also fix duplicated version of parsepriority code
[squirrelmail.git] / functions / html.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * html.php
5 *
6 * The idea is to inlcude here some functions to make easier
7 * the right to left implementation by "functionize" some
8 * html outputs.
9 *
10 * @copyright &copy; 1999-2007 The SquirrelMail Project Team
11 * @license GNU Public License
12 * @version $Id$
13 * @package squirrelmail
14 * @since 1.3.0
15 */
18 /**
19 * Generates a hyperlink
20 *
21 * @param string $uri The target link location
22 * @param string $text The link text
23 * @param string $target The location where the link should
24 * be opened (OPTIONAL; default not used)
25 * @param string $onclick The onClick JavaScript handler (OPTIONAL;
26 * default not used)
27 * @param string $class The CSS class name (OPTIONAL; default
28 * not used)
29 * @param string $id The ID name (OPTIONAL; default not used)
30 * @param string $name The anchor name (OPTIONAL; default not used)
31 * @param array $aAttribs Any extra attributes: this must be an
32 * associative array, where keys will be
33 * added as the attribute name, and values
34 * (which are optional - should be null if
35 * none should be used) will be placed in
36 * double quotes (pending template implementation)
37 * as the attribute value (OPTIONAL; default empty).
38 *
39 * @return string The desired hyperlink tag.
40 *
41 * @since 1.5.2
42 *
43 */
44 function create_hyperlink($uri, $text, $target='', $onclick='',
45 $class='', $id='', $name='', $aAttribs=array()) {
47 global $oTemplate;
49 $oTemplate->assign('uri', $uri);
50 $oTemplate->assign('text', $text);
51 $oTemplate->assign('target', $target);
52 $oTemplate->assign('onclick', $onclick);
53 $oTemplate->assign('class', $class);
54 $oTemplate->assign('id', $id);
55 $oTemplate->assign('name', $name);
57 $oTemplate->assign('aAttribs', $aAttribs);
59 return $oTemplate->fetch('hyperlink.tpl');
61 }
64 /**
65 * Generates an image tag
66 *
67 * @param string $src The image source path
68 * @param string $alt Alternate link text (OPTIONAL; default
69 * not used)
70 * @param string $width The width the image should be shown in
71 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
72 * @param string $height The height the image should be shown in
73 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
74 * @param string $border The image's border attribute value
75 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
76 * @param string $class The CSS class name (OPTIONAL; default
77 * not used)
78 * @param string $id The ID name (OPTIONAL; default not used)
79 * @param string $onclick The onClick JavaScript handler (OPTIONAL;
80 * default not used)
81 * @param string $title The image's title attribute value
82 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
83 * @param string $align The image's alignment attribute value
84 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
85 * @param string $hspace The image's hspace attribute value
86 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
87 * @param string $vspace The image's vspace attribute value
88 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
89 * @param string $text_alternative A text replacement for the entire
90 * image tag, to be used at the
91 * discretion of the template set,
92 * if for some reason the image tag
93 * cannot or should not be produced
94 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
95 * @param array $aAttribs Any extra attributes: this must be an
96 * associative array, where keys will be
97 * added as the attribute name, and values
98 * (which are optional - should be null if
99 * none should be used) will be placed in
100 * double quotes (pending template implementation)
101 * as the attribute value (OPTIONAL; default empty).
102 *
103 * @return string The desired hyperlink tag.
104 *
105 * @since 1.5.2
106 *
107 */
108 function create_image($src, $alt='', $width='', $height='',
109 $border='', $class='', $id='', $onclick='',
110 $title='', $align='', $hspace='', $vspace='',
111 $text_alternative='', $aAttribs=array()) {
113 global $oTemplate;
115 $oTemplate->assign('src', $src);
116 $oTemplate->assign('alt', $alt);
117 $oTemplate->assign('width', $width);
118 $oTemplate->assign('height', $height);
119 $oTemplate->assign('border', $border);
120 $oTemplate->assign('class', $class);
121 $oTemplate->assign('id', $id);
122 $oTemplate->assign('onclick', $onclick);
123 $oTemplate->assign('title', $title);
124 $oTemplate->assign('align', $align);
125 $oTemplate->assign('hspace', $hspace);
126 $oTemplate->assign('vspace', $vspace);
127 $oTemplate->assign('text_alternative', $text_alternative);
129 $oTemplate->assign('aAttribs', $aAttribs);
131 return $oTemplate->fetch('image.tpl');
133 }
136 /**
137 * Generates a label tag
138 *
139 * @param string $value The contents that belong inside the label
140 * @param string $for The ID to which the label applies (OPTIONAL;
141 * default not used)
142 * @param array $aAttribs Any extra attributes: this must be an
143 * associative array, where keys will be
144 * added as the attribute name, and values
145 * (which are optional - should be null if
146 * none should be used) will be placed in
147 * double quotes (pending template implementation)
148 * as the attribute value (OPTIONAL; default empty).
149 *
150 * @return string The desired label tag.
151 *
152 * @since 1.5.2
153 *
154 */
155 function create_label($value, $for='', $aAttribs=array()) {
157 global $oTemplate;
159 $oTemplate->assign('text', $value);
160 $oTemplate->assign('for', $for);
162 $oTemplate->assign('aAttribs', $aAttribs);
164 return $oTemplate->fetch('label.tpl');
166 }
169 /**
170 * Generates a span tag
171 *
172 * @param string $value The contents that belong inside the span
173 * @param string $class The CSS class name (OPTIONAL; default
174 * not used)
175 * @param string $id The ID name (OPTIONAL; default not used)
176 * @param array $aAttribs Any extra attributes: this must be an
177 * associative array, where keys will be
178 * added as the attribute name, and values
179 * (which are optional - should be null if
180 * none should be used) will be placed in
181 * double quotes (pending template implementation)
182 * as the attribute value (OPTIONAL; default empty).
183 *
184 * @return string The desired span tag.
185 *
186 * @since 1.5.2
187 *
188 */
189 function create_span($value, $class='', $id='', $aAttribs=array()) {
191 global $oTemplate;
193 $oTemplate->assign('value', $value);
194 $oTemplate->assign('class', $class);
195 $oTemplate->assign('id', $id);
197 $oTemplate->assign('aAttribs', $aAttribs);
199 return $oTemplate->fetch('span.tpl');
201 }
204 /**
205 * Generates an opening body tag
206 *
207 * @param string $onload Body onload JavaScript handler code
208 * (OPTIONAL; default not used)
209 * @param string $class The CSS class name (OPTIONAL; default
210 * not used)
211 * @param array $aAttribs Any extra attributes: this must be an
212 * associative array, where keys will be
213 * added as the attribute name, and values
214 * (which are optional - should be null if
215 * none should be used) will be placed in
216 * double quotes (pending template implementation)
217 * as the attribute value (OPTIONAL; default empty).
218 *
219 * @return string The desired body tag.
220 *
221 * @since 1.5.2
222 *
223 */
224 function create_body($onload='', $class='', $aAttribs=array()) {
226 global $oTemplate;
228 $oTemplate->assign('onload', $onload);
229 $oTemplate->assign('class', $class);
231 $oTemplate->assign('aAttribs', $aAttribs);
233 return $oTemplate->fetch('body.tpl');
235 }
238 /**
239 * Generates html tags
240 //FIXME: This should not be used anywhere in the core, or we should convert this to use templates. We sould not be assuming HTML output.
241 *
242 * @param string $tag Tag to output
243 * @param string $val Value between tags
244 * @param string $align Alignment (left, center, etc)
245 * @param string $bgcolor Back color in hexadecimal
246 * @param string $xtra Extra options
247 * @return string HTML ready for output
248 * @since 1.3.0
249 */
250 function html_tag( $tag, // Tag to output
251 $val = '', // Value between tags
252 $align = '', // Alignment
253 $bgcolor = '', // Back color
254 $xtra = '' ) { // Extra options
256 GLOBAL $languages, $squirrelmail_language;
258 $align = strtolower( $align );
259 $bgc = '';
260 $tag = strtolower( $tag );
262 if ( isset( $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR']) ) {
263 $dir = $languages[$squirrelmail_language]['DIR'];
264 } else {
265 $dir = 'ltr';
266 }
268 if ( $dir == 'ltr' ) {
269 $rgt = 'right';
270 $lft = 'left';
271 } else {
272 $rgt = 'left';
273 $lft = 'right';
274 }
276 if ( $bgcolor <> '' ) {
277 $bgc = " bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"";
278 }
280 switch ( $align ) {
281 case '':
282 $alg = '';
283 break;
284 case 'right':
285 $alg = " align=\"$rgt\"";
286 break;
287 case 'left':
288 $alg = " align=\"$lft\"";
289 break;
290 default:
291 $alg = " align=\"$align\"";
292 break;
293 }
295 $ret = "<$tag";
297 if ( $dir <> 'ltr' ) {
298 $ret .= " dir=\"$dir\"";
299 }
300 $ret .= $bgc . $alg;
302 if ( $xtra <> '' ) {
303 $ret .= " $xtra";
304 }
306 if ( $val <> '' ) {
307 $ret .= ">$val</$tag>\n";
308 } else {
309 $ret .= '>'. "\n";
310 }
312 return( $ret );
313 }
316 /**
317 * handy function to set url vars
318 //FIXME: You call this documentation? :-) What does "set url vars" mean? Looks like it might take a fully-formed URI (possibly with a query string) and adds a variable/value pair to it(?)... Does $link work on only the var being added or the whole URI?
319 *
320 * especially useful when $url = $PHP_SELF
321 *
322 * @param string $url url that must be modified
323 * @param string $var variable name
324 * @param string $val variable value
325 * @param boolean $link controls sanitizing of ampersand in urls (since 1.3.2)
326 *
327 * @return string $url modified url
328 *
329 * @since 1.3.0
330 *
331 */
332 function set_url_var($url, $var, $val=0, $link=true) {
333 $k = '';
334 $pat_a = array (
335 '/.+(\\&'.$var.')=(.*)\\&/AU', /* in the middle */
336 '/.+\\?('.$var.')=(.*\\&).+/AU', /* at front, more follow */
337 '/.+(\\?'.$var.')=(.*)$/AU', /* at front and only var */
338 '/.+(\\&'.$var.')=(.*)$/AU' /* at the end */
339 );
340 $url = str_replace('&amp;','&',$url);
342 // FIXME: why switch is used instead of if () or one preg_match()
343 switch (true) {
344 case (preg_match($pat_a[0],$url,$regs)):
345 $k = $regs[1];
346 $v = $regs[2];
347 break;
348 case (preg_match($pat_a[1],$url,$regs)):
349 $k = $regs[1];
350 $v = $regs[2];
351 break;
352 case (preg_match($pat_a[2],$url,$regs)):
353 $k = $regs[1];
354 $v = $regs[2];
355 break;
356 case (preg_match($pat_a[3],$url,$regs)):
357 $k = $regs[1];
358 $v = $regs[2];
359 break;
360 default:
361 if ($val) {
362 if (strpos($url,'?')) {
363 $url .= "&$var=$val";
364 } else {
365 $url .= "?$var=$val";
366 }
367 }
368 break;
369 }
371 if ($k) {
372 if ($val) {
373 $rpl = "$k=$val";
374 } else {
375 $rpl = '';
376 }
377 if( substr($v,-1)=='&' ) {
378 $rpl .= '&';
379 }
380 $pat = "/$k=$v/";
381 $url = preg_replace($pat,$rpl,$url);
382 }
383 if ($link) {
384 $url = str_replace('&','&amp;',$url);
385 }
386 return $url;
387 }