Merge pull request #11027 from artfulrobot/master
[civicrm-core.git] / js / jquery / jquery.crmProfileSelector.js
1 (function($, _) {
2 var ufGroupCollection = new CRM.UF.UFGroupCollection(_.sortBy(CRM.initialProfileList.values, 'title'));
3 //var ufGroupCollection = new CRM.UF.UFGroupCollection(CRM.initialProfileList.values, {
4 // comparator: 'title' // no point, this doesn't work with subcollections
5 //});
6 ufGroupCollection.unshift(new CRM.UF.UFGroupModel({
7 id: '',
8 title: ts('- select -')
9 }));
11 /**
12 * Example:
13 * <input type="text" value="{$profileId}" class="crm-profile-selector" />
14 * ...
15 * cj('.crm-profile-selector').crmProfileSelector({
16 * groupTypeFilter: "Contact,Individual,Activity;;ActivityType:7",
17 * entities: "contact_1:IndividualModel,activity_1:ActivityModel"
18 * });
19 *
20 * Note: The system does not currently support dynamic entities -- it only supports
21 * a couple of entities named "contact_1" and "activity_1". See also
22 * CRM.UF.guessEntityName().
23 */
24 $.fn.crmProfileSelector = function(options) {
25 return this.each(function() {
26 // Hide the existing <SELECT> and instead construct a ProfileSelector view.
27 // Keep them synchronized.
28 var matchingUfGroups,
29 $select = $(this).hide().addClass('rendered');
31 var validTypesId = [];
32 var usedByFilter = null;
33 if (options.groupTypeFilter) {
34 matchingUfGroups = ufGroupCollection.subcollection({
35 filter: function(ufGroupModel) {
36 //CRM-16915 - filter with module used by the profile
37 if (options.usedByFilter && options.usedByFilter.length) {
38 usedByFilter = options.usedByFilter;
39 }
40 return ufGroupModel.checkGroupType(options.groupTypeFilter, options.allowAllSubtypes, usedByFilter);
41 }
42 });
43 } else {
44 matchingUfGroups = ufGroupCollection;
45 }
47 //CRM-15427 check for valid subtypes raise a warning if not valid
48 if (options.allowAllSubtypes && !validTypesId.length) {
49 validTypes = ufGroupCollection.subcollection({
50 filter: function(ufGroupModel) {
51 return ufGroupModel.checkGroupType(options.groupTypeFilter);
52 }
53 });
54 _.each(validTypes.models, function(validTypesattr) {
55 validTypesId.push(;
56 });
57 }
58 if (validTypesId.length && $.inArray($select.val(), validTypesId) == -1) {
59 var civiComponent;
60 if (options.groupTypeFilter.indexOf('Membership') !== -1) {
61 civiComponent = 'Membership';
62 }
63 else if (options.groupTypeFilter.indexOf('Participant') !== -1) {
64 civiComponent = 'Event';
65 }
66 else {
67 civiComponent = 'Contribution';
68 }
69 CRM.alert(ts('The selected profile is using a custom field which is not assigned to the "%1" being configured.', {1: civiComponent}), ts('Warning'));
70 }
71 var view = new CRM.ProfileSelector.View({
72 ufGroupId: $select.val(),
73 ufGroupCollection: matchingUfGroups,
74 ufEntities: options.entities
75 });
76 view.on('change:ufGroupId', function() {
77 $select.val(view.getUfGroupId()).change();
78 });
79 view.render();
80 $select.after(view.el);
81 setTimeout(function() {
82 view.doPreview();
83 }, 100);
84 });
85 };
87 $('#crm-container').on('crmLoad', function() {
88 $('.crm-profile-selector:not(.rendered)', this).each(function() {
89 $(this).crmProfileSelector({
90 groupTypeFilter: $(this).data('groupType'),
91 entities: $(this).data('entities'),
92 //CRM-15427
93 allowAllSubtypes: $(this).data('default'),
94 usedByFilter: $(this).data('usedfor')
95 });
96 });
97 });
99 })(CRM.$, CRM._);