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[squirrelmail.git] / ReleaseNotes
1 /*****************************************************************
2 * Release Notes: SquirrelMail 1.2.0 *
3 * The "And I Still Have Not Wrapped My Wife's Presents" Release *
4 * aka the "Miriam Noel" Release *
5 * December 25, 2001 *
6 *****************************************************************/
8 After a long wait, SquirrelMail is finally making a new major stable
9 series release. The past year has been ANYTHING but uneventful for
10 the SquirrelMail Project. This year has seen two leadership changes,
11 the release of the 1.0 series, the 1.1 development series, and now
12 finally the much awaited 1.2.0 release.
14 In this edition of SquirrelMail Release Notes:
15 * All about this Release!!!
16 * Reporting my favorite SquirrelMail 1.2.0 bug
17 * Important Note about PHP 4.1.0
18 * Where are we going from here?
21 All about this Release!!!
22 =========================
24 Being one of the most popular webmail clients, the developers of
25 SquirrelMail feel a huge desire and responsiblity to continue push
26 the envelope and make SquirrelMail the best it can possibly be. You
27 will not be disappointed with this release, as it is by far the most
28 feature rich, and yet it is still the same sleak and unbloated and
29 cuddly webmail application that we have all grown to love. Here is
30 an uncomplete list of new features and enhancements since the last
31 stable release.
33 * Collapsable Folders - The folder list can be collapsed at any
34 parent folder. This makes folder lists with large
35 heirarchital structures much easier to manage and navigate.
36 * The Paginator! - This enables quick access to any page in the
37 message list by simply choosing the page number to view
38 rather than tediously clicking "next" 50 times.
39 * Hundreds of UI tweaks - The user interface has been given a
40 facelift. The HTML has been largely overhauled, and while
41 it still has the same general feel, it has been made more
42 intuative.
43 * Drafts - It is now possible to compose a message and save it to
44 be sent at a later date with the drafts option.
45 * New Options Page - The options page has been completely
46 rewritten for several reasons, the main of which was to
47 allow seamless integration of plugin options and to
48 provide uniformity throughout the entire section.
49 * Multiple Identities - It is now possible to create different
50 identities (home, work, school) that can be chosen upon
51 sending. Each identity can have its own email address,
52 full name, and signature.
53 * Reply Citations - Different types of citations are now possible
54 when replying to messages.
55 * Better Attachment Handling - The plugin, attachment_common, has
56 been fully integrated into the core of SquirrelMail. This
57 allows inline viewing of several different types of
58 attachments.
59 * Integration of Several Plugins - The following plugins have been
60 put directly into the core. As a result, be sure not to
61 install these as plugins, as the result may be (at best)
62 unpredictable: attachment_common, paginator, priority
63 printer_friendly, sqclock, xmailer.
64 * Improved support for newer versions of PHP. Note that you may
65 have trouble if you are running PHP version 4.0.100
66 (commonly distributed with Debian 3.0).
67 * Ablity to mark messages as read and unread from the message listing.
68 * Alternating Colors - The message list now alternates row colors
69 by default. This presents a much cleaner and easier to
70 read interface to the user.
72 Aside from these obvious front end features, there are hundreds of
73 bugs that have been fixed, and much of the code has been optomized
74 and/or rewritten. This stable release is far superior in all
75 aspects to all previous versions of SquirrelMail.
77 Home Page: http://www.squirrelmail.org/
78 Download: http://www.squirrelmail.org/download.php
79 ScreenShots: http://www.squirrelmail.org/screenshots.php
82 Reporting my favorite SquirrelMail 1.2.0 bug
83 ============================================
85 Of course, in the words of Linus Torvalds, this release is
86 officially certified to be Bug-Free (tm).
88 However, if for some reason some bugs manage to find their way to
89 the surface, please report them at once (after all, they ARE
90 uncertified bugs!!!) The PROPER place to report these bugs is the SquirrelMail Bug Tracker.
92 http://www.squirrelmail.org/bugs
94 Thank you for your cooperation in that issue. That helps us to make
95 sure that nothing slips through the cracks. Also, it would help if
96 people would check existing tracker items for a bug before reporting
97 it again. This would help to eliminate duplicate reports, and
98 increase the time we can spend CODING by DECREASING the time we
99 spend sorting through bug reports. And remember, check not only OPEN
100 bug reports, but also closed ones as a bug that you report MAY have
101 been fixed in CVS already.
104 Important Note about PHP 4.1.0
105 ==============================
107 First of all, let me say that you all HAVE been warned: the
108 SquirrelMail Project Team is not supporting PHP 4.1.0 for the 1.2.0
109 release. Basically, SquirrelMail was in the final death throws of
110 this development series when the witty PHP folks decided to make the
111 release of 4.1.0. Of course, we greatly appreciate their hard work! :)
113 However, we were too close to the end of this whole thing to be able
114 to spend the week or two EXTRA that it will take to get SquirrelMail
115 1.2.0 PHP 4.1.0 ready. This will, on the bright side, be a major
116 priority amongst the team in the immediate future. At first look, it
117 seems that 4.1.0 support should just require a collection of
118 relatively minor tweaks. You can expect 4.1.0 support within 2-3
119 weeks, as a part of a later 1.2.X release.
122 Where are we going from here?
123 =============================
125 After things cool down a bit and the smoke clears from 1.2.0,
126 progress will begin on the Great SquirrelMail Rewrite, also known as
127 the 1.3 development branch. This branch will eventually become the
128 long talked about SquirrelMail 2.0. The major developmental emphasis
129 for SquirrelMail 2.0 will be in making SquirrelMail more flexible
130 and modular so that it might do a better job meeting the needs of
131 our system administrators and end-users. We are greatly anticipating
132 working in this area.
134 At the same time, we will kick start the SquirrelMail Teams. For
135 some time now, we have been planning a reorganization of the project
136 into a variety of subteams. Each subteam will focus on a different
137 aspect of SquirrelMail Project work. These teams will hopefully help
138 keep the SquirrelMail project more on track and to provide some
139 semblance of order. This project has grown so large in the past two
140 years that an orderly structure is necessary if anything is to get
141 done effectively. The teams (as planned) are as follows:
143 Stable Series Team: Maintains the stable series
144 Development Series Team: Works on the development series
145 i18n Team: Handles i18n (internationalization) work
146 Plugin Team: Manages the mass of plugins
147 User Support Team: Helps users with their problems
148 Documentation Team: Manages the documentation
149 Evangelism Team: Spreads the good news of SquirrelMail
151 Teams will be led by one or two SquirrelMail team members. And team
152 members can participate in as many teams as he or she desires.
154 For the next few weeks, the developers will be working on bugfixing
155 and making the 1.2 series rock solid. After that, about mid January,
156 focus will shift toward getting the teams in gear and starting work
157 on the SquirrelMail 1.3 development series.
159 Have a Merry Christmas!
160 Happy SquirrelMailing!
161 - The SquirrelMail Project Team