Merge pull request #19979 from civicrm/5.36
[civicrm-core.git] / ang / crmDashboard / Dashboard.html
1 <div id="civicrm-dashboard">
2 <fieldset class="crm-inactive-dashlet-fieldset">
3 <legend>
4 <a href class="crm-hover-button" ng-click="$ctrl.showInactive = !$ctrl.showInactive">
5 <i class="crm-i fa-{{ $ctrl.showInactive ? 'minus' : 'plus' }}" aria-hidden="true"></i>
6 {{ $ctrl.inactive.length === 1 ? ts('1 Available Dashlet') : ts('%1 Available Dashlets', {1: $ctrl.inactive.length}) }}
7 </a>
8 </legend>
9 <div ng-if="$ctrl.showInactive" ng-model="$ctrl.inactive" ui-sortable="$ctrl.sortableOptions" class="crm-dashboard-droppable">
10 <div class="help">
11 {{ ts('Drag and drop dashlets onto the left or right columns below to add them to your dashboard. Changes are automatically saved.') }}
12 <a crm-ui-help="hs({id: 'dash_configure', title: ts('Dashboard Configuration')})"></a>
13 </div>
14 <div ng-repeat="dashlet in $ctrl.inactive" class="crm-inactive-dashlet">
15 <crm-inactive-dashlet dashlet="dashlet" delete="$ctrl.deleteDashlet($index)"></crm-inactive-dashlet>
16 </div>
17 </div>
18 </fieldset>
19 <div class="crm-flex-box" ng-if="!$ctrl.fullscreenDashlet">
20 <div ng-repeat="column in $ctrl.columns" class="crm-flex-{{2 + $index}} crm-dashboard-droppable" ng-model="column" ui-sortable="$ctrl.sortableOptions">
21 <div ng-repeat="dashlet in column" class="crm-dashlet">
22 <crm-dashlet dashlet="dashlet" remove="$ctrl.removeDashlet($parent.$index, $index)" fullscreen="$ctrl.showFullscreen(dashlet)" ></crm-dashlet>
23 </div>
24 </div>
25 </div>
26 </div>