Merge pull request #20318 from eileenmcnaughton/ppp
[civicrm-core.git] / ext / search_kit / Civi / Search / Admin.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
5 | |
6 | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
7 | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
8 | and copyright information, see |
9 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
10 */
12 namespace Civi\Search;
14 use CRM_Search_ExtensionUtil as E;
16 /**
17 * Class Admin
18 * @package Civi\Search
19 */
20 class Admin {
22 /**
23 * @return array
24 */
25 public static function getAdminSettings():array {
26 $schema = self::getSchema();
27 $extensions = \CRM_Extension_System::singleton()->getMapper();
28 return [
29 'schema' => $schema,
30 'joins' => self::getJoins(array_column($schema, NULL, 'name')),
31 'operators' => \CRM_Utils_Array::makeNonAssociative(self::getOperators()),
32 'functions' => \CRM_Api4_Page_Api4Explorer::getSqlFunctions(),
33 'displayTypes' => Display::getDisplayTypes(['id', 'name', 'label', 'description', 'icon']),
34 'styles' => \CRM_Utils_Array::makeNonAssociative(self::getStyles()),
35 'defaultPagerSize' => \Civi::settings()->get('default_pager_size'),
36 'afformEnabled' => $extensions->isActiveModule('afform'),
37 'afformAdminEnabled' => $extensions->isActiveModule('afform_admin'),
38 ];
39 }
41 /**
42 * @return string[]
43 */
44 public static function getOperators():array {
45 return [
46 '=' => '=',
47 '!=' => '≠',
48 '>' => '>',
49 '<' => '<',
50 '>=' => '≥',
51 '<=' => '≤',
52 'CONTAINS' => E::ts('Contains'),
53 'IN' => E::ts('Is One Of'),
54 'NOT IN' => E::ts('Not One Of'),
55 'LIKE' => E::ts('Is Like'),
56 'NOT LIKE' => E::ts('Not Like'),
57 'BETWEEN' => E::ts('Is Between'),
58 'NOT BETWEEN' => E::ts('Not Between'),
59 'IS EMPTY' => E::ts('Is Empty'),
60 'IS NOT EMPTY' => E::ts('Not Empty'),
61 ];
62 }
64 /**
65 * @return string[]
66 */
67 public static function getStyles():array {
68 return [
69 'default' => E::ts('Default'),
70 'primary' => E::ts('Primary'),
71 'success' => E::ts('Success'),
72 'info' => E::ts('Info'),
73 'warning' => E::ts('Warning'),
74 'danger' => E::ts('Danger'),
75 ];
76 }
78 /**
79 * Fetch all entities the current user has permission to `get`
80 * @return array
81 */
82 public static function getSchema() {
83 $schema = [];
84 $entities = \Civi\Api4\Entity::get()
85 ->addSelect('name', 'title', 'type', 'title_plural', 'description', 'label_field', 'icon', 'paths', 'dao', 'bridge', 'ui_join_filters')
86 ->addWhere('searchable', '=', TRUE)
87 ->addOrderBy('title_plural')
88 ->setChain([
89 'get' => ['$name', 'getActions', ['where' => [['name', '=', 'get']]], ['params']],
90 ])->execute();
91 foreach ($entities as $entity) {
92 // Skip if entity doesn't have a 'get' action or the user doesn't have permission to use get
93 if ($entity['get']) {
94 // Add paths (but only RUD actions) with translated titles
95 foreach ($entity['paths'] as $action => $path) {
96 unset($entity['paths'][$action]);
97 if (in_array($action, ['view', 'update', 'delete'], TRUE)) {
98 $entity['paths'][] = [
99 'path' => $path,
100 'action' => $action,
101 ];
102 }
103 }
104 $getFields = civicrm_api4($entity['name'], 'getFields', [
105 'select' => ['name', 'title', 'label', 'description', 'options', 'input_type', 'input_attrs', 'data_type', 'serialize', 'entity', 'fk_entity', 'readonly'],
106 'where' => [['name', 'NOT IN', ['api_key', 'hash']]],
107 'orderBy' => ['label'],
108 ]);
109 foreach ($getFields as $field) {
110 $field['fieldName'] = $field['name'];
111 $entity['fields'][] = $field;
112 }
113 $params = $entity['get'][0];
114 // Entity must support at least these params or it is too weird for search kit
115 if (!array_diff(['select', 'where', 'orderBy', 'limit', 'offset'], array_keys($params))) {
116 \CRM_Utils_Array::remove($params, 'checkPermissions', 'debug', 'chain', 'language', 'select', 'where', 'orderBy', 'limit', 'offset');
117 unset($entity['get']);
118 $schema[$entity['name']] = ['params' => array_keys($params)] + array_filter($entity);
119 }
120 }
121 }
122 // Add in FK fields for implicit joins
123 // For example, add a `campaign_id.title` field to the Contribution entity
124 foreach ($schema as &$entity) {
125 if (in_array('DAOEntity', $entity['type'], TRUE) && !in_array('EntityBridge', $entity['type'], TRUE)) {
126 foreach (array_reverse($entity['fields'], TRUE) as $index => $field) {
127 if (!empty($field['fk_entity']) && !$field['options'] && empty($field['serialize']) && !empty($schema[$field['fk_entity']]['label_field'])) {
128 $isCustom = strpos($field['name'], '.');
129 // Custom fields: append "Contact ID" to original field label
130 if ($isCustom) {
131 $entity['fields'][$index]['label'] .= ' ' . E::ts('Contact ID');
132 }
133 // DAO fields: use title instead of label since it represents the id (title usually ends in ID but label does not)
134 else {
135 $entity['fields'][$index]['label'] = $field['title'];
136 }
137 // Add the label field from the other entity to this entity's list of fields
138 $newField = \CRM_Utils_Array::findAll($schema[$field['fk_entity']]['fields'], ['name' => $schema[$field['fk_entity']]['label_field']])[0];
139 $newField['name'] = $field['name'] . '.' . $schema[$field['fk_entity']]['label_field'];
140 $newField['label'] = $field['label'] . ' ' . $newField['label'];
141 array_splice($entity['fields'], $index, 0, [$newField]);
142 }
143 }
144 }
145 }
146 return array_values($schema);
147 }
149 /**
150 * @param array $allowedEntities
151 * @return array
152 */
153 public static function getJoins(array $allowedEntities) {
154 $joins = [];
155 foreach ($allowedEntities as $entity) {
156 // Multi-record custom field groups (to-date only the contact entity supports these)
157 if (in_array('CustomValue', $entity['type'])) {
158 $targetEntity = $allowedEntities['Contact'];
159 // Join from Custom group to Contact (n-1)
160 $alias = $entity['name'] . '_Contact_entity_id';
161 $joins[$entity['name']][] = [
162 'label' => $entity['title'] . ' ' . $targetEntity['title'],
163 'description' => '',
164 'entity' => 'Contact',
165 'conditions' => self::getJoinConditions('entity_id', $alias . '.id'),
166 'defaults' => self::getJoinDefaults($alias, $targetEntity),
167 'alias' => $alias,
168 'multi' => FALSE,
169 ];
170 // Join from Contact to Custom group (n-n)
171 $alias = 'Contact_' . $entity['name'] . '_entity_id';
172 $joins['Contact'][] = [
173 'label' => $entity['title_plural'],
174 'description' => '',
175 'entity' => $entity['name'],
176 'conditions' => self::getJoinConditions('id', $alias . '.entity_id'),
177 'defaults' => self::getJoinDefaults($alias, $entity),
178 'alias' => $alias,
179 'multi' => TRUE,
180 ];
181 }
182 // Non-custom DAO entities
183 elseif (!empty($entity['dao'])) {
184 /* @var \CRM_Core_DAO $daoClass */
185 $daoClass = $entity['dao'];
186 $references = $daoClass::getReferenceColumns();
187 // Only the first bridge reference gets processed, so if it's dynamic we want to be sure it's first in the list
188 usort($references, function($reference) {
189 return is_a($reference, 'CRM_Core_Reference_Dynamic') ? -1 : 1;
190 });
191 $fields = array_column($entity['fields'], NULL, 'name');
192 $bridge = in_array('EntityBridge', $entity['type']) ? $entity['name'] : NULL;
193 foreach ($references as $reference) {
194 $keyField = $fields[$reference->getReferenceKey()] ?? NULL;
195 // Exclude any joins that are better represented by pseudoconstants
196 if (is_a($reference, 'CRM_Core_Reference_OptionValue')
197 || !$keyField || !empty($keyField['options'])
198 // Limit bridge joins to just the first
199 || $bridge && array_search($keyField['name'], $entity['bridge']) !== 0
200 // Sanity check - table should match
201 || $daoClass::getTableName() !== $reference->getReferenceTable()
202 ) {
203 continue;
204 }
205 // Dynamic references use a column like "entity_table" (for normal joins this value will be null)
206 $dynamicCol = $reference->getTypeColumn();
207 // For dynamic references getTargetEntities will return multiple targets; for normal joins this loop will only run once
208 foreach ($reference->getTargetEntities() as $targetTable => $targetEntityName) {
209 if (!isset($allowedEntities[$targetEntityName]) || $targetEntityName === $entity['name']) {
210 continue;
211 }
212 $targetEntity = $allowedEntities[$targetEntityName];
213 // Non-bridge joins directly between 2 entities
214 if (!$bridge) {
215 // Add the straight 1-1 join
216 $alias = $entity['name'] . '_' . $targetEntityName . '_' . $keyField['name'];
217 $joins[$entity['name']][] = [
218 'label' => $entity['title'] . ' ' . $targetEntity['title'],
219 'description' => $dynamicCol ? '' : $keyField['label'],
220 'entity' => $targetEntityName,
221 'conditions' => self::getJoinConditions($keyField['name'], $alias . '.' . $reference->getTargetKey(), $targetTable, $dynamicCol),
222 'defaults' => self::getJoinDefaults($alias, $targetEntity),
223 'alias' => $alias,
224 'multi' => FALSE,
225 ];
226 // Flip the conditions & add the reverse (1-n) join
227 $alias = $targetEntityName . '_' . $entity['name'] . '_' . $keyField['name'];
228 $joins[$targetEntityName][] = [
229 'label' => $targetEntity['title'] . ' ' . $entity['title_plural'],
230 'description' => $dynamicCol ? '' : $keyField['label'],
231 'entity' => $entity['name'],
232 'conditions' => self::getJoinConditions($reference->getTargetKey(), $alias . '.' . $keyField['name'], $targetTable, $dynamicCol ? $alias . '.' . $dynamicCol : NULL),
233 'defaults' => self::getJoinDefaults($alias, $entity),
234 'alias' => $alias,
235 'multi' => TRUE,
236 ];
237 }
238 // Bridge joins (sanity check - bridge must specify exactly 2 FK fields)
239 elseif (count($entity['bridge']) === 2) {
240 // Get the other entity being linked through this bridge
241 $baseKey = array_search($reference->getReferenceKey(), $entity['bridge']) ? $entity['bridge'][0] : $entity['bridge'][1];
242 $baseEntity = $allowedEntities[$fields[$baseKey]['fk_entity']] ?? NULL;
243 if (!$baseEntity) {
244 continue;
245 }
246 // Add joins for the two entities that connect through this bridge (n-n)
247 $symmetric = $baseEntity['name'] === $targetEntityName;
248 $targetsTitle = $symmetric ? $allowedEntities[$bridge]['title_plural'] : $targetEntity['title_plural'];
249 $alias = $baseEntity['name'] . "_{$bridge}_" . $targetEntityName;
250 $joins[$baseEntity['name']][] = [
251 'label' => $baseEntity['title'] . ' ' . $targetsTitle,
252 'description' => E::ts('Multiple %1 per %2', [1 => $targetsTitle, 2 => $baseEntity['title']]),
253 'entity' => $targetEntityName,
254 'conditions' => array_merge(
255 [$bridge],
256 self::getJoinConditions('id', $alias . '.' . $baseKey, NULL, NULL)
257 ),
258 'defaults' => self::getJoinDefaults($alias, $targetEntity, $entity),
259 'bridge' => $bridge,
260 'alias' => $alias,
261 'multi' => TRUE,
262 ];
263 if (!$symmetric) {
264 $alias = $targetEntityName . "_{$bridge}_" . $baseEntity['name'];
265 $joins[$targetEntityName][] = [
266 'label' => $targetEntity['title'] . ' ' . $baseEntity['title_plural'],
267 'description' => E::ts('Multiple %1 per %2', [1 => $baseEntity['title_plural'], 2 => $targetEntity['title']]),
268 'entity' => $baseEntity['name'],
269 'conditions' => array_merge(
270 [$bridge],
271 self::getJoinConditions($reference->getTargetKey(), $alias . '.' . $keyField['name'], $targetTable, $dynamicCol ? $alias . '.' . $dynamicCol : NULL)
272 ),
273 'defaults' => self::getJoinDefaults($alias, $baseEntity, $entity),
274 'bridge' => $bridge,
275 'alias' => $alias,
276 'multi' => TRUE,
277 ];
278 }
279 }
280 }
281 }
282 }
283 }
284 return $joins;
285 }
287 /**
288 * Boilerplate join clause
289 *
290 * @param string $nearCol
291 * @param string $farCol
292 * @param string $targetTable
293 * @param string|null $dynamicCol
294 * @return array[]
295 */
296 private static function getJoinConditions($nearCol, $farCol, $targetTable = NULL, $dynamicCol = NULL) {
297 $conditions = [
298 [
299 $nearCol,
300 '=',
301 $farCol,
302 ],
303 ];
304 if ($dynamicCol) {
305 $conditions[] = [
306 $dynamicCol,
307 '=',
308 "'$targetTable'",
309 ];
310 }
311 return $conditions;
312 }
314 /**
315 * @param $alias
316 * @param array ...$entities
317 * @return array
318 */
319 private static function getJoinDefaults($alias, ...$entities):array {
320 $conditions = [];
321 foreach ($entities as $entity) {
322 foreach ($entity['ui_join_filters'] ?? [] as $fieldName) {
323 $field = civicrm_api4($entity['name'], 'getFields', [
324 'select' => ['options'],
325 'where' => [['name', '=', $fieldName]],
326 'loadOptions' => ['name'],
327 ])->first();
328 $value = isset($field['options'][0]) ? json_encode($field['options'][0]['name']) : '';
329 $conditions[] = [
330 $alias . '.' . $fieldName . ($value ? ':name' : ''),
331 '=',
332 $value,
333 ];
334 }
335 }
336 return $conditions;
337 }
339 }