Merge pull request #19800 from eileenmcnaughton/gettypes
[civicrm-core.git] / ext / search / ang / crmSearchAdmin / displays / colType / field.html
1 <div class="form-inline crm-search-admin-flex-row">
2 <label title="{{ ts('Display as clickable link') }}" >
3 <input type="checkbox" ng-checked="" ng-click="$ctrl.parent.toggleLink(col)" >
4 {{ ? ts('Link:') : ts('Link') }}
5 </label>
6 <select class="form-control" ng-model="$" ng-if="">
7 <option value>{{:: ts('Open normally') }}</option>
8 <option value="_blank">{{:: ts('New tab') }}</option>
9 <option value="crm-popup">{{:: ts('Popup dialog') }}</option>
10 </select>
11 <crm-search-admin-link-select ng-if="" link="" on-change="$ctrl.parent.onChangeLink(col, before, after)" api-entity="$ctrl.apiEntity" api-params="$ctrl.apiParams" links=":: $ctrl.parent.getLinks()">
12 </crm-search-admin-link-select>
13 </div>
14 <div class="form-inline crm-search-admin-flex-row">
15 <label>
16 <input type="checkbox" ng-checked="col.title" ng-click="col.title = col.title ? null : $ctrl.parent.getFieldLabel(col.key)" >
17 {{ col.title ? ts('Tooltip:') : ts('Tooltip') }}
18 </label>
19 <input class="form-control crm-flex-1" type="text" ng-model="col.title" ng-if="col.title" ng-model-options="{updateOn: 'blur'}" />
20 <crm-search-admin-token-select ng-if="col.title" api-entity="$ctrl.apiEntity" api-params="$ctrl.apiParams" model="col" field="title"></crm-search-admin-token-select>
21 </div>
22 <div class="form-inline crm-search-admin-flex-row">
23 <label title="{{ ts('Change the contents of this field, or combine multiple field values.') }}">
24 <input type="checkbox" ng-checked="col.rewrite" ng-click="$ctrl.parent.toggleRewrite(col)" >
25 {{ col.rewrite ? ts('Rewrite:') : ts('Rewrite') }}
26 </label>
27 <input type="text" class="form-control crm-flex-1" ng-if="col.rewrite" ng-model="col.rewrite" ng-model-options="{updateOn: 'blur'}">
28 <crm-search-admin-token-select ng-if="col.rewrite" api-entity="$ctrl.apiEntity" api-params="$ctrl.apiParams" model="col" field="rewrite"></crm-search-admin-token-select>
29 </div>
30 <div class="form-inline">
31 <label ng-if="$ctrl.parent.isEditable(col)" title="{{:: ts('Users will be able to click to edit this field.') }}">
32 <input type="checkbox" ng-checked="col.editable" ng-click="$ctrl.parent.toggleEditable(col)">
33 {{:: ts('In-place edit') }}
34 </label>
35 <label ng-if="!$ctrl.parent.isEditable(col)" class="disabled" title="{{:: ts('Read-only or rewritten fields cannot be editable.') }}">
36 <input type="checkbox" disabled>
37 {{:: ts('In-place edit') }}
38 </label>
39 </div>