Merge pull request #19318 from colemanw/apiJoinTest
[civicrm-core.git] / Civi / Test / Api3TestTrait.php
1 <?php
3 namespace Civi\Test;
5 use Civi\API\Exception\NotImplementedException;
7 require_once 'api/v3/utils.php';
8 /**
9 * Class Api3TestTrait
10 * @package Civi\Test
11 *
12 * This trait defines a number of helper functions for testing APIv3. Commonly
13 * used helpers include `callAPISuccess()`, `callAPIFailure()`,
14 * `assertAPISuccess()`, and `assertAPIFailure()`.
15 *
16 * This trait is intended for use with PHPUnit-based test cases.
17 */
18 trait Api3TestTrait {
20 /**
21 * Get the api versions to test.
22 *
23 * @return array
24 */
25 public function versionThreeAndFour() {
26 return [
27 'APIv3' => [3],
28 'APIv4' => [4],
29 ];
30 }
32 /**
33 * Api version - easier to override than just a define
34 * @var int
35 */
36 protected $_apiversion = 3;
38 /**
39 * Check that api returned 'is_error' => 1
40 * else provide full message
41 * @param array $result
42 * @param $expected
43 * @param array $valuesToExclude
44 * @param string $prefix
45 * Extra test to add to message.
46 */
47 public function assertAPIArrayComparison($result, $expected, $valuesToExclude = [], $prefix = '') {
48 $valuesToExclude = array_merge($valuesToExclude, ['debug', 'xdebug', 'sequential']);
49 foreach ($valuesToExclude as $value) {
50 if (isset($result[$value])) {
51 unset($result[$value]);
52 }
53 if (isset($expected[$value])) {
54 unset($expected[$value]);
55 }
56 }
57 $this->assertEquals($result, $expected, "api result array comparison failed " . $prefix . print_r($result, TRUE) . ' was compared to ' . print_r($expected, TRUE));
58 }
60 /**
61 * Check that a deleted item has been deleted.
62 *
63 * @param $entity
64 * @param $id
65 */
66 public function assertAPIDeleted($entity, $id) {
67 $this->callAPISuccess($entity, 'getcount', ['id' => $id], 0);
68 }
70 /**
71 * Check that api returned 'is_error' => 1.
72 *
73 * @param array $apiResult
74 * Api result.
75 * @param string $prefix
76 * Extra test to add to message.
77 * @param null $expectedError
78 */
79 public function assertAPIFailure($apiResult, $prefix = '', $expectedError = NULL) {
80 if (!empty($prefix)) {
81 $prefix .= ': ';
82 }
83 if ($expectedError && !empty($apiResult['is_error'])) {
84 $this->assertContains($expectedError, $apiResult['error_message'], 'api error message not as expected' . $prefix);
85 }
86 $this->assertEquals(1, $apiResult['is_error'], "api call should have failed but it succeeded " . $prefix . (print_r($apiResult, TRUE)));
87 $this->assertNotEmpty($apiResult['error_message']);
88 }
90 /**
91 * Check that api returned 'is_error' => 0.
92 *
93 * @param array $apiResult
94 * Api result.
95 * @param string $prefix
96 * Extra test to add to message.
97 */
98 public function assertAPISuccess($apiResult, $prefix = '') {
99 if (!empty($prefix)) {
100 $prefix .= ': ';
101 }
102 $errorMessage = empty($apiResult['error_message']) ? '' : " " . $apiResult['error_message'];
104 if (!empty($apiResult['debug_information'])) {
105 $errorMessage .= "\n " . print_r($apiResult['debug_information'], TRUE);
106 }
107 if (!empty($apiResult['trace'])) {
108 $errorMessage .= "\n" . print_r($apiResult['trace'], TRUE);
109 }
110 $this->assertEmpty($apiResult['is_error'] ?? NULL, $prefix . $errorMessage);
111 }
113 /**
114 * This function exists to wrap api functions.
115 * so we can ensure they fail where expected & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks
116 * @param string $entity
117 * @param string $action
118 * @param array $params
119 * @param string $expectedErrorMessage
120 * Error.
121 * @param null $extraOutput
122 * @return array|int
123 */
124 public function callAPIFailure($entity, $action, $params, $expectedErrorMessage = NULL, $extraOutput = NULL) {
125 if (is_array($params)) {
126 $params += [
127 'version' => $this->_apiversion,
128 ];
129 }
130 $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params);
131 $this->assertAPIFailure($result, "We expected a failure for $entity $action but got a success", $expectedErrorMessage);
132 return $result;
133 }
135 /**
136 * wrap api functions.
137 * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks
138 *
139 * @param string $entity
140 * @param string $action
141 * @param array $params
142 * @param mixed $checkAgainst
143 * Optional value to check result against, implemented for getvalue,.
144 * getcount, getsingle. Note that for getvalue the type is checked rather than the value
145 * for getsingle the array is compared against an array passed in - the id is not compared (for
146 * better or worse )
147 *
148 * @return array|int
149 *
150 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
151 */
152 public function callAPISuccess($entity, $action, $params = [], $checkAgainst = NULL) {
153 $params = array_merge([
154 'version' => $this->_apiversion,
155 'debug' => 1,
156 ],
157 $params
158 );
159 switch (strtolower($action)) {
160 case 'getvalue':
161 return $this->callAPISuccessGetValue($entity, $params, $checkAgainst);
163 case 'getsingle':
164 return $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle($entity, $params, $checkAgainst);
166 case 'getcount':
167 return $this->callAPISuccessGetCount($entity, $params, $checkAgainst);
168 }
169 $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params);
170 $this->assertAPISuccess($result, "Failure in api call for $entity $action");
171 return $result;
172 }
174 /**
175 * This function exists to wrap api getValue function & check the result
176 * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without littering the test with checks
177 * There is a type check in this
178 *
179 * @param string $entity
180 * @param array $params
181 * @param int $count
182 *
183 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
184 *
185 * @return array|int
186 */
187 public function callAPISuccessGetCount($entity, $params, $count = NULL) {
188 $params += [
189 'version' => $this->_apiversion,
190 'debug' => 1,
191 ];
192 $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, 'getcount', $params);
193 if (!is_int($result) || !empty($result['is_error']) || isset($result['values'])) {
194 throw new \CRM_Core_Exception('Invalid getcount result : ' . print_r($result, TRUE) . " type :" . gettype($result));
195 }
196 if (is_int($count)) {
197 $this->assertEquals($count, $result, "incorrect count returned from $entity getcount");
198 }
199 return $result;
200 }
202 /**
203 * This function exists to wrap api getsingle function & check the result
204 * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks
205 *
206 * @param string $entity
207 * @param array $params
208 * @param array $checkAgainst
209 * Array to compare result against.
210 * - boolean
211 * - integer
212 * - double
213 * - string
214 * - array
215 * - object
216 *
217 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
218 *
219 * @return array|int
220 */
221 public function callAPISuccessGetSingle($entity, $params, $checkAgainst = NULL) {
222 $params += [
223 'version' => $this->_apiversion,
224 ];
225 $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, 'getsingle', $params);
226 if (!is_array($result) || !empty($result['is_error']) || isset($result['values'])) {
227 $unfilteredResult = $this->civicrm_api($entity, 'get', ['version' => $this->_apiversion]);
228 throw new \CRM_Core_Exception(
229 'Invalid getsingle result' . print_r($result, TRUE)
230 . "\n entity: $entity . \n params \n " . print_r($params, TRUE)
231 . "\n entities retrieved with blank params \n" . print_r($unfilteredResult, TRUE)
232 );
233 }
234 if ($checkAgainst) {
235 // @todo - have gone with the fn that unsets id? should we check id?
236 $this->checkArrayEquals($result, $checkAgainst);
237 }
238 return $result;
239 }
241 /**
242 * This function exists to wrap api getValue function & check the result
243 * so we can ensure they succeed & throw exceptions without litterering the test with checks
244 * There is a type check in this
245 *
246 * @param string $entity
247 * @param array $params
248 * @param string $type
249 * Per possible types.
250 * - boolean
251 * - integer
252 * - double
253 * - string
254 * - array
255 * - object
256 *
257 * @return array|int
258 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
259 */
260 public function callAPISuccessGetValue($entity, $params, $type = NULL) {
261 $params += [
262 'version' => $this->_apiversion,
263 ];
264 $result = $this->civicrm_api($entity, 'getvalue', $params);
265 if (is_array($result) && (!empty($result['is_error']) || isset($result['values']))) {
266 throw new \CRM_Core_Exception('Invalid getvalue result' . print_r($result, TRUE));
267 }
268 if ($type) {
269 if ($type === 'integer') {
270 // api seems to return integers as strings
271 $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($result), "expected a numeric value but got " . print_r($result, 1));
272 }
273 else {
274 $this->assertType($type, $result, "returned result should have been of type $type but was ");
275 }
276 }
277 return $result;
278 }
280 /**
281 * A stub for the API interface. This can be overriden by subclasses to change how the API is called.
282 *
283 * @param $entity
284 * @param $action
285 * @param array $params
286 * @return array|int
287 */
288 public function civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params = []) {
289 if (($params['version'] ?? 0) == 4) {
290 return $this->runApi4Legacy($entity, $action, $params);
291 }
292 return civicrm_api($entity, $action, $params);
293 }
295 /**
296 * Emulate v3 syntax so we can run api3 tests on v4
297 *
298 * @param $v3Entity
299 * @param $v3Action
300 * @param array $v3Params
301 * @return array|int
302 * @throws \API_Exception
303 * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
304 * @throws \Exception
305 */
306 public function runApi4Legacy($v3Entity, $v3Action, $v3Params = []) {
307 $v4Entity = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::convertEntityNameToCamel($v3Entity);
308 $v4Action = $v3Action = strtolower($v3Action);
309 $v4Params = ['checkPermissions' => isset($v3Params['check_permissions']) ? (bool) $v3Params['check_permissions'] : FALSE];
310 $sequential = !empty($v3Params['sequential']);
311 $options = \_civicrm_api3_get_options_from_params($v3Params, in_array($v4Entity, ['Contact', 'Participant', 'Event', 'Group', 'Contribution', 'Membership']));
312 $indexBy = in_array($v3Action, ['get', 'create', 'replace']) && !$sequential ? 'id' : NULL;
313 $onlyId = !empty($v3Params['format.only_id']);
314 $onlySuccess = !empty($v3Params['format.is_success']);
315 if (!empty($v3Params['filters']['is_current']) || !empty($v3Params['isCurrent'])) {
316 $v4Params['current'] = TRUE;
317 }
318 $language = $v3Params['options']['language'] ?? $v3Params['option.language'] ?? NULL;
319 if ($language) {
320 $v4Params['language'] = $language;
321 }
322 $toRemove = ['option.', 'return', 'api.', 'format.'];
323 $chains = $joins = $custom = [];
324 foreach ($v3Params as $key => $val) {
325 foreach ($toRemove as $remove) {
326 if (strpos($key, $remove) === 0) {
327 if ($remove == 'api.') {
328 $chains[$key] = $val;
329 }
330 unset($v3Params[$key]);
331 }
332 }
333 }
335 $v3Fields = civicrm_api3($v3Entity, 'getfields', ['action' => $v3Action])['values'];
337 // Fix 'null'
338 foreach ($v3Params as $key => $val) {
339 if ($val === 'null') {
340 $v3Params[$key] = NULL;
341 }
342 }
344 if ($v4Entity == 'Setting') {
345 $indexBy = NULL;
346 $v4Params['domainId'] = $v3Params['domain_id'] ?? NULL;
347 if ($v3Action == 'getfields') {
348 if (!empty($v3Params['name'])) {
349 $v3Params['filters']['name'] = $v3Params['name'];
350 }
351 foreach ($v3Params['filters'] ?? [] as $filter => $val) {
352 $v4Params['where'][] = [$filter, '=', $val];
353 }
354 }
355 if ($v3Action == 'create') {
356 $v4Action = 'set';
357 }
358 if ($v3Action == 'revert') {
359 $v4Params['select'] = (array) $v3Params['name'];
360 }
361 if ($v3Action == 'getvalue') {
362 $options['return'] = [$v3Params['name'] => 1];
363 $v3Params = [];
364 }
365 \CRM_Utils_Array::remove($v3Params, 'domain_id', 'name');
366 }
368 \CRM_Utils_Array::remove($v3Params, 'options', 'debug', 'version', 'sort', 'offset', 'rowCount', 'check_permissions', 'sequential', 'filters', 'isCurrent');
370 // Work around ugly hack in v3 Domain api
371 if ($v4Entity == 'Domain') {
372 $v3Fields['version'] = ['name' => 'version', 'api.aliases' => ['domain_version']];
373 unset($v3Fields['domain_version']);
374 }
376 foreach ($v3Fields as $name => $field) {
377 // Resolve v3 aliases
378 foreach ($field['api.aliases'] ?? [] as $alias) {
379 if (isset($v3Params[$alias])) {
380 $v3Params[$field['name']] = $v3Params[$alias];
381 unset($v3Params[$alias]);
382 }
383 }
384 // Convert custom field names
385 if (strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0 && is_numeric($name[7])) {
386 // Strictly speaking, using titles instead of names is incorrect, but it works for
387 // unit tests where names and titles are identical and saves an extra db lookup.
388 $custom[$field['groupTitle']][$field['title']] = $name;
389 $v4FieldName = $field['groupTitle'] . '.' . $field['title'];
390 if (isset($v3Params[$name])) {
391 $v3Params[$v4FieldName] = $v3Params[$name];
392 unset($v3Params[$name]);
393 }
394 if (isset($options['return'][$name])) {
395 $options['return'][$v4FieldName] = 1;
396 unset($options['return'][$name]);
397 }
398 }
400 if ($name === 'option_group_id' && isset($v3Params[$name]) && !is_numeric($v3Params[$name])) {
401 // This is a per field hack (bad) but we can't solve everything at once
402 // & a cleverer way turned out to be too much for this round.
403 // Being in the test class it's tested....
404 $v3Params[''] = $v3Params['option_group_id'];
405 unset($v3Params['option_group_id']);
406 }
407 if (isset($field['pseudoconstant'], $v3Params[$name]) && $field['type'] === \CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT && !is_numeric($v3Params[$name])) {
408 $v3Params[$name] = \CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey(\CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getFullName($v3Entity), $name, $v3Params[$name]);
409 }
410 }
412 switch ($v3Action) {
413 case 'getcount':
414 $v4Params['select'] = ['row_count'];
415 // No break - keep processing as get
416 case 'getsingle':
417 case 'getvalue':
418 $v4Action = 'get';
419 // No break - keep processing as get
420 case 'get':
421 if ($options['return'] && $v3Action !== 'getcount') {
422 $v4Params['select'] = array_keys($options['return']);
423 // Ensure id field is returned as v3 always expects it
424 if ($v4Entity != 'Setting' && !in_array('id', $v4Params['select'])) {
425 $v4Params['select'][] = 'id';
426 }
427 // Convert join syntax
428 foreach ($v4Params['select'] as $idx => $select) {
429 if (strstr($select, '_id.')) {
430 $joins[$select] = $v4Params['select'][$idx] = str_replace('_id.', '.', $select);
431 }
432 }
433 }
434 if ($options['limit'] && $v4Entity != 'Setting') {
435 $v4Params['limit'] = $options['limit'];
436 }
437 if ($options['offset']) {
438 $v4Params['offset'] = $options['offset'];
439 }
440 if ($options['sort']) {
441 foreach (explode(',', $options['sort']) as $sort) {
442 list($sortField, $sortDir) = array_pad(explode(' ', trim($sort)), 2, 'ASC');
443 $v4Params['orderBy'][$sortField] = $sortDir;
444 }
445 }
446 break;
448 case 'replace':
449 if (empty($v3Params['values'])) {
450 $v4Action = 'delete';
451 }
452 else {
453 $v4Params['records'] = $v3Params['values'];
454 }
455 unset($v3Params['values']);
456 break;
458 case 'create':
459 case 'update':
460 if (!empty($v3Params['id'])) {
461 $v4Action = 'update';
462 $v4Params['where'][] = ['id', '=', $v3Params['id']];
463 }
465 $v4Params['values'] = $v3Params;
466 unset($v4Params['values']['id']);
467 break;
469 case 'delete':
470 if (isset($v3Params['id'])) {
471 $v4Params['where'][] = ['id', '=', $v3Params['id']];
472 }
473 break;
475 case 'getoptions':
476 $indexBy = 0;
477 $v4Action = 'getFields';
478 $v4Params += [
479 'where' => [['name', '=', $v3Params['field']]],
480 'loadOptions' => TRUE,
481 ];
482 break;
484 case 'getfields':
485 $v4Action = 'getFields';
486 if (!empty($v3Params['action']) || !empty($v3Params['api_action'])) {
487 $v4Params['action'] = !empty($v3Params['action']) ? $v3Params['action'] : $v3Params['api_action'];
488 }
489 $indexBy = !$sequential ? 'name' : NULL;
490 break;
491 }
493 // Ensure this api4 entity/action exists
494 try {
495 $actionInfo = \civicrm_api4($v4Entity, 'getActions', ['checkPermissions' => FALSE, 'where' => [['name', '=', $v4Action]]]);
496 }
497 catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
498 // For now we'll mark the test incomplete if a v4 entity doesn't exit yet
499 $this->markTestIncomplete($e->getMessage());
500 }
501 if (!isset($actionInfo[0])) {
502 throw new \Exception("Api4 $v4Entity $v4Action does not exist.");
503 }
505 // Migrate special params like fix_address
506 foreach ($actionInfo[0]['params'] as $v4ParamName => $paramInfo) {
507 // camelCase in api4, lower_case in api3
508 $v3ParamName = strtolower(preg_replace('/(?=[A-Z])/', '_$0', $v4ParamName));
509 if (isset($v3Params[$v3ParamName])) {
510 $v4Params[$v4ParamName] = $v3Params[$v3ParamName];
511 unset($v3Params[$v3ParamName]);
512 if ($paramInfo['type'][0] == 'bool') {
513 $v4Params[$v4ParamName] = (bool) $v4Params[$v4ParamName];
514 }
515 }
516 }
518 // Build where clause for 'getcount', 'getsingle', 'getvalue', 'get' & 'replace'
519 if ($v4Action == 'get' || $v3Action == 'replace') {
520 foreach ($v3Params as $key => $val) {
521 $op = '=';
522 if (is_array($val) && count($val) == 1 && array_intersect_key($val, array_flip(\CRM_Core_DAO::acceptedSQLOperators()))) {
523 foreach ($val as $op => $newVal) {
524 $val = $newVal;
525 }
526 }
527 $v4Params['where'][] = [$key, $op, $val];
528 }
529 }
531 try {
532 $result = \civicrm_api4($v4Entity, $v4Action, $v4Params, $indexBy);
533 }
534 catch (\Exception $e) {
535 return $onlySuccess ? 0 : [
536 'is_error' => 1,
537 'error_message' => $e->getMessage(),
538 'version' => 4,
539 ];
540 }
542 if (($v3Action == 'getsingle' || $v3Action == 'getvalue' || $v3Action == 'delete') && count($result) != 1) {
543 return $onlySuccess ? 0 : [
544 'is_error' => 1,
545 'error_message' => "Expected one $v4Entity but found " . count($result),
546 'count' => count($result),
547 ];
548 }
550 if ($onlySuccess) {
551 return 1;
552 }
554 if ($v3Action == 'getcount') {
555 return $result->count();
556 }
558 if ($onlyId) {
559 return $result->first()['id'];
560 }
562 if ($v3Action == 'getvalue' && $v4Entity == 'Setting') {
563 return $result->first()['value'] ?? NULL;
564 }
566 if ($v3Action == 'getvalue') {
567 $returnKey = array_keys($options['return'])[0];
568 return $result->first()[$returnKey] ?? NULL;
569 }
571 // Mimic api3 behavior when using 'replace' action to delete all
572 if ($v3Action == 'replace' && $v4Action == 'delete') {
573 $result->exchangeArray([]);
574 }
576 if ($v3Action == 'getoptions') {
577 return [
578 'is_error' => 0,
579 'count' => $result['options'] ? count($result['options']) : 0,
580 'values' => $result['options'] ?: [],
581 'version' => 4,
582 ];
583 }
585 // Emulate the weird return format of api3 settings
586 if (($v3Action == 'get' || $v3Action == 'create') && $v4Entity == 'Setting') {
587 $settings = [];
588 foreach ($result as $item) {
589 $settings[$item['domain_id']][$item['name']] = $item['value'];
590 }
591 $result->exchangeArray($sequential ? array_values($settings) : $settings);
592 }
594 foreach ($result as $index => $row) {
595 // Run chains
596 foreach ($chains as $key => $params) {
597 $result[$index][$key] = $this->runApi4LegacyChain($key, $params, $v4Entity, $row, $sequential);
598 }
599 // Convert join format
600 foreach ($joins as $api3Key => $api4Key) {
601 $result[$index][$api3Key] = $result[$index][$api4Key] ?? NULL;
602 }
603 // Resolve custom field names
604 foreach ($custom as $group => $fields) {
605 foreach ($fields as $field => $v3FieldName) {
606 if (isset($row["$group.$field"])) {
607 $result[$index][$v3FieldName] = $row["$group.$field"];
608 unset($result[$index]["$group.$field"]);
609 }
610 }
611 }
612 }
614 if ($v3Action == 'getsingle') {
615 return $result->first();
616 }
618 return [
619 'is_error' => 0,
620 'version' => 4,
621 'count' => count($result),
622 'values' => (array) $result,
623 'id' => is_object($result) && count($result) == 1 ? ($result->first()['id'] ?? NULL) : NULL,
624 ];
625 }
627 /**
628 * @param string $key
629 * @param mixed $params
630 * @param string $mainEntity
631 * @param array $result
632 * @param bool $sequential
633 * @return array
634 * @throws \API_Exception
635 */
636 protected function runApi4LegacyChain($key, $params, $mainEntity, $result, $sequential) {
637 // Handle an array of multiple calls using recursion
638 if (is_array($params) && isset($params[0]) && is_array($params[0])) {
639 $results = [];
640 foreach ($params as $chain) {
641 $results[] = $this->runApi4LegacyChain($key, $chain, $mainEntity, $result, $sequential);
642 }
643 return $results;
644 }
646 // Handle single api call
647 list(, $chainEntity, $chainAction) = explode('.', $key);
648 $lcChainEntity = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::convertEntityNameToLower($chainEntity);
649 $chainEntity = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::convertEntityNameToCamel($chainEntity);
650 $lcMainEntity = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::convertEntityNameToLower($mainEntity);
651 $params = is_array($params) ? $params : [];
653 // Api3 expects this to be inherited
654 $params += ['sequential' => $sequential];
656 // Replace $value.field_name
657 foreach ($params as $name => $param) {
658 if (is_string($param) && strpos($param, '$value.') === 0) {
659 $param = substr($param, 7);
660 $params[$name] = $result[$param] ?? NULL;
661 }
662 }
664 try {
665 $getFields = civicrm_api4($chainEntity, 'getFields', ['select' => ['name']], 'name');
666 }
667 catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
668 $this->markTestIncomplete($e->getMessage());
669 }
671 // Emulate the string-fu guesswork that api3 does
672 if ($chainEntity == $mainEntity && empty($params['id']) && !empty($result['id'])) {
673 $params['id'] = $result['id'];
674 }
675 elseif (empty($params['id']) && !empty($result[$lcChainEntity . '_id'])) {
676 $params['id'] = $result[$lcChainEntity . '_id'];
677 }
678 elseif (!empty($result['id']) && isset($getFields[$lcMainEntity . '_id']) && empty($params[$lcMainEntity . '_id'])) {
679 $params[$lcMainEntity . '_id'] = $result['id'];
680 }
681 return $this->runApi4Legacy($chainEntity, $chainAction, $params);
682 }
684 }