Merging two strings and making external links open in a new window
[squirrelmail.git] / functions / htmlentities / iso-8859-1.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * iso-8859-1 html entities table
4 *
5 * @copyright (c) 2004 The SquirrelMail development team
6 * @license GNU Public License
7 * @version $Id$
8 * @package squirrelmail
9 * @subpackage strings
10 */
11 $sq_html_ent_table = array_merge($sq_html_ent_table,
12 array("\xA0" => '&nbsp;',
13 "\xA1" => '&iexcl;',
14 "\xA2" => '&cent;',
15 "\xA3" => '&pound;',
16 "\xA4" => '&curren;',
17 "\xA5" => '&yen;',
18 "\xA6" => '&brvbar;',
19 "\xA7" => '&sect;',
20 "\xA8" => '&uml;',
21 "\xA9" => '&copy;',
22 "\xAA" => '&ordf;',
23 "\xAB" => '&laquo;',
24 "\xAC" => '&not;',
25 "\xAD" => '&shy;',
26 "\xAE" => '&reg;',
27 "\xAF" => '&macr;',
28 "\xB0" => '&deg;',
29 "\xB1" => '&plusmn;',
30 "\xB2" => '&sup2;',
31 "\xB3" => '&sup3;',
32 "\xB4" => '&acute;',
33 "\xB5" => '&micro;',
34 "\xB6" => '&para;',
35 "\xB7" => '&middot;',
36 "\xB8" => '&cedil;',
37 "\xB9" => '&sup1;',
38 "\xBA" => '&ordm;',
39 "\xBB" => '&raquo;',
40 "\xBC" => '&frac14;',
41 "\xBD" => '&frac12;',
42 "\xBE" => '&frac34;',
43 "\xBF" => '&iquest;',
44 "\xC0" => '&Agrave;',
45 "\xC1" => '&Aacute;',
46 "\xC2" => '&Acirc;',
47 "\xC3" => '&Atilde;',
48 "\xC4" => '&Auml;',
49 "\xC5" => '&Aring;',
50 "\xC6" => '&AElig;',
51 "\xC7" => '&Ccedil;',
52 "\xC8" => '&Egrave;',
53 "\xC9" => '&Eacute;',
54 "\xCA" => '&Ecirc;',
55 "\xCB" => '&Euml;',
56 "\xCC" => '&Igrave;',
57 "\xCD" => '&Iacute;',
58 "\xCE" => '&Icirc;',
59 "\xCF" => '&Iuml;',
60 "\xD0" => '&ETH;',
61 "\xD1" => '&Ntilde;',
62 "\xD2" => '&Ograve;',
63 "\xD3" => '&Oacute;',
64 "\xD4" => '&Ocirc;',
65 "\xD5" => '&Otilde;',
66 "\xD6" => '&Ouml;',
67 "\xD7" => '&times;',
68 "\xD8" => '&Oslash;',
69 "\xD9" => '&Ugrave;',
70 "\xDA" => '&Uacute;',
71 "\xDB" => '&Ucirc;',
72 "\xDC" => '&Uuml;',
73 "\xDD" => '&Yacute;',
74 "\xDE" => '&THORN;',
75 "\xDF" => '&szlig;',
76 "\xE0" => '&agrave;',
77 "\xE1" => '&aacute;',
78 "\xE2" => '&acirc;',
79 "\xE3" => '&atilde;',
80 "\xE4" => '&auml;',
81 "\xE5" => '&aring;',
82 "\xE6" => '&aelig;',
83 "\xE7" => '&ccedil;',
84 "\xE8" => '&egrave;',
85 "\xE9" => '&eacute;',
86 "\xEA" => '&ecirc;',
87 "\xEB" => '&euml;',
88 "\xEC" => '&igrave;',
89 "\xED" => '&iacute;',
90 "\xEE" => '&icirc;',
91 "\xEF" => '&iuml;',
92 "\xF0" => '&eth;',
93 "\xF1" => '&ntilde;',
94 "\xF2" => '&ograve;',
95 "\xF3" => '&oacute;',
96 "\xF4" => '&ocirc;',
97 "\xF5" => '&otilde;',
98 "\xF6" => '&ouml;',
99 "\xF7" => '&divide;',
100 "\xF8" => '&oslash;',
101 "\xF9" => '&ugrave;',
102 "\xFA" => '&uacute;',
103 "\xFB" => '&ucirc;',
104 "\xFC" => '&uuml;',
105 "\xFD" => '&yacute;',
106 "\xFE" => '&thorn;',
107 "\xFF" => '&yuml;')
108 );
109 ?>