Merge pull request #10457 from jitendrapurohit/CRM-20675
[civicrm-core.git] / js / angular-crmResource / all.js
1 // crmResource: Given a templateUrl "~/mymodule/myfile.html", load the matching HTML.
2 // This implementation loads all partials and strings in one batch.
3 (function(angular, $, _) {
4 angular.module('crmResource', []);
6 angular.module('crmResource').factory('crmResource', function($q, $http) {
7 var deferreds = {}; // null|object; deferreds[url][idx] = Deferred;
8 var templates = null; // null|object; templates[url] = HTML;
10 var notify = function notify() {
11 var oldDfrds = deferreds;
12 deferreds = null;
14 angular.forEach(oldDfrds, function(dfrs, url) {
15 if (templates[url]) {
16 angular.forEach(dfrs, function(dfr) {
17 dfr.resolve({
18 status: 200,
19 headers: function(name) {
20 var headers = {'Content-type': 'text/html'};
21 return name ? headers[name] : headers;
22 },
23 data: templates[url]
24 });
25 });
26 }
27 else {
28 angular.forEach(dfrs, function(dfr) {
29 dfr.reject({status: 500}); // FIXME
30 });
31 }
32 });
33 };
35 var moduleUrl = CRM.angular.bundleUrl;
36 $http.get(moduleUrl)
37 .success(function httpSuccess(data) {
38 templates = [];
39 angular.forEach(data, function(module) {
40 if (module.partials) {
41 angular.extend(templates, module.partials);
42 }
43 if (module.strings) {
44 CRM.addStrings(module.domain, module.strings);
45 }
46 });
47 notify();
48 })
49 .error(function httpError() {
50 templates = [];
51 notify();
52 });
54 return {
55 // @return string|Promise<string>
56 getUrl: function getUrl(url) {
57 if (templates !== null) {
58 return templates[url];
59 }
60 else {
61 var deferred = $q.defer();
62 if (!deferreds[url]) {
63 deferreds[url] = [];
64 }
65 deferreds[url].push(deferred);
66 return deferred.promise;
67 }
68 }
69 };
70 });
72 angular.module('crmResource').config(function($provide) {
73 $provide.decorator('$templateCache', function($delegate, $http, $q, crmResource) {
74 var origGet = $delegate.get;
75 var urlPat = /^~\//;
76 $delegate.get = function(url) {
77 if (urlPat.test(url)) {
78 return crmResource.getUrl(url);
79 }
80 else {
81 return, url);
82 }
83 };
84 return $delegate;
85 });
86 });
88 })(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);