ext/**.civix.php - Remove _civix_find_files(). Not used anymore.
[civicrm-core.git] / ext / payflowpro / payflowpro.civix.php
1 <?php
3 // AUTO-GENERATED FILE -- Civix may overwrite any changes made to this file
5 /**
6 * The ExtensionUtil class provides small stubs for accessing resources of this
7 * extension.
8 */
9 class CRM_Payflowpro_ExtensionUtil {
10 const SHORT_NAME = 'payflowpro';
11 const LONG_NAME = 'payflowpro';
12 const CLASS_PREFIX = 'CRM_Payflowpro';
14 /**
15 * Translate a string using the extension's domain.
16 *
17 * If the extension doesn't have a specific translation
18 * for the string, fallback to the default translations.
19 *
20 * @param string $text
21 * Canonical message text (generally en_US).
22 * @param array $params
23 * @return string
24 * Translated text.
25 * @see ts
26 */
27 public static function ts($text, $params = []) {
28 if (!array_key_exists('domain', $params)) {
29 $params['domain'] = [self::LONG_NAME, NULL];
30 }
31 return ts($text, $params);
32 }
34 /**
35 * Get the URL of a resource file (in this extension).
36 *
37 * @param string|NULL $file
38 * Ex: NULL.
39 * Ex: 'css/foo.css'.
40 * @return string
41 * Ex: 'http://example.org/sites/default/ext/org.example.foo'.
42 * Ex: 'http://example.org/sites/default/ext/org.example.foo/css/foo.css'.
43 */
44 public static function url($file = NULL) {
45 if ($file === NULL) {
46 return rtrim(CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->getUrl(self::LONG_NAME), '/');
47 }
48 return CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->getUrl(self::LONG_NAME, $file);
49 }
51 /**
52 * Get the path of a resource file (in this extension).
53 *
54 * @param string|NULL $file
55 * Ex: NULL.
56 * Ex: 'css/foo.css'.
57 * @return string
58 * Ex: '/var/www/example.org/sites/default/ext/org.example.foo'.
59 * Ex: '/var/www/example.org/sites/default/ext/org.example.foo/css/foo.css'.
60 */
61 public static function path($file = NULL) {
62 // return CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->getPath(self::LONG_NAME, $file);
63 return __DIR__ . ($file === NULL ? '' : (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file));
64 }
66 /**
67 * Get the name of a class within this extension.
68 *
69 * @param string $suffix
70 * Ex: 'Page_HelloWorld' or 'Page\\HelloWorld'.
71 * @return string
72 * Ex: 'CRM_Foo_Page_HelloWorld'.
73 */
74 public static function findClass($suffix) {
75 return self::CLASS_PREFIX . '_' . str_replace('\\', '_', $suffix);
76 }
78 }
80 use CRM_Payflowpro_ExtensionUtil as E;
82 /**
83 * (Delegated) Implements hook_civicrm_config().
84 *
85 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_config
86 */
87 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_config(&$config = NULL) {
88 static $configured = FALSE;
89 if ($configured) {
90 return;
91 }
92 $configured = TRUE;
94 $template =& CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
96 $extRoot = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
97 $extDir = $extRoot . 'templates';
99 if (is_array($template->template_dir)) {
100 array_unshift($template->template_dir, $extDir);
101 }
102 else {
103 $template->template_dir = [$extDir, $template->template_dir];
104 }
106 $include_path = $extRoot . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path();
107 set_include_path($include_path);
108 }
110 /**
111 * Implements hook_civicrm_install().
112 *
113 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_install
114 */
115 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_install() {
116 _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_config();
117 if ($upgrader = _payflowpro_civix_upgrader()) {
118 $upgrader->onInstall();
119 }
120 }
122 /**
123 * Implements hook_civicrm_postInstall().
124 *
125 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_postInstall
126 */
127 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_postInstall() {
128 _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_config();
129 if ($upgrader = _payflowpro_civix_upgrader()) {
130 if (is_callable([$upgrader, 'onPostInstall'])) {
131 $upgrader->onPostInstall();
132 }
133 }
134 }
136 /**
137 * Implements hook_civicrm_uninstall().
138 *
139 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_uninstall
140 */
141 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_uninstall() {
142 _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_config();
143 if ($upgrader = _payflowpro_civix_upgrader()) {
144 $upgrader->onUninstall();
145 }
146 }
148 /**
149 * (Delegated) Implements hook_civicrm_enable().
150 *
151 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_enable
152 */
153 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_enable() {
154 _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_config();
155 if ($upgrader = _payflowpro_civix_upgrader()) {
156 if (is_callable([$upgrader, 'onEnable'])) {
157 $upgrader->onEnable();
158 }
159 }
160 }
162 /**
163 * (Delegated) Implements hook_civicrm_disable().
164 *
165 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_disable
166 * @return mixed
167 */
168 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_disable() {
169 _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_config();
170 if ($upgrader = _payflowpro_civix_upgrader()) {
171 if (is_callable([$upgrader, 'onDisable'])) {
172 $upgrader->onDisable();
173 }
174 }
175 }
177 /**
178 * (Delegated) Implements hook_civicrm_upgrade().
179 *
180 * @param $op string, the type of operation being performed; 'check' or 'enqueue'
181 * @param $queue CRM_Queue_Queue, (for 'enqueue') the modifiable list of pending up upgrade tasks
182 *
183 * @return mixed
184 * based on op. for 'check', returns array(boolean) (TRUE if upgrades are pending)
185 * for 'enqueue', returns void
186 *
187 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_upgrade
188 */
189 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_upgrade($op, CRM_Queue_Queue $queue = NULL) {
190 if ($upgrader = _payflowpro_civix_upgrader()) {
191 return $upgrader->onUpgrade($op, $queue);
192 }
193 }
195 /**
196 * @return CRM_Payflowpro_Upgrader
197 */
198 function _payflowpro_civix_upgrader() {
199 if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/CRM/Payflowpro/Upgrader.php')) {
200 return NULL;
201 }
202 else {
203 return CRM_Payflowpro_Upgrader_Base::instance();
204 }
205 }
207 /**
208 * Glob wrapper which is guaranteed to return an array.
209 *
210 * The documentation for glob() says, "On some systems it is impossible to
211 * distinguish between empty match and an error." Anecdotally, the return
212 * result for an empty match is sometimes array() and sometimes FALSE.
213 * This wrapper provides consistency.
214 *
215 * @link http://php.net/glob
216 * @param string $pattern
217 *
218 * @return array
219 */
220 function _payflowpro_civix_glob($pattern) {
221 $result = glob($pattern);
222 return is_array($result) ? $result : [];
223 }
225 /**
226 * Inserts a navigation menu item at a given place in the hierarchy.
227 *
228 * @param array $menu - menu hierarchy
229 * @param string $path - path to parent of this item, e.g. 'my_extension/submenu'
230 * 'Mailing', or 'Administer/System Settings'
231 * @param array $item - the item to insert (parent/child attributes will be
232 * filled for you)
233 *
234 * @return bool
235 */
236 function _payflowpro_civix_insert_navigation_menu(&$menu, $path, $item) {
237 // If we are done going down the path, insert menu
238 if (empty($path)) {
239 $menu[] = [
240 'attributes' => array_merge([
241 'label' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $item),
242 'active' => 1,
243 ], $item),
244 ];
245 return TRUE;
246 }
247 else {
248 // Find an recurse into the next level down
249 $found = FALSE;
250 $path = explode('/', $path);
251 $first = array_shift($path);
252 foreach ($menu as $key => &$entry) {
253 if ($entry['attributes']['name'] == $first) {
254 if (!isset($entry['child'])) {
255 $entry['child'] = [];
256 }
257 $found = _payflowpro_civix_insert_navigation_menu($entry['child'], implode('/', $path), $item);
258 }
259 }
260 return $found;
261 }
262 }
264 /**
265 * (Delegated) Implements hook_civicrm_navigationMenu().
266 */
267 function _payflowpro_civix_navigationMenu(&$nodes) {
268 if (!is_callable(['CRM_Core_BAO_Navigation', 'fixNavigationMenu'])) {
269 _payflowpro_civix_fixNavigationMenu($nodes);
270 }
271 }
273 /**
274 * Given a navigation menu, generate navIDs for any items which are
275 * missing them.
276 */
277 function _payflowpro_civix_fixNavigationMenu(&$nodes) {
278 $maxNavID = 1;
279 array_walk_recursive($nodes, function($item, $key) use (&$maxNavID) {
280 if ($key === 'navID') {
281 $maxNavID = max($maxNavID, $item);
282 }
283 });
284 _payflowpro_civix_fixNavigationMenuItems($nodes, $maxNavID, NULL);
285 }
287 function _payflowpro_civix_fixNavigationMenuItems(&$nodes, &$maxNavID, $parentID) {
288 $origKeys = array_keys($nodes);
289 foreach ($origKeys as $origKey) {
290 if (!isset($nodes[$origKey]['attributes']['parentID']) && $parentID !== NULL) {
291 $nodes[$origKey]['attributes']['parentID'] = $parentID;
292 }
293 // If no navID, then assign navID and fix key.
294 if (!isset($nodes[$origKey]['attributes']['navID'])) {
295 $newKey = ++$maxNavID;
296 $nodes[$origKey]['attributes']['navID'] = $newKey;
297 $nodes[$newKey] = $nodes[$origKey];
298 unset($nodes[$origKey]);
299 $origKey = $newKey;
300 }
301 if (isset($nodes[$origKey]['child']) && is_array($nodes[$origKey]['child'])) {
302 _payflowpro_civix_fixNavigationMenuItems($nodes[$origKey]['child'], $maxNavID, $nodes[$origKey]['attributes']['navID']);
303 }
304 }
305 }
307 /**
308 * (Delegated) Implements hook_civicrm_entityTypes().
309 *
310 * Find any *.entityType.php files, merge their content, and return.
311 *
312 * @link https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/hooks/hook_civicrm_entityTypes
313 */
314 function _payflowpro_civix_civicrm_entityTypes(&$entityTypes) {
315 $entityTypes = array_merge($entityTypes, []);
316 }