "<p><table>\n<tr><td>SquirrelMail version:</td><td><b>" . SM_VERSION . "</b></td></tr>\n" .
175 '<tr><td>Config file version:</td><td><b>' . $config_version . "</b></td></tr>\n" .
176 '<tr><td>Config file last modified:</td><td><b>' .
177 date ('d F Y H:i:s', filemtime(SM_PATH . 'config/config.php')) .
178 "</b></td></tr>\n</table>\n</p>\n\n";
180 /* check $config_version */
181 if ($config_version!='1.5.0') {
182 do_err('Configuration file version does not match required version. Please update your configuration file.');
183 }
186 /* checking PHP specs */
188 echo "Checking PHP configuration...<br />\n";
190 if(!check_php_version(4,1,0)) {
191 do_err('Insufficient PHP version: '. PHP_VERSION . '! Minimum required: 4.1.0');
192 }
194 echo $IND . 'PHP version ' . PHP_VERSION . ' OK. (You have: ' . phpversion() . ". Minimum: 4.1.0)<br />\n";
196 /* register_globals check: test for boolean false and any string that is not equal to 'off' */
198 if ((bool) ini_get('register_globals') &&
199 strtolower(ini_get('register_globals'))!='off') {
200 do_err('You have register_globals turned on. This is not an error, but it CAN be a security hazard. Consider turning register_globals off.', false);
201 }
204 /* variables_order check */
206 // FIXME(?): Hmm, how do we distinguish between when an ini setting is
207 // not available (ini_set() returns empty string) and when
208 // the administrator set the value to an empty string? The
209 // latter is sure to be highly rare, so for now, just assume
210 // that empty value means the setting isn't even available
211 // (could also check PHP version when this setting was implemented)
212 $variables_order = ini_get('variables_order');
213 if (!empty($variables_order) && (strpos($variables_order, 'G') === FALSE
214 || strpos($variables_order, 'P') === FALSE
215 || strpos($variables_order, 'C') === FALSE
216 || strpos($variables_order, 'S') === FALSE)) {
217 do_err('Your variables_order setting is insufficient for SquirrelMail to function. It needs at least "GPCS", but you have it set to "' . $variables_order . '"', true);
218 } else {
219 echo $IND . "variables_order OK: $variables_order.<br />\n";
220 }
223 /* gpc_order check */
225 // FIXME(?): Hmm, how do we distinguish between when an ini setting is
226 // not available (ini_set() returns empty string) and when
227 // the administrator set the value to an empty string? The
228 // latter is sure to be highly rare, so for now, just assume
229 // that empty value means the setting isn't even available
230 // (could also check PHP version when this setting was implemented)
231 $gpc_order = ini_get('gpc_order');
232 if (!empty($gpc_order) && (strpos($gpc_order, 'G') === FALSE
233 || strpos($gpc_order, 'P') === FALSE
234 || strpos($gpc_order, 'C') === FALSE)) {
235 do_err('Your gpc_order setting is insufficient for SquirrelMail to function. It needs to be set to "GPC", but you have it set to "' . $gpc_order . '"', true);
236 } else {
237 echo $IND . "gpc_order OK: $gpc_order.<br />\n";
238 }
241 /* check PHP extensions */
243 $php_exts = array('session','pcre');
244 $diff = array_diff($php_exts, get_loaded_extensions());
245 if(count($diff)) {
246 do_err('Required PHP extensions missing: '.implode(', ',$diff) );
247 }
249 echo $IND . "PHP extensions OK.<br />\n";
251 /* dangerous php settings */
252 /**
253 * mbstring.func_overload allows to replace original string and regexp functions
254 * with their equivalents from php mbstring extension. It causes problems when
255 * scripts analyze 8bit strings byte after byte or use 8bit strings in regexp tests.
256 * Setting can be controlled in php.ini (php 4.2.0), webserver config (php 4.2.0)
257 * and .htaccess files (php 4.3.5).
258 */
259 if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') &&
260 check_php_version(4,2,0) &&
261 (int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')!=0) {
262 $mb_error='You have enabled mbstring overloading.'
263 .' It can cause problems with SquirrelMail scripts that rely on single byte string functions.';
264 do_err($mb_error);
265 }
267 /**
268 * Do not use SquirrelMail with magic_quotes_* on.
269 */
270 if ( get_magic_quotes_runtime() || get_magic_quotes_gpc() ||
271 ( (bool) ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase') && ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase') != 'off' )
272 ) {
273 $magic_quotes_warning='You have enabled any one of <tt>magic_quotes_runtime</tt>, '
274 .'<tt>magic_quotes_gpc</tt> or <tt>magic_quotes_sybase</tt> in your PHP '
275 .'configuration. We recommend all those settings to be off. SquirrelMail '
276 .'may work with them on, but when experiencing stray backslashes in your mail '
277 .'or other strange behaviour, it may be advisable to turn them off.';
278 do_err($magic_quotes_warning,false);
279 }
282 /* checking paths */
284 echo "Checking paths...<br />\n";
286 if(!file_exists($data_dir)) {
287 // data_dir is not that important in db_setups.
288 if (isset($prefs_dsn) && ! empty($prefs_dsn)) {
289 $data_dir_error = "Data dir ($data_dir) does not exist!\n";
290 echo $IND .'<font color="red"><b>ERROR:</b></font> ' . $data_dir_error;
291 } else {
292 do_err("Data dir ($data_dir) does not exist!");
293 }
294 }
295 // don't check if errors
296 if(!isset($data_dir_error) && !is_dir($data_dir)) {
297 if (isset($prefs_dsn) && ! empty($prefs_dsn)) {
298 $data_dir_error = "Data dir ($data_dir) is not a directory!\n";
299 echo $IND . '<font color="red"><b>ERROR:</b></font> ' . $data_dir_error;
300 } else {
301 do_err("Data dir ($data_dir) is not a directory!");
302 }
303 }
304 // datadir should be executable - but no clean way to test on that
305 if(!isset($data_dir_error) && !is_writable($data_dir)) {
306 if (isset($prefs_dsn) && ! empty($prefs_dsn)) {
307 $data_dir_error = "Data dir ($data_dir) is not writable!\n";
308 echo $IND . '<font color="red"><b>ERROR:</b></font> ' . $data_dir_error;
309 } else {
310 do_err("Data dir ($data_dir) is not writable!");
311 }
312 }
314 if (isset($data_dir_error)) {
315 echo " Some plugins might need access to data directory.<br />\n";
316 } else {
317 // todo_ornot: actually write something and read it back.
318 echo $IND . "Data dir OK.<br />\n";
319 }
321 if($data_dir == $attachment_dir) {
322 echo $IND . "Attachment dir is the same as data dir.<br />\n";
323 if (isset($data_dir_error)) {
324 do_err($data_dir_error);
325 }
326 } else {
327 if(!file_exists($attachment_dir)) {
328 do_err("Attachment dir ($attachment_dir) does not exist!");
329 }
330 if (!is_dir($attachment_dir)) {
331 do_err("Attachment dir ($attachment_dir) is not a directory!");
332 }
333 if (!is_writable($attachment_dir)) {
334 do_err("I cannot write to attachment dir ($attachment_dir)!");
335 }
336 echo $IND . "Attachment dir OK.<br />\n";
337 }
340 echo "Checking plugins...<br />\n";
342 /* check plugins and themes */
343 //FIXME: check requirements given in plugin _info() function, such
344 // as required PHP extensions, Pear packages, other plugins, SM version, etc
345 // see development docs for list of returned info from that function
346 $bad_plugins = array(
347 'attachment_common', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
348 'auto_prune_sent', // Obsolete: See Proon Automatic Folder Pruning plugin
349 'compose_new_window', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.4 core
350 'delete_move_next', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.5 core
351 'disk_quota', // Obsolete: See Check Quota plugin
352 'email_priority', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
353 'emoticons', // Obsolete: See HTML Mail plugin
354 'focus_change', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
355 'folder_settings', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.5.1 core
356 'global_sql_addressbook', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.4 core
357 'hancock', // Not Working: See Random Signature Taglines plugin
358 'msg_flags', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.5.1 core
359 'message_source', // Added to SquirrelMail 1.4 Core Plugins (message_details)
360 'motd', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
361 'paginator', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
362 'printer_friendly', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
363 'procfilter', // Obsolete: See Server Side Filter plugin
364 'redhat_php_cgi_fix', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.1.1 core
365 'send_to_semicolon', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.4.1 core
366 'spamassassin', // Not working beyond SquirrelMail 1.2.7: See Spamassassin SpamFilter (Frontend) v2 plugin
367 'sqcalendar', // Added to SquirrelMail 1.2 Core Plugins (calendar)
368 'sqclock', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
369 'sql_squirrel_logger', // Obsolete: See Squirrel Logger plugin
370 'tmda', // Obsolete: See TMDA Tools plugin
371 'vacation', // Obsolete: See Vacation Local plugin
372 'view_as_html', // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.5.1 core
373 'xmailer' // Integrated into SquirrelMail 1.2 core
374 );
376 if (isset($plugins[0])) {
377 foreach($plugins as $plugin) {
378 if(!file_exists(SM_PATH .'plugins/'.$plugin)) {
379 do_err('You have enabled the <i>'.$plugin.'</i> plugin, but I cannot find it.', FALSE);
380 } elseif (!is_readable(SM_PATH .'plugins/'.$plugin.'/setup.php')) {
381 do_err('You have enabled the <i>'.$plugin.'</i> plugin, but I cannot read its setup.php file.', FALSE);
382 } elseif (in_array($plugin, $bad_plugins)) {
383 do_err('You have enabled the <i>'.$plugin.'</i> plugin, which causes problems with this version of SquirrelMail. Please check the ReleaseNotes or other documentation for more information.', false);
384 }
385 }
386 // load plugin functions
387 include_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/plugin.php');
388 // turn on output buffering in order to prevent output of new lines
389 ob_start();
390 foreach ($plugins as $name) {
391 use_plugin($name);
392 }
393 // get output and remove whitespace
394 $output = trim(ob_get_contents());
395 ob_end_clean();
396 // if plugins output more than newlines and spacing, stop script execution.
397 if (!empty($output)) {
398 $plugin_load_error = 'Some output is produced when plugins are loaded. Usually this means there is an error in one of the plugin setup or configuration files. The output was: '.htmlspecialchars($output);
399 do_err($plugin_load_error);
400 }
401 /**
402 * Print plugin versions
403 */
404 echo $IND . "Plugin versions...<br />\n";
405 foreach ($plugins as $name) {
406 $plugin_version = get_plugin_version($name);
407 echo $IND . $IND . $name . ' ' . (empty($plugin_version) ? '??' : $plugin_version) . "<br />\n";
409 // check if this plugin has any other plugin
410 // dependencies and if they are satisfied
411 //
412 $failed_dependencies = check_plugin_dependencies($name);
413 if (is_array($failed_dependencies)) {
414 $missing_plugins = '';
415 foreach ($failed_dependencies as $depend_name => $depend_requirements) {
416 $missing_plugins .= ', ' . $depend_name . ' (version ' . $depend_requirements['version'] . ', ' . ($depend_requirements['activate'] ? 'must be activated' : 'need not be activated') . ')';
417 }
418 do_err($name . ' is missing some dependencies: ' . trim($missing_plugins, ', '), FALSE);
419 }
421 }
422 /**
423 * This hook was added in 1.5.2 and 1.4.10. Each plugins should print an error
424 * message and return TRUE if there are any errors in its setup/configuration.
425 */
426 $plugin_err = boolean_hook_function('configtest', $null, 1);
427 if($plugin_err) {
428 do_err('Some plugin tests failed.');
429 } else {
430 echo $IND . "Plugins OK.<br />\n";
431 }
432 } else {
433 echo $IND . "Plugins are not enabled in config.<br />\n";
434 }
435 foreach($theme as $thm) {
436 if(!file_exists($thm['PATH'])) {
437 do_err('You have enabled the <i>'.$thm['NAME'].'</i> theme but I cannot find it ('.$thm['PATH'].').', FALSE);
438 } elseif(!is_readable($thm['PATH'])) {
439 do_err('You have enabled the <i>'.$thm['NAME'].'</i> theme but I cannot read it ('.$thm['PATH'].').', FALSE);
440 }
441 }
443 echo $IND . "Themes OK.<br />\n";
445 if ( $squirrelmail_default_language != 'en_US' ) {
446 $loc_path = SM_PATH .'locale/'.$squirrelmail_default_language.'/LC_MESSAGES/';
447 if( ! file_exists( $loc_path ) ) {
448 do_err('You have set <i>' . $squirrelmail_default_language .
449 '</i> as your default language, but I cannot find this translation (should be '.
450 'in <tt>' . $loc_path . '</tt>). Please note that you have to download translations '.
451 'separately from the main SquirrelMail package.', FALSE);
452 } elseif ( ! is_readable( $loc_path ) ) {
453 do_err('You have set <i>' . $squirrelmail_default_language .
454 '</i> as your default language, but I cannot read this translation (file '.
455 'in <tt>' . $loc_path . '</tt> unreadable).', FALSE);
456 } else {
457 echo $IND . "Default language OK.<br />\n";
458 }
459 } else {
460 echo $IND . "Default language OK.<br />\n";
461 }
463 echo $IND . "Base URL detected as: <tt>" . htmlspecialchars($test_location) .
464 "</tt> (location base " . (empty($config_location_base) ? 'autodetected' : 'set to <tt>' .
465 htmlspecialchars($config_location_base)."</tt>") . ")<br />\n";
467 /* check minimal requirements for other security options */
469 /* imaps or ssmtp */
470 if($use_smtp_tls == 1 || $use_imap_tls == 1) {
471 if(!check_php_version(4,3,0)) {
472 do_err('You need at least PHP 4.3.0 for SMTP/IMAP TLS!');
473 }
474 if(!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
475 do_err('You need the openssl PHP extension to use SMTP/IMAP TLS!');
476 }
477 }
478 /* starttls extensions */
479 if($use_smtp_tls === 2 || $use_imap_tls === 2) {
480 if (! function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto')) {
481 do_err('If you want to use STARTTLS extension, you need stream_socket_enable_crypto() function from PHP 5.1.0 and newer.');
482 }
483 }
484 /* digest-md5 */
485 if ($smtp_auth_mech=='digest-md5' || $imap_auth_mech =='digest-md5') {
486 if (!extension_loaded('xml')) {
487 do_err('You need the PHP XML extension to use Digest-MD5 authentication!');
488 }
489 }
491 /* check outgoing mail */
493 echo "Checking outgoing mail service....<br />\n";
495 if($useSendmail) {
496 // is_executable also checks for existance, but we want to be as precise as possible with the errors
497 if(!file_exists($sendmail_path)) {
498 do_err("Location of sendmail program incorrect ($sendmail_path)!");
499 }
500 if(!is_executable($sendmail_path)) {
501 do_err("I cannot execute the sendmail program ($sendmail_path)!");
502 }
504 echo $IND . "sendmail OK<br />\n";
505 } else {
506 $stream = fsockopen( ($use_smtp_tls==1?'tls://':'').$smtpServerAddress, $smtpPort,
507 $errorNumber, $errorString);
508 if(!$stream) {
509 do_err("Error connecting to SMTP server \"$smtpServerAddress:$smtpPort\".".
510 "Server error: ($errorNumber) ".htmlspecialchars($errorString));
511 }
513 // check for SMTP code; should be 2xx to allow us access
514 $smtpline = fgets($stream, 1024);
515 if(((int) $smtpline{0}) > 3) {
516 do_err("Error connecting to SMTP server. Server error: ".
517 htmlspecialchars($smtpline));
518 }
520 /* smtp starttls checks */
521 if ($use_smtp_tls===2) {
522 // if something breaks, script should close smtp connection on exit.
524 // say helo
525 fwrite($stream,"EHLO $client_ip\r\n");
527 $ehlo=array();
528 $ehlo_error = false;
529 while ($line=fgets($stream, 1024)){
530 if (preg_match("/^250(-|\s)(\S*)\s+(\S.*)/",$line,$match)||
531 preg_match("/^250(-|\s)(\S*)\s+/",$line,$match)) {
532 if (!isset($match[3])) {
533 // simple one word extension
534 $ehlo[strtoupper($match[2])]='';
535 } else {
536 // ehlo-keyword + ehlo-param
537 $ehlo[strtoupper($match[2])]=trim($match[3]);
538 }
539 if ($match[1]==' ') {
540 $ret = $line;
541 break;
542 }
543 } else {
544 //
545 $ehlo_error = true;
546 $ehlo[]=$line;
547 break;
548 }
549 }
550 if ($ehlo_error) {
551 do_err('SMTP EHLO failed. You need ESMTP support for SMTP STARTTLS');
552 } elseif (!array_key_exists('STARTTLS',$ehlo)) {
553 do_err('STARTTLS support is not declared by SMTP server.');
554 }
556 fwrite($stream,"STARTTLS\r\n");
557 $starttls_response=fgets($stream, 1024);
558 if ($starttls_response[0]!=2) {
559 $starttls_cmd_err = 'SMTP STARTTLS failed. Server replied: '
560 .htmlspecialchars($starttls_response);
561 do_err($starttls_cmd_err);
562 } elseif(! stream_socket_enable_crypto($stream,true,STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) {
563 do_err('Failed to enable encryption on SMTP STARTTLS connection.');
564 } else {
565 echo $IND . "SMTP STARTTLS extension looks OK.<br />\n";
566 }
567 // According to RFC we should second ehlo call here.
568 }
570 fputs($stream, 'QUIT');
571 fclose($stream);
572 echo $IND . 'SMTP server OK (<tt><small>'.
573 trim(htmlspecialchars($smtpline))."</small></tt>)<br />\n";
575 /* POP before SMTP */
576 if($pop_before_smtp) {
577 $stream = fsockopen($smtpServerAddress, 110, $err_no, $err_str);
578 if (!$stream) {
579 do_err("Error connecting to POP Server ($smtpServerAddress:110) "
580 . $err_no . ' : ' . htmlspecialchars($err_str));
581 }
583 $tmp = fgets($stream, 1024);
584 if (substr($tmp, 0, 3) != '+OK') {
585 do_err("Error connecting to POP Server ($smtpServerAddress:110)"
586 . ' '.htmlspecialchars($tmp));
587 }
588 fputs($stream, 'QUIT');
589 fclose($stream);
590 echo $IND . "POP-before-SMTP OK.<br />\n";
591 }
592 }
594 /**
595 * Check the IMAP server
596 */
597 echo "Checking IMAP service....<br />\n";
599 /** Can we open a connection? */
600 $stream = fsockopen( ($use_imap_tls==1?'tls://':'').$imapServerAddress, $imapPort,
601 $errorNumber, $errorString);
602 if(!$stream) {
603 do_err("Error connecting to IMAP server \"$imapServerAddress:$imapPort\".".
604 "Server error: ($errorNumber) ".
605 htmlspecialchars($errorString));
606 }
608 /** Is the first response 'OK'? */
609 $imapline = fgets($stream, 1024);
610 if(substr($imapline, 0,4) != '* OK') {
611 do_err('Error connecting to IMAP server. Server error: '.
612 htmlspecialchars($imapline));
613 }
615 echo $IND . 'IMAP server ready (<tt><small>'.
616 htmlspecialchars(trim($imapline))."</small></tt>)<br />\n";
618 /** Check capabilities */
619 fputs($stream, "A001 CAPABILITY\r\n");
620 $capline = '';
621 while ($line=fgets($stream, 1024)){
622 if (preg_match("/A001.*/",$line)) {
623 break;
624 } else {
625 $capline.=$line;
626 }
627 }
629 /* don't display capabilities before STARTTLS */
630 if ($use_imap_tls===2 && stristr($capline, 'STARTTLS') === false) {
631 do_err('Your server doesn\'t support STARTTLS.');
632 } elseif($use_imap_tls===2) {
633 /* try starting starttls */
634 fwrite($stream,"A002 STARTTLS\r\n");
635 $starttls_line=fgets($stream, 1024);
636 if (! preg_match("/^A002 OK.*/i",$starttls_line)) {
637 $imap_starttls_err = 'IMAP STARTTLS failed. Server replied: '
638 .htmlspecialchars($starttls_line);
639 do_err($imap_starttls_err);
640 } elseif (! stream_socket_enable_crypto($stream,true,STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) {
641 do_err('Failed to enable encryption on IMAP connection.');
642 } else {
643 echo $IND . "IMAP STARTTLS extension looks OK.<br />\n";
644 }
646 // get new capability line
647 fwrite($stream,"A003 CAPABILITY\r\n");
648 $capline='';
649 while ($line=fgets($stream, 1024)){
650 if (preg_match("/A003.*/",$line)) {
651 break;
652 } else {
653 $capline.=$line;
654 }
655 }
656 }
658 echo $IND . 'Capabilities: <tt>'.htmlspecialchars($capline)."</tt><br />\n";
660 if($imap_auth_mech == 'login' && stristr($capline, 'LOGINDISABLED') !== FALSE) {
661 do_err('Your server doesn\'t allow plaintext logins. '.
662 'Try enabling another authentication mechanism like CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5 or TLS-encryption '.
663 'in the SquirrelMail configuration.', FALSE);
664 }
666 if (stristr($capline, 'XMAGICTRASH') !== false) {
667 $magic_trash = 'It looks like IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH option is turned on '
668 .'in your Courier IMAP configuration. Courier does not provide tools that '
669 .'allow to detect folder used for Trash or commands are not documented. '
670 .'SquirrelMail can\'t detect special trash folder. SquirrelMail manages '
671 .'all message deletion or move operations internally and '
672 .'IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH option can cause errors in message and '
673 .'folder management operations. Please turn off IMAP_MOVE_EXPUNGE_TO_TRASH '
674 .'option in Courier imapd configuration.';
675 do_err($magic_trash,false);
676 }
678 /* add warning about IMAP delivery */
679 if (stristr($capline, 'XCOURIEROUTBOX') !== false) {
680 $courier_outbox = 'OUTBOX setting is enabled in your Courier imapd '
681 .'configuration. SquirrelMail uses standard SMTP protocol or sendmail '
682 .'binary to send emails. Courier IMAP delivery method is not supported'
683 .' and can create duplicate email messages.';
684 do_err($courier_outbox,false);
685 }
687 /** OK, close connection */
688 fputs($stream, "A004 LOGOUT\r\n");
689 fclose($stream);
691 echo "Checking internationalization (i18n) settings...<br />\n";
692 echo "$IND gettext - ";
693 if (function_exists('gettext')) {
694 echo 'Gettext functions are available.'
695 .' On some systems you must have appropriate system locales compiled.'
696 ."<br />\n";
698 /* optional setlocale() tests. Should work only on glibc systems. */
699 if (sqgetGlobalVar('testlocales',$testlocales,SQ_GET)) {
700 include_once(SM_PATH . 'include/languages.php');
701 echo $IND . $IND . 'Testing translations:<br>';
702 foreach ($languages as $lang_code => $lang_data) {
703 /* don't test aliases */
704 if (isset($lang_data['NAME'])) {
705 /* locale can be $lang_code or $lang_data['LOCALE'] */
706 if (isset($lang_data['LOCALE'])) {
707 $setlocale = $lang_data['LOCALE'];
708 } else {
709 $setlocale = $lang_code;
710 }
711 /* prepare information about tested locales */
712 if (is_array($setlocale)) {
713 $display_locale = implode(', ',$setlocale);
714 $locale_count = count($setlocale);
715 } else {
716 $display_locale = $setlocale;
717 $locale_count = 1;
718 }
719 $tested_locales_msg = 'Tested '.htmlspecialchars($display_locale).' '
720 .($locale_count>1 ? 'locales':'locale'). '.';
722 echo $IND . $IND .$IND . $lang_data['NAME'].' (' .$lang_code. ') - ';
723 $retlocale = sq_setlocale(LC_ALL,$setlocale);
724 if (is_bool($retlocale)) {
725 echo '<font color="red">unsupported</font>. ';
726 echo $tested_locales_msg;
727 } else {
728 echo 'supported. '
729 .$tested_locales_msg
730 .' setlocale() returned "'.htmlspecialchars($retlocale).'"';
731 }
732 echo "<br />\n";
733 }
734 }
735 echo $IND . $IND . '<a href="configtest.php">Don\'t test translations</a>';
736 } else {
737 echo $IND . $IND . '<a href="configtest.php?testlocales=1">Test translations</a>. '
738 .'This test is not accurate and might work only on some systems.'
739 ."\n";
740 }
741 echo "<br />\n";
742 /* end of translation tests */
743 } else {
744 echo 'Gettext functions are unavailable.'
745 .' SquirrelMail will use slower internal gettext functions.'
746 ."<br />\n";
747 }
748 echo "$IND mbstring - ";
749 if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
750 echo "Mbstring functions are available.<br />\n";
751 } else {
752 echo 'Mbstring functions are unavailable.'
753 ." Japanese translation won't work.<br />\n";
754 }
755 echo "$IND recode - ";
756 if (function_exists('recode')) {
757 echo "Recode functions are available.<br />\n";
758 } elseif (isset($use_php_recode) && $use_php_recode) {
759 echo "Recode functions are unavailable.<br />\n";
760 do_err('Your configuration requires recode support, but recode support is missing.');
761 } else {
762 echo "Recode functions are unavailable.<br />\n";
763 }
764 echo "$IND iconv - ";
765 if (function_exists('iconv')) {
766 echo "Iconv functions are available.<br />\n";
767 } elseif (isset($use_php_iconv) && $use_php_iconv) {
768 echo "Iconv functions are unavailable.<br />\n";
769 do_err('Your configuration requires iconv support, but iconv support is missing.');
770 } else {
771 echo "Iconv functions are unavailable.<br />\n";
772 }
773 // same test as in include/init.php + date_default_timezone_set check
774 echo "$IND timezone - ";
775 if ( (!ini_get('safe_mode')) || function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') ||
776 !strcmp(ini_get('safe_mode_allowed_env_vars'),'') ||
777 preg_match('/^([\w_]+,)*TZ/', ini_get('safe_mode_allowed_env_vars')) ) {
778 echo "Webmail users can change their time zone settings. \n";
779 } else {
780 echo "Webmail users can't change their time zone settings. \n";
781 }
782 if (isset($_ENV['TZ'])) {
783 echo 'Default time zone is '.htmlspecialchars($_ENV['TZ']);
784 } else {
785 echo 'Current time zone is '.date('T');
786 }
787 echo ".<br />\n";
789 // Pear DB tests
790 echo "Checking database functions...<br />\n";
791 if($addrbook_dsn || $prefs_dsn || $addrbook_global_dsn) {
792 @include_once('DB.php');
793 if (class_exists('DB')) {
794 echo "$IND PHP Pear DB support is present.<br />\n";
795 $db_functions=array(
796 'dbase' => 'dbase_open',
797 'fbsql' => 'fbsql_connect',
798 'interbase' => 'ibase_connect',
799 'informix' => 'ifx_connect',
800 'msql' => 'msql_connect',
801 'mssql' => 'mssql_connect',
802 'mysql' => 'mysql_connect',
803 'mysqli' => 'mysqli_connect',
804 'oci8' => 'ocilogon',
805 'odbc' => 'odbc_connect',
806 'pgsql' => 'pg_connect',
807 'sqlite' => 'sqlite_open',
808 'sybase' => 'sybase_connect'
809 );
811 $dsns = array();
812 if($prefs_dsn) {
813 $dsns['preferences'] = $prefs_dsn;
814 }
815 if($addrbook_dsn) {
816 $dsns['addressbook'] = $addrbook_dsn;
817 }
818 if($addrbook_global_dsn) {
819 $dsns['global addressbook'] = $addrbook_global_dsn;
820 }
822 foreach($dsns as $type => $dsn) {
823 $aDsn = explode(':', $dsn);
824 $dbtype = array_shift($aDsn);
825 if(isset($db_functions[$dbtype]) && function_exists($db_functions[$dbtype])) {
826 echo "$IND$dbtype database support present.<br />\n";
828 // now, test this interface:
830 $dbh = DB::connect($dsn, true);
831 if (DB::isError($dbh)) {
832 do_err('Database error: '. htmlspecialchars(DB::errorMessage($dbh)) .
833 ' in ' .$type .' DSN.');
834 }
835 $dbh->disconnect();
836 echo "$IND$type database connect successful.<br />\n";
838 } else {
839 do_err($dbtype.' database support not present!');
840 }
841 }
842 } else {
843 $db_error='Required PHP PEAR DB support is not available.'
844 .' Is PEAR installed and is the include path set correctly to find <tt>DB.php</tt>?'
845 .' The include path is now:<tt>' . ini_get('include_path') . '</tt>.';
846 do_err($db_error);
847 }
848 } else {
849 echo $IND."not using database functionality.<br />\n";
850 }
852 // LDAP DB tests
853 echo "Checking LDAP functions...<br />\n";
854 if( empty($ldap_server) ) {
855 echo $IND."not using LDAP functionality.<br />\n";
856 } else {
857 if ( !function_exists('ldap_connect') ) {
858 do_err('Required LDAP support is not available.');
859 } else {
860 echo "$IND LDAP support present.<br />\n";
861 foreach ( $ldap_server as $param ) {
863 $linkid = @ldap_connect($param['host'], (empty($param['port']) ? 389 : $param['port']) );
865 if ( $linkid ) {
866 echo "$IND LDAP connect to ".$param['host']." successful: ".$linkid."<br />\n";
868 if ( !empty($param['protocol']) &&
869 !ldap_set_option($linkid, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $param['protocol']) ) {
870 do_err('Unable to set LDAP protocol');
871 }
873 if ( empty($param['binddn']) ) {
874 $bind = @ldap_bind($linkid);
875 } else {
876 $bind = @ldap_bind($param['binddn'], $param['bindpw']);
877 }
879 if ( $bind ) {
880 echo "$IND LDAP Bind Successful <br />";
881 } else {
882 do_err('Unable to Bind to LDAP Server');
883 }
885 @ldap_close($linkid);
886 } else {
887 do_err('Connection to LDAP failed');
888 }
889 }
890 }
891 }
893 echo '<hr width="75%" align="center">';
894 echo '<h2 align="center">Summary</h2>';
895 $footer = '<hr width="75%" align="center">';
896 if ($warnings) {
897 echo '<p>No fatal errors were found, but there was at least 1 warning. Please check the flagged issue(s) carefully, as correcting them may prevent erratic, undefined, or incorrect behavior (or flat out breakage).</p>';
898 echo $footer;
899 } else {
900 print <<< EOF
901 <p>Congratulations, your SquirrelMail setup looks fine to me!</p>
903 <p><a href="login.php">Login now</a></p>
905 </body>
906 </html>
907 EOF;
908 echo $footer;
909 }
910 ?>