Another MS fix...
[squirrelmail.git] / functions / html.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * html.php
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The SquirrelMail Project Team
7 * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
8 *
9 * The idea is to inlcude here some functions to make easier
10 * the right to left implementation by "functionize" some
11 * html outputs.
12 *
13 * @version $Id$
14 * @package squirrelmail
15 */
17 /**
18 * Generate html tags
19 *
20 * @param string $tag Tag to output
21 * @param string $val Value between tags
22 * @param string $align Alignment (left, center, etc)
23 * @param string $bgcolor Back color in hexadecimal
24 * @param string $xtra Extra options
25 * @return string HTML ready for output
26 */
27 function html_tag( $tag, // Tag to output
28 $val = '', // Value between tags
29 $align = '', // Alignment
30 $bgcolor = '', // Back color
31 $xtra = '' ) { // Extra options
33 GLOBAL $languages, $squirrelmail_language;
35 $align = strtolower( $align );
36 $bgc = '';
37 $tag = strtolower( $tag );
39 if ( isset( $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR']) ) {
40 $dir = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR'];
41 } else {
42 $dir = 'ltr';
43 }
45 if ( $dir == 'ltr' ) {
46 $rgt = 'right';
47 $lft = 'left';
48 } else {
49 $rgt = 'left';
50 $lft = 'right';
51 }
53 if ( $bgcolor <> '' ) {
54 $bgc = " bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"";
55 }
57 switch ( $align ) {
58 case '':
59 $alg = '';
60 break;
61 case 'right':
62 $alg = " align=\"$rgt\"";
63 break;
64 case 'left':
65 $alg = " align=\"$lft\"";
66 break;
67 default:
68 $alg = " align=\"$align\"";
69 break;
70 }
72 $ret = "<$tag";
74 if ( $dir <> 'ltr' ) {
75 $ret .= " dir=\"$dir\"";
76 }
77 $ret .= $bgc . $alg;
79 if ( $xtra <> '' ) {
80 $ret .= " $xtra";
81 }
83 if ( $val <> '' ) {
84 $ret .= ">$val</$tag>\n";
85 } else {
86 $ret .= '>'. "\n";
87 }
89 return( $ret );
90 }
92 /* handy function to set url vars */
93 /* especially usefull when $url = $PHP_SELF */
94 function set_url_var($url, $var, $val=0, $link=true) {
95 $k = '';
96 $pat_a = array (
97 '/.+(\\&'.$var.')=(.*)\\&/AU', /* in the middle */
98 '/.+\\?('.$var.')=(.*\\&).+/AU', /* at front, more follow */
99 '/.+(\\?'.$var.')=(.*)$/AU', /* at front and only var */
100 '/.+(\\&'.$var.')=(.*)$/AU' /* at the end */
101 );
102 preg_replace('/&amp;/','&',$url);
103 switch (true) {
104 case (preg_match($pat_a[0],$url,$regs)):
105 $k = $regs[1];
106 $v = $regs[2];
107 break;
108 case (preg_match($pat_a[1],$url,$regs)):
109 $k = $regs[1];
110 $v = $regs[2];
111 break;
112 case (preg_match($pat_a[2],$url,$regs)):
113 $k = $regs[1];
114 $v = $regs[2];
115 break;
116 case (preg_match($pat_a[3],$url,$regs)):
117 $k = $regs[1];
118 $v = $regs[2];
119 break;
120 default:
121 if ($val) {
122 if (strpos($url,'?')) {
123 $url .= "&$var=$val";
124 } else {
125 $url .= "?$var=$val";
126 }
127 }
128 break;
129 }
131 if ($k) {
132 if ($val) {
133 $rpl = "$k=$val";
134 if ($link) {
135 $rpl = preg_replace('/&/','&amp;',$rpl);
136 }
137 } else {
138 $rpl = '';
139 }
140 if( substr($v,-1)=='&' ) {
141 $rpl .= '&';
142 }
143 $pat = "/$k=$v/";
144 $url = preg_replace($pat,$rpl,$url);
145 }
146 return $url;
147 }
149 /* Temporary test function to proces template vars with formatting.
150 * I use it for viewing the message_header (view_header.php) with
151 * a sort of template.
152 */
153 function echo_template_var($var, $format_ar = array() ) {
154 $frm_last = count($format_ar) -1;
156 if (isset($format_ar[0])) echo $format_ar[0];
157 $i = 1;
159 switch (true) {
160 case (is_string($var)):
161 echo $var;
162 break;
163 case (is_array($var)):
164 $frm_a = array_slice($format_ar,1,$frm_last-1);
165 foreach ($var as $a_el) {
166 if (is_array($a_el)) {
167 echo_template_var($a_el,$frm_a);
168 } else {
169 echo $a_el;
170 if (isset($format_ar[$i])) {
171 echo $format_ar[$i];
172 }
173 $i++;
174 }
175 }
176 break;
177 default:
178 break;
179 }
180 if (isset($format_ar[$frm_last]) && $frm_last>$i ) {
181 echo $format_ar[$frm_last];
182 }
183 }
184 ?>