Defend against bad data from gethostbyaddr(). Fixes bug #619
[exim.git] / doc / doc-txt / pcrepattern.txt
1 This file contains the PCRE man page that describes the regular expressions
2 supported by PCRE version 7.2. Note that not all of the features are relevant
3 in the context of Exim. In particular, the version of PCRE that is compiled
4 with Exim does not include UTF-8 support, there is no mechanism for changing
5 the options with which the PCRE functions are called, and features such as
6 callout are not accessible.
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
18 The syntax and semantics of the regular expressions supported by PCRE
19 are described below. Regular expressions are also described in the Perl
20 documentation and in a number of books, some of which have copious
21 examples. Jeffrey Friedl's "Mastering Regular Expressions", published
22 by O'Reilly, covers regular expressions in great detail. This descrip-
23 tion of PCRE's regular expressions is intended as reference material.
25 The original operation of PCRE was on strings of one-byte characters.
26 However, there is now also support for UTF-8 character strings. To use
27 this, you must build PCRE to include UTF-8 support, and then call
28 pcre_compile() with the PCRE_UTF8 option. How this affects pattern
29 matching is mentioned in several places below. There is also a summary
30 of UTF-8 features in the section on UTF-8 support in the main pcre
31 page.
33 The remainder of this document discusses the patterns that are sup-
34 ported by PCRE when its main matching function, pcre_exec(), is used.
35 From release 6.0, PCRE offers a second matching function,
36 pcre_dfa_exec(), which matches using a different algorithm that is not
37 Perl-compatible. Some of the features discussed below are not available
38 when pcre_dfa_exec() is used. The advantages and disadvantages of the
39 alternative function, and how it differs from the normal function, are
40 discussed in the pcrematching page.
45 A regular expression is a pattern that is matched against a subject
46 string from left to right. Most characters stand for themselves in a
47 pattern, and match the corresponding characters in the subject. As a
48 trivial example, the pattern
50 The quick brown fox
52 matches a portion of a subject string that is identical to itself. When
53 caseless matching is specified (the PCRE_CASELESS option), letters are
54 matched independently of case. In UTF-8 mode, PCRE always understands
55 the concept of case for characters whose values are less than 128, so
56 caseless matching is always possible. For characters with higher val-
57 ues, the concept of case is supported if PCRE is compiled with Unicode
58 property support, but not otherwise. If you want to use caseless
59 matching for characters 128 and above, you must ensure that PCRE is
60 compiled with Unicode property support as well as with UTF-8 support.
62 The power of regular expressions comes from the ability to include
63 alternatives and repetitions in the pattern. These are encoded in the
64 pattern by the use of metacharacters, which do not stand for themselves
65 but instead are interpreted in some special way.
67 There are two different sets of metacharacters: those that are recog-
68 nized anywhere in the pattern except within square brackets, and those
69 that are recognized within square brackets. Outside square brackets,
70 the metacharacters are as follows:
72 \ general escape character with several uses
73 ^ assert start of string (or line, in multiline mode)
74 $ assert end of string (or line, in multiline mode)
75 . match any character except newline (by default)
76 [ start character class definition
77 | start of alternative branch
78 ( start subpattern
79 ) end subpattern
80 ? extends the meaning of (
81 also 0 or 1 quantifier
82 also quantifier minimizer
83 * 0 or more quantifier
84 + 1 or more quantifier
85 also "possessive quantifier"
86 { start min/max quantifier
88 Part of a pattern that is in square brackets is called a "character
89 class". In a character class the only metacharacters are:
91 \ general escape character
92 ^ negate the class, but only if the first character
93 - indicates character range
94 [ POSIX character class (only if followed by POSIX
95 syntax)
96 ] terminates the character class
98 The following sections describe the use of each of the metacharacters.
103 The backslash character has several uses. Firstly, if it is followed by
104 a non-alphanumeric character, it takes away any special meaning that
105 character may have. This use of backslash as an escape character
106 applies both inside and outside character classes.
108 For example, if you want to match a * character, you write \* in the
109 pattern. This escaping action applies whether or not the following
110 character would otherwise be interpreted as a metacharacter, so it is
111 always safe to precede a non-alphanumeric with backslash to specify
112 that it stands for itself. In particular, if you want to match a back-
113 slash, you write \\.
115 If a pattern is compiled with the PCRE_EXTENDED option, whitespace in
116 the pattern (other than in a character class) and characters between a
117 # outside a character class and the next newline are ignored. An escap-
118 ing backslash can be used to include a whitespace or # character as
119 part of the pattern.
121 If you want to remove the special meaning from a sequence of charac-
122 ters, you can do so by putting them between \Q and \E. This is differ-
123 ent from Perl in that $ and @ are handled as literals in \Q...\E
124 sequences in PCRE, whereas in Perl, $ and @ cause variable interpola-
125 tion. Note the following examples:
127 Pattern PCRE matches Perl matches
129 \Qabc$xyz\E abc$xyz abc followed by the
130 contents of $xyz
131 \Qabc\$xyz\E abc\$xyz abc\$xyz
132 \Qabc\E\$\Qxyz\E abc$xyz abc$xyz
134 The \Q...\E sequence is recognized both inside and outside character
135 classes.
137 Non-printing characters
139 A second use of backslash provides a way of encoding non-printing char-
140 acters in patterns in a visible manner. There is no restriction on the
141 appearance of non-printing characters, apart from the binary zero that
142 terminates a pattern, but when a pattern is being prepared by text
143 editing, it is usually easier to use one of the following escape
144 sequences than the binary character it represents:
146 \a alarm, that is, the BEL character (hex 07)
147 \cx "control-x", where x is any character
148 \e escape (hex 1B)
149 \f formfeed (hex 0C)
150 \n newline (hex 0A)
151 \r carriage return (hex 0D)
152 \t tab (hex 09)
153 \ddd character with octal code ddd, or backreference
154 \xhh character with hex code hh
155 \x{hhh..} character with hex code hhh..
157 The precise effect of \cx is as follows: if x is a lower case letter,
158 it is converted to upper case. Then bit 6 of the character (hex 40) is
159 inverted. Thus \cz becomes hex 1A, but \c{ becomes hex 3B, while \c;
160 becomes hex 7B.
162 After \x, from zero to two hexadecimal digits are read (letters can be
163 in upper or lower case). Any number of hexadecimal digits may appear
164 between \x{ and }, but the value of the character code must be less
165 than 256 in non-UTF-8 mode, and less than 2**31 in UTF-8 mode (that is,
166 the maximum hexadecimal value is 7FFFFFFF). If characters other than
167 hexadecimal digits appear between \x{ and }, or if there is no termi-
168 nating }, this form of escape is not recognized. Instead, the initial
169 \x will be interpreted as a basic hexadecimal escape, with no following
170 digits, giving a character whose value is zero.
172 Characters whose value is less than 256 can be defined by either of the
173 two syntaxes for \x. There is no difference in the way they are han-
174 dled. For example, \xdc is exactly the same as \x{dc}.
176 After \0 up to two further octal digits are read. If there are fewer
177 than two digits, just those that are present are used. Thus the
178 sequence \0\x\07 specifies two binary zeros followed by a BEL character
179 (code value 7). Make sure you supply two digits after the initial zero
180 if the pattern character that follows is itself an octal digit.
182 The handling of a backslash followed by a digit other than 0 is compli-
183 cated. Outside a character class, PCRE reads it and any following dig-
184 its as a decimal number. If the number is less than 10, or if there
185 have been at least that many previous capturing left parentheses in the
186 expression, the entire sequence is taken as a back reference. A
187 description of how this works is given later, following the discussion
188 of parenthesized subpatterns.
190 Inside a character class, or if the decimal number is greater than 9
191 and there have not been that many capturing subpatterns, PCRE re-reads
192 up to three octal digits following the backslash, and uses them to gen-
193 erate a data character. Any subsequent digits stand for themselves. In
194 non-UTF-8 mode, the value of a character specified in octal must be
195 less than \400. In UTF-8 mode, values up to \777 are permitted. For
196 example:
198 \040 is another way of writing a space
199 \40 is the same, provided there are fewer than 40
200 previous capturing subpatterns
201 \7 is always a back reference
202 \11 might be a back reference, or another way of
203 writing a tab
204 \011 is always a tab
205 \0113 is a tab followed by the character "3"
206 \113 might be a back reference, otherwise the
207 character with octal code 113
208 \377 might be a back reference, otherwise
209 the byte consisting entirely of 1 bits
210 \81 is either a back reference, or a binary zero
211 followed by the two characters "8" and "1"
213 Note that octal values of 100 or greater must not be introduced by a
214 leading zero, because no more than three octal digits are ever read.
216 All the sequences that define a single character value can be used both
217 inside and outside character classes. In addition, inside a character
218 class, the sequence \b is interpreted as the backspace character (hex
219 08), and the sequences \R and \X are interpreted as the characters "R"
220 and "X", respectively. Outside a character class, these sequences have
221 different meanings (see below).
223 Absolute and relative back references
225 The sequence \g followed by a positive or negative number, optionally
226 enclosed in braces, is an absolute or relative back reference. A named
227 back reference can be coded as \g{name}. Back references are discussed
228 later, following the discussion of parenthesized subpatterns.
230 Generic character types
232 Another use of backslash is for specifying generic character types. The
233 following are always recognized:
235 \d any decimal digit
236 \D any character that is not a decimal digit
237 \h any horizontal whitespace character
238 \H any character that is not a horizontal whitespace character
239 \s any whitespace character
240 \S any character that is not a whitespace character
241 \v any vertical whitespace character
242 \V any character that is not a vertical whitespace character
243 \w any "word" character
244 \W any "non-word" character
246 Each pair of escape sequences partitions the complete set of characters
247 into two disjoint sets. Any given character matches one, and only one,
248 of each pair.
250 These character type sequences can appear both inside and outside char-
251 acter classes. They each match one character of the appropriate type.
252 If the current matching point is at the end of the subject string, all
253 of them fail, since there is no character to match.
255 For compatibility with Perl, \s does not match the VT character (code
256 11). This makes it different from the the POSIX "space" class. The \s
257 characters are HT (9), LF (10), FF (12), CR (13), and space (32). If
258 "use locale;" is included in a Perl script, \s may match the VT charac-
259 ter. In PCRE, it never does.
261 In UTF-8 mode, characters with values greater than 128 never match \d,
262 \s, or \w, and always match \D, \S, and \W. This is true even when Uni-
263 code character property support is available. These sequences retain
264 their original meanings from before UTF-8 support was available, mainly
265 for efficiency reasons.
267 The sequences \h, \H, \v, and \V are Perl 5.10 features. In contrast to
268 the other sequences, these do match certain high-valued codepoints in
269 UTF-8 mode. The horizontal space characters are:
271 U+0009 Horizontal tab
272 U+0020 Space
273 U+00A0 Non-break space
274 U+1680 Ogham space mark
275 U+180E Mongolian vowel separator
276 U+2000 En quad
277 U+2001 Em quad
278 U+2002 En space
279 U+2003 Em space
280 U+2004 Three-per-em space
281 U+2005 Four-per-em space
282 U+2006 Six-per-em space
283 U+2007 Figure space
284 U+2008 Punctuation space
285 U+2009 Thin space
286 U+200A Hair space
287 U+202F Narrow no-break space
288 U+205F Medium mathematical space
289 U+3000 Ideographic space
291 The vertical space characters are:
293 U+000A Linefeed
294 U+000B Vertical tab
295 U+000C Formfeed
296 U+000D Carriage return
297 U+0085 Next line
298 U+2028 Line separator
299 U+2029 Paragraph separator
301 A "word" character is an underscore or any character less than 256 that
302 is a letter or digit. The definition of letters and digits is con-
303 trolled by PCRE's low-valued character tables, and may vary if locale-
304 specific matching is taking place (see "Locale support" in the pcreapi
305 page). For example, in a French locale such as "fr_FR" in Unix-like
306 systems, or "french" in Windows, some character codes greater than 128
307 are used for accented letters, and these are matched by \w. The use of
308 locales with Unicode is discouraged.
310 Newline sequences
312 Outside a character class, the escape sequence \R matches any Unicode
313 newline sequence. This is a Perl 5.10 feature. In non-UTF-8 mode \R is
314 equivalent to the following:
316 (?>\r\n|\n|\x0b|\f|\r|\x85)
318 This is an example of an "atomic group", details of which are given
319 below. This particular group matches either the two-character sequence
320 CR followed by LF, or one of the single characters LF (linefeed,
321 U+000A), VT (vertical tab, U+000B), FF (formfeed, U+000C), CR (carriage
322 return, U+000D), or NEL (next line, U+0085). The two-character sequence
323 is treated as a single unit that cannot be split.
325 In UTF-8 mode, two additional characters whose codepoints are greater
326 than 255 are added: LS (line separator, U+2028) and PS (paragraph sepa-
327 rator, U+2029). Unicode character property support is not needed for
328 these characters to be recognized.
330 Inside a character class, \R matches the letter "R".
332 Unicode character properties
334 When PCRE is built with Unicode character property support, three addi-
335 tional escape sequences that match characters with specific properties
336 are available. When not in UTF-8 mode, these sequences are of course
337 limited to testing characters whose codepoints are less than 256, but
338 they do work in this mode. The extra escape sequences are:
340 \p{xx} a character with the xx property
341 \P{xx} a character without the xx property
342 \X an extended Unicode sequence
344 The property names represented by xx above are limited to the Unicode
345 script names, the general category properties, and "Any", which matches
346 any character (including newline). Other properties such as "InMusical-
347 Symbols" are not currently supported by PCRE. Note that \P{Any} does
348 not match any characters, so always causes a match failure.
350 Sets of Unicode characters are defined as belonging to certain scripts.
351 A character from one of these sets can be matched using a script name.
352 For example:
354 \p{Greek}
355 \P{Han}
357 Those that are not part of an identified script are lumped together as
358 "Common". The current list of scripts is:
360 Arabic, Armenian, Balinese, Bengali, Bopomofo, Braille, Buginese,
361 Buhid, Canadian_Aboriginal, Cherokee, Common, Coptic, Cuneiform,
362 Cypriot, Cyrillic, Deseret, Devanagari, Ethiopic, Georgian, Glagolitic,
363 Gothic, Greek, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Han, Hangul, Hanunoo, Hebrew, Hira-
364 gana, Inherited, Kannada, Katakana, Kharoshthi, Khmer, Lao, Latin,
365 Limbu, Linear_B, Malayalam, Mongolian, Myanmar, New_Tai_Lue, Nko,
366 Ogham, Old_Italic, Old_Persian, Oriya, Osmanya, Phags_Pa, Phoenician,
367 Runic, Shavian, Sinhala, Syloti_Nagri, Syriac, Tagalog, Tagbanwa,
368 Tai_Le, Tamil, Telugu, Thaana, Thai, Tibetan, Tifinagh, Ugaritic, Yi.
370 Each character has exactly one general category property, specified by
371 a two-letter abbreviation. For compatibility with Perl, negation can be
372 specified by including a circumflex between the opening brace and the
373 property name. For example, \p{^Lu} is the same as \P{Lu}.
375 If only one letter is specified with \p or \P, it includes all the gen-
376 eral category properties that start with that letter. In this case, in
377 the absence of negation, the curly brackets in the escape sequence are
378 optional; these two examples have the same effect:
380 \p{L}
381 \pL
383 The following general category property codes are supported:
385 C Other
386 Cc Control
387 Cf Format
388 Cn Unassigned
389 Co Private use
390 Cs Surrogate
392 L Letter
393 Ll Lower case letter
394 Lm Modifier letter
395 Lo Other letter
396 Lt Title case letter
397 Lu Upper case letter
399 M Mark
400 Mc Spacing mark
401 Me Enclosing mark
402 Mn Non-spacing mark
404 N Number
405 Nd Decimal number
406 Nl Letter number
407 No Other number
409 P Punctuation
410 Pc Connector punctuation
411 Pd Dash punctuation
412 Pe Close punctuation
413 Pf Final punctuation
414 Pi Initial punctuation
415 Po Other punctuation
416 Ps Open punctuation
418 S Symbol
419 Sc Currency symbol
420 Sk Modifier symbol
421 Sm Mathematical symbol
422 So Other symbol
424 Z Separator
425 Zl Line separator
426 Zp Paragraph separator
427 Zs Space separator
429 The special property L& is also supported: it matches a character that
430 has the Lu, Ll, or Lt property, in other words, a letter that is not
431 classified as a modifier or "other".
433 The long synonyms for these properties that Perl supports (such as
434 \p{Letter}) are not supported by PCRE, nor is it permitted to prefix
435 any of these properties with "Is".
437 No character that is in the Unicode table has the Cn (unassigned) prop-
438 erty. Instead, this property is assumed for any code point that is not
439 in the Unicode table.
441 Specifying caseless matching does not affect these escape sequences.
442 For example, \p{Lu} always matches only upper case letters.
444 The \X escape matches any number of Unicode characters that form an
445 extended Unicode sequence. \X is equivalent to
447 (?>\PM\pM*)
449 That is, it matches a character without the "mark" property, followed
450 by zero or more characters with the "mark" property, and treats the
451 sequence as an atomic group (see below). Characters with the "mark"
452 property are typically accents that affect the preceding character.
453 None of them have codepoints less than 256, so in non-UTF-8 mode \X
454 matches any one character.
456 Matching characters by Unicode property is not fast, because PCRE has
457 to search a structure that contains data for over fifteen thousand
458 characters. That is why the traditional escape sequences such as \d and
459 \w do not use Unicode properties in PCRE.
461 Resetting the match start
463 The escape sequence \K, which is a Perl 5.10 feature, causes any previ-
464 ously matched characters not to be included in the final matched
465 sequence. For example, the pattern:
467 foo\Kbar
469 matches "foobar", but reports that it has matched "bar". This feature
470 is similar to a lookbehind assertion (described below). However, in
471 this case, the part of the subject before the real match does not have
472 to be of fixed length, as lookbehind assertions do. The use of \K does
473 not interfere with the setting of captured substrings. For example,
474 when the pattern
476 (foo)\Kbar
478 matches "foobar", the first substring is still set to "foo".
480 Simple assertions
482 The final use of backslash is for certain simple assertions. An asser-
483 tion specifies a condition that has to be met at a particular point in
484 a match, without consuming any characters from the subject string. The
485 use of subpatterns for more complicated assertions is described below.
486 The backslashed assertions are:
488 \b matches at a word boundary
489 \B matches when not at a word boundary
490 \A matches at the start of the subject
491 \Z matches at the end of the subject
492 also matches before a newline at the end of the subject
493 \z matches only at the end of the subject
494 \G matches at the first matching position in the subject
496 These assertions may not appear in character classes (but note that \b
497 has a different meaning, namely the backspace character, inside a char-
498 acter class).
500 A word boundary is a position in the subject string where the current
501 character and the previous character do not both match \w or \W (i.e.
502 one matches \w and the other matches \W), or the start or end of the
503 string if the first or last character matches \w, respectively.
505 The \A, \Z, and \z assertions differ from the traditional circumflex
506 and dollar (described in the next section) in that they only ever match
507 at the very start and end of the subject string, whatever options are
508 set. Thus, they are independent of multiline mode. These three asser-
509 tions are not affected by the PCRE_NOTBOL or PCRE_NOTEOL options, which
510 affect only the behaviour of the circumflex and dollar metacharacters.
511 However, if the startoffset argument of pcre_exec() is non-zero, indi-
512 cating that matching is to start at a point other than the beginning of
513 the subject, \A can never match. The difference between \Z and \z is
514 that \Z matches before a newline at the end of the string as well as at
515 the very end, whereas \z matches only at the end.
517 The \G assertion is true only when the current matching position is at
518 the start point of the match, as specified by the startoffset argument
519 of pcre_exec(). It differs from \A when the value of startoffset is
520 non-zero. By calling pcre_exec() multiple times with appropriate argu-
521 ments, you can mimic Perl's /g option, and it is in this kind of imple-
522 mentation where \G can be useful.
524 Note, however, that PCRE's interpretation of \G, as the start of the
525 current match, is subtly different from Perl's, which defines it as the
526 end of the previous match. In Perl, these can be different when the
527 previously matched string was empty. Because PCRE does just one match
528 at a time, it cannot reproduce this behaviour.
530 If all the alternatives of a pattern begin with \G, the expression is
531 anchored to the starting match position, and the "anchored" flag is set
532 in the compiled regular expression.
537 Outside a character class, in the default matching mode, the circumflex
538 character is an assertion that is true only if the current matching
539 point is at the start of the subject string. If the startoffset argu-
540 ment of pcre_exec() is non-zero, circumflex can never match if the
541 PCRE_MULTILINE option is unset. Inside a character class, circumflex
542 has an entirely different meaning (see below).
544 Circumflex need not be the first character of the pattern if a number
545 of alternatives are involved, but it should be the first thing in each
546 alternative in which it appears if the pattern is ever to match that
547 branch. If all possible alternatives start with a circumflex, that is,
548 if the pattern is constrained to match only at the start of the sub-
549 ject, it is said to be an "anchored" pattern. (There are also other
550 constructs that can cause a pattern to be anchored.)
552 A dollar character is an assertion that is true only if the current
553 matching point is at the end of the subject string, or immediately
554 before a newline at the end of the string (by default). Dollar need not
555 be the last character of the pattern if a number of alternatives are
556 involved, but it should be the last item in any branch in which it
557 appears. Dollar has no special meaning in a character class.
559 The meaning of dollar can be changed so that it matches only at the
560 very end of the string, by setting the PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY option at
561 compile time. This does not affect the \Z assertion.
563 The meanings of the circumflex and dollar characters are changed if the
564 PCRE_MULTILINE option is set. When this is the case, a circumflex
565 matches immediately after internal newlines as well as at the start of
566 the subject string. It does not match after a newline that ends the
567 string. A dollar matches before any newlines in the string, as well as
568 at the very end, when PCRE_MULTILINE is set. When newline is specified
569 as the two-character sequence CRLF, isolated CR and LF characters do
570 not indicate newlines.
572 For example, the pattern /^abc$/ matches the subject string "def\nabc"
573 (where \n represents a newline) in multiline mode, but not otherwise.
574 Consequently, patterns that are anchored in single line mode because
575 all branches start with ^ are not anchored in multiline mode, and a
576 match for circumflex is possible when the startoffset argument of
577 pcre_exec() is non-zero. The PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY option is ignored if
578 PCRE_MULTILINE is set.
580 Note that the sequences \A, \Z, and \z can be used to match the start
581 and end of the subject in both modes, and if all branches of a pattern
582 start with \A it is always anchored, whether or not PCRE_MULTILINE is
583 set.
588 Outside a character class, a dot in the pattern matches any one charac-
589 ter in the subject string except (by default) a character that signi-
590 fies the end of a line. In UTF-8 mode, the matched character may be
591 more than one byte long.
593 When a line ending is defined as a single character, dot never matches
594 that character; when the two-character sequence CRLF is used, dot does
595 not match CR if it is immediately followed by LF, but otherwise it
596 matches all characters (including isolated CRs and LFs). When any Uni-
597 code line endings are being recognized, dot does not match CR or LF or
598 any of the other line ending characters.
600 The behaviour of dot with regard to newlines can be changed. If the
601 PCRE_DOTALL option is set, a dot matches any one character, without
602 exception. If the two-character sequence CRLF is present in the subject
603 string, it takes two dots to match it.
605 The handling of dot is entirely independent of the handling of circum-
606 flex and dollar, the only relationship being that they both involve
607 newlines. Dot has no special meaning in a character class.
612 Outside a character class, the escape sequence \C matches any one byte,
613 both in and out of UTF-8 mode. Unlike a dot, it always matches any
614 line-ending characters. The feature is provided in Perl in order to
615 match individual bytes in UTF-8 mode. Because it breaks up UTF-8 char-
616 acters into individual bytes, what remains in the string may be a mal-
617 formed UTF-8 string. For this reason, the \C escape sequence is best
618 avoided.
620 PCRE does not allow \C to appear in lookbehind assertions (described
621 below), because in UTF-8 mode this would make it impossible to calcu-
622 late the length of the lookbehind.
627 An opening square bracket introduces a character class, terminated by a
628 closing square bracket. A closing square bracket on its own is not spe-
629 cial. If a closing square bracket is required as a member of the class,
630 it should be the first data character in the class (after an initial
631 circumflex, if present) or escaped with a backslash.
633 A character class matches a single character in the subject. In UTF-8
634 mode, the character may occupy more than one byte. A matched character
635 must be in the set of characters defined by the class, unless the first
636 character in the class definition is a circumflex, in which case the
637 subject character must not be in the set defined by the class. If a
638 circumflex is actually required as a member of the class, ensure it is
639 not the first character, or escape it with a backslash.
641 For example, the character class [aeiou] matches any lower case vowel,
642 while [^aeiou] matches any character that is not a lower case vowel.
643 Note that a circumflex is just a convenient notation for specifying the
644 characters that are in the class by enumerating those that are not. A
645 class that starts with a circumflex is not an assertion: it still con-
646 sumes a character from the subject string, and therefore it fails if
647 the current pointer is at the end of the string.
649 In UTF-8 mode, characters with values greater than 255 can be included
650 in a class as a literal string of bytes, or by using the \x{ escaping
651 mechanism.
653 When caseless matching is set, any letters in a class represent both
654 their upper case and lower case versions, so for example, a caseless
655 [aeiou] matches "A" as well as "a", and a caseless [^aeiou] does not
656 match "A", whereas a caseful version would. In UTF-8 mode, PCRE always
657 understands the concept of case for characters whose values are less
658 than 128, so caseless matching is always possible. For characters with
659 higher values, the concept of case is supported if PCRE is compiled
660 with Unicode property support, but not otherwise. If you want to use
661 caseless matching for characters 128 and above, you must ensure that
662 PCRE is compiled with Unicode property support as well as with UTF-8
663 support.
665 Characters that might indicate line breaks are never treated in any
666 special way when matching character classes, whatever line-ending
667 sequence is in use, and whatever setting of the PCRE_DOTALL and
668 PCRE_MULTILINE options is used. A class such as [^a] always matches one
669 of these characters.
671 The minus (hyphen) character can be used to specify a range of charac-
672 ters in a character class. For example, [d-m] matches any letter
673 between d and m, inclusive. If a minus character is required in a
674 class, it must be escaped with a backslash or appear in a position
675 where it cannot be interpreted as indicating a range, typically as the
676 first or last character in the class.
678 It is not possible to have the literal character "]" as the end charac-
679 ter of a range. A pattern such as [W-]46] is interpreted as a class of
680 two characters ("W" and "-") followed by a literal string "46]", so it
681 would match "W46]" or "-46]". However, if the "]" is escaped with a
682 backslash it is interpreted as the end of range, so [W-\]46] is inter-
683 preted as a class containing a range followed by two other characters.
684 The octal or hexadecimal representation of "]" can also be used to end
685 a range.
687 Ranges operate in the collating sequence of character values. They can
688 also be used for characters specified numerically, for example
689 [\000-\037]. In UTF-8 mode, ranges can include characters whose values
690 are greater than 255, for example [\x{100}-\x{2ff}].
692 If a range that includes letters is used when caseless matching is set,
693 it matches the letters in either case. For example, [W-c] is equivalent
694 to [][\\^_`wxyzabc], matched caselessly, and in non-UTF-8 mode, if
695 character tables for a French locale are in use, [\xc8-\xcb] matches
696 accented E characters in both cases. In UTF-8 mode, PCRE supports the
697 concept of case for characters with values greater than 128 only when
698 it is compiled with Unicode property support.
700 The character types \d, \D, \p, \P, \s, \S, \w, and \W may also appear
701 in a character class, and add the characters that they match to the
702 class. For example, [\dABCDEF] matches any hexadecimal digit. A circum-
703 flex can conveniently be used with the upper case character types to
704 specify a more restricted set of characters than the matching lower
705 case type. For example, the class [^\W_] matches any letter or digit,
706 but not underscore.
708 The only metacharacters that are recognized in character classes are
709 backslash, hyphen (only where it can be interpreted as specifying a
710 range), circumflex (only at the start), opening square bracket (only
711 when it can be interpreted as introducing a POSIX class name - see the
712 next section), and the terminating closing square bracket. However,
713 escaping other non-alphanumeric characters does no harm.
718 Perl supports the POSIX notation for character classes. This uses names
719 enclosed by [: and :] within the enclosing square brackets. PCRE also
720 supports this notation. For example,
722 [01[:alpha:]%]
724 matches "0", "1", any alphabetic character, or "%". The supported class
725 names are
727 alnum letters and digits
728 alpha letters
729 ascii character codes 0 - 127
730 blank space or tab only
731 cntrl control characters
732 digit decimal digits (same as \d)
733 graph printing characters, excluding space
734 lower lower case letters
735 print printing characters, including space
736 punct printing characters, excluding letters and digits
737 space white space (not quite the same as \s)
738 upper upper case letters
739 word "word" characters (same as \w)
740 xdigit hexadecimal digits
742 The "space" characters are HT (9), LF (10), VT (11), FF (12), CR (13),
743 and space (32). Notice that this list includes the VT character (code
744 11). This makes "space" different to \s, which does not include VT (for
745 Perl compatibility).
747 The name "word" is a Perl extension, and "blank" is a GNU extension
748 from Perl 5.8. Another Perl extension is negation, which is indicated
749 by a ^ character after the colon. For example,
751 [12[:^digit:]]
753 matches "1", "2", or any non-digit. PCRE (and Perl) also recognize the
754 POSIX syntax [.ch.] and [=ch=] where "ch" is a "collating element", but
755 these are not supported, and an error is given if they are encountered.
757 In UTF-8 mode, characters with values greater than 128 do not match any
758 of the POSIX character classes.
763 Vertical bar characters are used to separate alternative patterns. For
764 example, the pattern
766 gilbert|sullivan
768 matches either "gilbert" or "sullivan". Any number of alternatives may
769 appear, and an empty alternative is permitted (matching the empty
770 string). The matching process tries each alternative in turn, from left
771 to right, and the first one that succeeds is used. If the alternatives
772 are within a subpattern (defined below), "succeeds" means matching the
773 rest of the main pattern as well as the alternative in the subpattern.
779 PCRE_EXTENDED options can be changed from within the pattern by a
780 sequence of Perl option letters enclosed between "(?" and ")". The
781 option letters are
785 s for PCRE_DOTALL
788 For example, (?im) sets caseless, multiline matching. It is also possi-
789 ble to unset these options by preceding the letter with a hyphen, and a
790 combined setting and unsetting such as (?im-sx), which sets PCRE_CASE-
792 is also permitted. If a letter appears both before and after the
793 hyphen, the option is unset.
795 When an option change occurs at top level (that is, not inside subpat-
796 tern parentheses), the change applies to the remainder of the pattern
797 that follows. If the change is placed right at the start of a pattern,
798 PCRE extracts it into the global options (and it will therefore show up
799 in data extracted by the pcre_fullinfo() function).
801 An option change within a subpattern (see below for a description of
802 subpatterns) affects only that part of the current pattern that follows
803 it, so
805 (a(?i)b)c
807 matches abc and aBc and no other strings (assuming PCRE_CASELESS is not
808 used). By this means, options can be made to have different settings
809 in different parts of the pattern. Any changes made in one alternative
810 do carry on into subsequent branches within the same subpattern. For
811 example,
813 (a(?i)b|c)
815 matches "ab", "aB", "c", and "C", even though when matching "C" the
816 first branch is abandoned before the option setting. This is because
817 the effects of option settings happen at compile time. There would be
818 some very weird behaviour otherwise.
821 can be changed in the same way as the Perl-compatible options by using
822 the characters J, U and X respectively.
827 Subpatterns are delimited by parentheses (round brackets), which can be
828 nested. Turning part of a pattern into a subpattern does two things:
830 1. It localizes a set of alternatives. For example, the pattern
832 cat(aract|erpillar|)
834 matches one of the words "cat", "cataract", or "caterpillar". Without
835 the parentheses, it would match "cataract", "erpillar" or an empty
836 string.
838 2. It sets up the subpattern as a capturing subpattern. This means
839 that, when the whole pattern matches, that portion of the subject
840 string that matched the subpattern is passed back to the caller via the
841 ovector argument of pcre_exec(). Opening parentheses are counted from
842 left to right (starting from 1) to obtain numbers for the capturing
843 subpatterns.
845 For example, if the string "the red king" is matched against the pat-
846 tern
848 the ((red|white) (king|queen))
850 the captured substrings are "red king", "red", and "king", and are num-
851 bered 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
853 The fact that plain parentheses fulfil two functions is not always
854 helpful. There are often times when a grouping subpattern is required
855 without a capturing requirement. If an opening parenthesis is followed
856 by a question mark and a colon, the subpattern does not do any captur-
857 ing, and is not counted when computing the number of any subsequent
858 capturing subpatterns. For example, if the string "the white queen" is
859 matched against the pattern
861 the ((?:red|white) (king|queen))
863 the captured substrings are "white queen" and "queen", and are numbered
864 1 and 2. The maximum number of capturing subpatterns is 65535.
866 As a convenient shorthand, if any option settings are required at the
867 start of a non-capturing subpattern, the option letters may appear
868 between the "?" and the ":". Thus the two patterns
870 (?i:saturday|sunday)
871 (?:(?i)saturday|sunday)
873 match exactly the same set of strings. Because alternative branches are
874 tried from left to right, and options are not reset until the end of
875 the subpattern is reached, an option setting in one branch does affect
876 subsequent branches, so the above patterns match "SUNDAY" as well as
877 "Saturday".
882 Perl 5.10 introduced a feature whereby each alternative in a subpattern
883 uses the same numbers for its capturing parentheses. Such a subpattern
884 starts with (?| and is itself a non-capturing subpattern. For example,
885 consider this pattern:
887 (?|(Sat)ur|(Sun))day
889 Because the two alternatives are inside a (?| group, both sets of cap-
890 turing parentheses are numbered one. Thus, when the pattern matches,
891 you can look at captured substring number one, whichever alternative
892 matched. This construct is useful when you want to capture part, but
893 not all, of one of a number of alternatives. Inside a (?| group, paren-
894 theses are numbered as usual, but the number is reset at the start of
895 each branch. The numbers of any capturing buffers that follow the sub-
896 pattern start after the highest number used in any branch. The follow-
897 ing example is taken from the Perl documentation. The numbers under-
898 neath show in which buffer the captured content will be stored.
900 # before ---------------branch-reset----------- after
901 / ( a ) (?| x ( y ) z | (p (q) r) | (t) u (v) ) ( z ) /x
902 # 1 2 2 3 2 3 4
904 A backreference or a recursive call to a numbered subpattern always
905 refers to the first one in the pattern with the given number.
907 An alternative approach to using this "branch reset" feature is to use
908 duplicate named subpatterns, as described in the next section.
913 Identifying capturing parentheses by number is simple, but it can be
914 very hard to keep track of the numbers in complicated regular expres-
915 sions. Furthermore, if an expression is modified, the numbers may
916 change. To help with this difficulty, PCRE supports the naming of sub-
917 patterns. This feature was not added to Perl until release 5.10. Python
918 had the feature earlier, and PCRE introduced it at release 4.0, using
919 the Python syntax. PCRE now supports both the Perl and the Python syn-
920 tax.
922 In PCRE, a subpattern can be named in one of three ways: (?<name>...)
923 or (?'name'...) as in Perl, or (?P<name>...) as in Python. References
924 to capturing parentheses from other parts of the pattern, such as back-
925 references, recursion, and conditions, can be made by name as well as
926 by number.
928 Names consist of up to 32 alphanumeric characters and underscores.
929 Named capturing parentheses are still allocated numbers as well as
930 names, exactly as if the names were not present. The PCRE API provides
931 function calls for extracting the name-to-number translation table from
932 a compiled pattern. There is also a convenience function for extracting
933 a captured substring by name.
935 By default, a name must be unique within a pattern, but it is possible
936 to relax this constraint by setting the PCRE_DUPNAMES option at compile
937 time. This can be useful for patterns where only one instance of the
938 named parentheses can match. Suppose you want to match the name of a
939 weekday, either as a 3-letter abbreviation or as the full name, and in
940 both cases you want to extract the abbreviation. This pattern (ignoring
941 the line breaks) does the job:
943 (?<DN>Mon|Fri|Sun)(?:day)?|
944 (?<DN>Tue)(?:sday)?|
945 (?<DN>Wed)(?:nesday)?|
946 (?<DN>Thu)(?:rsday)?|
947 (?<DN>Sat)(?:urday)?
949 There are five capturing substrings, but only one is ever set after a
950 match. (An alternative way of solving this problem is to use a "branch
951 reset" subpattern, as described in the previous section.)
953 The convenience function for extracting the data by name returns the
954 substring for the first (and in this example, the only) subpattern of
955 that name that matched. This saves searching to find which numbered
956 subpattern it was. If you make a reference to a non-unique named sub-
957 pattern from elsewhere in the pattern, the one that corresponds to the
958 lowest number is used. For further details of the interfaces for han-
959 dling named subpatterns, see the pcreapi documentation.
964 Repetition is specified by quantifiers, which can follow any of the
965 following items:
967 a literal data character
968 the dot metacharacter
969 the \C escape sequence
970 the \X escape sequence (in UTF-8 mode with Unicode properties)
971 the \R escape sequence
972 an escape such as \d that matches a single character
973 a character class
974 a back reference (see next section)
975 a parenthesized subpattern (unless it is an assertion)
977 The general repetition quantifier specifies a minimum and maximum num-
978 ber of permitted matches, by giving the two numbers in curly brackets
979 (braces), separated by a comma. The numbers must be less than 65536,
980 and the first must be less than or equal to the second. For example:
982 z{2,4}
984 matches "zz", "zzz", or "zzzz". A closing brace on its own is not a
985 special character. If the second number is omitted, but the comma is
986 present, there is no upper limit; if the second number and the comma
987 are both omitted, the quantifier specifies an exact number of required
988 matches. Thus
990 [aeiou]{3,}
992 matches at least 3 successive vowels, but may match many more, while
994 \d{8}
996 matches exactly 8 digits. An opening curly bracket that appears in a
997 position where a quantifier is not allowed, or one that does not match
998 the syntax of a quantifier, is taken as a literal character. For exam-
999 ple, {,6} is not a quantifier, but a literal string of four characters.
1001 In UTF-8 mode, quantifiers apply to UTF-8 characters rather than to
1002 individual bytes. Thus, for example, \x{100}{2} matches two UTF-8 char-
1003 acters, each of which is represented by a two-byte sequence. Similarly,
1004 when Unicode property support is available, \X{3} matches three Unicode
1005 extended sequences, each of which may be several bytes long (and they
1006 may be of different lengths).
1008 The quantifier {0} is permitted, causing the expression to behave as if
1009 the previous item and the quantifier were not present.
1011 For convenience, the three most common quantifiers have single-charac-
1012 ter abbreviations:
1014 * is equivalent to {0,}
1015 + is equivalent to {1,}
1016 ? is equivalent to {0,1}
1018 It is possible to construct infinite loops by following a subpattern
1019 that can match no characters with a quantifier that has no upper limit,
1020 for example:
1022 (a?)*
1024 Earlier versions of Perl and PCRE used to give an error at compile time
1025 for such patterns. However, because there are cases where this can be
1026 useful, such patterns are now accepted, but if any repetition of the
1027 subpattern does in fact match no characters, the loop is forcibly bro-
1028 ken.
1030 By default, the quantifiers are "greedy", that is, they match as much
1031 as possible (up to the maximum number of permitted times), without
1032 causing the rest of the pattern to fail. The classic example of where
1033 this gives problems is in trying to match comments in C programs. These
1034 appear between /* and */ and within the comment, individual * and /
1035 characters may appear. An attempt to match C comments by applying the
1036 pattern
1038 /\*.*\*/
1040 to the string
1042 /* first comment */ not comment /* second comment */
1044 fails, because it matches the entire string owing to the greediness of
1045 the .* item.
1047 However, if a quantifier is followed by a question mark, it ceases to
1048 be greedy, and instead matches the minimum number of times possible, so
1049 the pattern
1051 /\*.*?\*/
1053 does the right thing with the C comments. The meaning of the various
1054 quantifiers is not otherwise changed, just the preferred number of
1055 matches. Do not confuse this use of question mark with its use as a
1056 quantifier in its own right. Because it has two uses, it can sometimes
1057 appear doubled, as in
1059 \d??\d
1061 which matches one digit by preference, but can match two if that is the
1062 only way the rest of the pattern matches.
1064 If the PCRE_UNGREEDY option is set (an option that is not available in
1065 Perl), the quantifiers are not greedy by default, but individual ones
1066 can be made greedy by following them with a question mark. In other
1067 words, it inverts the default behaviour.
1069 When a parenthesized subpattern is quantified with a minimum repeat
1070 count that is greater than 1 or with a limited maximum, more memory is
1071 required for the compiled pattern, in proportion to the size of the
1072 minimum or maximum.
1074 If a pattern starts with .* or .{0,} and the PCRE_DOTALL option (equiv-
1075 alent to Perl's /s) is set, thus allowing the dot to match newlines,
1076 the pattern is implicitly anchored, because whatever follows will be
1077 tried against every character position in the subject string, so there
1078 is no point in retrying the overall match at any position after the
1079 first. PCRE normally treats such a pattern as though it were preceded
1080 by \A.
1082 In cases where it is known that the subject string contains no new-
1083 lines, it is worth setting PCRE_DOTALL in order to obtain this opti-
1084 mization, or alternatively using ^ to indicate anchoring explicitly.
1086 However, there is one situation where the optimization cannot be used.
1087 When .* is inside capturing parentheses that are the subject of a
1088 backreference elsewhere in the pattern, a match at the start may fail
1089 where a later one succeeds. Consider, for example:
1091 (.*)abc\1
1093 If the subject is "xyz123abc123" the match point is the fourth charac-
1094 ter. For this reason, such a pattern is not implicitly anchored.
1096 When a capturing subpattern is repeated, the value captured is the sub-
1097 string that matched the final iteration. For example, after
1099 (tweedle[dume]{3}\s*)+
1101 has matched "tweedledum tweedledee" the value of the captured substring
1102 is "tweedledee". However, if there are nested capturing subpatterns,
1103 the corresponding captured values may have been set in previous itera-
1104 tions. For example, after
1106 /(a|(b))+/
1108 matches "aba" the value of the second captured substring is "b".
1113 With both maximizing ("greedy") and minimizing ("ungreedy" or "lazy")
1114 repetition, failure of what follows normally causes the repeated item
1115 to be re-evaluated to see if a different number of repeats allows the
1116 rest of the pattern to match. Sometimes it is useful to prevent this,
1117 either to change the nature of the match, or to cause it fail earlier
1118 than it otherwise might, when the author of the pattern knows there is
1119 no point in carrying on.
1121 Consider, for example, the pattern \d+foo when applied to the subject
1122 line
1124 123456bar
1126 After matching all 6 digits and then failing to match "foo", the normal
1127 action of the matcher is to try again with only 5 digits matching the
1128 \d+ item, and then with 4, and so on, before ultimately failing.
1129 "Atomic grouping" (a term taken from Jeffrey Friedl's book) provides
1130 the means for specifying that once a subpattern has matched, it is not
1131 to be re-evaluated in this way.
1133 If we use atomic grouping for the previous example, the matcher gives
1134 up immediately on failing to match "foo" the first time. The notation
1135 is a kind of special parenthesis, starting with (?> as in this example:
1137 (?>\d+)foo
1139 This kind of parenthesis "locks up" the part of the pattern it con-
1140 tains once it has matched, and a failure further into the pattern is
1141 prevented from backtracking into it. Backtracking past it to previous
1142 items, however, works as normal.
1144 An alternative description is that a subpattern of this type matches
1145 the string of characters that an identical standalone pattern would
1146 match, if anchored at the current point in the subject string.
1148 Atomic grouping subpatterns are not capturing subpatterns. Simple cases
1149 such as the above example can be thought of as a maximizing repeat that
1150 must swallow everything it can. So, while both \d+ and \d+? are pre-
1151 pared to adjust the number of digits they match in order to make the
1152 rest of the pattern match, (?>\d+) can only match an entire sequence of
1153 digits.
1155 Atomic groups in general can of course contain arbitrarily complicated
1156 subpatterns, and can be nested. However, when the subpattern for an
1157 atomic group is just a single repeated item, as in the example above, a
1158 simpler notation, called a "possessive quantifier" can be used. This
1159 consists of an additional + character following a quantifier. Using
1160 this notation, the previous example can be rewritten as
1162 \d++foo
1164 Possessive quantifiers are always greedy; the setting of the
1165 PCRE_UNGREEDY option is ignored. They are a convenient notation for the
1166 simpler forms of atomic group. However, there is no difference in the
1167 meaning of a possessive quantifier and the equivalent atomic group,
1168 though there may be a performance difference; possessive quantifiers
1169 should be slightly faster.
1171 The possessive quantifier syntax is an extension to the Perl 5.8 syn-
1172 tax. Jeffrey Friedl originated the idea (and the name) in the first
1173 edition of his book. Mike McCloskey liked it, so implemented it when he
1174 built Sun's Java package, and PCRE copied it from there. It ultimately
1175 found its way into Perl at release 5.10.
1177 PCRE has an optimization that automatically "possessifies" certain sim-
1178 ple pattern constructs. For example, the sequence A+B is treated as
1179 A++B because there is no point in backtracking into a sequence of A's
1180 when B must follow.
1182 When a pattern contains an unlimited repeat inside a subpattern that
1183 can itself be repeated an unlimited number of times, the use of an
1184 atomic group is the only way to avoid some failing matches taking a
1185 very long time indeed. The pattern
1187 (\D+|<\d+>)*[!?]
1189 matches an unlimited number of substrings that either consist of non-
1190 digits, or digits enclosed in <>, followed by either ! or ?. When it
1191 matches, it runs quickly. However, if it is applied to
1193 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
1195 it takes a long time before reporting failure. This is because the
1196 string can be divided between the internal \D+ repeat and the external
1197 * repeat in a large number of ways, and all have to be tried. (The
1198 example uses [!?] rather than a single character at the end, because
1199 both PCRE and Perl have an optimization that allows for fast failure
1200 when a single character is used. They remember the last single charac-
1201 ter that is required for a match, and fail early if it is not present
1202 in the string.) If the pattern is changed so that it uses an atomic
1203 group, like this:
1205 ((?>\D+)|<\d+>)*[!?]
1207 sequences of non-digits cannot be broken, and failure happens quickly.
1212 Outside a character class, a backslash followed by a digit greater than
1213 0 (and possibly further digits) is a back reference to a capturing sub-
1214 pattern earlier (that is, to its left) in the pattern, provided there
1215 have been that many previous capturing left parentheses.
1217 However, if the decimal number following the backslash is less than 10,
1218 it is always taken as a back reference, and causes an error only if
1219 there are not that many capturing left parentheses in the entire pat-
1220 tern. In other words, the parentheses that are referenced need not be
1221 to the left of the reference for numbers less than 10. A "forward back
1222 reference" of this type can make sense when a repetition is involved
1223 and the subpattern to the right has participated in an earlier itera-
1224 tion.
1226 It is not possible to have a numerical "forward back reference" to a
1227 subpattern whose number is 10 or more using this syntax because a
1228 sequence such as \50 is interpreted as a character defined in octal.
1229 See the subsection entitled "Non-printing characters" above for further
1230 details of the handling of digits following a backslash. There is no
1231 such problem when named parentheses are used. A back reference to any
1232 subpattern is possible using named parentheses (see below).
1234 Another way of avoiding the ambiguity inherent in the use of digits
1235 following a backslash is to use the \g escape sequence, which is a fea-
1236 ture introduced in Perl 5.10. This escape must be followed by a posi-
1237 tive or a negative number, optionally enclosed in braces. These exam-
1238 ples are all identical:
1240 (ring), \1
1241 (ring), \g1
1242 (ring), \g{1}
1244 A positive number specifies an absolute reference without the ambiguity
1245 that is present in the older syntax. It is also useful when literal
1246 digits follow the reference. A negative number is a relative reference.
1247 Consider this example:
1249 (abc(def)ghi)\g{-1}
1251 The sequence \g{-1} is a reference to the most recently started captur-
1252 ing subpattern before \g, that is, is it equivalent to \2. Similarly,
1253 \g{-2} would be equivalent to \1. The use of relative references can be
1254 helpful in long patterns, and also in patterns that are created by
1255 joining together fragments that contain references within themselves.
1257 A back reference matches whatever actually matched the capturing sub-
1258 pattern in the current subject string, rather than anything matching
1259 the subpattern itself (see "Subpatterns as subroutines" below for a way
1260 of doing that). So the pattern
1262 (sens|respons)e and \1ibility
1264 matches "sense and sensibility" and "response and responsibility", but
1265 not "sense and responsibility". If caseful matching is in force at the
1266 time of the back reference, the case of letters is relevant. For exam-
1267 ple,
1269 ((?i)rah)\s+\1
1271 matches "rah rah" and "RAH RAH", but not "RAH rah", even though the
1272 original capturing subpattern is matched caselessly.
1274 There are several different ways of writing back references to named
1275 subpatterns. The .NET syntax \k{name} and the Perl syntax \k<name> or
1276 \k'name' are supported, as is the Python syntax (?P=name). Perl 5.10's
1277 unified back reference syntax, in which \g can be used for both numeric
1278 and named references, is also supported. We could rewrite the above
1279 example in any of the following ways:
1281 (?<p1>(?i)rah)\s+\k<p1>
1282 (?'p1'(?i)rah)\s+\k{p1}
1283 (?P<p1>(?i)rah)\s+(?P=p1)
1284 (?<p1>(?i)rah)\s+\g{p1}
1286 A subpattern that is referenced by name may appear in the pattern
1287 before or after the reference.
1289 There may be more than one back reference to the same subpattern. If a
1290 subpattern has not actually been used in a particular match, any back
1291 references to it always fail. For example, the pattern
1293 (a|(bc))\2
1295 always fails if it starts to match "a" rather than "bc". Because there
1296 may be many capturing parentheses in a pattern, all digits following
1297 the backslash are taken as part of a potential back reference number.
1298 If the pattern continues with a digit character, some delimiter must be
1299 used to terminate the back reference. If the PCRE_EXTENDED option is
1300 set, this can be whitespace. Otherwise an empty comment (see "Com-
1301 ments" below) can be used.
1303 A back reference that occurs inside the parentheses to which it refers
1304 fails when the subpattern is first used, so, for example, (a\1) never
1305 matches. However, such references can be useful inside repeated sub-
1306 patterns. For example, the pattern
1308 (a|b\1)+
1310 matches any number of "a"s and also "aba", "ababbaa" etc. At each iter-
1311 ation of the subpattern, the back reference matches the character
1312 string corresponding to the previous iteration. In order for this to
1313 work, the pattern must be such that the first iteration does not need
1314 to match the back reference. This can be done using alternation, as in
1315 the example above, or by a quantifier with a minimum of zero.
1320 An assertion is a test on the characters following or preceding the
1321 current matching point that does not actually consume any characters.
1322 The simple assertions coded as \b, \B, \A, \G, \Z, \z, ^ and $ are
1323 described above.
1325 More complicated assertions are coded as subpatterns. There are two
1326 kinds: those that look ahead of the current position in the subject
1327 string, and those that look behind it. An assertion subpattern is
1328 matched in the normal way, except that it does not cause the current
1329 matching position to be changed.
1331 Assertion subpatterns are not capturing subpatterns, and may not be
1332 repeated, because it makes no sense to assert the same thing several
1333 times. If any kind of assertion contains capturing subpatterns within
1334 it, these are counted for the purposes of numbering the capturing sub-
1335 patterns in the whole pattern. However, substring capturing is carried
1336 out only for positive assertions, because it does not make sense for
1337 negative assertions.
1339 Lookahead assertions
1341 Lookahead assertions start with (?= for positive assertions and (?! for
1342 negative assertions. For example,
1344 \w+(?=;)
1346 matches a word followed by a semicolon, but does not include the semi-
1347 colon in the match, and
1349 foo(?!bar)
1351 matches any occurrence of "foo" that is not followed by "bar". Note
1352 that the apparently similar pattern
1354 (?!foo)bar
1356 does not find an occurrence of "bar" that is preceded by something
1357 other than "foo"; it finds any occurrence of "bar" whatsoever, because
1358 the assertion (?!foo) is always true when the next three characters are
1359 "bar". A lookbehind assertion is needed to achieve the other effect.
1361 If you want to force a matching failure at some point in a pattern, the
1362 most convenient way to do it is with (?!) because an empty string
1363 always matches, so an assertion that requires there not to be an empty
1364 string must always fail.
1366 Lookbehind assertions
1368 Lookbehind assertions start with (?<= for positive assertions and (?<!
1369 for negative assertions. For example,
1371 (?<!foo)bar
1373 does find an occurrence of "bar" that is not preceded by "foo". The
1374 contents of a lookbehind assertion are restricted such that all the
1375 strings it matches must have a fixed length. However, if there are sev-
1376 eral top-level alternatives, they do not all have to have the same
1377 fixed length. Thus
1379 (?<=bullock|donkey)
1381 is permitted, but
1383 (?<!dogs?|cats?)
1385 causes an error at compile time. Branches that match different length
1386 strings are permitted only at the top level of a lookbehind assertion.
1387 This is an extension compared with Perl (at least for 5.8), which
1388 requires all branches to match the same length of string. An assertion
1389 such as
1391 (?<=ab(c|de))
1393 is not permitted, because its single top-level branch can match two
1394 different lengths, but it is acceptable if rewritten to use two top-
1395 level branches:
1397 (?<=abc|abde)
1399 In some cases, the Perl 5.10 escape sequence \K (see above) can be used
1400 instead of a lookbehind assertion; this is not restricted to a fixed-
1401 length.
1403 The implementation of lookbehind assertions is, for each alternative,
1404 to temporarily move the current position back by the fixed length and
1405 then try to match. If there are insufficient characters before the cur-
1406 rent position, the assertion fails.
1408 PCRE does not allow the \C escape (which matches a single byte in UTF-8
1409 mode) to appear in lookbehind assertions, because it makes it impossi-
1410 ble to calculate the length of the lookbehind. The \X and \R escapes,
1411 which can match different numbers of bytes, are also not permitted.
1413 Possessive quantifiers can be used in conjunction with lookbehind
1414 assertions to specify efficient matching at the end of the subject
1415 string. Consider a simple pattern such as
1417 abcd$
1419 when applied to a long string that does not match. Because matching
1420 proceeds from left to right, PCRE will look for each "a" in the subject
1421 and then see if what follows matches the rest of the pattern. If the
1422 pattern is specified as
1424 ^.*abcd$
1426 the initial .* matches the entire string at first, but when this fails
1427 (because there is no following "a"), it backtracks to match all but the
1428 last character, then all but the last two characters, and so on. Once
1429 again the search for "a" covers the entire string, from right to left,
1430 so we are no better off. However, if the pattern is written as
1432 ^.*+(?<=abcd)
1434 there can be no backtracking for the .*+ item; it can match only the
1435 entire string. The subsequent lookbehind assertion does a single test
1436 on the last four characters. If it fails, the match fails immediately.
1437 For long strings, this approach makes a significant difference to the
1438 processing time.
1440 Using multiple assertions
1442 Several assertions (of any sort) may occur in succession. For example,
1444 (?<=\d{3})(?<!999)foo
1446 matches "foo" preceded by three digits that are not "999". Notice that
1447 each of the assertions is applied independently at the same point in
1448 the subject string. First there is a check that the previous three
1449 characters are all digits, and then there is a check that the same
1450 three characters are not "999". This pattern does not match "foo" pre-
1451 ceded by six characters, the first of which are digits and the last
1452 three of which are not "999". For example, it doesn't match "123abc-
1453 foo". A pattern to do that is
1455 (?<=\d{3}...)(?<!999)foo
1457 This time the first assertion looks at the preceding six characters,
1458 checking that the first three are digits, and then the second assertion
1459 checks that the preceding three characters are not "999".
1461 Assertions can be nested in any combination. For example,
1463 (?<=(?<!foo)bar)baz
1465 matches an occurrence of "baz" that is preceded by "bar" which in turn
1466 is not preceded by "foo", while
1468 (?<=\d{3}(?!999)...)foo
1470 is another pattern that matches "foo" preceded by three digits and any
1471 three characters that are not "999".
1476 It is possible to cause the matching process to obey a subpattern con-
1477 ditionally or to choose between two alternative subpatterns, depending
1478 on the result of an assertion, or whether a previous capturing subpat-
1479 tern matched or not. The two possible forms of conditional subpattern
1480 are
1482 (?(condition)yes-pattern)
1483 (?(condition)yes-pattern|no-pattern)
1485 If the condition is satisfied, the yes-pattern is used; otherwise the
1486 no-pattern (if present) is used. If there are more than two alterna-
1487 tives in the subpattern, a compile-time error occurs.
1489 There are four kinds of condition: references to subpatterns, refer-
1490 ences to recursion, a pseudo-condition called DEFINE, and assertions.
1492 Checking for a used subpattern by number
1494 If the text between the parentheses consists of a sequence of digits,
1495 the condition is true if the capturing subpattern of that number has
1496 previously matched. An alternative notation is to precede the digits
1497 with a plus or minus sign. In this case, the subpattern number is rela-
1498 tive rather than absolute. The most recently opened parentheses can be
1499 referenced by (?(-1), the next most recent by (?(-2), and so on. In
1500 looping constructs it can also make sense to refer to subsequent groups
1501 with constructs such as (?(+2).
1503 Consider the following pattern, which contains non-significant white
1504 space to make it more readable (assume the PCRE_EXTENDED option) and to
1505 divide it into three parts for ease of discussion:
1507 ( \( )? [^()]+ (?(1) \) )
1509 The first part matches an optional opening parenthesis, and if that
1510 character is present, sets it as the first captured substring. The sec-
1511 ond part matches one or more characters that are not parentheses. The
1512 third part is a conditional subpattern that tests whether the first set
1513 of parentheses matched or not. If they did, that is, if subject started
1514 with an opening parenthesis, the condition is true, and so the yes-pat-
1515 tern is executed and a closing parenthesis is required. Otherwise,
1516 since no-pattern is not present, the subpattern matches nothing. In
1517 other words, this pattern matches a sequence of non-parentheses,
1518 optionally enclosed in parentheses.
1520 If you were embedding this pattern in a larger one, you could use a
1521 relative reference:
1523 ...other stuff... ( \( )? [^()]+ (?(-1) \) ) ...
1525 This makes the fragment independent of the parentheses in the larger
1526 pattern.
1528 Checking for a used subpattern by name
1530 Perl uses the syntax (?(<name>)...) or (?('name')...) to test for a
1531 used subpattern by name. For compatibility with earlier versions of
1532 PCRE, which had this facility before Perl, the syntax (?(name)...) is
1533 also recognized. However, there is a possible ambiguity with this syn-
1534 tax, because subpattern names may consist entirely of digits. PCRE
1535 looks first for a named subpattern; if it cannot find one and the name
1536 consists entirely of digits, PCRE looks for a subpattern of that num-
1537 ber, which must be greater than zero. Using subpattern names that con-
1538 sist entirely of digits is not recommended.
1540 Rewriting the above example to use a named subpattern gives this:
1542 (?<OPEN> \( )? [^()]+ (?(<OPEN>) \) )
1545 Checking for pattern recursion
1547 If the condition is the string (R), and there is no subpattern with the
1548 name R, the condition is true if a recursive call to the whole pattern
1549 or any subpattern has been made. If digits or a name preceded by amper-
1550 sand follow the letter R, for example:
1552 (?(R3)...) or (?(R&name)...)
1554 the condition is true if the most recent recursion is into the subpat-
1555 tern whose number or name is given. This condition does not check the
1556 entire recursion stack.
1558 At "top level", all these recursion test conditions are false. Recur-
1559 sive patterns are described below.
1561 Defining subpatterns for use by reference only
1563 If the condition is the string (DEFINE), and there is no subpattern
1564 with the name DEFINE, the condition is always false. In this case,
1565 there may be only one alternative in the subpattern. It is always
1566 skipped if control reaches this point in the pattern; the idea of
1567 DEFINE is that it can be used to define "subroutines" that can be ref-
1568 erenced from elsewhere. (The use of "subroutines" is described below.)
1569 For example, a pattern to match an IPv4 address could be written like
1570 this (ignore whitespace and line breaks):
1572 (?(DEFINE) (?<byte> 2[0-4]\d | 25[0-5] | 1\d\d | [1-9]?\d) )
1573 \b (?&byte) (\.(?&byte)){3} \b
1575 The first part of the pattern is a DEFINE group inside which a another
1576 group named "byte" is defined. This matches an individual component of
1577 an IPv4 address (a number less than 256). When matching takes place,
1578 this part of the pattern is skipped because DEFINE acts like a false
1579 condition.
1581 The rest of the pattern uses references to the named group to match the
1582 four dot-separated components of an IPv4 address, insisting on a word
1583 boundary at each end.
1585 Assertion conditions
1587 If the condition is not in any of the above formats, it must be an
1588 assertion. This may be a positive or negative lookahead or lookbehind
1589 assertion. Consider this pattern, again containing non-significant
1590 white space, and with the two alternatives on the second line:
1592 (?(?=[^a-z]*[a-z])
1593 \d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{2} | \d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2} )
1595 The condition is a positive lookahead assertion that matches an
1596 optional sequence of non-letters followed by a letter. In other words,
1597 it tests for the presence of at least one letter in the subject. If a
1598 letter is found, the subject is matched against the first alternative;
1599 otherwise it is matched against the second. This pattern matches
1600 strings in one of the two forms dd-aaa-dd or dd-dd-dd, where aaa are
1601 letters and dd are digits.
1606 The sequence (?# marks the start of a comment that continues up to the
1607 next closing parenthesis. Nested parentheses are not permitted. The
1608 characters that make up a comment play no part in the pattern matching
1609 at all.
1611 If the PCRE_EXTENDED option is set, an unescaped # character outside a
1612 character class introduces a comment that continues to immediately
1613 after the next newline in the pattern.
1618 Consider the problem of matching a string in parentheses, allowing for
1619 unlimited nested parentheses. Without the use of recursion, the best
1620 that can be done is to use a pattern that matches up to some fixed
1621 depth of nesting. It is not possible to handle an arbitrary nesting
1622 depth.
1624 For some time, Perl has provided a facility that allows regular expres-
1625 sions to recurse (amongst other things). It does this by interpolating
1626 Perl code in the expression at run time, and the code can refer to the
1627 expression itself. A Perl pattern using code interpolation to solve the
1628 parentheses problem can be created like this:
1630 $re = qr{\( (?: (?>[^()]+) | (?p{$re}) )* \)}x;
1632 The (?p{...}) item interpolates Perl code at run time, and in this case
1633 refers recursively to the pattern in which it appears.
1635 Obviously, PCRE cannot support the interpolation of Perl code. Instead,
1636 it supports special syntax for recursion of the entire pattern, and
1637 also for individual subpattern recursion. After its introduction in
1638 PCRE and Python, this kind of recursion was introduced into Perl at
1639 release 5.10.
1641 A special item that consists of (? followed by a number greater than
1642 zero and a closing parenthesis is a recursive call of the subpattern of
1643 the given number, provided that it occurs inside that subpattern. (If
1644 not, it is a "subroutine" call, which is described in the next sec-
1645 tion.) The special item (?R) or (?0) is a recursive call of the entire
1646 regular expression.
1648 In PCRE (like Python, but unlike Perl), a recursive subpattern call is
1649 always treated as an atomic group. That is, once it has matched some of
1650 the subject string, it is never re-entered, even if it contains untried
1651 alternatives and there is a subsequent matching failure.
1653 This PCRE pattern solves the nested parentheses problem (assume the
1654 PCRE_EXTENDED option is set so that white space is ignored):
1656 \( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* \)
1658 First it matches an opening parenthesis. Then it matches any number of
1659 substrings which can either be a sequence of non-parentheses, or a
1660 recursive match of the pattern itself (that is, a correctly parenthe-
1661 sized substring). Finally there is a closing parenthesis.
1663 If this were part of a larger pattern, you would not want to recurse
1664 the entire pattern, so instead you could use this:
1666 ( \( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?1) )* \) )
1668 We have put the pattern into parentheses, and caused the recursion to
1669 refer to them instead of the whole pattern.
1671 In a larger pattern, keeping track of parenthesis numbers can be
1672 tricky. This is made easier by the use of relative references. (A Perl
1673 5.10 feature.) Instead of (?1) in the pattern above you can write
1674 (?-2) to refer to the second most recently opened parentheses preceding
1675 the recursion. In other words, a negative number counts capturing
1676 parentheses leftwards from the point at which it is encountered.
1678 It is also possible to refer to subsequently opened parentheses, by
1679 writing references such as (?+2). However, these cannot be recursive
1680 because the reference is not inside the parentheses that are refer-
1681 enced. They are always "subroutine" calls, as described in the next
1682 section.
1684 An alternative approach is to use named parentheses instead. The Perl
1685 syntax for this is (?&name); PCRE's earlier syntax (?P>name) is also
1686 supported. We could rewrite the above example as follows:
1688 (?<pn> \( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?&pn) )* \) )
1690 If there is more than one subpattern with the same name, the earliest
1691 one is used.
1693 This particular example pattern that we have been looking at contains
1694 nested unlimited repeats, and so the use of atomic grouping for match-
1695 ing strings of non-parentheses is important when applying the pattern
1696 to strings that do not match. For example, when this pattern is applied
1697 to
1699 (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa()
1701 it yields "no match" quickly. However, if atomic grouping is not used,
1702 the match runs for a very long time indeed because there are so many
1703 different ways the + and * repeats can carve up the subject, and all
1704 have to be tested before failure can be reported.
1706 At the end of a match, the values set for any capturing subpatterns are
1707 those from the outermost level of the recursion at which the subpattern
1708 value is set. If you want to obtain intermediate values, a callout
1709 function can be used (see below and the pcrecallout documentation). If
1710 the pattern above is matched against
1712 (ab(cd)ef)
1714 the value for the capturing parentheses is "ef", which is the last
1715 value taken on at the top level. If additional parentheses are added,
1716 giving
1718 \( ( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?R) )* ) \)
1719 ^ ^
1720 ^ ^
1722 the string they capture is "ab(cd)ef", the contents of the top level
1723 parentheses. If there are more than 15 capturing parentheses in a pat-
1724 tern, PCRE has to obtain extra memory to store data during a recursion,
1725 which it does by using pcre_malloc, freeing it via pcre_free after-
1726 wards. If no memory can be obtained, the match fails with the
1729 Do not confuse the (?R) item with the condition (R), which tests for
1730 recursion. Consider this pattern, which matches text in angle brack-
1731 ets, allowing for arbitrary nesting. Only digits are allowed in nested
1732 brackets (that is, when recursing), whereas any characters are permit-
1733 ted at the outer level.
1735 < (?: (?(R) \d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >
1737 In this pattern, (?(R) is the start of a conditional subpattern, with
1738 two different alternatives for the recursive and non-recursive cases.
1739 The (?R) item is the actual recursive call.
1744 If the syntax for a recursive subpattern reference (either by number or
1745 by name) is used outside the parentheses to which it refers, it oper-
1746 ates like a subroutine in a programming language. The "called" subpat-
1747 tern may be defined before or after the reference. A numbered reference
1748 can be absolute or relative, as in these examples:
1750 (...(absolute)...)...(?2)...
1751 (...(relative)...)...(?-1)...
1752 (...(?+1)...(relative)...
1754 An earlier example pointed out that the pattern
1756 (sens|respons)e and \1ibility
1758 matches "sense and sensibility" and "response and responsibility", but
1759 not "sense and responsibility". If instead the pattern
1761 (sens|respons)e and (?1)ibility
1763 is used, it does match "sense and responsibility" as well as the other
1764 two strings. Another example is given in the discussion of DEFINE
1765 above.
1767 Like recursive subpatterns, a "subroutine" call is always treated as an
1768 atomic group. That is, once it has matched some of the subject string,
1769 it is never re-entered, even if it contains untried alternatives and
1770 there is a subsequent matching failure.
1772 When a subpattern is used as a subroutine, processing options such as
1773 case-independence are fixed when the subpattern is defined. They cannot
1774 be changed for different calls. For example, consider this pattern:
1776 (abc)(?i:(?-1))
1778 It matches "abcabc". It does not match "abcABC" because the change of
1779 processing option does not affect the called subpattern.
1784 Perl has a feature whereby using the sequence (?{...}) causes arbitrary
1785 Perl code to be obeyed in the middle of matching a regular expression.
1786 This makes it possible, amongst other things, to extract different sub-
1787 strings that match the same pair of parentheses when there is a repeti-
1788 tion.
1790 PCRE provides a similar feature, but of course it cannot obey arbitrary
1791 Perl code. The feature is called "callout". The caller of PCRE provides
1792 an external function by putting its entry point in the global variable
1793 pcre_callout. By default, this variable contains NULL, which disables
1794 all calling out.
1796 Within a regular expression, (?C) indicates the points at which the
1797 external function is to be called. If you want to identify different
1798 callout points, you can put a number less than 256 after the letter C.
1799 The default value is zero. For example, this pattern has two callout
1800 points:
1802 (?C1)abc(?C2)def
1804 If the PCRE_AUTO_CALLOUT flag is passed to pcre_compile(), callouts are
1805 automatically installed before each item in the pattern. They are all
1806 numbered 255.
1808 During matching, when PCRE reaches a callout point (and pcre_callout is
1809 set), the external function is called. It is provided with the number
1810 of the callout, the position in the pattern, and, optionally, one item
1811 of data originally supplied by the caller of pcre_exec(). The callout
1812 function may cause matching to proceed, to backtrack, or to fail alto-
1813 gether. A complete description of the interface to the callout function
1814 is given in the pcrecallout documentation.
1819 pcreapi(3), pcrecallout(3), pcrematching(3), pcre(3).
1824 Philip Hazel
1825 University Computing Service
1826 Cambridge CB2 3QH, England.
1831 Last updated: 19 June 2007
1832 Copyright (c) 1997-2007 University of Cambridge.