forgot something
[squirrelmail.git] / plugins / filters / options.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * Message and Spam Filter Plugin
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The SquirrelMail Project Team
7 * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
8 *
9 * This plugin filters your inbox into different folders based upon given
10 * criteria. It is most useful for people who are subscibed to mailing lists
11 * to help organize their messages. The argument stands that filtering is
12 * not the place of the client, which is why this has been made a plugin for
13 * SquirrelMail. You may be better off using products such as Sieve or
14 * Procmail to do your filtering so it happens even when SquirrelMail isn't
15 * running.
16 *
17 * If you need help with this, or see improvements that can be made, please
18 * email me directly at the address above. I definately welcome suggestions
19 * and comments. This plugin, as is the case with all SquirrelMail plugins,
20 * is not directly supported by the developers. Please come to me off the
21 * mailing list if you have trouble with it.
22 *
23 * Also view plugins/README.plugins for more information.
24 *
25 * $Id$
26 */
28 chdir ('..');
29 require_once('../src/validate.php');
30 require_once('../functions/page_header.php');
31 require_once('../functions/imap.php');
32 require_once('../src/load_prefs.php');
34 global $AllowSpamFilters;
36 displayPageHeader($color, 'None');
38 if (isset($filter_submit)) {
39 if (!isset($theid)) $theid = 0;
40 $filter_what = ereg_replace(",", " ", $filter_what);
41 $filter_what = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $filter_what);
42 $filter_what = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $filter_what);
43 $filter_what = str_replace("\"", "&quot;", $filter_what);
45 if (($filter_where == 'Header') && (strchr($filter_what,':') == '')) {
46 print ('WARNING! Header filters should be of the format "Header: value"<BR>');
47 $action = 'edit';
48 }
49 setPref($data_dir, $username, "filter".$theid, $filter_where.",".$filter_what.",".$filter_folder);
50 $filters[$theid]["where"] = $filter_where;
51 $filters[$theid]["what"] = $filter_what;
52 $filters[$theid]["folder"] = $filter_folder;
53 } elseif (isset($action) && $action == 'delete') {
54 remove_filter($theid);
55 } elseif (isset($action) && $action == 'move_up') {
56 filter_swap($theid, $theid - 1);
57 } elseif (isset($action) && $action == 'move_down') {
58 filter_swap($theid, $theid + 1);
59 } elseif (isset($user_submit)) {
60 echo "<br><center><b>"._("Saved Scan type")."</b></center>\n";
61 setPref($data_dir, $username, 'filters_user_scan', $filters_user_scan_set);
62 }
64 $filters = load_filters();
65 $filters_user_scan = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'filters_user_scan');
67 echo html_tag( 'table',
68 html_tag( 'tr',
69 html_tag( 'td',
70 '<center><b>' . _("Options") . ' - ' . _("Message Filtering") . '</b></center>' ,
71 'left', $color[0] )
72 ) ,
73 'center', '', 'width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"' ) .
75 '<br><form method=post action="options.php">'.
76 '<center>'.
77 html_tag( 'table', '', '', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"' ) .
78 html_tag( 'tr' ) .
79 html_tag( 'th', _("What to Scan:"), 'right', '', 'nowrap' ) .
80 html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) .
81 '<select name="filters_user_scan_set">'.
82 '<option value=""';
83 if ($filters_user_scan == '') {
84 echo ' selected';
85 }
86 echo '>' . _("All messages") . '</option>'.
87 '<option value="new"';
88 if ($filters_user_scan == 'new') {
89 echo ' selected';
90 }
91 echo '>' . _("Only unread messages") . '</option>' .
92 '</select>'.
93 '</td>'.
94 html_tag( 'td', '<input type=submit name="user_submit" value="' . _("Save") . '">', 'left' ) .
95 '</table>'.
96 '</center>'.
97 '</form>'.
99 html_tag( 'div', '[<a href="options.php?action=add">' . _("New") .
100 '</a>] - [<a href="../../src/options.php">' . _("Done") . '</a>]' ,
101 'center' ) . '<br>';
103 if (isset($action) && ($action == 'add' || $action == 'edit')) {
104 $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
105 $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection);
106 sqimap_logout($imapConnection);
107 if ( !isset($theid) ) {
108 $theid = count($filters);
109 }
110 echo html_tag( 'div', '', 'center' ) .
111 '<form action="options.php" method=post>'.
112 html_tag( 'table', '', '', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"' ) .
113 html_tag( 'tr' ) .
114 html_tag( 'td', _("Match:"), 'left' ) .
115 html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) .
116 '<select name=filter_where>';
118 $L = isset($filters[$theid]['where']);
120 $sel = (($L && $filters[$theid]['where'] == 'From')?'selected':'');
121 echo "<option value=\"From\" $sel>" . _ ("From") . '</option>';
123 $sel = (($L && $filters[$theid]['where'] == 'To')?'selected':'');
124 echo "<option value=\"To\" $sel>" . _ ("To") . '</option>';
126 $sel = (($L && $filters[$theid]['where'] == 'Cc')?'selected':'');
127 echo "<option value=\"Cc\" $sel>" . _ ("Cc") . '</option>';
129 $sel = (($L && $filters[$theid]['where'] == 'To or Cc')?'selected':'');
130 echo "<option value=\"To or Cc\" $sel>" . _ ("To or Cc") . '</option>';
132 $sel = (($L && $filters[$theid]['where'] == 'Subject')?'selected':'');
133 echo "<option value=\"Subject\" $sel>" . _ ("Subject") . '</option>';
135 $sel = (($L && $filters[$theid]['where'] == 'Header')?'selected':'');
136 echo "<option value=\"Header\" $sel>" . _ ("Header") . '</option>';
138 echo '</select>'.
139 '</td>'.
140 '</tr>'.
141 html_tag( 'tr' ) .
142 html_tag( 'td', _("Contains:"), 'right' ) .
143 html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) .
144 '<input type=text size=32 name=filter_what value="';
145 if (isset($filters[$theid]['what'])) {
146 echo $filters[$theid]["what"];
147 }
148 echo '">'.
149 '</td>'.
150 '</tr>'.
151 html_tag( 'tr' ) .
152 html_tag( 'td', _("Move to:"), 'left' ) .
153 html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) .
154 '<tt>'.
155 '<select name=filter_folder>';
157 for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) {
158 if (! in_array('noselect', $boxes[$i]['flags'])) {
159 $box = $boxes[$i]['unformatted'];
160 $box2 = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $boxes[$i]['formatted']);
161 if (isset($filters[$theid]['folder']) &&
162 $filters[$theid]['folder'] == $box)
163 echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"$box\" SELECTED>$box2</option>";
164 else
165 echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"$box\">$box2</option>";
166 }
167 }
168 echo '</tt>'.
169 '</select>'.
170 '</td>'.
171 '</tr>'.
172 '</table>'.
173 '<input type=submit name=filter_submit value=' . _("Submit") . '>'.
174 "<input type=hidden name=theid value=$theid>".
175 '</form>'.
176 '</div>';
178 }
180 echo html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"' );
182 for ($i=0; $i < count($filters); $i++) {
184 $clr = (($i % 2)?$color[0]:$color[9]);
185 $fdr = ($folder_prefix)?str_replace($folder_prefix, "", $filters[$i]["folder"]):$filters[$i]["folder"];
186 echo html_tag( 'tr', '', '', $clr ) .
187 html_tag( 'td',
188 '<small>' .
189 "[<a href=\"options.php?theid=$i&action=edit\">" . _("Edit") . '</a>]'.
190 '</small>' ,
191 'left' ) .
192 html_tag( 'td',
193 '<small>' .
194 "[<a href=\"options.php?theid=$i&action=delete\">" . _("Delete") . '</a>]'.
195 '</small>' ,
196 'left' ) .
197 html_tag( 'td', '', 'center' ) . '<small>[';
199 if (isset($filters[$i + 1])) {
200 echo "<a href=\"options.php?theid=$i&action=move_down\">" . _("Down") . '</a>';
201 if ($i > 0) {
202 echo '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
203 }
204 }
205 if ($i > 0) {
206 echo "<a href=\"options.php?theid=$i&action=move_up\">" . _("Up") . '</a>';
207 }
208 echo ']</small></td>'.
209 html_tag( 'td', '-', 'left' ) .
210 html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' );
211 printf( _("If <b>%s</b> contains <b>%s</b> then move to <b>%s</b>"), _($filters[$i]['where']), $filters[$i]['what'], $fdr );
212 echo '</td></tr>';
214 }
215 echo '</table>'.
216 html_tag( 'table',
217 html_tag( 'tr',
218 html_tag( 'td', '&nbsp', 'left' )
219 ) ,
220 'center', '', 'width="80%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"' );
221 ?>