[squirrelmail.git] / class / deliver / Deliver.class.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * Deliver.class.php
5 *
6 * This contains all the functions needed to send messages through
7 * a delivery backend.
8 *
9 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
10 * @copyright &copy; 1999-2007 The SquirrelMail Project Team
11 * @license GNU Public License
12 * @version $Id$
13 * @package squirrelmail
14 */
16 /**
17 * Deliver Class - called to actually deliver the message
18 *
19 * This class is called by compose.php and other code that needs
20 * to send messages. All delivery functionality should be centralized
21 * in this class.
22 *
23 * Do not place UI code in this class, as UI code should be placed in templates
24 * going forward.
25 *
26 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
27 * @package squirrelmail
28 */
29 class Deliver {
31 /**
32 * function mail - send the message parts to the SMTP stream
33 *
34 * @param Message $message Message object to send
35 * NOTE that this is passed by
36 * reference and will be modified
37 * upon return with updated
38 * fields such as Message ID, References,
39 * In-Reply-To and Date headers.
40 * @param resource $stream Handle to the outgoing stream
41 * (when FALSE, nothing will be
42 * written to the stream; this can
43 * be used to determine the actual
44 * number of bytes that will be
45 * written to the stream)
46 * @param string $reply_id Identifies message being replied to
47 * (OPTIONAL; caller should ONLY specify
48 * a value for this when the message
49 * being sent is a reply)
50 * @param string $reply_ent_id Identifies message being replied to
51 * in the case it was an embedded/attached
52 * message inside another (OPTIONAL; caller
53 * should ONLY specify a value for this
54 * when the message being sent is a reply)
55 * @param mixed $extra Any implementation-specific variables
56 * can be passed in here and used in
57 * an overloaded version of this method
58 * if needed.
59 *
60 * @return integer The number of bytes written (or that would have been
61 * written) to the output stream.
62 *
63 */
64 function mail(&$message, $stream=false, $reply_id=0, $reply_ent_id=0,
65 $extra=NULL) {
67 $rfc822_header = &$message->rfc822_header;
69 if (count($message->entities)) {
70 $boundary = $this->mimeBoundary();
71 $rfc822_header->content_type->properties['boundary']='"'.$boundary.'"';
72 } else {
73 $boundary='';
74 }
75 $raw_length = 0;
78 // calculate reply header if needed
79 //
80 if ($reply_id) {
81 global $imapConnection, $username, $imapServerAddress,
82 $imapPort, $mailbox;
84 if (!is_resource($imapConnection))
85 $imapConnection = sqimap_login($username, FALSE,
86 $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0);
88 sqimap_mailbox_select($imapConnection, $mailbox);
89 $reply_message = sqimap_get_message($imapConnection, $reply_id, $mailbox);
91 if ($reply_ent_id) {
92 /* redefine the messsage in case of message/rfc822 */
93 $reply_message = $message->getEntity($reply_ent_id);
94 /* message is an entity which contains the envelope and type0=message
95 * and type1=rfc822. The actual entities are childs from
96 * $reply_message->entities[0]. That's where the encoding and is located
97 */
99 $orig_header = $reply_message->rfc822_header; /* here is the envelope located */
101 } else {
102 $orig_header = $reply_message->rfc822_header;
103 }
104 $message->reply_rfc822_header = $orig_header;
105 }
108 $reply_rfc822_header = (isset($message->reply_rfc822_header)
109 ? $message->reply_rfc822_header : '');
110 $header = $this->prepareRFC822_Header($rfc822_header, $reply_rfc822_header, $raw_length);
112 $this->send_mail($message, $header, $boundary, $stream, $raw_length, $extra);
114 return $raw_length;
115 }
117 /**
118 * function send_mail - send the message parts to the IMAP stream
119 *
120 * @param Message $message Message object to send
121 * @param string $header Headers ready to send
122 * @param string $boundary Message parts boundary
123 * @param resource $stream Handle to the SMTP stream
124 * (when FALSE, nothing will be
125 * written to the stream; this can
126 * be used to determine the actual
127 * number of bytes that will be
128 * written to the stream)
129 * @param int &$raw_length The number of bytes written (or that
130 * would have been written) to the
131 * output stream - NOTE that this is
132 * passed by reference
133 * @param mixed $extra Any implementation-specific variables
134 * can be passed in here and used in
135 * an overloaded version of this method
136 * if needed.
137 *
138 * @return void
139 *
140 */
141 function send_mail($message, $header, $boundary, $stream=false,
142 &$raw_length, $extra=NULL) {
145 if ($stream) {
146 $this->preWriteToStream($header);
147 $this->writeToStream($stream, $header);
148 }
149 $this->writeBody($message, $stream, $raw_length, $boundary);
150 }
152 /**
153 * function writeBody - generate and write the mime boundaries around each part to the stream
154 *
155 * Recursively formats and writes the MIME boundaries of the $message
156 * to the output stream.
157 *
158 * @param Message $message Message object to transform
159 * @param resource $stream SMTP output stream
160 * (when FALSE, nothing will be
161 * written to the stream; this can
162 * be used to determine the actual
163 * number of bytes that will be
164 * written to the stream)
165 * @param integer &$length_raw raw length of the message (part)
166 * as returned by mail fn
167 * @param string $boundary custom boundary to call, usually for subparts
168 *
169 * @return void
170 */
171 function writeBody($message, $stream, &$length_raw, $boundary='') {
172 // calculate boundary in case of multidimensional mime structures
173 if ($boundary && $message->entity_id && count($message->entities)) {
174 if (strpos($boundary,'_part_')) {
175 $boundary = substr($boundary,0,strpos($boundary,'_part_'));
177 // the next four lines use strrev to reverse any nested boundaries
178 // because RFC 2046 (5.1.1) says that if a line starts with the outer
179 // boundary string (doesn't matter what the line ends with), that
180 // can be considered a match for the outer boundary; thus the nested
181 // boundary needs to be unique from the outer one
182 //
183 } else if (strpos($boundary,'_trap_')) {
184 $boundary = substr(strrev($boundary),0,strpos(strrev($boundary),'_part_'));
185 }
186 $boundary_new = strrev($boundary . '_part_'.$message->entity_id);
187 } else {
188 $boundary_new = $boundary;
189 }
190 if ($boundary && !$message->rfc822_header) {
191 $s = '--'.$boundary."\r\n";
192 $s .= $this->prepareMIME_Header($message, $boundary_new);
193 $length_raw += strlen($s);
194 if ($stream) {
195 $this->preWriteToStream($s);
196 $this->writeToStream($stream, $s);
197 }
198 }
199 $this->writeBodyPart($message, $stream, $length_raw);
201 $last = false;
202 for ($i=0, $entCount=count($message->entities);$i<$entCount;$i++) {
203 $msg = $this->writeBody($message->entities[$i], $stream, $length_raw, $boundary_new);
204 if ($i == $entCount-1) $last = true;
205 }
206 if ($boundary && $last) {
207 $s = "--".$boundary_new."--\r\n\r\n";
208 $length_raw += strlen($s);
209 if ($stream) {
210 $this->preWriteToStream($s);
211 $this->writeToStream($stream, $s);
212 }
213 }
214 }
216 /**
217 * function writeBodyPart - write each individual mimepart
218 *
219 * Recursively called by WriteBody to write each mime part to the SMTP stream
220 *
221 * @param Message $message Message object to transform
222 * @param resource $stream SMTP output stream
223 * (when FALSE, nothing will be
224 * written to the stream; this can
225 * be used to determine the actual
226 * number of bytes that will be
227 * written to the stream)
228 * @param integer &$length length of the message part
229 * as returned by mail fn
230 *
231 * @return void
232 */
233 function writeBodyPart($message, $stream, &$length) {
234 if ($message->mime_header) {
235 $type0 = $message->mime_header->type0;
236 } else {
237 $type0 = $message->rfc822_header->content_type->type0;
238 }
240 $body_part_trailing = $last = '';
241 switch ($type0)
242 {
243 case 'text':
244 case 'message':
245 if ($message->body_part) {
246 $body_part = $message->body_part;
247 // remove NUL characters
248 $body_part = str_replace("\0",'',$body_part);
249 $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part);
250 if ($stream) {
251 $this->preWriteToStream($body_part);
252 $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part);
253 }
254 $last = $body_part;
255 } elseif ($message->att_local_name) {
256 global $username, $attachment_dir;
257 $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir);
258 $filename = $message->att_local_name;
259 $file = fopen ($hashed_attachment_dir . '/' . $filename, 'rb');
260 while ($body_part = fgets($file, 4096)) {
261 // remove NUL characters
262 $body_part = str_replace("\0",'',$body_part);
263 $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part);
264 if ($stream) {
265 $this->preWriteToStream($body_part);
266 $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part);
267 }
268 $last = $body_part;
269 }
270 fclose($file);
271 }
272 break;
273 default:
274 if ($message->body_part) {
275 $body_part = $message->body_part;
276 // remove NUL characters
277 $body_part = str_replace("\0",'',$body_part);
278 $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part);
279 if ($stream) {
280 $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part);
281 }
282 } elseif ($message->att_local_name) {
283 global $username, $attachment_dir;
284 $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir);
285 $filename = $message->att_local_name;
286 $file = fopen ($hashed_attachment_dir . '/' . $filename, 'rb');
287 while ($tmp = fread($file, 570)) {
288 $body_part = chunk_split(base64_encode($tmp));
289 // Up to 4.3.10 chunk_split always appends a newline,
290 // while in 4.3.11 it doesn't if the string to split
291 // is shorter than the chunk length.
292 if( substr($body_part, -1 , 1 ) != "\n" )
293 $body_part .= "\n";
294 $length += $this->clean_crlf($body_part);
295 if ($stream) {
296 $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part);
297 }
298 }
299 fclose($file);
300 }
301 break;
302 }
303 $body_part_trailing = '';
304 if ($last && substr($last,-1) != "\n") {
305 $body_part_trailing = "\r\n";
306 }
307 if ($body_part_trailing) {
308 $length += strlen($body_part_trailing);
309 if ($stream) {
310 $this->preWriteToStream($body_part_trailing);
311 $this->writeToStream($stream, $body_part_trailing);
312 }
313 }
314 }
316 /**
317 * function clean_crlf - change linefeeds and newlines to legal characters
318 *
319 * The SMTP format only allows CRLF as line terminators.
320 * This function replaces illegal teminators with the correct terminator.
321 *
322 * @param string &$s string to clean linefeeds on
323 *
324 * @return void
325 */
326 function clean_crlf(&$s) {
327 $s = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $s);
328 $s = str_replace("\r", "\n", $s);
329 $s = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $s);
330 return strlen($s);
331 }
333 /**
334 * function strip_crlf - strip linefeeds and newlines from a string
335 *
336 * The SMTP format only allows CRLF as line terminators.
337 * This function strips all line terminators from the string.
338 *
339 * @param string &$s string to clean linefeeds on
340 *
341 * @return void
342 */
343 function strip_crlf(&$s) {
344 $s = str_replace("\r\n ", '', $s);
345 $s = str_replace("\r", '', $s);
346 $s = str_replace("\n", '', $s);
347 }
349 /**
350 * function preWriteToStream - reserved for extended functionality
351 *
352 * This function is not yet implemented.
353 * Reserved for extended functionality.
354 *
355 * @param string &$s string to operate on
356 *
357 * @return void
358 */
359 function preWriteToStream(&$s) {
360 }
362 /**
363 * function writeToStream - write data to the SMTP stream
364 *
365 * @param resource $stream SMTP output stream
366 * @param string $data string with data to send to the SMTP stream
367 *
368 * @return void
369 */
370 function writeToStream($stream, $data) {
371 fputs($stream, $data);
372 }
374 /**
375 * function initStream - reserved for extended functionality
376 *
377 * This function is not yet implemented.
378 * Reserved for extended functionality.
379 *
380 * @param Message $message Message object
381 * @param string $host host name or IP to connect to
382 * @param string $user username to log into the SMTP server with
383 * @param string $pass password to log into the SMTP server with
384 * @param integer $length
385 *
386 * @return handle $stream file handle resource to SMTP stream
387 */
388 function initStream($message, $length=0, $host='', $port='', $user='', $pass='') {
389 return $stream;
390 }
392 /**
393 * function getBCC - reserved for extended functionality
394 *
395 * This function is not yet implemented.
396 * Reserved for extended functionality.
397 *
398 */
399 function getBCC() {
400 return false;
401 }
403 /**
404 * function prepareMIME_Header - creates the mime header
405 *
406 * @param Message $message Message object to act on
407 * @param string $boundary mime boundary from fn MimeBoundary
408 *
409 * @return string $header properly formatted mime header
410 */
411 function prepareMIME_Header($message, $boundary) {
412 $mime_header = $message->mime_header;
413 $rn="\r\n";
414 $header = array();
416 $contenttype = 'Content-Type: '. $mime_header->type0 .'/'.
417 $mime_header->type1;
418 if (count($message->entities)) {
419 $contenttype .= ';' . 'boundary="'.$boundary.'"';
420 }
421 if (isset($mime_header->parameters['name'])) {
422 $contenttype .= '; name="'.
423 encodeHeader($mime_header->parameters['name']). '"';
424 }
425 if (isset($mime_header->parameters['charset'])) {
426 $charset = $mime_header->parameters['charset'];
427 $contenttype .= '; charset="'.
428 encodeHeader($charset). '"';
429 }
431 $header[] = $contenttype . $rn;
432 if ($mime_header->description) {
433 $header[] = 'Content-Description: ' . $mime_header->description . $rn;
434 }
435 if ($mime_header->encoding) {
436 $header[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $mime_header->encoding . $rn;
437 } else {
438 if ($mime_header->type0 == 'text' || $mime_header->type0 == 'message') {
439 $header[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . $rn;
440 } else if ($mime_header->type0 == 'multipart' || $mime_header->type0 == 'alternative') {
441 /* no-op; no encoding needed */
442 } else {
443 $header[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . $rn;
444 }
445 }
446 if ($mime_header->id) {
447 $header[] = 'Content-ID: ' . $mime_header->id . $rn;
448 }
449 if ($mime_header->disposition) {
450 $disposition = $mime_header->disposition;
451 $contentdisp = 'Content-Disposition: ' . $disposition->name;
452 if ($disposition->getProperty('filename')) {
453 $contentdisp .= '; filename="'.
454 encodeHeader($disposition->getProperty('filename')). '"';
455 }
456 $header[] = $contentdisp . $rn;
457 }
458 if ($mime_header->md5) {
459 $header[] = 'Content-MD5: ' . $mime_header->md5 . $rn;
460 }
461 if ($mime_header->language) {
462 $header[] = 'Content-Language: ' . $mime_header->language . $rn;
463 }
465 $cnt = count($header);
466 $hdr_s = '';
467 for ($i = 0 ; $i < $cnt ; $i++) {
468 $hdr_s .= $this->foldLine($header[$i], 78,str_pad('',4));
469 }
470 $header = $hdr_s;
471 $header .= $rn; /* One blank line to separate mimeheader and body-entity */
472 return $header;
473 }
475 /**
476 * function prepareRFC822_Header - prepares the RFC822 header string from Rfc822Header object(s)
477 *
478 * This function takes the Rfc822Header object(s) and formats them
479 * into the RFC822Header string to send to the SMTP server as part
480 * of the SMTP message.
481 *
482 * @param Rfc822Header $rfc822_header
483 * @param Rfc822Header $reply_rfc822_header
484 * @param integer &$raw_length length of the message
485 *
486 * @return string $header
487 */
488 function prepareRFC822_Header(&$rfc822_header, $reply_rfc822_header, &$raw_length) {
489 global $domain, $username, $encode_header_key,
490 $edit_identity, $hide_auth_header;
492 /* if server var SERVER_NAME not available, or contains
493 ":" (e.g. IPv6) which is illegal in a Message-ID, use $domain */
494 if(!sqGetGlobalVar('SERVER_NAME', $SERVER_NAME, SQ_SERVER) ||
495 strpos($SERVER_NAME,':') !== FALSE) {
496 $SERVER_NAME = $domain;
497 }
502 sqGetGlobalVar('HTTP_VIA', $HTTP_VIA, SQ_SERVER);
505 $rn = "\r\n";
507 /* This creates an RFC 822 date */
508 $date = date('D, j M Y H:i:s ', time()) . $this->timezone();
510 /* Create a message-id */
512 if (empty($rfc822_header->message_id)) {
513 $message_id = '<';
514 /* user-specifc data to decrease collision chance */
515 $seed_data = $username . '.';
516 $seed_data .= (!empty($REMOTE_PORT) ? $REMOTE_PORT . '.' : '');
517 $seed_data .= (!empty($REMOTE_ADDR) ? $REMOTE_ADDR . '.' : '');
518 /* add the current time in milliseconds and randomness */
519 $seed_data .= uniqid(mt_rand(),true);
520 /* put it through one-way hash and add it to the ID */
521 $message_id .= md5($seed_data) . '.squirrel@' . $SERVER_NAME .'>';
522 }
524 /* Make an RFC822 Received: line */
525 if (isset($REMOTE_HOST)) {
526 $received_from = "$REMOTE_HOST ([$REMOTE_ADDR])";
527 } else {
528 $received_from = $REMOTE_ADDR;
529 }
530 if (isset($HTTP_VIA) || isset ($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) {
531 if (!isset($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR) || $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR == '') {
532 $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = 'unknown';
533 }
534 $received_from .= " (proxying for $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)";
535 }
536 $header = array();
538 /**
539 * SquirrelMail header
540 *
541 * This Received: header provides information that allows to track
542 * user and machine that was used to send email. Don't remove it
543 * unless you understand all possible forging issues or your
544 * webmail installation does not prevent changes in user's email address.
545 * See SquirrelMail bug tracker #847107 for more details about it.
546 *
547 * Add $hide_squirrelmail_header as a candidate for config_local.php
548 * to allow completely hiding SquirrelMail participation in message
549 * processing; This is dangerous, especially if users can modify their
550 * account information, as it makes mapping a sent message back to the
551 * original sender almost impossible.
552 */
553 $show_sm_header = ( defined('hide_squirrelmail_header') ? ! hide_squirrelmail_header : 1 );
555 // FIXME: The following headers may generate slightly differently between the message sent to the destination and that stored in the Sent folder because this code will be called before both actions. This is not necessarily a big problem, but other headers such as Message-ID and Date are preserved between both actions
556 if ( $show_sm_header ) {
557 if (isset($encode_header_key) &&
558 trim($encode_header_key)!='') {
559 // use encoded headers, if encryption key is set and not empty
560 $header[] = 'X-Squirrel-UserHash: '.OneTimePadEncrypt($username,base64_encode($encode_header_key)).$rn;
561 $header[] = 'X-Squirrel-FromHash: '.OneTimePadEncrypt($this->ip2hex($REMOTE_ADDR),base64_encode($encode_header_key)).$rn;
562 if (isset($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR))
563 $header[] = 'X-Squirrel-ProxyHash:'.OneTimePadEncrypt($this->ip2hex($HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR),base64_encode($encode_header_key)).$rn;
564 } else {
565 // use default received headers
566 $header[] = "Received: from $received_from" . $rn;
567 if ($edit_identity || ! isset($hide_auth_header) || ! $hide_auth_header)
568 $header[] = " (SquirrelMail authenticated user $username)" . $rn;
569 $header[] = " by $SERVER_NAME with HTTP;" . $rn;
570 $header[] = " $date" . $rn;
571 }
572 }
574 /* Insert the rest of the header fields */
576 if (!empty($rfc822_header->message_id)) {
577 $header[] = 'Message-ID: '. $rfc822_header->message_id . $rn;
578 } else {
579 $header[] = 'Message-ID: '. $message_id . $rn;
580 $rfc822_header->message_id = $message_id;
581 }
583 if (is_object($reply_rfc822_header) &&
584 isset($reply_rfc822_header->message_id) &&
585 $reply_rfc822_header->message_id) {
586 $rep_message_id = $reply_rfc822_header->message_id;
587 $header[] = 'In-Reply-To: '.$rep_message_id . $rn;
588 $rfc822_header->in_reply_to = $rep_message_id;
589 $references = $this->calculate_references($reply_rfc822_header);
590 $header[] = 'References: '.$references . $rn;
591 $rfc822_header->references = $references;
592 }
594 if (!empty($rfc822_header->date) && $rfc822_header->date != -1) {
595 $header[] = 'Date: '. $rfc822_header->date . $rn;
596 } else {
597 $header[] = "Date: $date" . $rn;
598 $rfc822_header->date = $date;
599 }
601 $header[] = 'Subject: '.encodeHeader($rfc822_header->subject) . $rn;
602 $header[] = 'From: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('from',",$rn ",true) . $rn;
604 // folding address list [From|To|Cc|Bcc] happens by using ",$rn<space>"
605 // as delimiter
606 // Do not use foldLine for that.
608 // RFC2822 if from contains more then 1 address
609 if (count($rfc822_header->from) > 1) {
610 $header[] = 'Sender: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('sender',',',true) . $rn;
611 }
612 if (count($rfc822_header->to)) {
613 $header[] = 'To: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('to',",$rn ",true) . $rn;
614 }
615 if (count($rfc822_header->cc)) {
616 $header[] = 'Cc: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('cc',",$rn ",true) . $rn;
617 }
618 if (count($rfc822_header->reply_to)) {
619 $header[] = 'Reply-To: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('reply_to',',',true) . $rn;
620 }
621 /* Sendmail should return true. Default = false */
622 $bcc = $this->getBcc();
623 if (count($rfc822_header->bcc)) {
624 $s = 'Bcc: '. $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('bcc',",$rn ",true) . $rn;
625 if (!$bcc) {
626 $raw_length += strlen($s);
627 } else {
628 $header[] = $s;
629 }
630 }
631 /* Identify SquirrelMail */
632 $header[] = 'User-Agent: SquirrelMail/' . SM_VERSION . $rn;
633 /* Do the MIME-stuff */
634 $header[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $rn;
635 $contenttype = 'Content-Type: '. $rfc822_header->content_type->type0 .'/'.
636 $rfc822_header->content_type->type1;
637 if (count($rfc822_header->content_type->properties)) {
638 foreach ($rfc822_header->content_type->properties as $k => $v) {
639 if ($k && $v) {
640 $contenttype .= ';' .$k.'='.$v;
641 }
642 }
643 }
644 $header[] = $contenttype . $rn;
645 if ($encoding = $rfc822_header->encoding) {
646 $header[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $encoding . $rn;
647 }
648 if (isset($rfc822_header->dnt) && $rfc822_header->dnt) {
649 $dnt = $rfc822_header->getAddr_s('dnt');
650 /* Pegasus Mail */
651 $header[] = 'X-Confirm-Reading-To: '.$dnt. $rn;
652 /* RFC 2298 */
653 $header[] = 'Disposition-Notification-To: '.$dnt. $rn;
654 }
655 if ($rfc822_header->priority) {
656 switch($rfc822_header->priority)
657 {
658 case 1:
659 $header[] = 'X-Priority: 1 (Highest)'.$rn;
660 $header[] = 'Importance: High'. $rn; break;
661 case 5:
662 $header[] = 'X-Priority: 5 (Lowest)'.$rn;
663 $header[] = 'Importance: Low'. $rn; break;
664 default: break;
665 }
666 }
667 /* Insert headers from the $more_headers array */
668 if(count($rfc822_header->more_headers)) {
669 reset($rfc822_header->more_headers);
670 foreach ($rfc822_header->more_headers as $k => $v) {
671 $header[] = $k.': '.$v .$rn;
672 }
673 }
674 $cnt = count($header);
675 $hdr_s = '';
677 for ($i = 0 ; $i < $cnt ; $i++) {
678 $sKey = substr($header[$i],0,strpos($header[$i],':'));
679 switch ($sKey)
680 {
681 case 'Message-ID':
682 case 'In-Reply_To':
683 $hdr_s .= $header[$i];
684 break;
685 case 'References':
686 $sRefs = substr($header[$i],12);
687 $aRefs = explode(' ',$sRefs);
688 $sLine = 'References:';
689 foreach ($aRefs as $sReference) {
690 if ( trim($sReference) == '' ) {
691 /* Don't add spaces. */
692 } elseif (strlen($sLine)+strlen($sReference) >76) {
693 $hdr_s .= $sLine;
694 $sLine = $rn . ' ' . $sReference;
695 } else {
696 $sLine .= ' '. $sReference;
697 }
698 }
699 $hdr_s .= $sLine;
700 break;
701 case 'To':
702 case 'Cc':
703 case 'Bcc':
704 case 'From':
705 $hdr_s .= $header[$i];
706 break;
707 default: $hdr_s .= $this->foldLine($header[$i], 78, str_pad('',4)); break;
708 }
709 }
710 $header = $hdr_s;
711 $header .= $rn; /* One blank line to separate header and body */
712 $raw_length += strlen($header);
713 return $header;
714 }
716 /**
717 * function foldLine - for cleanly folding of headerlines
718 *
719 * @param string $line
720 * @param integer $length length to fold the line at
721 * @param string $pre prefix the line with...
722 *
723 * @return string $line folded line with trailing CRLF
724 */
725 function foldLine($line, $length, $pre='') {
726 $line = substr($line,0, -2);
727 $length -= 2; /* do not fold between \r and \n */
728 $cnt = strlen($line);
729 if ($cnt > $length) { /* try folding */
730 $fold_string = "\r\n " . $pre;
731 $bFirstFold = false;
732 $aFoldLine = array();
733 while (strlen($line) > $length) {
734 $fold = false;
735 /* handle encoded parts */
736 if (preg_match('/(=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?([^?]*)\?=)(\s+|.*)/Ui',$line,$regs)) {
737 $fold_tmp = $regs[1];
738 if (!trim($regs[5])) {
739 $fold_tmp .= $regs[5];
740 }
741 $iPosEnc = strpos($line,$fold_tmp);
742 $iLengthEnc = strlen($fold_tmp);
743 $iPosEncEnd = $iPosEnc+$iLengthEnc;
744 if ($iPosEnc < $length && (($iPosEncEnd) > $length)) {
745 $fold = true;
746 /* fold just before the start of the encoded string */
747 if ($iPosEnc) {
748 $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEnc);
749 }
750 $line = substr($line,$iPosEnc);
751 if (!$bFirstFold) {
752 $bFirstFold = true;
753 $length -= strlen($fold_string);
754 }
755 if ($iLengthEnc > $length) { /* place the encoded
756 string on a separate line and do not fold inside it*/
757 /* minimize foldstring */
758 $fold_string = "\r\n ";
759 $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iLengthEnc);
760 $line = substr($line,$iLengthEnc);
761 }
762 } else if ($iPosEnc < $length) { /* the encoded string fits into the foldlength */
763 /*remainder */
764 $sLineRem = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd,$length - $iPosEncEnd);
765 if (preg_match('/^(=\?([^?]*)\?(Q|B)\?([^?]*)\?=)(.*)/Ui',$sLineRem) || !preg_match('/[=,;\s]/',$sLineRem)) {
766 /*impossible to fold clean in the next part -> fold after the enc string */
767 $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEncEnd);
768 $line = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd);
769 $fold = true;
770 if (!$bFirstFold) {
771 $bFirstFold = true;
772 $length -= strlen($fold_string);
773 }
774 }
775 }
776 }
777 if (!$fold) {
778 $line_tmp = substr($line,0,$length);
779 $iFoldPos = false;
780 /* try to fold at logical places */
781 switch (true)
782 {
783 case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,',')): break;
784 case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,';')): break;
785 case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,' ')): break;
786 case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,'=')): break;
787 default: break;
788 }
790 if (!$iFoldPos) { /* clean folding didn't work */
791 $iFoldPos = $length;
792 }
793 $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iFoldPos+1);
794 $line = substr($line,$iFoldPos+1);
795 if (!$bFirstFold) {
796 $bFirstFold = true;
797 $length -= strlen($fold_string);
798 }
799 }
800 }
801 /*$reconstruct the line */
802 if ($line) {
803 $aFoldLine[] = $line;
804 }
805 $line = implode($fold_string,$aFoldLine);
806 }
807 return $line."\r\n";
808 }
810 /**
811 * function mimeBoundary - calculates the mime boundary to use
812 *
813 * This function will generate a random mime boundary base part
814 * for the message if the boundary has not already been set.
815 *
816 * @return string $mimeBoundaryString random mime boundary string
817 */
818 function mimeBoundary () {
819 static $mimeBoundaryString;
821 if ( !isset( $mimeBoundaryString ) ||
822 $mimeBoundaryString == '') {
823 $mimeBoundaryString = '----=_' . date( 'YmdHis' ) . '_' .
824 mt_rand( 10000, 99999 );
825 }
826 return $mimeBoundaryString;
827 }
829 /**
830 * function timezone - Time offset for correct timezone
831 *
832 * @return string $result with timezone and offset
833 */
834 function timezone () {
835 global $invert_time;
837 $diff_second = date('Z');
838 if ($invert_time) {
839 $diff_second = - $diff_second;
840 }
841 if ($diff_second > 0) {
842 $sign = '+';
843 } else {
844 $sign = '-';
845 }
846 $diff_second = abs($diff_second);
847 $diff_hour = floor ($diff_second / 3600);
848 $diff_minute = floor (($diff_second-3600*$diff_hour) / 60);
849 $zonename = '('.strftime('%Z').')';
850 $result = sprintf ("%s%02d%02d %s", $sign, $diff_hour, $diff_minute,
851 $zonename);
852 return ($result);
853 }
855 /**
856 * function calculate_references - calculate correct References string
857 * Adds the current message ID, and makes sure it doesn't grow forever,
858 * to that extent it drops message-ID's in a smart way until the string
859 * length is under the recommended value of 1000 ("References: <986>\r\n").
860 * It always keeps the first and the last three ID's.
861 *
862 * @param Rfc822Header $hdr message header to calculate from
863 *
864 * @return string $refer concatenated and trimmed References string
865 */
866 function calculate_references($hdr) {
867 $aReferences = preg_split('/\s+/', $hdr->references);
868 $message_id = $hdr->message_id;
869 $in_reply_to = $hdr->in_reply_to;
871 // if References already exists, add the current message ID at the end.
872 // no References exists; if we know a IRT, add that aswell
873 if (count($aReferences) == 0 && $in_reply_to) {
874 $aReferences[] = $in_reply_to;
875 }
876 $aReferences[] = $message_id;
878 // sanitize the array: trim whitespace, remove dupes
879 array_walk($aReferences, 'sq_trim_value');
880 $aReferences = array_unique($aReferences);
882 while ( count($aReferences) > 4 && strlen(implode(' ', $aReferences)) >= 986 ) {
883 $aReferences = array_merge(array_slice($aReferences,0,1),array_slice($aReferences,2));
884 }
885 return implode(' ', $aReferences);
886 }
888 /**
889 * Converts ip address to hexadecimal string
890 *
891 * Function is used to convert ipv4 and ipv6 addresses to hex strings.
892 * It removes all delimiter symbols from ip addresses, converts decimal
893 * ipv4 numbers to hex and pads strings in order to present full length
894 * address. ipv4 addresses are represented as 8 byte strings, ipv6 addresses
895 * are represented as 32 byte string.
896 *
897 * If function fails to detect address format, it returns unprocessed string.
898 * @param string $string ip address string
899 * @return string processed ip address string
900 * @since 1.5.1 and 1.4.5
901 */
902 function ip2hex($string) {
903 if (preg_match("/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/",$string,$match)) {
904 // ipv4 address
905 $ret = str_pad(dechex($match[1]),2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
906 . str_pad(dechex($match[2]),2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
907 . str_pad(dechex($match[3]),2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
908 . str_pad(dechex($match[4]),2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
909 } elseif (preg_match("/^([0-9a-h]+)\:([0-9a-h]+)\:([0-9a-h]+)\:([0-9a-h]+)\:([0-9a-h]+)\:([0-9a-h]+)\:([0-9a-h]+)\:([0-9a-h]+)$/i",$string,$match)) {
910 // full ipv6 address
911 $ret = str_pad($match[1],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
912 . str_pad($match[2],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
913 . str_pad($match[3],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
914 . str_pad($match[4],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
915 . str_pad($match[5],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
916 . str_pad($match[6],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
917 . str_pad($match[7],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
918 . str_pad($match[8],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
919 } elseif (preg_match("/^\:\:([0-9a-h\:]+)$/i",$string,$match)) {
920 // short ipv6 with all starting symbols nulled
921 $aAddr=explode(':',$match[1]);
922 $ret='';
923 foreach ($aAddr as $addr) {
924 $ret.=str_pad($addr,4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
925 }
926 $ret=str_pad($ret,32,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
927 } elseif (preg_match("/^([0-9a-h\:]+)::([0-9a-h\:]+)$/i",$string,$match)) {
928 // short ipv6 with middle part nulled
929 $aStart=explode(':',$match[1]);
930 $sStart='';
931 foreach($aStart as $addr) {
932 $sStart.=str_pad($addr,4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
933 }
934 $aEnd = explode(':',$match[2]);
935 $sEnd='';
936 foreach($aEnd as $addr) {
937 $sEnd.=str_pad($addr,4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
938 }
939 $ret = $sStart
940 . str_pad('',(32 - strlen($sStart . $sEnd)),'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)
941 . $sEnd;
942 } else {
943 // unknown addressing
944 $ret = $string;
945 }
946 return $ret;
947 }
948 }