[REF] Paypal ipn - cleanup references to completion
[civicrm-core.git] / install / template.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $short_lang_code; ?>" lang="<?php echo $short_lang_code; ?>" dir="<?php echo $text_direction; ?>">
3 <head>
4 <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
5 <title><?php echo ts('CiviCRM Installer'); ?></title>
6 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=<?php echo $installURLPath . "template.css"?> />
7 <?php
8 if ($text_direction == 'rtl') {
9 echo " <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$installURLPath}template-rtl.css' />\n";
10 }
11 ?>
12 </head>
13 <body>
15 <div id="All">
16 <div class="civicrm-logo"><strong><?php echo ts('Version %1', array(1 => "{$civicrm_version['version']} {$civicrm_version['cms']}")); ?></strong><br/>
17 <span><img src=<?php echo $installURLPath . "block_small.png"?> /></span>
18 </div>
20 <h1><?php echo ts("CiviCRM Installer"); ?></h1>
21 <p><?php echo ts("Thanks for choosing CiviCRM! Please follow the instructions below to install CiviCRM."); ?></p>
23 <form name="civicrm_form" method="post" action="<?php echo str_replace( '%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>">
25 <input type="hidden" name="civicrm_install_type" value="<?php echo $installType; ?>" />
27 <?php if (isset($hasErrorOtherThanDatabase)) { ?>
28 <p class="error"><?php echo ts('We are not able to install the software. Please <a href="#requirements">see below</a> for details.'); ?></p>
29 <?php } else { ?>
30 <?php if ($req->hasWarnings()) { ?>
31 <p class="warning"><?php echo ts('There are some issues that we recommend you look at before installing, however, you are still able to install the software. Please see below for details.'); ?></p>
32 <?php } elseif (!$dbReq->hasErrors()) { ?>
33 <p class="good"><?php echo ts("You're ready to install!"); ?></p>
34 <?php } ?>
36 <p>
37 <button id="install_button" type="submit" name="go" onclick="document.getElementById('saving_top').style.display = ''; this.innerHTML = '<?php echo ts('Installing CiviCRM...', ['escape' => 'js']); ?>'"><?php echo ts('Check Requirements and Install CiviCRM', ['escape' => 'js']); ?></button>
39 <span id="saving_top" style="display: none">
40 &nbsp;
41 <img src=<?php echo $installURLPath . "network-save.gif"?> />
42 <?php echo ts('(this will take a few minutes)'); ?>
43 </span>
44 </p>
45 <?php } ?>
47 <h4><?php echo ts('Language and Region Settings'); ?></h4>
49 <p><?php echo ts('CiviCRM has been translated to many languages, thanks to its community of translators. By selecting another language, the installer may be available in that language. The initial configuration of the basic data will also be set to that language (ex: individual prefixes, suffixes, activity types, etc.). <a href="%1">Learn more about using CiviCRM in other languages.</a>', array(1 => 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=88408149')); ?></p>
51 <script>
52 function civicrmInstallerSetLanguage(language) {
53 var location = window.location.toString();
55 if (location.match(/seedLanguage=.._../)) {
56 location = location.replace(/seedLanguage=.._../, 'seedLanguage=' + language);
57 window.location = location;
58 }
59 else {
60 window.location += (location.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + 'seedLanguage=' + language;
61 }
62 }
63 </script>
65 <p style="margin-left: 2em" id="locale">
66 <label for="seedLanguage"><span><?php echo ts('Language of basic data:'); ?></span></label>
67 <select id="seedLanguage" name="seedLanguage" onchange="civicrmInstallerSetLanguage(this.value);">
68 <?php
69 foreach ($langs as $locale => $language) {
70 $selected = ($locale == $seedLanguage) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
71 echo "<option value='$locale' $selected>$language</option>";
72 }
73 ?>
74 </select>
75 <noscript>
76 <button type="submit" name="setlanguage"><?php echo ts('Change language', ['escape' => 'js']); ?></button>
77 </noscript>
78 <span class="testResults">
79 <?php
80 if (count($langs) < 2) {
81 echo "(download the civicrm-{$civicrm_version['version']}-l10n.tar.gz file and unzip into CiviCRM’s directory to add languages here)";
82 }
83 ?>
84 </span>
85 </p>
87 <input type="hidden" name="database" value="MySQLDatabase" />
89 <h2><?php echo ts('Database Version and Connection Settings'); ?></h2>
90 <p>
91 <?php echo ts('CiviCRM stores its content in a MySQL database. Please provide the username and password to connect to the server here. If this account has permission to create databases, then we will create the database for you; otherwise, you must give the name of a database that already exists.'); ?>
92 </p>
94 <?php if ($dbReq->hasErrors()) { ?>
95 <p class="error"><?php echo ts("Your database settings don't appear to be correct. Please check the <a href='%1'>Database Details</a> below for specific errors.", array(1 => '#dbDetails')); ?></p>
96 <?php } else { ?>
97 <p class="good"><?php echo ts("Database version and connection settings have been verified and look correct!"); ?></p>
98 <?php } ?>
100 <h4><?php echo ts('CiviCRM Database Settings'); ?></h4>
101 <p style="margin-left: 2em" id="mysql_credentials">
102 <label for="mysql_server"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL server:'); ?></span> <input id="mysql_server" type="text" name="mysql[server]" value="<?php echo $databaseConfig['server']; ?>" /></label>
103 <span class="testResults"> <?php echo ts('If your mysql server is running on other port than default 3306, provide server info as server:port (i.e. localhost:1234) ') ?> </span> </br>
104 <label for="mysql_username"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL username:'); ?></span> <input id="mysql_username" type="text" name="mysql[username]" value="<?php echo $databaseConfig['username']; ?>" /></label> <br />
105 <label for="mysql_password"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL password:'); ?></span> <input id="mysql_password" type="password" name="mysql[password]" value="<?php echo $databaseConfig['password']; ?>" /></label> <br />
106 <label for="mysql_database"><span><?php echo ts('MySQL database:'); ?></span> <input id="mysql_database" type="text" name="mysql[database]" value="<?php echo $databaseConfig['database']; ?>" /></label> <br />
107 </p>
109 <?php if ($installType == 'drupal') { ?>
110 <h4><?php echo ts('Drupal Database Settings'); ?></h4>
111 <p style="margin-left: 2em" id="drupal_credentials" > <!--style="display: none"-->
112 <label for="drupal_server"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL server:'); ?></span> <input id="drupal_server" type="text" name="drupal[server]" value="<?php echo $drupalConfig['server']; ?>" /></label>
113 <span class="testResults"> <?php echo ts('If your mysql server is running on other port than default 3306, provide server info as server:port (i.e. localhost:1234) ') ?> </span> </br>
114 <label for="drupal_username"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL username:'); ?></span> <input id="drupal_username" type="text" name="drupal[username]" value="<?php echo $drupalConfig['username']; ?>" /></label> <br />
115 <label for="drupal_password"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL password:'); ?></span> <input id="drupal_password" type="password" name="drupal[password]" value="<?php echo $drupalConfig['password']; ?>" /></label> <br />
116 <label for="drupal_database"><span><?php echo ts('MySQL database:'); ?></span> <input id="drupal_database" type="text" name="drupal[database]" value="<?php echo $drupalConfig['database']; ?>" /></label> <br />
117 </p>
118 <?php } ?>
120 <?php if ($installType == 'backdrop') { ?>
121 <h4><?php echo ts('Backdrop Database Settings'); ?></h4>
122 <p style="margin-left: 2em" id="backdrop_credentials" > <!--style="display: none"-->
123 <label for="backdrop_server"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL server:'); ?></span> <input id="backdrop_server" type="text" name="backdrop[server]" value="<?php echo $backdropConfig['server'] ?>" /></label>
124 <span class="testResults"> <?php echo ts('If your mysql server is running on other port than default 3306, provide server info as server:port (i.e. localhost:1234) ') ?> </span> </br>
125 <label for="backdrop_username"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL username:'); ?></span> <input id="backdrop_username" type="text" name="backdrop[username]" value="<?php echo $backdropConfig['username'] ?>" /></label> <br />
126 <label for="backdrop_password"> <span><?php echo ts('MySQL password:'); ?></span> <input id="backdrop_password" type="password" name="backdrop[password]" value="<?php echo $backdropConfig['password'] ?>" /></label> <br />
127 <label for="backdrop_database"><span><?php echo ts('MySQL database:'); ?></span> <input id="backdrop_database" type="text" name="backdrop[database]" value="<?php echo $backdropConfig['database'] ?>" /></label> <br />
128 </p>
129 <?php } ?>
131 <h4><?php echo ts('Other Settings'); ?></h4>
133 <p>
134 <label for="loadGenerated"><span>Load sample data:</span><input id="loadGenerated" type="checkbox" name="loadGenerated" value=1 <?php if ( $loadGenerated == 1 ) { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /></label> <br />
135 <span class="testResults">Check this box to pre-populate CiviCRM with sample English contact records, online contribution pages, profile forms, etc. These examples can help you learn about CiviCRM features.</span><br />
136 </p>
138 <p style="margin-left: 2em"><button type="submit"><?php echo ts('Re-check requirements', ['escape' => 'js']); ?></button></p>
140 <a name="dbDetails">
142 <?php
143 echo '<h4>' . ts('CiviCRM Database Details') . '</h4>';
144 $dbReq->showTable(ts("MySQL %1 Configuration", array(1 => 'CiviCRM')));
145 ?>
147 <?php if ($installType == 'drupal') {
148 echo "<h4>" . ts('Drupal Database Details') . "</h4>";
149 $dbReq->showTable(ts("MySQL %1 Configuration", array(1 => 'Drupal')));
150 }?>
152 <?php if ($installType == 'backdrop') {
153 echo "<h4>" . ts('Backdrop Database Details') . "</h4>";
154 $dbReq->showTable(ts("MySQL %1 Configuration", array(1 => 'Backdrop')));
155 }?>
156 <br /><hr />
158 <h2 id="requirements"><?php echo ts('Requirements'); ?></h2>
159 <?php
160 $req->showTable();
161 ?>
163 </form>
164 </div>
165 </body>
166 </html>