adding source code links to footer
[fsfdrupalauth.git] / phpcs.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <ruleset name="SimpleSAMLphp SAML2 ruleset">
3 <description>
4 By default it is less stringent about long lines than other coding standards
5 </description>
7 <file>src</file>
8 <file>tests</file>
9 <!-- Use this to exclude paths. You can have multiple patterns -->
10 <!--<exclude-pattern>*/tests/*</exclude-pattern>-->
11 <!--<exclude-pattern>*/other/*</exclude-pattern>-->
13 <!-- This is the rule we inherit from. If you want to exclude some specific rules, see the docs on how to do that -->
14 <rule ref="PSR12"/>
15 </ruleset>