Added index in class dir to avoid unwanted directory listing. Minor
[squirrelmail.git] / config /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 #
3 # Wouter Teepe (
4 #
5 # A simple configure script to fix the ri_once issue
6 #
7 # $Id$
8 ############################################################
10 $debug = 0;
12 # sets the xterm color (only used when $debug=1)
13 sub color {
14 $t = $_[0];
15 if ($t == 0) {
16 print "\e[0m";
17 } else {if ($t == 1) {
18 print "\e[0m\e[31;43m";
19 } else {if ($t == 2) {
20 print "\e[0m\e[30;42m";
21 } else {if ($t == 3) {
22 print "\e[0m\e[33;41m";
23 }}}}
24 }
26 # prints arg1 with color arg2 (only used when $debug=1)
27 sub myprintdebug {
28 $line = $_[0];
29 $color = $_[1];
30 while ($line ne "") {
31 $pos = index($line, "\n");
32 if ($pos == -1) {
33 &color($color);
34 print $line;
35 $line = "";
36 } else {
37 &color($color);
38 $str = substr($line, 0, $pos);
39 print $str;
40 print "\e[30;40m\n";
41 $line = substr($line, $pos+1);
42 }
43 }
45 }
47 # print arg1 to term or $out
48 sub myprint {
49 if ($debug) {
50 &myprintdebug;
51 } else {
52 $out .= $_[0];
53 }
54 }
56 # parse php code fore include's and require's
57 sub code {
58 $lastbyte = 0;
59 while ($phpcode ne "") {
60 $inc = index($phpcode, 'include');
61 $req = index($phpcode, 'require');
62 if (($req == -1) or (($inc != -1) and ($inc < $req))) {
63 $index = $inc;
64 } else {
65 $index = $req;
66 }
67 if ($index != -1) {
68 &myprint(substr($phpcode, 0, $index), 1);
69 if ($index > 0) {
70 $r = ord(substr($phpcode, $index-1, 1));
71 } else {
72 $r = $lastbyte;
73 }
74 $falsematch = 0;
75 if ((($r >= 125) and ($r <= 255)) or ($r == ord("_")) or
76 (($r >= ord("A")) and ($r <= ord("Z"))) or
77 (($r >= ord("a")) and ($r <= ord("z"))) or
78 (($r >= ord("1")) and ($r <= ord("9")))) {
79 $falsematch = 1;
80 }
81 if (!$falsematch) {
82 $o = index($phpcode, '(', $index);
83 if ($o == -1) {
84 $p = substr($phpcode, $index+7);
85 } else {
86 $p = substr($phpcode, $index+7, $o-$index-7);
87 }
88 if (!($p =~ /^\s*$/)) {
89 $falsematch = 1;
90 }
91 }
92 if (!$falsematch) {
93 $mod++;
94 &myprint('/* \'_once\' Added by ri_once */ ', 3);
95 }
96 &myprint(substr($phpcode, $index, 7), 1);
97 if (!$falsematch) {
98 &myprint('_once', 3);
99 }
100 $lastbyte = ord('e');
101 $phpcode = substr($phpcode, $index+7);
102 } else {
103 &myprint($phpcode, 1);
104 $phpcode = '';
105 }
106 }
107 }
109 # parse php block for comments and strings
110 sub php {
111 while ($htmlcomment ne "") {
112 $len = length($htmlcomment);
113 $doublequote = index($htmlcomment, '"');
114 $singlequote = index($htmlcomment, "'");
115 $pound = index($htmlcomment, '#');
116 $slashslash = index($htmlcomment, '//');
117 $slashstar = index($htmlcomment, '/*');
118 if ($doublequote == -1) { $doublequote = $len; }
119 if ($singlequote == -1) { $singlequote = $len; }
120 if ($pound == -1) { $pound = $len; }
121 if ($slashslash == -1) { $slashslash = $len; }
122 if ($slashstar == -1) { $slashstar = $len; }
124 $pos = $doublequote; $end = '"'; $sl = 1; $el = 1;
125 if ($pos > $singlequote) { $pos = $singlequote; $end = "'"; }
126 if ($pos > $pound) { $pos = $pound; $end = "\n"; }
127 if ($pos > $slashslash) { $pos = $slashslash; $end = "\n"; $sl = 2; }
128 if ($pos > $slashstar) { $pos = $slashstar; $end = '*/'; $sl = 2; $el = 2; }
130 if ($pos < $len) {
131 $phpcode = substr($htmlcomment, 0, $pos);
132 $rest = substr($htmlcomment, $pos);
133 $eoc = index($rest, $end, $sl);
134 if (($end = '"') or ($end = "'")) {
135 while (($eoc > 0) and (substr($rest, $eoc-1, 1) eq '\\')) {
136 $eoc = index($rest, $end, $eoc+1);
137 }
138 }
139 if ($eoc == -1) { $eoc = length($rest); }
140 $phpcomment = substr($rest, 0, $eoc+$el);
141 $htmlcomment = substr($rest, $eoc+$el);
142 &code;
143 &myprint($phpcomment, 2);
144 } else {
145 $phpcode = $htmlcomment;
146 &code;
147 $htmlcomment = '';
148 }
149 }
150 }
152 # parse html file for php blocks
153 sub html {
154 while ($text ne '') {
155 $index = index($text, '<?');
156 if ($index != -1) {
157 $html = substr($text, 0, $index+2);
158 $text = substr($text, $index+2);
159 &myprint($html, 0);
160 $index = index($text, '?>');
161 if ($index == -1) { $index = length($text); }
162 $htmlcomment = substr($text, 0, $index);
163 $text = substr($text, $index);
164 $type = substr($htmlcomment, 0, 3);
165 if (uc($type) eq "PHP") {
166 &myprint($type, 0);
167 $htmlcomment = substr($htmlcomment, 3);
168 } else { if (substr($htmlcomment, 0, 1) eq '=') {
169 $mod++;
170 &myprint('php /* \'=\' Modified to \'php blah echo\'by ri_once */ echo ', 3);
171 $htmlcomment = substr($htmlcomment, 1);
172 } else {
173 $mod++;
174 &myprint('php /* \'php\' Added by ri_once */', 3);
175 }}
176 &php;
177 } else {
178 &myprint($text, 0);
179 $text ='';
180 }
181 }
182 }
184 # process a file
185 sub dofile {
186 $file = $_[0];
188 open (FILE, '<'.$file);
189 $text = '';
190 $htmlcomment = '';
191 $phpcode = '';
192 $out = '';
193 $mod = 0;
194 while ($line = <FILE>) {
195 $text .= $line;
196 }
197 close (FILE);
199 &html;
200 if ($debug) {
201 &color(0);
202 print "\n";
203 } else {
204 if ($mod) {
205 $out = "<?php /* Modified at $mod places by ri_once */ ?>\n" . $out;
206 # $mode = (stat($file))[2];
207 rename($file, $file.'.before_ri_once');
208 open (FILE, '>'.$file);
209 print FILE $out;
210 close(FILE);
211 # chmod($stats[2], $file);
212 }
213 }
214 }
216 # process a directory recursively
217 sub dodir {
218 my $dirname;
219 my $file;
220 my $full;
221 my @files;
222 my $i;
223 $dirname = $_[0];
224 $dirname =~ s/\/$//;
225 opendir(DIR, $dirname) or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
226 $i = 0;
227 while (defined($file = readdir(DIR))) {
228 @files[$i++] = $file;
229 }
230 $i = 0;
231 while (defined($file = @files[$i++])) {
232 next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/;
233 $full = $dirname.'/'.$file;
234 # print "found: $full\n";
235 if (-d $full) {
236 # print "doing dir: $full\n";
237 &dodir($full);
238 } else { if ($file =~ /.*\.php$/) {
239 # print "doing file: $full\n";
240 &dofile($full);
241 }}
242 }
243 closedir(DIR);
244 }
246 #&dofile($ARGV[0]);
247 &dodir($ARGV[0]);