Merge pull request #21697 from agileware/CIVICRM-1858
[civicrm-core.git] / ang / crmUi.js
1 /// crmUi: Sundry UI helpers
2 (function (angular, $, _) {
4 var uidCount = 0,
5 pageTitle = 'CiviCRM',
6 documentTitle = 'CiviCRM';
8 angular.module('crmUi', CRM.angRequires('crmUi'))
10 // example <div crm-ui-accordion crm-title="ts('My Title')" crm-collapsed="true">...content...</div>
11 // WISHLIST: crmCollapsed should support two-way/continuous binding
12 .directive('crmUiAccordion', function() {
13 return {
14 scope: {
15 crmUiAccordion: '='
16 },
17 template: '<div ng-class="cssClasses"><div class="crm-accordion-header">{{crmUiAccordion.title}} <a crm-ui-help="help" ng-if="help"></a></div><div class="crm-accordion-body" ng-transclude></div></div>',
18 transclude: true,
19 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
20 scope.cssClasses = {
21 'crm-accordion-wrapper': true,
22 collapsed: scope.crmUiAccordion.collapsed
23 };
24 = null;
25 scope.$watch('crmUiAccordion', function(crmUiAccordion) {
26 if (crmUiAccordion && {
27 ={}, {
28 title: crmUiAccordion.title
29 });
30 }
31 });
32 }
33 };
34 })
36 // Examples:
37 // crmUiAlert({text: 'My text', title: 'My title', type: 'error'});
38 // crmUiAlert({template: '<a ng-click="ok()">Hello</a>', scope: $scope.$new()});
39 // var h = crmUiAlert({templateUrl: '~/crmFoo/alert.html', scope: $scope.$new()});
40 // ... h.close(); ...
41 .service('crmUiAlert', function($compile, $rootScope, $templateRequest, $q) {
42 var count = 0;
43 return function crmUiAlert(params) {
44 var id = 'crmUiAlert_' + (++count);
45 var tpl = null;
46 if (params.templateUrl) {
47 tpl = $templateRequest(params.templateUrl);
48 }
49 else if (params.template) {
50 tpl = params.template;
51 }
52 if (tpl) {
53 params.text = '<div id="' + id + '"></div>'; // temporary stub
54 }
55 var result = CRM.alert(params.text, params.title, params.type, params.options);
56 if (tpl) {
57 $q.when(tpl, function(html) {
58 var scope = params.scope || $rootScope.$new();
59 var linker = $compile(html);
60 $('#' + id).append($(linker(scope)));
61 });
62 }
63 return result;
64 };
65 })
67 // Simple wrapper around $.crmDatepicker.
68 // example with no time input: <input crm-ui-datepicker="{time: false}" ng-model="myobj.datefield"/>
69 // example with custom date format: <input crm-ui-datepicker="{date: 'm/d/y'}" ng-model="myobj.datefield"/>
70 .directive('crmUiDatepicker', function () {
71 return {
72 restrict: 'AE',
73 require: 'ngModel',
74 scope: {
75 crmUiDatepicker: '='
76 },
77 link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
78 ngModel.$render = function () {
79 element.val(ngModel.$viewValue).change();
80 };
82 element
83 .crmDatepicker(scope.crmUiDatepicker)
84 .on('change', function() {
85 var requiredLength = 19;
86 if (scope.crmUiDatepicker && scope.crmUiDatepicker.time === false) {
87 requiredLength = 10;
88 }
89 if (scope.crmUiDatepicker && === false) {
90 requiredLength = 8;
91 }
92 ngModel.$setValidity('incompleteDateTime', !($(this).val().length && $(this).val().length !== requiredLength));
93 });
94 }
95 };
96 })
98 // Display debug information (if available)
99 // For richer DX, checkout Batarang/ng-inspector (Chrome/Safari), or AngScope/ng-inspect (Firefox).
100 // example: <div crm-ui-debug="myobject" />
101 .directive('crmUiDebug', function ($location) {
102 return {
103 restrict: 'AE',
104 scope: {
105 crmUiDebug: '@'
106 },
107 template: function() {
108 var args = $;
109 if (args && args.angularDebug) {
110 var jsonTpl = (CRM.angular.modules.indexOf('jsonFormatter') < 0) ? '<pre>{{data|json}}</pre>' : '<json-formatter json="data" open="1"></json-formatter>';
111 return '<div crm-ui-accordion=\'{title: ts("Debug (%1)", {1: crmUiDebug}), collapsed: true}\'>' + jsonTpl + '</div>';
112 }
113 return '';
114 },
115 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
116 var args = $;
117 if (args && args.angularDebug) {
118 scope.ts = CRM.ts(null);
119 scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.crmUiDebug, function(data) {
120 = data;
121 });
122 }
123 }
124 };
125 })
127 // Display a field/row in a field list
128 // example: <div crm-ui-field="{title: ts('My Field')}"> {{mydata}} </div>
129 // example: <div crm-ui-field="{name: 'subform.myfield', title: ts('My Field')}"> <input crm-ui-id="subform.myfield" name="myfield" /> </div>
130 // example: <div crm-ui-field="{name: 'subform.myfield', title: ts('My Field')}"> <input crm-ui-id="subform.myfield" name="myfield" required /> </div>
131 // example: <div crm-ui-field="{name: 'subform.myfield', title: ts('My Field'), help: hs('help_field_name'), required: true}"> {{mydata}} </div>
132 .directive('crmUiField', function() {
133 // Note: When writing new templates, the "label" position is particular. See/patch "var label" below.
134 var templateUrls = {
135 default: '~/crmUi/field.html',
136 checkbox: '~/crmUi/field-cb.html'
137 };
139 return {
140 require: '^crmUiIdScope',
141 restrict: 'EA',
142 scope: {
143 // {title, name, help, helpFile}
144 crmUiField: '='
145 },
146 templateUrl: function(tElement, tAttrs){
147 var layout = tAttrs.crmLayout ? tAttrs.crmLayout : 'default';
148 return templateUrls[layout];
149 },
150 transclude: true,
151 link: function (scope, element, attrs, crmUiIdCtrl) {
152 $(element).addClass('crm-section');
153 = null;
154 scope.$watch('crmUiField', function(crmUiField) {
155 if (crmUiField && {
156 ={}, {
157 title: crmUiField.title
158 });
159 }
160 });
161 }
162 };
163 })
165 // example: <div ng-form="subform" crm-ui-id-scope><label crm-ui-for="">Foo:</label><input crm-ui-id="" name="foo"/></div>
166 .directive('crmUiId', function () {
167 return {
168 require: '^crmUiIdScope',
169 restrict: 'EA',
170 link: {
171 pre: function (scope, element, attrs, crmUiIdCtrl) {
172 var id = crmUiIdCtrl.get(attrs.crmUiId);
173 element.attr('id', id);
174 }
175 }
176 };
177 })
179 // for example, see crmUiHelp
180 .service('crmUiHelp', function(){
181 // example: var h = new FieldHelp({id: 'foo'});;
182 function FieldHelp(options) {
183 this.options = options;
184 }
185 angular.extend(FieldHelp.prototype, {
186 get: function(n) {
187 return this.options[n];
188 },
189 open: function open() {
190, {id:, file: this.options.file});
191 },
192 clone: function clone(options, defaults) {
193 return new FieldHelp(angular.extend({}, defaults, this.options, options));
194 }
195 });
197 // example: var hs = crmUiHelp({file: 'CRM/Foo/Bar'});
198 return function(defaults){
199 // example: hs('myfield')
200 // example: hs({id: 'myfield', title: 'Foo Bar', file: 'Whiz/Bang'})
201 return function(options) {
202 if (_.isString(options)) {
203 options = {id: options};
204 }
205 return new FieldHelp(angular.extend({}, defaults, options));
206 };
207 };
208 })
210 // Display a help icon
211 // Example: Use a default *.hlp file
212 // scope.hs = crmUiHelp({file: 'Path/To/Help/File'});
213 // HTML: <a crm-ui-help="hs({title:ts('My Field'), id:'my_field'})">
214 // Example: Use an explicit *.hlp file
215 // HTML: <a crm-ui-help="hs({title:ts('My Field'), id:'my_field', file:'CRM/Foo/Bar'})">
216 .directive('crmUiHelp', function() {
217 return {
218 restrict: 'EA',
219 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
220 setTimeout(function() {
221 var crmUiHelp = scope.$eval(attrs.crmUiHelp);
222 var title = crmUiHelp && crmUiHelp.get('title') ? ts('%1 Help', {1: crmUiHelp.get('title')}) : ts('Help');
223 element.attr('title', title);
224 }, 50);
226 element
227 .addClass('helpicon')
228 .attr('href', '#')
229 .on('click', function(e) {
230 e.preventDefault();
231 scope.$eval(attrs.crmUiHelp).open();
232 });
233 }
234 };
235 })
237 // example: <div ng-form="subform" crm-ui-id-scope><label crm-ui-for="">Foo:</label><input crm-ui-id="" name="foo"/></div>
238 .directive('crmUiFor', function ($parse, $timeout) {
239 return {
240 require: '^crmUiIdScope',
241 restrict: 'EA',
242 template: '<span ng-class="cssClasses"><span ng-transclude/><span crm-ui-visible="crmIsRequired" class="crm-marker" title="This field is required.">*</span></span>',
243 transclude: true,
244 link: function (scope, element, attrs, crmUiIdCtrl) {
245 scope.crmIsRequired = false;
246 scope.cssClasses = {};
248 if (!attrs.crmUiFor) return;
250 var id = crmUiIdCtrl.get(attrs.crmUiFor);
251 element.attr('for', id);
252 var ngModel = null;
254 var updateCss = function () {
255 scope.cssClasses['crm-error'] = !ngModel.$valid && !ngModel.$pristine;
256 };
258 // Note: if target element is dynamically generated (eg via ngInclude), then it may not be available
259 // immediately for initialization. Use retries/retryDelay to initialize such elements.
260 var init = function (retries, retryDelay) {
261 var input = $('#' + id);
262 if (input.length === 0 && !attrs.crmUiForceRequired) {
263 if (retries) {
264 $timeout(function(){
265 init(retries-1, retryDelay);
266 }, retryDelay);
267 }
268 return;
269 }
271 if (attrs.crmUiForceRequired) {
272 scope.crmIsRequired = true;
273 return;
274 }
276 var tgtScope = scope;//.$parent;
277 if (attrs.crmDepth) {
278 for (var i = attrs.crmDepth; i > 0; i--) {
279 tgtScope = tgtScope.$parent;
280 }
281 }
283 if (input.attr('ng-required')) {
284 scope.crmIsRequired = scope.$parent.$eval(input.attr('ng-required'));
285 scope.$parent.$watch(input.attr('ng-required'), function (isRequired) {
286 scope.crmIsRequired = isRequired;
287 });
288 }
289 else {
290 scope.crmIsRequired = input.prop('required');
291 }
293 ngModel = $parse(attrs.crmUiFor)(tgtScope);
294 if (ngModel) {
295 ngModel.$viewChangeListeners.push(updateCss);
296 }
297 };
299 $timeout(function(){
300 init(3, 100);
301 });
302 }
303 };
304 })
306 // Define a scope in which a name like "" maps to a unique ID.
307 // example: <div ng-form="subform" crm-ui-id-scope><label crm-ui-for="">Foo:</label><input crm-ui-id="" name="foo"/></div>
308 .directive('crmUiIdScope', function () {
309 return {
310 restrict: 'EA',
311 scope: {},
312 controllerAs: 'crmUiIdCtrl',
313 controller: function($scope) {
314 var ids = {};
315 this.get = function(name) {
316 if (!ids[name]) {
317 ids[name] = "crmUiId_" + (++uidCount);
318 }
319 return ids[name];
320 };
321 },
322 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {}
323 };
324 })
326 // Display an HTML blurb inside an IFRAME.
327 // example: <iframe crm-ui-iframe="getHtmlContent()"></iframe>
328 // example: <iframe crm-ui-iframe crm-ui-iframe-src="getUrl()"></iframe>
329 .directive('crmUiIframe', function ($parse) {
330 return {
331 scope: {
332 crmUiIframeSrc: '@', // expression which evaluates to a URL
333 crmUiIframe: '@' // expression which evaluates to HTML content
334 },
335 link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
336 var iframe = $(elm)[0];
337 iframe.setAttribute('width', '100%');
338 iframe.setAttribute('height', '250px');
339 iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0');
341 var refresh = function () {
342 if (attrs.crmUiIframeSrc) {
343 iframe.setAttribute('src', scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.crmUiIframeSrc));
344 }
345 else {
346 var iframeHtml = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.crmUiIframe);
348 var doc = iframe.document;
349 if (iframe.contentDocument) {
350 doc = iframe.contentDocument;
351 }
352 else if (iframe.contentWindow) {
353 doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
354 }
357 doc.writeln(iframeHtml);
358 doc.close();
359 }
360 };
362 // If the iframe is in a dialog, respond to resize events
363 $(elm).parent().on('dialogresize dialogopen', function(e, ui) {
364 $(this).css({padding: '0', margin: '0', overflow: 'hidden'});
365 iframe.setAttribute('height', '' + $(this).innerHeight() + 'px');
366 });
368 $(elm).parent().on('dialogresize', function(e, ui) {
369 iframe.setAttribute('class', 'resized');
370 });
372 scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.crmUiIframe, refresh);
373 }
374 };
375 })
377 // Example:
378 // <a ng-click="$broadcast('my-insert-target', 'some new text')>Insert</a>
379 // <textarea crm-ui-insert-rx='my-insert-target'></textarea>
380 .directive('crmUiInsertRx', function() {
381 return {
382 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
383 scope.$on(attrs.crmUiInsertRx, function(e, tokenName) {
384 CRM.wysiwyg.insert(element, tokenName);
385 $(element).select2('close').select2('val', '');
386 CRM.wysiwyg.focus(element);
387 });
388 }
389 };
390 })
392 // Define a rich text editor.
393 // example: <textarea crm-ui-id="myForm.body_html" crm-ui-richtext name="body_html" ng-model="mailing.body_html"></textarea>
394 .directive('crmUiRichtext', function ($timeout) {
395 return {
396 require: '?ngModel',
397 link: function (scope, elm, attr, ngModel) {
399 var editor = CRM.wysiwyg.create(elm);
400 if (!ngModel) {
401 return;
402 }
404 if (attr.ngBlur) {
405 $(elm).on('blur', function() {
406 $timeout(function() {
407 scope.$eval(attr.ngBlur);
408 });
409 });
410 }
412 ngModel.$render = function(value) {
413 editor.done(function() {
414 CRM.wysiwyg.setVal(elm, ngModel.$viewValue || '');
415 });
416 };
417 }
418 };
419 })
421 // Display a lock icon (based on a boolean).
422 // example: <a crm-ui-lock binding="mymodel.boolfield"></a>
423 // example: <a crm-ui-lock
424 // binding="mymodel.boolfield"
425 // title-locked="ts('Boolfield is locked')"
426 // title-unlocked="ts('Boolfield is unlocked')"></a>
427 .directive('crmUiLock', function ($parse, $rootScope) {
428 var defaultVal = function (defaultValue) {
429 var f = function (scope) {
430 return defaultValue;
431 };
432 f.assign = function (scope, value) {
433 // ignore changes
434 };
435 return f;
436 };
438 // like $parse, but accepts a defaultValue in case expr is undefined
439 var parse = function (expr, defaultValue) {
440 return expr ? $parse(expr) : defaultVal(defaultValue);
441 };
443 return {
444 template: '',
445 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
446 var binding = parse(attrs.binding, true);
447 var titleLocked = parse(attrs.titleLocked, ts('Locked'));
448 var titleUnlocked = parse(attrs.titleUnlocked, ts('Unlocked'));
450 $(element).addClass('crm-i lock-button');
451 var refresh = function () {
452 var locked = binding(scope);
453 if (locked) {
454 $(element)
455 .removeClass('fa-unlock')
456 .addClass('fa-lock')
457 .prop('title', titleLocked(scope))
458 ;
459 }
460 else {
461 $(element)
462 .removeClass('fa-lock')
463 .addClass('fa-unlock')
464 .prop('title', titleUnlocked(scope))
465 ;
466 }
467 };
469 $(element).click(function () {
470 binding.assign(scope, !binding(scope));
471 //scope.$digest();
472 $rootScope.$digest();
473 });
475 scope.$watch(attrs.binding, refresh);
476 scope.$watch(attrs.titleLocked, refresh);
477 scope.$watch(attrs.titleUnlocked, refresh);
479 refresh();
480 }
481 };
482 })
484 // CrmUiOrderCtrl is a controller class which manages sort orderings.
485 // Ex:
486 // JS: $scope.myOrder = new CrmUiOrderCtrl(['+field1', '-field2]);
487 // $scope.myOrder.toggle('field1');
488 // $scope.myOrder.setDir('field2', '');
489 // HTML: <tr ng-repeat="... | order:myOrder.get()">...</tr>
490 .service('CrmUiOrderCtrl', function(){
491 function CrmUiOrderCtrl(defaults){
492 this.values = defaults;
493 }
494 angular.extend(CrmUiOrderCtrl.prototype, {
495 get: function get() {
496 return this.values;
497 },
498 getDir: function getDir(name) {
499 if (this.values.indexOf(name) >= 0 || this.values.indexOf('+' + name) >= 0) {
500 return '+';
501 }
502 if (this.values.indexOf('-' + name) >= 0) {
503 return '-';
504 }
505 return '';
506 },
507 // @return bool TRUE if something is removed
508 remove: function remove(name) {
509 var idx = this.values.indexOf(name);
510 if (idx >= 0) {
511 this.values.splice(idx, 1);
512 return true;
513 }
514 else {
515 return false;
516 }
517 },
518 setDir: function setDir(name, dir) {
519 return this.toggle(name, dir);
520 },
521 // Toggle sort order on a field.
522 // To set a specific order, pass optional parameter 'next' ('+', '-', or '').
523 toggle: function toggle(name, next) {
524 if (!next && next !== '') {
525 next = '+';
526 if (this.remove(name) || this.remove('+' + name)) {
527 next = '-';
528 }
529 if (this.remove('-' + name)) {
530 next = '';
531 }
532 }
534 if (next == '+') {
535 this.values.unshift('+' + name);
536 }
537 else if (next == '-') {
538 this.values.unshift('-' + name);
539 }
540 }
541 });
542 return CrmUiOrderCtrl;
543 })
545 // Define a controller which manages sort order. You may interact with the controller
546 // directly ("myOrder.toggle('fieldname')") order using the helper, crm-ui-order-by.
547 // example:
548 // <span crm-ui-order="{var: 'myOrder', defaults: {'-myField'}}"></span>
549 // <th><a crm-ui-order-by="[myOrder,'myField']">My Field</a></th>
550 // <tr ng-repeat="... | order:myOrder.get()">...</tr>
551 // <button ng-click="myOrder.toggle('myField')">
552 .directive('crmUiOrder', function(CrmUiOrderCtrl) {
553 return {
554 link: function(scope, element, attrs){
555 var options = angular.extend({var: 'crmUiOrderBy'}, scope.$eval(attrs.crmUiOrder));
556 scope[options.var] = new CrmUiOrderCtrl(options.defaults);
557 }
558 };
559 })
561 // For usage, see crmUiOrder (above)
562 .directive('crmUiOrderBy', function() {
563 return {
564 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
565 function updateClass(crmUiOrderCtrl, name) {
566 var dir = crmUiOrderCtrl.getDir(name);
567 element
568 .toggleClass('sorting_asc', dir === '+')
569 .toggleClass('sorting_desc', dir === '-')
570 .toggleClass('sorting', dir === '');
571 }
573 element.on('click', function(e){
574 var tgt = scope.$eval(attrs.crmUiOrderBy);
575 tgt[0].toggle(tgt[1]);
576 updateClass(tgt[0], tgt[1]);
577 e.preventDefault();
578 scope.$digest();
579 });
581 var tgt = scope.$eval(attrs.crmUiOrderBy);
582 updateClass(tgt[0], tgt[1]);
583 }
584 };
585 })
587 // Display a fancy SELECT (based on select2).
588 // usage: <select crm-ui-select="{placeholder:'Something',allowClear:true,...}" ng-model="myobj.field"><option...></select>
589 .directive('crmUiSelect', function ($parse, $timeout) {
590 return {
591 require: '?ngModel',
592 priority: 1,
593 scope: {
594 crmUiSelect: '='
595 },
596 link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
597 // In cases where UI initiates update, there may be an extra
598 // call to refreshUI, but it doesn't create a cycle.
600 if (ngModel) {
601 ngModel.$render = function () {
602 $timeout(function () {
603 // ex: msg_template_id adds new item then selects it; use $timeout to ensure that
604 // new item is added before selection is made
605 var newVal = _.cloneDeep(ngModel.$modelValue);
606 // Fix possible data-type mismatch
607 if (typeof newVal === 'string' && element.select2('container').hasClass('select2-container-multi')) {
608 newVal = newVal.length ? newVal.split(',') : [];
609 }
610 element.select2('val', newVal);
611 });
612 };
613 }
614 function refreshModel() {
615 var oldValue = ngModel.$viewValue, newValue = element.select2('val');
616 if (oldValue != newValue) {
617 scope.$parent.$apply(function () {
618 ngModel.$setViewValue(newValue);
619 });
620 }
621 }
623 function init() {
624 // TODO watch select2-options
625 element.crmSelect2(scope.crmUiSelect || {});
626 if (ngModel) {
627 element.on('change', refreshModel);
628 }
629 }
631 init();
632 }
633 };
634 })
636 // Use a select2 widget as a pick-list. Instead of updating ngModel, the select2 widget will fire an event.
637 // This similar to ngModel+ngChange, except that value is never stored in a model. It is only fired in the event.
638 // usage: <select crm-ui-select='{...}' on-crm-ui-select="alert("User picked this item: " + selection)"></select>
639 .directive('onCrmUiSelect', function () {
640 return {
641 priority: 10,
642 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
643 element.on('select2-selecting', function(e) {
644 e.preventDefault();
645 element.select2('close').select2('val', '');
646 scope.$apply(function() {
647 scope.$eval(attrs.onCrmUiSelect, {selection: e.val});
648 });
649 });
650 }
651 };
652 })
654 // Render a crmEntityRef widget
655 // usage: <input crm-entityref="{entity: 'Contact', select: {allowClear:true}}" ng-model="myobj.field" />
656 .directive('crmEntityref', function ($parse, $timeout) {
657 return {
658 require: '?ngModel',
659 scope: {
660 crmEntityref: '='
661 },
662 link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
663 // In cases where UI initiates update, there may be an extra
664 // call to refreshUI, but it doesn't create a cycle.
666 ngModel.$render = function () {
667 $timeout(function () {
668 // ex: msg_template_id adds new item then selects it; use $timeout to ensure that
669 // new item is added before selection is made
670 var newVal = _.cloneDeep(ngModel.$modelValue);
671 // Fix possible data-type mismatch
672 if (typeof newVal === 'string' && element.select2('container').hasClass('select2-container-multi')) {
673 newVal = newVal.length ? newVal.split(',') : [];
674 }
675 element.select2('val', newVal);
676 });
677 };
678 function refreshModel() {
679 var oldValue = ngModel.$viewValue, newValue = element.select2('val');
680 if (oldValue != newValue) {
681 scope.$parent.$apply(function () {
682 ngModel.$setViewValue(newValue);
683 });
684 }
685 }
687 function init() {
688 // TODO can we infer "entity" from model?
689 element.crmEntityRef(scope.crmEntityref || {});
690 element.on('change', refreshModel);
691 $timeout(ngModel.$render);
692 }
694 init();
695 }
696 };
697 })
699 // validate multiple email text
700 // usage: <input crm-multiple-email type="text" ng-model="myobj.field" />
701 .directive('crmMultipleEmail', function ($parse, $timeout) {
702 return {
703 require: 'ngModel',
704 link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
705 ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewValue) {
706 // if empty value provided simply bypass validation
707 if (_.isEmpty(viewValue)) {
708 ctrl.$setValidity('crmMultipleEmail', true);
709 return viewValue;
710 }
712 // split email string on basis of comma
713 var emails = viewValue.split(',');
714 // regex pattern for single email
715 var emailRegex = /\S+@\S+\.\S+/;
717 var validityArr ={
718 return emailRegex.test(str.trim());
719 });
721 if ($.inArray(false, validityArr) > -1) {
722 ctrl.$setValidity('crmMultipleEmail', false);
723 } else {
724 ctrl.$setValidity('crmMultipleEmail', true);
725 }
726 return viewValue;
727 });
728 }
729 };
730 })
731 // example <div crm-ui-tab id="tab-1" crm-title="ts('My Title')" count="3">...content...</div>
732 // WISHLIST: use a full Angular component instead of an incomplete jQuery wrapper
733 .directive('crmUiTab', function($parse) {
734 return {
735 require: '^crmUiTabSet',
736 restrict: 'EA',
737 scope: {
738 crmTitle: '@',
739 crmIcon: '@',
740 count: '@',
741 id: '@'
742 },
743 template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',
744 transclude: true,
745 link: function (scope, element, attrs, crmUiTabSetCtrl) {
746 crmUiTabSetCtrl.add(scope);
747 }
748 };
749 })
751 // example: <div crm-ui-tab-set><div crm-ui-tab crm-title="Tab 1">...</div><div crm-ui-tab crm-title="Tab 2">...</div></div>
752 .directive('crmUiTabSet', function() {
753 return {
754 restrict: 'EA',
755 scope: {
756 crmUiTabSet: '@',
757 tabSetOptions: '@'
758 },
759 templateUrl: '~/crmUi/tabset.html',
760 transclude: true,
761 controllerAs: 'crmUiTabSetCtrl',
762 controller: function($scope, $parse) {
763 var tabs = $scope.tabs = []; // array<$scope>
764 this.add = function(tab) {
765 if (! throw "Tab is missing 'id'";
766 tabs.push(tab);
767 };
768 },
769 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {}
770 };
771 })
773 // Generic, field-independent form validator.
774 // example: <span ng-model="placeholder" crm-ui-validate="foo && bar || whiz" />
775 // example: <span ng-model="placeholder" crm-ui-validate="foo && bar || whiz" crm-ui-validate-name="myError" />
776 .directive('crmUiValidate', function() {
777 return {
778 restrict: 'EA',
779 require: 'ngModel',
780 link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
781 var validationKey = attrs.crmUiValidateName ? attrs.crmUiValidateName : 'crmUiValidate';
782 scope.$watch(attrs.crmUiValidate, function(newValue){
783 ngModel.$setValidity(validationKey, !!newValue);
784 });
785 }
786 };
787 })
789 // like ng-show, but hides/displays elements using "visibility" which maintains positioning
790 // example <div crm-ui-visible="false">...content...</div>
791 .directive('crmUiVisible', function($parse) {
792 return {
793 restrict: 'EA',
794 scope: {
795 crmUiVisible: '@'
796 },
797 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
798 var model = $parse(attrs.crmUiVisible);
799 function updatecChildren() {
800 element.css('visibility', model(scope.$parent) ? 'inherit' : 'hidden');
801 }
802 updatecChildren();
803 scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.crmUiVisible, updatecChildren);
804 }
805 };
806 })
808 // example: <div crm-ui-wizard="myWizardCtrl"><div crm-ui-wizard-step crm-title="ts('Step 1')">...</div><div crm-ui-wizard-step crm-title="ts('Step 2')">...</div></div>
809 // example with custom nav classes: <div crm-ui-wizard crm-ui-wizard-nav-class="ng-animate-out ...">...</div>
810 // Note: "myWizardCtrl" has various actions/properties like next() and $first().
811 // WISHLIST: Allow each step to determine if it is "complete" / "valid" / "selectable"
812 // WISHLIST: Allow each step to enable/disable (show/hide) itself
813 .directive('crmUiWizard', function() {
814 return {
815 restrict: 'EA',
816 scope: {
817 crmUiWizard: '@',
818 crmUiWizardNavClass: '@' // string, A list of classes that will be added to the nav items
819 },
820 templateUrl: '~/crmUi/wizard.html',
821 transclude: true,
822 controllerAs: 'crmUiWizardCtrl',
823 controller: function($scope, $parse) {
824 var steps = $scope.steps = []; // array<$scope>
825 var crmUiWizardCtrl = this;
826 var maxVisited = 0;
827 var selectedIndex = null;
829 var findIndex = function() {
830 var found = null;
831 angular.forEach(steps, function(step, stepKey) {
832 if (step.selected) found = stepKey;
833 });
834 return found;
835 };
837 /// @return int the index of the current step
838 this.$index = function() { return selectedIndex; };
839 /// @return bool whether the currentstep is first
840 this.$first = function() { return this.$index() === 0; };
841 /// @return bool whether the current step is last
842 this.$last = function() { return this.$index() === steps.length -1; };
843 this.$maxVisit = function() { return maxVisited; };
844 this.$validStep = function() {
845 return steps[selectedIndex] && steps[selectedIndex].isStepValid();
846 };
847 this.iconFor = function(index) {
848 if (index < this.$index()) return 'crm-i fa-check';
849 if (index === this.$index()) return 'crm-i fa-angle-double-right';
850 return '';
851 };
852 this.isSelectable = function(step) {
853 if (step.selected) return false;
854 return this.$validStep();
855 };
857 /*** @param Object step the $scope of the step */
858 = function(step) {
859 angular.forEach(steps, function(otherStep, otherKey) {
860 otherStep.selected = (otherStep === step);
861 if (otherStep === step && maxVisited < otherKey) maxVisited = otherKey;
862 });
863 selectedIndex = findIndex();
864 };
865 /*** @param Object step the $scope of the step */
866 this.add = function(step) {
867 if (steps.length === 0) {
868 step.selected = true;
869 selectedIndex = 0;
870 }
871 steps.push(step);
872 steps.sort(function(a,b){
873 return a.crmUiWizardStep - b.crmUiWizardStep;
874 });
875 selectedIndex = findIndex();
876 };
877 this.remove = function(step) {
878 var key = null;
879 angular.forEach(steps, function(otherStep, otherKey) {
880 if (otherStep === step) key = otherKey;
881 });
882 if (key !== null) {
883 steps.splice(key, 1);
884 }
885 };
886 this.goto = function(index) {
887 if (index < 0) index = 0;
888 if (index >= steps.length) index = steps.length-1;
890 };
891 this.previous = function() { this.goto(this.$index()-1); };
892 = function() { this.goto(this.$index()+1); };
893 if ($scope.crmUiWizard) {
894 $parse($scope.crmUiWizard).assign($scope.$parent, this);
895 }
896 },
897 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
898 scope.ts = CRM.ts(null);
900 element.find('.crm-wizard-buttons button[ng-click^=crmUiWizardCtrl]').click(function () {
901 // These values are captured inside the click handler to ensure the
902 // positions/sizes of the elements are captured at the time of the
903 // click vs. at the time this directive is initialized.
904 var topOfWizard = element.offset().top;
905 var heightOfMenu = $('#civicrm-menu').height() || 0;
907 $('html')
908 // stop any other animations that might be happening...
909 .stop()
910 // gracefully slide the user to the top of the wizard
911 .animate({scrollTop: topOfWizard - heightOfMenu}, 1000);
912 });
913 }
914 };
915 })
917 // Use this to add extra markup to wizard
918 .directive('crmUiWizardButtons', function() {
919 return {
920 require: '^crmUiWizard',
921 restrict: 'EA',
922 scope: {},
923 template: '<span ng-transclude></span>',
924 transclude: true,
925 link: function (scope, element, attrs, crmUiWizardCtrl) {
926 var realButtonsEl = $(element).closest('.crm-wizard').find('.crm-wizard-buttons');
927 $(element).appendTo(realButtonsEl);
928 }
929 };
930 })
932 // Example for Font Awesome: <button crm-icon="fa-check">Save</button>
933 // Example for jQuery UI (deprecated): <button crm-icon="fa-check">Save</button>
934 .directive('crmIcon', function() {
935 return {
936 restrict: 'EA',
937 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
938 if ('[crm-ui-tab]')) {
939 // handled in crmUiTab ctrl
940 return;
941 }
942 if (attrs.crmIcon.substring(0,3) == 'fa-') {
943 $(element).prepend('<i class="crm-i ' + attrs.crmIcon + '" aria-hidden="true"></i> ');
944 }
945 else {
946 $(element).prepend('<span class="icon ui-icon-' + attrs.crmIcon + '"></span> ');
947 }
948 // Add crm-* class to non-bootstrap buttons
949 if ($(element).is('button:not(.btn)')) {
950 $(element).addClass('crm-button');
951 }
952 }
953 };
954 })
956 // example: <div crm-ui-wizard-step crm-title="ts('My Title')" ng-form="mySubForm">...content...</div>
957 // If there are any conditional steps, then be sure to set a weight explicitly on *all* steps to maintain ordering.
958 // example: <div crm-ui-wizard-step="100" crm-title="..." ng-if="...">...content...</div>
959 // example with custom classes: <div crm-ui-wizard-step="100" crm-ui-wizard-step-class="ng-animate-out ...">...content...</div>
960 .directive('crmUiWizardStep', function() {
961 var nextWeight = 1;
962 return {
963 require: ['^crmUiWizard', 'form'],
964 restrict: 'EA',
965 scope: {
966 crmTitle: '@', // expression, evaluates to a printable string
967 crmUiWizardStep: '@', // int, a weight which determines the ordering of the steps
968 crmUiWizardStepClass: '@' // string, A list of classes that will be added to the template
969 },
970 template: '<div class="crm-wizard-step {{crmUiWizardStepClass}}" ng-show="selected" ng-transclude/></div>',
971 transclude: true,
972 link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) {
973 var crmUiWizardCtrl = ctrls[0], form = ctrls[1];
974 if (scope.crmUiWizardStep) {
975 scope.crmUiWizardStep = parseInt(scope.crmUiWizardStep);
976 } else {
977 scope.crmUiWizardStep = nextWeight++;
978 }
979 scope.isStepValid = function() {
980 return form.$valid;
981 };
982 crmUiWizardCtrl.add(scope);
983 scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
984 crmUiWizardCtrl.remove(scope);
985 });
986 }
987 };
988 })
990 // Example: <button crm-confirm="{message: ts('Are you sure you want to continue?')}" on-yes="frobnicate(123)">Frobincate</button>
991 // Example: <button crm-confirm="{type: 'disable', obj: myObject}" on-yes="myObject.is_active=0;">Disable</button>
992 // Example: <button crm-confirm="{templateUrl: '~/path/to/view.html', export: {foo: bar}}" on-yes="frobnicate(123)">Frobincate</button>
993 .directive('crmConfirm', function ($compile, $rootScope, $templateRequest, $q) {
994 // Helpers to calculate default options for CRM.confirm()
995 var defaultFuncs = {
996 'disable': function (options) {
997 return {
998 message: ts('Are you sure you want to disable this?'),
999 options: {no: ts('Cancel'), yes: ts('Disable')},
1000 width: 300,
1001 title: ts('Disable %1?', {
1002 1: options.obj.title || options.obj.label || || ts('the record')
1003 })
1004 };
1005 },
1006 'revert': function (options) {
1007 return {
1008 message: ts('Are you sure you want to revert this?'),
1009 options: {no: ts('Cancel'), yes: ts('Revert')},
1010 width: 300,
1011 title: ts('Revert %1?', {
1012 1: options.obj.title || options.obj.label || || ts('the record')
1013 })
1014 };
1015 },
1016 'delete': function (options) {
1017 return {
1018 message: ts('Are you sure you want to delete this?'),
1019 options: {no: ts('Cancel'), yes: ts('Delete')},
1020 width: 300,
1021 title: ts('Delete %1?', {
1022 1: options.obj.title || options.obj.label || || ts('the record')
1023 })
1024 };
1025 }
1026 };
1027 var confirmCount = 0;
1028 return {
1029 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
1030 $(element).click(function () {
1031 var options = scope.$eval(attrs.crmConfirm);
1032 if (attrs.title && !options.title) {
1033 options.title = attrs.title;
1034 }
1035 var defaults = (options.type) ? defaultFuncs[options.type](options) : {};
1037 var tpl = null, stubId = null;
1038 if (!options.message) {
1039 if (options.templateUrl) {
1040 tpl = $templateRequest(options.templateUrl);
1041 }
1042 else if (options.template) {
1043 tpl = options.template;
1044 }
1045 if (tpl) {
1046 stubId = 'crmUiConfirm_' + (++confirmCount);
1047 options.message = '<div id="' + stubId + '"></div>';
1048 }
1049 }
1051 CRM.confirm(_.extend(defaults, options))
1052 .on('crmConfirm:yes', function() { scope.$apply(attrs.onYes); })
1053 .on('crmConfirm:no', function() { scope.$apply(attrs.onNo); });
1055 if (tpl && stubId) {
1056 $q.when(tpl, function(html) {
1057 var scope = options.scope || $rootScope.$new();
1058 if (options.export) {
1059 angular.extend(scope, options.export);
1060 }
1061 var linker = $compile(html);
1062 $('#' + stubId).append($(linker(scope)));
1063 });
1064 }
1065 });
1066 }
1067 };
1068 })
1070 // Sets document title & page title; attempts to override CMS title markup for the latter
1071 // WARNING: Use only once per route!
1072 // WARNING: This directive works only if your AngularJS base page does not
1073 // set a custom title (i.e., it has an initial title of "CiviCRM"). See the
1074 // global variables pageTitle and documentTitle.
1075 // Example (same title for both): <h1 crm-page-title>{{ts('Hello')}}</h1>
1076 // Example (separate document title): <h1 crm-document-title="ts('Hello')" crm-page-title><i class="crm-i fa-flag" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{ts('Hello')}}</h1>
1077 .directive('crmPageTitle', function($timeout) {
1078 return {
1079 scope: {
1080 crmDocumentTitle: '='
1081 },
1082 link: function(scope, $el, attrs) {
1083 function update() {
1084 $timeout(function() {
1085 var newPageTitle = _.trim($el.html()),
1086 newDocumentTitle = scope.crmDocumentTitle || $el.text();
1087 document.title = $('title').text().replace(documentTitle, newDocumentTitle);
1088 // If the CMS has already added title markup to the page, use it
1089 $('h1').not('.crm-container h1').each(function() {
1090 if (_.trim($(this).html()) === pageTitle) {
1091 $(this).addClass('crm-page-title').html(newPageTitle);
1092 $el.hide();
1093 }
1094 });
1095 pageTitle = newPageTitle;
1096 documentTitle = newDocumentTitle;
1097 });
1098 }
1100 scope.$watch(function() {return scope.crmDocumentTitle + $el.html();}, update);
1101 }
1102 };
1103 })
1105 // Editable text using ngModel & html5 contenteditable
1106 // Usage: <span crm-ui-editable ng-model="">{{ }}</span>
1107 .directive("crmUiEditable", function() {
1108 return {
1109 restrict: "A",
1110 require: "ngModel",
1111 scope: {
1112 defaultValue: '='
1113 },
1114 link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
1115 var ts = CRM.ts();
1117 function read() {
1118 var htmlVal = element.html();
1119 if (!htmlVal) {
1120 htmlVal = scope.defaultValue || '';
1121 element.text(htmlVal);
1122 }
1123 ngModel.$setViewValue(htmlVal);
1124 }
1126 ngModel.$render = function() {
1127 element.text(ngModel.$viewValue || scope.defaultValue || '');
1128 };
1130 // Special handling for enter and escape keys
1131 element.on('keydown', function(e) {
1132 // Enter: prevent line break and save
1133 if (e.which === 13) {
1134 e.preventDefault();
1135 element.blur();
1136 }
1137 // Escape: undo
1138 if (e.which === 27) {
1139 element.text(ngModel.$viewValue || scope.defaultValue || '');
1140 element.blur();
1141 }
1142 });
1144 element.on("blur change", function() {
1145 scope.$apply(read);
1146 });
1148 element.attr('contenteditable', 'true').addClass('crm-editable-enabled');
1149 }
1150 };
1151 })
1153 .run(function($rootScope, $location) {
1154 /// Example: <button ng-click="goto('home')">Go home!</button>
1155 $rootScope.goto = function(path) {
1156 $location.path(path);
1157 };
1158 // useful for debugging: $rootScope.log = console.log || function() {};
1159 });
1161 })(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);