SearchKit - Add CiviMail integration
[civicrm-core.git] / ext / search_kit / ang / crmSearchTasks / crmSearchBatchRunner.component.js
1 (function(angular, $, _) {
2 "use strict";
4 angular.module('crmSearchTasks').component('crmSearchBatchRunner', {
5 bindings: {
6 entity: '<',
7 action: '@',
8 ids: '<',
9 idField: '@',
10 params: '<',
11 success: '&',
12 error: '&'
13 },
14 templateUrl: '~/crmSearchTasks/crmSearchBatchRunner.html',
15 controller: function($scope, $timeout, $interval, crmApi4) {
16 var ts = $scope.ts = CRM.ts('org.civicrm.search_kit'),
17 ctrl = this,
18 currentBatch = 0,
19 totalBatches,
20 incrementer;
22 this.progress = 0;
24 // Number of records to process in each batch
25 var BATCH_SIZE = 500,
26 // Estimated number of seconds each batch will take (for auto-incrementing the progress bar)
29 this.$onInit = function() {
30 if (ctrl.action === 'create') {
31 ctrl.ids = [0];
32 }
33 totalBatches = Math.ceil(ctrl.ids.length / BATCH_SIZE);
34 runBatch();
35 };
37 this.$onDestroy = function() {
38 stopIncrementer();
39 };
41 function runBatch() {
42 ctrl.first = currentBatch * BATCH_SIZE;
43 ctrl.last = (currentBatch + 1) * BATCH_SIZE;
44 if (ctrl.last > ctrl.ids.length) {
45 ctrl.last = ctrl.ids.length;
46 }
47 var params = _.cloneDeep(ctrl.params);
48 if (ctrl.action === 'save') {
49 // For the save action, take each record from params and copy it with each supplied id
50 params.records = _.transform(ctrl.ids.slice(ctrl.first, ctrl.last), function(records, id) {
51 _.each(_.cloneDeep(ctrl.params.records), function(record) {
52 record[ctrl.idField || 'id'] = id;
53 records.push(record);
54 });
55 });
56 } else if (ctrl.action !== 'create') {
57 // For other batch actions (update, delete), add supplied ids to the where clause
58 params.where = params.where || [];
59 params.where.push([ctrl.idField || 'id', 'IN', ctrl.ids.slice(ctrl.first, ctrl.last)]);
60 }
61 crmApi4(ctrl.entity, ctrl.action, params).then(
62 function(result) {
63 stopIncrementer();
64 ctrl.progress = Math.floor(100 * ++currentBatch / totalBatches);
65 if (ctrl.last >= ctrl.ids.length) {
66 $timeout(function() {
67 ctrl.success({result: result});
68 }, 500);
69 } else {
70 runBatch();
71 }
72 }, function(error) {
73 ctrl.error();
74 });
75 // Move the bar every second to simulate progress between batches
76 incrementer = $interval(function(i) {
77 var est = Math.floor(100 * (currentBatch + (i / EST_BATCH_TIME)) / totalBatches);
78 ctrl.progress = est > 100 ? 100 : est;
79 }, 1000, EST_BATCH_TIME);
80 }
82 function stopIncrementer() {
83 if (angular.isDefined(incrementer)) {
84 $interval.cancel(incrementer);
85 incrementer = undefined;
86 }
87 }
89 }
90 });
92 })(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);