Bump ajv from 6.6.1 to 6.12.6
[civicrm-core.git] / ang / crmDialog.js
1 (function(angular, $, _) {
2 "use strict";
4 angular.module('crmDialog', CRM.angRequires('crmDialog'));
6 // Convenience binding to automatically launch a dialog when clicking an element
7 // Ex: <button type="button" crm-dialog-popup="myDialogName" popup-tpl="~/myExt/MyDialogTpl.html" popup-data="{foo: bar}"
8 angular.module('crmDialog').directive('crmDialogPopup', function(dialogService) {
9 return {
10 restrict: 'A',
11 bindToController: {
12 popupTpl: '@',
13 popupName: '@crmDialogPopup',
14 popupData: '<'
15 },
16 controller: function($scope, $element) {
17 var ctrl = this;
18 $element.on('click', function() {
19 var options = CRM.utils.adjustDialogDefaults({
20 autoOpen: false,
21 title: _.trim($element.attr('title') || $element.text())
22 });
23 dialogService.open(ctrl.popupName, ctrl.popupTpl, ctrl.popupData || {}, options)
24 .then(function(success) {
25 $element.trigger('crmPopupFormSuccess');
26 });
27 });
28 }
29 };
30 });
32 // Ex: <div crm-dialog="myDialogName"> ... <button ng-click="$dialog.cancel()">Cancel</button> ... </div>
33 // Ex: <div crm-dialog="myDialogName"> ... <button ng-click="$dialog.close(outputData)">Close</button> ... </div>
34 // Ex: <div crm-dialog="myDialogName"> ... <crm-dialog-button text="'Close'" on-click="$dialog.close()" /> ... </div>
35 angular.module('crmDialog').directive('crmDialog', function(dialogService) {
36 return {
37 restrict: 'A',
38 controllerAs: '$dialog',
39 controller: function($scope, $parse, $timeout) {
40 var $dialog = this;
41 $dialog.buttons = [];
43 $dialog.close = function(result) {
44 dialogService.close($dialog.name, result);
45 };
47 $dialog.cancel = function() {
48 dialogService.cancel($dialog.name);
49 };
51 $dialog.loadButtons = function() {
52 var buttons = [];
53 angular.forEach($dialog.buttons, function (crmDialogButton) {
54 var button = _.pick(crmDialogButton, ['icons', 'text', 'disabled']);
55 button.click = function() {
56 $scope.$apply(crmDialogButton.onClick);
57 };
58 buttons.push(button);
59 });
60 dialogService.setButtons($dialog.name, buttons);
61 };
63 $timeout(function() {
64 $('.ui-dialog:last input:not([disabled]):not([type="submit"]):first').focus();
65 });
67 },
68 link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
69 controller.name = attrs.crmDialog;
70 scope[attrs.crmDialog] = controller;
71 }
72 };
73 });
75 // Ex: <crm-dialog-button text="ts('Do it')" icons="{primary: 'fa-foo'}" on-click="doIt()" />
76 angular.module('crmDialog').component('crmDialogButton', {
77 bindings: {
78 disabled: '<',
79 icons: '<',
80 text: '<',
81 onClick: '&'
82 },
83 require: {
84 crmDialog: '?^^crmDialog'
85 },
86 controller: function($scope) {
87 var $ctrl = this;
88 $ctrl.$onInit = function() {
89 $ctrl.crmDialog.buttons.push(this);
90 $scope.$watch('$ctrl.disabled', $ctrl.crmDialog.loadButtons);
91 $scope.$watch('$ctrl.text', $ctrl.crmDialog.loadButtons);
92 $scope.$watch('$ctrl.icons', $ctrl.crmDialog.loadButtons);
93 };
94 }
95 });
97 })(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);