[civicrm-core.git] / Civi / Api4 / Query / Api4SelectQuery.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
5 | |
6 | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
7 | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
8 | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
9 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
10 */
12 namespace Civi\Api4\Query;
14 use Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException;
15 use Civi\Api4\Service\Schema\Joinable\CustomGroupJoinable;
16 use Civi\Api4\Utils\FormattingUtil;
17 use Civi\Api4\Utils\CoreUtil;
18 use Civi\Api4\Utils\SelectUtil;
20 /**
21 * A query `node` may be in one of three formats:
22 *
23 * * leaf: [$fieldName, $operator, $criteria]
24 * * negated: ['NOT', $node]
25 * * branch: ['OR|NOT', [$node, $node, ...]]
26 *
27 * Leaf operators are one of:
28 *
29 * * '=', '<=', '>=', '>', '<', 'LIKE', "<>", "!=",
32 * * 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP'.
33 */
34 class Api4SelectQuery {
36 const
38 UNLIMITED = '18446744073709551615';
40 /**
41 * @var \CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
42 */
43 protected $query;
45 /**
46 * @var array
47 */
48 protected $joins = [];
50 /**
51 * Used to keep track of implicit join table aliases
52 * @var array
53 */
54 protected $joinTree = [];
56 /**
57 * Used to create a unique table alias for each implicit join
58 * @var int
59 */
60 protected $autoJoinSuffix = 0;
62 /**
63 * @var array[]
64 */
65 protected $apiFieldSpec;
67 /**
68 * @var array
69 */
70 protected $aclFields = [];
72 /**
73 * @var \Civi\Api4\Generic\DAOGetAction
74 */
75 private $api;
77 /**
78 * @var array
79 * [alias => expr][]
80 */
81 protected $selectAliases = [];
83 /**
84 * @var bool
85 */
86 public $forceSelectId = TRUE;
88 /**
89 * @var array
90 */
91 private $explicitJoins = [];
93 /**
94 * @var array
95 */
96 private $entityAccess = [];
98 /**
99 * @param \Civi\Api4\Generic\DAOGetAction $apiGet
100 */
101 public function __construct($apiGet) {
102 $this->api = $apiGet;
104 // Always select ID of main table unless grouping by something else
105 $keys = CoreUtil::getInfoItem($this->getEntity(), 'primary_key');
106 $this->forceSelectId = !$this->isAggregateQuery() || array_intersect($this->getGroupBy(), $keys);
108 // Build field lists
109 foreach ($this->api->entityFields() as $field) {
110 $field['sql_name'] = '`' . self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
111 $this->addSpecField($field['name'], $field);
112 }
114 $tableName = CoreUtil::getTableName($this->getEntity());
115 $this->query = \CRM_Utils_SQL_Select::from($tableName . ' ' . self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS);
117 $this->entityAccess[$this->getEntity()] = TRUE;
119 // Add ACLs first to avoid redundant subclauses
120 $baoName = CoreUtil::getBAOFromApiName($this->getEntity());
121 $this->query->where($this->getAclClause(self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS, $baoName));
123 // Add explicit joins. Other joins implied by dot notation may be added later
124 $this->addExplicitJoins();
125 }
127 protected function isAggregateQuery() {
128 if ($this->getGroupBy()) {
129 return TRUE;
130 }
131 foreach ($this->getSelect() as $sql) {
132 $classname = get_class(SqlExpression::convert($sql, TRUE));
133 if (method_exists($classname, 'getCategory') && $classname::getCategory() === SqlFunction::CATEGORY_AGGREGATE) {
134 return TRUE;
135 }
136 }
137 return FALSE;
138 }
140 /**
141 * Builds main final sql statement after initialization.
142 *
143 * @return string
144 * @throws \API_Exception
145 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
146 */
147 public function getSql() {
148 $this->buildSelectClause();
149 $this->buildWhereClause();
150 $this->buildOrderBy();
151 $this->buildLimit();
152 $this->buildGroupBy();
153 $this->buildHavingClause();
154 return $this->query->toSQL();
155 }
157 /**
158 * Why walk when you can
159 *
160 * @return array
161 */
162 public function run() {
163 $results = [];
164 $sql = $this->getSql();
165 $this->debug('sql', $sql);
166 $query = \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
167 while ($query->fetch()) {
168 $result = [];
169 foreach ($this->selectAliases as $alias => $expr) {
170 $returnName = $alias;
171 $alias = str_replace('.', '_', $alias);
172 $result[$returnName] = property_exists($query, $alias) ? $query->$alias : NULL;
173 }
174 $results[] = $result;
175 }
176 FormattingUtil::formatOutputValues($results, $this->apiFieldSpec, $this->getEntity(), 'get', $this->selectAliases);
177 return $results;
178 }
180 /**
181 * @return int
182 * @throws \API_Exception
183 */
184 public function getCount() {
185 $this->buildWhereClause();
186 // If no having or groupBy, we only need to select count
187 if (!$this->getHaving() && !$this->getGroupBy()) {
188 $this->query->select('COUNT(*) AS `c`');
189 $sql = $this->query->toSQL();
190 }
191 // Use a subquery to count groups from GROUP BY or results filtered by HAVING
192 else {
193 // With no HAVING, just select the last field grouped by
194 if (!$this->getHaving()) {
195 $select = array_slice($this->getGroupBy(), -1);
196 }
197 $this->buildSelectClause($select ?? NULL);
198 $this->buildHavingClause();
199 $this->buildGroupBy();
200 $subquery = $this->query->toSQL();
201 $sql = "SELECT count(*) AS `c` FROM ( $subquery ) AS `rows`";
202 }
203 $this->debug('sql', $sql);
204 return (int) \CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql);
205 }
207 /**
208 * @param array $select
209 * Array of select expressions; defaults to $this->getSelect
210 * @throws \API_Exception
211 */
212 protected function buildSelectClause($select = NULL) {
213 // Use default if select not provided, exclude row_count which is handled elsewhere
214 $select = array_diff($select ?? $this->getSelect(), ['row_count']);
215 // An empty select is the same as *
216 if (empty($select)) {
217 $select = $this->selectMatchingFields('*');
218 }
219 else {
220 if ($this->forceSelectId) {
221 $keys = CoreUtil::getInfoItem($this->getEntity(), 'primary_key');
222 $select = array_merge($keys, $select);
223 }
225 // Expand the superstar 'custom.*' to select all fields in all custom groups
226 $customStar = array_search('custom.*', array_values($select), TRUE);
227 if ($customStar !== FALSE) {
228 $customGroups = civicrm_api4($this->getEntity(), 'getFields', [
229 'checkPermissions' => FALSE,
230 'where' => [['custom_group', 'IS NOT NULL']],
231 ], ['custom_group' => 'custom_group']);
232 $customSelect = [];
233 foreach ($customGroups as $groupName) {
234 $customSelect[] = "$groupName.*";
235 }
236 array_splice($select, $customStar, 1, $customSelect);
237 }
239 // Expand wildcards in joins (the api wrapper already expanded non-joined wildcards)
240 $wildFields = array_filter($select, function($item) {
241 return strpos($item, '*') !== FALSE && strpos($item, '.') !== FALSE && strpos($item, '(') === FALSE && strpos($item, ' ') === FALSE;
242 });
244 foreach ($wildFields as $wildField) {
245 $pos = array_search($wildField, array_values($select));
246 // If the joined_entity.id isn't in the fieldspec already, autoJoinFK will attempt to add the entity.
247 $fkField = substr($wildField, 0, strrpos($wildField, '.'));
248 $fkEntity = $this->getField($fkField)['fk_entity'] ?? NULL;
249 $id = $fkEntity ? CoreUtil::getIdFieldName($fkEntity) : 'id';
250 $this->autoJoinFK($fkField . ".$id");
251 $matches = $this->selectMatchingFields($wildField);
252 array_splice($select, $pos, 1, $matches);
253 }
254 $select = array_unique($select);
255 }
256 foreach ($select as $item) {
257 $expr = SqlExpression::convert($item, TRUE);
258 $valid = TRUE;
259 foreach ($expr->getFields() as $fieldName) {
260 $field = $this->getField($fieldName);
261 // Remove expressions with unknown fields without raising an error
262 if (!$field || $field['type'] === 'Filter') {
263 $select = array_diff($select, [$item]);
264 $valid = FALSE;
265 }
266 }
267 if ($valid) {
268 $alias = $expr->getAlias();
269 if ($alias != $expr->getExpr() && isset($this->apiFieldSpec[$alias])) {
270 throw new \API_Exception('Cannot use existing field name as alias');
271 }
272 $this->selectAliases[$alias] = $expr->getExpr();
273 $this->query->select($expr->render($this->apiFieldSpec) . " AS `$alias`");
274 }
275 }
276 }
278 /**
279 * Get all fields for SELECT clause matching a wildcard pattern
280 *
281 * @param $pattern
282 * @return array
283 */
284 private function selectMatchingFields($pattern) {
285 // Only core & custom fields can be selected
286 $availableFields = array_filter($this->apiFieldSpec, function($field) {
287 return is_array($field) && in_array($field['type'], ['Field', 'Custom'], TRUE);
288 });
289 return SelectUtil::getMatchingFields($pattern, array_keys($availableFields));
290 }
292 /**
293 * Add WHERE clause to query
294 */
295 protected function buildWhereClause() {
296 foreach ($this->getWhere() as $clause) {
297 $sql = $this->treeWalkClauses($clause, 'WHERE');
298 if ($sql) {
299 $this->query->where($sql);
300 }
301 }
302 }
304 /**
305 * Add HAVING clause to query
306 *
307 * Every expression referenced must also be in the SELECT clause.
308 */
309 protected function buildHavingClause() {
310 foreach ($this->getHaving() as $clause) {
311 $sql = $this->treeWalkClauses($clause, 'HAVING');
312 if ($sql) {
313 $this->query->having($sql);
314 }
315 }
316 }
318 /**
319 * Add ORDER BY to query
320 */
321 protected function buildOrderBy() {
322 foreach ($this->getOrderBy() as $item => $dir) {
323 if ($dir !== 'ASC' && $dir !== 'DESC') {
324 throw new \API_Exception("Invalid sort direction. Cannot order by $item $dir");
325 }
327 try {
328 $expr = $this->getExpression($item);
329 $column = $expr->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
331 // Use FIELD() function to sort on pseudoconstant values
332 $suffix = strstr($item, ':');
333 if ($suffix && $expr->getType() === 'SqlField') {
334 $field = $this->getField($item);
335 $options = FormattingUtil::getPseudoconstantList($field, $item);
336 if ($options) {
337 asort($options);
338 $column = "FIELD($column,'" . implode("','", array_keys($options)) . "')";
339 }
340 }
341 }
342 // If the expression could not be rendered, it might be a field alias
343 catch (\API_Exception $e) {
344 // Silently ignore fields the user lacks permission to see
345 if (is_a($e, 'Civi\API\Exception\UnauthorizedException')) {
346 $this->debug('unauthorized_fields', $item);
347 continue;
348 }
349 if (!empty($this->selectAliases[$item])) {
350 $column = '`' . $item . '`';
351 }
352 else {
353 throw new \API_Exception("Invalid field '{$item}'");
354 }
355 }
357 $this->query->orderBy("$column $dir");
358 }
359 }
361 /**
362 * Add LIMIT to query
363 *
364 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
365 */
366 protected function buildLimit() {
367 if ($this->getLimit() || $this->getOffset()) {
368 // If limit is 0, mysql will actually return 0 results. Instead set to maximum possible.
369 $this->query->limit($this->getLimit() ?: self::UNLIMITED, $this->getOffset());
370 }
371 }
373 /**
374 * Add GROUP BY clause to query
375 */
376 protected function buildGroupBy() {
377 foreach ($this->getGroupBy() as $item) {
378 $this->query->groupBy($this->getExpression($item)->render($this->apiFieldSpec));
379 }
380 }
382 /**
383 * Recursively validate and transform a branch or leaf clause array to SQL.
384 *
385 * @param array $clause
386 * @param string $type
388 * @param int $depth
389 * @return string SQL where clause
390 *
391 * @throws \API_Exception
392 * @uses composeClause() to generate the SQL etc.
393 */
394 protected function treeWalkClauses($clause, $type, $depth = 0) {
395 // Skip empty leaf.
396 if (in_array($clause[0], ['AND', 'OR', 'NOT']) && empty($clause[1])) {
397 return '';
398 }
399 switch ($clause[0]) {
400 case 'OR':
401 case 'AND':
402 // handle branches
403 if (count($clause[1]) === 1) {
404 // a single set so AND|OR is immaterial
405 return $this->treeWalkClauses($clause[1][0], $type, $depth + 1);
406 }
407 else {
408 $sql_subclauses = [];
409 foreach ($clause[1] as $subclause) {
410 $sql_subclauses[] = $this->treeWalkClauses($subclause, $type, $depth + 1);
411 }
412 return '(' . implode("\n" . $clause[0] . ' ', $sql_subclauses) . ')';
413 }
415 case 'NOT':
416 // If we get a group of clauses with no operator, assume AND
417 if (!is_string($clause[1][0])) {
418 $clause[1] = ['AND', $clause[1]];
419 }
420 return 'NOT (' . $this->treeWalkClauses($clause[1], $type, $depth + 1) . ')';
422 default:
423 try {
424 return $this->composeClause($clause, $type, $depth);
425 }
426 // Silently ignore fields the user lacks permission to see
427 catch (UnauthorizedException $e) {
428 return '';
429 }
430 }
431 }
433 /**
434 * Validate and transform a leaf clause array to SQL.
435 * @param array $clause [$fieldName, $operator, $criteria, $isExpression]
436 * @param string $type
438 * @param int $depth
439 * @return string SQL
440 * @throws \API_Exception
441 * @throws \Exception
442 */
443 protected function composeClause(array $clause, string $type, int $depth) {
444 $field = NULL;
445 // Pad array for unary operators
446 [$expr, $operator, $value] = array_pad($clause, 3, NULL);
447 $isExpression = $clause[3] ?? FALSE;
448 if (!in_array($operator, CoreUtil::getOperators(), TRUE)) {
449 throw new \API_Exception('Illegal operator');
450 }
452 // For WHERE clause, expr must be the name of a field.
453 if ($type === 'WHERE' && !$isExpression) {
454 $field = $this->getField($expr, TRUE);
455 FormattingUtil::formatInputValue($value, $expr, $field, $operator);
456 $fieldAlias = $this->getExpression($expr)->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
457 }
458 // For HAVING, expr must be an item in the SELECT clause
459 elseif ($type === 'HAVING') {
460 // Expr references a fieldName or alias
461 if (isset($this->selectAliases[$expr])) {
462 $fieldAlias = $expr;
463 // Attempt to format if this is a real field
464 if (isset($this->apiFieldSpec[$expr])) {
465 $field = $this->getField($expr);
466 FormattingUtil::formatInputValue($value, $expr, $field, $operator);
467 }
468 }
469 // Expr references a non-field expression like a function; convert to alias
470 elseif (in_array($expr, $this->selectAliases)) {
471 $fieldAlias = array_search($expr, $this->selectAliases);
472 }
473 // If either the having or select field contains a pseudoconstant suffix, match and perform substitution
474 else {
475 list($fieldName) = explode(':', $expr);
476 foreach ($this->selectAliases as $selectAlias => $selectExpr) {
477 list($selectField) = explode(':', $selectAlias);
478 if ($selectAlias === $selectExpr && $fieldName === $selectField && isset($this->apiFieldSpec[$fieldName])) {
479 $field = $this->getField($fieldName);
480 FormattingUtil::formatInputValue($value, $expr, $field, $operator);
481 $fieldAlias = $selectAlias;
482 break;
483 }
484 }
485 }
486 if (!isset($fieldAlias)) {
487 if (in_array($expr, $this->getSelect())) {
488 throw new UnauthorizedException("Unauthorized field '$expr'");
489 }
490 else {
491 throw new \API_Exception("Invalid expression in HAVING clause: '$expr'. Must use a value from SELECT clause.");
492 }
493 }
494 $fieldAlias = '`' . $fieldAlias . '`';
495 }
496 elseif ($type === 'ON' || ($type === 'WHERE' && $isExpression)) {
497 $expr = $this->getExpression($expr);
498 $fieldName = count($expr->getFields()) === 1 ? $expr->getFields()[0] : NULL;
499 $fieldAlias = $expr->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
500 if (is_string($value)) {
501 $valExpr = $this->getExpression($value);
502 if ($fieldName && $valExpr->getType() === 'SqlString') {
503 $value = $valExpr->getExpr();
504 FormattingUtil::formatInputValue($value, $fieldName, $this->apiFieldSpec[$fieldName], $operator);
505 return $this->createSQLClause($fieldAlias, $operator, $value, $this->apiFieldSpec[$fieldName], $depth);
506 }
507 else {
508 $value = $valExpr->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
509 return sprintf('%s %s %s', $fieldAlias, $operator, $value);
510 }
511 }
512 elseif ($fieldName) {
513 $field = $this->getField($fieldName);
514 FormattingUtil::formatInputValue($value, $fieldName, $field, $operator);
515 }
516 }
518 $sqlClause = $this->createSQLClause($fieldAlias, $operator, $value, $field, $depth);
519 if ($sqlClause === NULL) {
520 throw new \API_Exception("Invalid value in $type clause for '$expr'");
521 }
522 return $sqlClause;
523 }
525 /**
526 * @param string $fieldAlias
527 * @param string $operator
528 * @param mixed $value
529 * @param array|null $field
530 * @param int $depth
531 * @return array|string|NULL
532 * @throws \Exception
533 */
534 protected function createSQLClause($fieldAlias, $operator, $value, $field, int $depth) {
535 if (!empty($field['operators']) && !in_array($operator, $field['operators'], TRUE)) {
536 throw new \API_Exception('Illegal operator for ' . $field['name']);
537 }
538 // Some fields use a callback to generate their sql
539 if (!empty($field['sql_filters'])) {
540 $sql = [];
541 foreach ($field['sql_filters'] as $filter) {
542 $clause = is_callable($filter) ? $filter($field, $fieldAlias, $operator, $value, $this, $depth) : NULL;
543 if ($clause) {
544 $sql[] = $clause;
545 }
546 }
547 return $sql ? implode(' AND ', $sql) : NULL;
548 }
549 if ($operator === 'CONTAINS') {
550 switch ($field['serialize'] ?? NULL) {
552 $operator = 'LIKE';
553 $value = '%"' . $value . '"%';
554 // FIXME: Use this instead of the above hack once MIN_INSTALL_MYSQL_VER is bumped to 5.7.
555 // return sprintf('JSON_SEARCH(%s, "one", "%s") IS NOT NULL', $fieldAlias, \CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($value));
556 break;
559 $operator = 'LIKE';
560 $value = '%' . \CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . $value . \CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . '%';
561 break;
563 default:
564 $operator = 'LIKE';
565 $value = '%' . $value . '%';
566 break;
567 }
568 }
570 if ($operator === 'IS EMPTY' || $operator === 'IS NOT EMPTY') {
571 // If field is not a string or number, this will pass through and use IS NULL/IS NOT NULL
572 $operator = str_replace('EMPTY', 'NULL', $operator);
573 // For strings & numbers, create an OR grouping of empty value OR null
574 if (in_array($field['data_type'] ?? NULL, ['String', 'Integer', 'Float'], TRUE)) {
575 $emptyVal = $field['data_type'] === 'String' ? '""' : '0';
576 $isEmptyClause = $operator === 'IS NULL' ? "= $emptyVal OR" : "<> $emptyVal AND";
577 return "($fieldAlias $isEmptyClause $fieldAlias $operator)";
578 }
579 }
581 if ($operator == 'REGEXP' || $operator == 'NOT REGEXP') {
582 return sprintf('%s %s "%s"', $fieldAlias, $operator, \CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($value));
583 }
585 if (is_bool($value)) {
586 $value = (int) $value;
587 }
589 return \CRM_Core_DAO::createSQLFilter($fieldAlias, [$operator => $value]);
590 }
592 /**
593 * @param string $expr
594 * @return SqlExpression
595 * @throws \API_Exception
596 */
597 protected function getExpression(string $expr) {
598 $sqlExpr = SqlExpression::convert($expr);
599 foreach ($sqlExpr->getFields() as $fieldName) {
600 $this->getField($fieldName, TRUE);
601 }
602 return $sqlExpr;
603 }
605 /**
606 * Get acl clause for an entity
607 *
608 * @param string $tableAlias
609 * @param \CRM_Core_DAO|string $baoName
610 * @param array $stack
611 * @return array
612 */
613 public function getAclClause($tableAlias, $baoName, $stack = []) {
614 if (!$this->getCheckPermissions()) {
615 return [];
616 }
617 // Prevent (most) redundant acl sub clauses if they have already been applied to the main entity.
618 // FIXME: Currently this only works 1 level deep, but tracking through multiple joins would increase complexity
619 // and just doing it for the first join takes care of most acl clause deduping.
620 if (count($stack) === 1 && in_array(reset($stack), $this->aclFields, TRUE)) {
621 return [];
622 }
623 $clauses = $baoName::getSelectWhereClause($tableAlias);
624 if (!$stack) {
625 // Track field clauses added to the main entity
626 $this->aclFields = array_keys($clauses);
627 }
628 return array_filter($clauses);
629 }
631 /**
632 * Fetch a field from the getFields list
633 *
634 * @param string $expr
635 * @param bool $strict
636 * In strict mode, this will throw an exception if the field doesn't exist
637 *
638 * @return array|null
639 * @throws \API_Exception
640 */
641 public function getField($expr, $strict = FALSE) {
642 // If the expression contains a pseudoconstant filter like activity_type_id:label,
643 // strip it to look up the base field name, then add the field:filter key to apiFieldSpec
644 $col = strpos($expr, ':');
645 $fieldName = $col ? substr($expr, 0, $col) : $expr;
646 // Perform join if field not yet available - this will add it to apiFieldSpec
647 if (!isset($this->apiFieldSpec[$fieldName]) && strpos($fieldName, '.')) {
648 $this->autoJoinFK($fieldName);
649 }
650 $field = $this->apiFieldSpec[$fieldName] ?? NULL;
651 if (!$field) {
652 $this->debug($field === FALSE ? 'unauthorized_fields' : 'undefined_fields', $fieldName);
653 }
654 if ($strict && $field === NULL) {
655 throw new \API_Exception("Invalid field '$fieldName'");
656 }
657 if ($strict && $field === FALSE) {
658 throw new UnauthorizedException("Unauthorized field '$fieldName'");
659 }
660 if ($field) {
661 $this->apiFieldSpec[$expr] = $field;
662 }
663 return $field;
664 }
666 /**
667 * Check the "gatekeeper" permissions for performing "get" on a given entity.
668 *
669 * @param $entity
670 * @return bool
671 */
672 public function checkEntityAccess($entity) {
673 if (!$this->getCheckPermissions()) {
674 return TRUE;
675 }
676 if (!isset($this->entityAccess[$entity])) {
677 $this->entityAccess[$entity] = (bool) civicrm_api4($entity, 'getActions', [
678 'where' => [['name', '=', 'get']],
679 'select' => ['name'],
680 ])->first();
681 }
682 return $this->entityAccess[$entity];
683 }
685 /**
686 * Join onto other entities as specified by the api call.
687 *
688 * @throws \API_Exception
689 * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\NotImplementedException
690 */
691 private function addExplicitJoins() {
692 foreach ($this->getJoin() as $join) {
693 // First item in the array is the entity name
694 $entity = array_shift($join);
695 // Which might contain an alias. Split on the keyword "AS"
696 list($entity, $alias) = array_pad(explode(' AS ', $entity), 2, NULL);
697 // Ensure permissions
698 if (!$this->checkEntityAccess($entity)) {
699 continue;
700 }
701 // Ensure alias is a safe string, and supply default if not given
702 $alias = $alias ?: strtolower($entity);
703 if ($alias === self::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS || !preg_match('/^[-\w]{1,256}$/', $alias)) {
704 throw new \API_Exception('Illegal join alias: "' . $alias . '"');
705 }
706 // First item in the array is a boolean indicating if the join is required (aka INNER or LEFT).
707 // The rest are join conditions.
708 $side = array_shift($join);
709 // If omitted, supply default (LEFT); and legacy support for boolean values
710 if (!is_string($side)) {
711 $side = $side ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT';
712 }
713 if (!in_array($side, ['INNER', 'LEFT', 'EXCLUDE'])) {
714 throw new \API_Exception("Illegal value for join side: '$side'.");
715 }
716 if ($side === 'EXCLUDE') {
717 $side = 'LEFT';
718 $this->api->addWhere("$alias.id", 'IS NULL');
719 }
720 // Add all fields from joined entity to spec
721 $joinEntityGet = \Civi\API\Request::create($entity, 'get', ['version' => 4, 'checkPermissions' => $this->getCheckPermissions()]);
722 $joinEntityFields = $joinEntityGet->entityFields();
723 foreach ($joinEntityFields as $field) {
724 $field['sql_name'] = '`' . $alias . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
725 $this->addSpecField($alias . '.' . $field['name'], $field);
726 }
727 $tableName = CoreUtil::getTableName($entity);
728 // Save join info to be retrieved by $this->getExplicitJoin()
729 $this->explicitJoins[$alias] = [
730 'entity' => $entity,
731 'table' => $tableName,
732 'bridge' => NULL,
733 ];
734 // If the first condition is a string, it's the name of a bridge entity
735 if (!empty($join[0]) && is_string($join[0]) && \CRM_Utils_Rule::alphanumeric($join[0])) {
736 $this->addBridgeJoin($join, $entity, $alias, $side);
737 }
738 else {
739 $conditions = $this->getJoinConditions($join, $entity, $alias, $joinEntityFields);
740 foreach (array_filter($join) as $clause) {
741 $conditions[] = $this->treeWalkClauses($clause, 'ON');
742 }
743 $this->join($side, $tableName, $alias, $conditions);
744 }
745 }
746 }
748 /**
749 * Supply conditions for an explicit join.
750 *
751 * @param array $joinTree
752 * @param string $joinEntity
753 * @param string $alias
754 * @param array $joinEntityFields
755 * @return array
756 */
757 private function getJoinConditions($joinTree, $joinEntity, $alias, $joinEntityFields) {
758 $conditions = [];
759 // getAclClause() expects a stack of 1-to-1 join fields to help it dedupe, but this is more flexible,
760 // so unless this is a direct 1-to-1 join with the main entity, we'll just hack it
761 // with a padded empty stack to bypass its deduping.
762 $stack = [NULL, NULL];
763 // See if the ON clause already contains an FK reference to joinEntity
764 $explicitFK = array_filter($joinTree, function($clause) use ($alias, $joinEntityFields) {
765 list($sideA, $op, $sideB) = array_pad((array) $clause, 3, NULL);
766 if ($op !== '=' || !$sideB) {
767 return FALSE;
768 }
769 foreach ([$sideA, $sideB] as $expr) {
770 if ($expr === "$alias.id" || !empty($joinEntityFields[str_replace("$alias.", '', $expr)]['fk_entity'])) {
771 return TRUE;
772 }
773 }
774 return FALSE;
775 });
776 // If we're not explicitly referencing the ID (or some other FK field) of the joinEntity, search for a default
777 if (!$explicitFK) {
778 foreach ($this->apiFieldSpec as $name => $field) {
779 if (is_array($field) && $field['entity'] !== $joinEntity && $field['fk_entity'] === $joinEntity) {
780 $conditions[] = $this->treeWalkClauses([$name, '=', "$alias.id"], 'ON');
781 }
782 elseif (strpos($name, "$alias.") === 0 && substr_count($name, '.') === 1 && $field['fk_entity'] === $this->getEntity()) {
783 $conditions[] = $this->treeWalkClauses([$name, '=', 'id'], 'ON');
784 $stack = ['id'];
785 }
786 }
787 // Hmm, if we came up with > 1 condition, then it's ambiguous how it should be joined so we won't return anything but the generic ACLs
788 if (count($conditions) > 1) {
789 $stack = [NULL, NULL];
790 $conditions = [];
791 }
792 }
793 $baoName = CoreUtil::getBAOFromApiName($joinEntity);
794 $acls = array_values($this->getAclClause($alias, $baoName, $stack));
795 return array_merge($acls, $conditions);
796 }
798 /**
799 * Join via a Bridge table
800 *
801 * This creates a double-join in sql that appears to the API user like a single join.
802 *
803 * LEFT joins use a subquery so that the bridge + joined-entity can be treated like a single table.
804 *
805 * @param array $joinTree
806 * @param string $joinEntity
807 * @param string $alias
808 * @param string $side
809 * @throws \API_Exception
810 */
811 protected function addBridgeJoin($joinTree, $joinEntity, $alias, $side) {
812 $bridgeEntity = array_shift($joinTree);
813 $this->explicitJoins[$alias]['bridge'] = $bridgeEntity;
815 // INNER joins require unique aliases, whereas left joins will be inside a subquery and short aliases are more readable
816 $bridgeAlias = $side === 'INNER' ? $alias . '_via_' . strtolower($bridgeEntity) : 'b';
817 $joinAlias = $side === 'INNER' ? $alias : 'c';
819 $joinTable = CoreUtil::getTableName($joinEntity);
820 [$bridgeTable, $baseRef, $joinRef] = $this->getBridgeRefs($bridgeEntity, $joinEntity);
822 $bridgeFields = $this->registerBridgeJoinFields($bridgeEntity, $joinRef, $baseRef, $alias, $bridgeAlias, $side);
824 $linkConditions = $this->getBridgeLinkConditions($bridgeAlias, $joinAlias, $joinTable, $joinRef);
826 $bridgeConditions = $this->getBridgeJoinConditions($joinTree, $baseRef, $alias, $bridgeAlias, $bridgeEntity, $side);
828 $acls = array_values($this->getAclClause($joinAlias, CoreUtil::getBAOFromApiName($joinEntity), [NULL, NULL]));
830 $joinConditions = [];
831 foreach (array_filter($joinTree) as $clause) {
832 $joinConditions[] = $this->treeWalkClauses($clause, 'ON');
833 }
835 // INNER joins are done with 2 joins
836 if ($side === 'INNER') {
837 // Info needed for joining custom fields extending the bridge entity
838 $this->explicitJoins[$alias]['bridge_table_alias'] = $bridgeAlias;
839 $this->explicitJoins[$alias]['bridge_id_alias'] = 'id';
840 $this->join('INNER', $bridgeTable, $bridgeAlias, $bridgeConditions);
841 $this->join('INNER', $joinTable, $alias, array_merge($linkConditions, $acls, $joinConditions));
842 }
843 // For LEFT joins, construct a subquery to link the bridge & join tables as one
844 else {
845 $joinEntityClass = CoreUtil::getApiClass($joinEntity);
846 foreach ($joinEntityClass::get($this->getCheckPermissions())->entityFields() as $name => $field) {
847 if ($field['type'] === 'Field') {
848 $bridgeFields[$field['column_name']] = '`' . $joinAlias . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
849 }
850 }
851 // Info needed for joining custom fields extending the bridge entity
852 $this->explicitJoins[$alias]['bridge_table_alias'] = $alias;
853 $this->explicitJoins[$alias]['bridge_id_alias'] = 'bridge_entity_id_key';
854 $bridgeFields[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`id` AS `bridge_entity_id_key`";
855 $select = implode(',', $bridgeFields);
856 $joinConditions = array_merge($joinConditions, $bridgeConditions);
857 $innerConditions = array_merge($linkConditions, $acls);
858 $subquery = "SELECT $select FROM `$bridgeTable` `$bridgeAlias`, `$joinTable` `$joinAlias` WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $innerConditions);
859 $this->query->join($alias, "$side JOIN ($subquery) `$alias` ON " . implode(' AND ', $joinConditions));
860 }
861 }
863 /**
864 * Get the table name and 2 reference columns from a bridge entity
865 *
866 * @param string $bridgeEntity
867 * @param string $joinEntity
868 * @return array
869 * @throws \API_Exception
870 */
871 private function getBridgeRefs(string $bridgeEntity, string $joinEntity): array {
872 $bridgeFields = CoreUtil::getInfoItem($bridgeEntity, 'bridge') ?? [];
873 // Sanity check - bridge entity should declare exactly 2 FK fields
874 if (count($bridgeFields) !== 2) {
875 throw new \API_Exception("Illegal bridge entity specified: $bridgeEntity. Expected 2 bridge fields, found " . count($bridgeFields));
876 }
877 /* @var \CRM_Core_DAO $bridgeDAO */
878 $bridgeDAO = CoreUtil::getInfoItem($bridgeEntity, 'dao');
879 $bridgeTable = $bridgeDAO::getTableName();
881 // Get the 2 bridge reference columns as CRM_Core_Reference_* objects
882 $joinRef = $baseRef = NULL;
883 foreach ($bridgeDAO::getReferenceColumns() as $ref) {
884 if (array_key_exists($ref->getReferenceKey(), $bridgeFields)) {
885 if (!$joinRef && in_array($joinEntity, $ref->getTargetEntities())) {
886 $joinRef = $ref;
887 }
888 else {
889 $baseRef = $ref;
890 }
891 }
892 }
893 if (!$joinRef || !$baseRef) {
894 throw new \API_Exception("Unable to join $bridgeEntity to $joinEntity");
895 }
896 return [$bridgeTable, $baseRef, $joinRef];
897 }
899 /**
900 * Get the clause to link bridge entity with join entity
901 *
902 * @param string $bridgeAlias
903 * @param string $joinAlias
904 * @param string $joinTable
905 * @param $joinRef
906 * @return array
907 */
908 private function getBridgeLinkConditions(string $bridgeAlias, string $joinAlias, string $joinTable, $joinRef): array {
909 $linkConditions = [
910 "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$joinRef->getReferenceKey()}` = `$joinAlias`.`{$joinRef->getTargetKey()}`",
911 ];
912 // For dynamic references, also add the type column (e.g. `entity_table`)
913 if ($joinRef->getTypeColumn()) {
914 $linkConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$joinRef->getTypeColumn()}` = '$joinTable'";
915 }
916 return $linkConditions;
917 }
919 /**
920 * Register fields (other than bridge FK fields) from the bridge entity as if they belong to the join entity
921 *
922 * @param $bridgeEntity
923 * @param $joinRef
924 * @param $baseRef
925 * @param string $alias
926 * @param string $bridgeAlias
927 * @param string $side
928 * @return array
929 */
930 private function registerBridgeJoinFields($bridgeEntity, $joinRef, $baseRef, string $alias, string $bridgeAlias, string $side): array {
931 $fakeFields = [];
932 $bridgeFkFields = [$joinRef->getReferenceKey(), $joinRef->getTypeColumn(), $baseRef->getReferenceKey(), $baseRef->getTypeColumn()];
933 $bridgeEntityClass = CoreUtil::getApiClass($bridgeEntity);
934 foreach ($bridgeEntityClass::get($this->getCheckPermissions())->entityFields() as $name => $field) {
935 if ($name === 'id' || ($side === 'INNER' && in_array($name, $bridgeFkFields, TRUE))) {
936 continue;
937 }
938 // For INNER joins, these fields get a sql alias pointing to the bridge entity,
939 // but an api alias pretending they belong to the join entity.
940 $field['sql_name'] = '`' . ($side === 'LEFT' ? $alias : $bridgeAlias) . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
941 $this->addSpecField($alias . '.' . $name, $field);
942 if ($field['type'] === 'Field') {
943 $fakeFields[$field['column_name']] = '`' . $bridgeAlias . '`.`' . $field['column_name'] . '`';
944 }
945 }
946 return $fakeFields;
947 }
949 /**
950 * Extract bridge join conditions from the joinTree if any, else supply default conditions for join to base entity
951 *
952 * @param array $joinTree
953 * @param $baseRef
954 * @param string $alias
955 * @param string $bridgeAlias
956 * @param string $bridgeEntity
957 * @param string $side
958 * @return string[]
959 * @throws \API_Exception
960 */
961 private function getBridgeJoinConditions(array &$joinTree, $baseRef, string $alias, string $bridgeAlias, string $bridgeEntity, string $side): array {
962 $bridgeConditions = [];
963 $bridgeAlias = $side === 'INNER' ? $bridgeAlias : $alias;
964 // Find explicit bridge join conditions and move them out of the joinTree
965 $joinTree = array_filter($joinTree, function ($clause) use ($baseRef, $alias, $bridgeAlias, &$bridgeConditions) {
966 list($sideA, $op, $sideB) = array_pad((array) $clause, 3, NULL);
967 // Skip AND/OR/NOT branches
968 if (!$sideB) {
969 return TRUE;
970 }
971 // If this condition makes an explicit link between the bridge and another entity
972 if ($op === '=' && $sideB && ($sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}" || $sideB === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}")) {
973 $expr = $sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}" ? $sideB : $sideA;
974 $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}` = " . $this->getExpression($expr)->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
975 return FALSE;
976 }
977 // Explicit link with dynamic "entity_table" column
978 elseif ($op === '=' && $baseRef->getTypeColumn() && ($sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}" || $sideB === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}")) {
979 $expr = $sideA === "$alias.{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}" ? $sideB : $sideA;
980 $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}` = " . $this->getExpression($expr)->render($this->apiFieldSpec);
981 return FALSE;
982 }
983 return TRUE;
984 });
985 // If no bridge conditions were specified, link it to the base entity
986 if (!$bridgeConditions) {
987 if (!in_array($this->getEntity(), $baseRef->getTargetEntities())) {
988 throw new \API_Exception("Unable to join $bridgeEntity to " . $this->getEntity());
989 }
990 $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getReferenceKey()}` = a.`{$baseRef->getTargetKey()}`";
991 if ($baseRef->getTypeColumn()) {
992 $bridgeConditions[] = "`$bridgeAlias`.`{$baseRef->getTypeColumn()}` = '" . $this->getFrom() . "'";
993 }
994 }
995 return $bridgeConditions;
996 }
998 /**
999 * Joins a path and adds all fields in the joined entity to apiFieldSpec
1000 *
1001 * @param $key
1002 */
1003 protected function autoJoinFK($key) {
1004 if (isset($this->apiFieldSpec[$key])) {
1005 return;
1006 }
1007 /** @var \Civi\Api4\Service\Schema\Joiner $joiner */
1008 $joiner = \Civi::container()->get('joiner');
1010 $pathArray = explode('.', $key);
1011 // The last item in the path is the field name. We don't care about that; we'll add all fields from the joined entity.
1012 array_pop($pathArray);
1014 $baseTableAlias = $this::MAIN_TABLE_ALIAS;
1016 // If the first item is the name of an explicit join, use it as the base & shift it off the path
1017 $explicitJoin = $this->getExplicitJoin($pathArray[0]);
1018 if ($explicitJoin) {
1019 $baseTableAlias = array_shift($pathArray);
1020 }
1022 // Ensure joinTree array contains base table
1023 $this->joinTree[$baseTableAlias]['#table_alias'] = $baseTableAlias;
1024 $this->joinTree[$baseTableAlias]['#path'] = $explicitJoin ? $baseTableAlias . '.' : '';
1025 // During iteration this variable will refer to the current position in the tree
1026 $joinTreeNode =& $this->joinTree[$baseTableAlias];
1028 $useBridgeTable = FALSE;
1029 try {
1030 $joinPath = $joiner->getPath($explicitJoin['table'] ?? $this->getFrom(), $pathArray);
1031 }
1032 catch (\API_Exception $e) {
1033 if (!empty($explicitJoin['bridge'])) {
1034 // Try looking up custom field in bridge entity instead
1035 try {
1036 $useBridgeTable = TRUE;
1037 $joinPath = $joiner->getPath(CoreUtil::getTableName($explicitJoin['bridge']), $pathArray);
1038 }
1039 catch (\API_Exception $e) {
1040 return;
1041 }
1042 }
1043 else {
1044 // Because the select clause silently ignores unknown fields, this function shouldn't throw exceptions
1045 return;
1046 }
1047 }
1049 foreach ($joinPath as $joinName => $link) {
1050 if (!isset($joinTreeNode[$joinName])) {
1051 $target = $link->getTargetTable();
1052 $tableAlias = $link->getAlias() . '_' . ++$this->autoJoinSuffix;
1053 $isCustom = $link instanceof CustomGroupJoinable;
1055 $joinTreeNode[$joinName] = [
1056 '#table_alias' => $tableAlias,
1057 '#path' => $joinTreeNode['#path'] . $joinName . '.',
1058 ];
1059 $joinEntity = CoreUtil::getApiNameFromTableName($target);
1061 if ($joinEntity && !$this->checkEntityAccess($joinEntity)) {
1062 return;
1063 }
1064 if ($this->getCheckPermissions() && $isCustom) {
1065 // Check access to custom group
1066 $groupId = \CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_CustomGroup', $link->getTargetTable(), 'id', 'table_name');
1067 if (!\CRM_Core_BAO_CustomGroup::checkGroupAccess($groupId, \CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW)) {
1068 return;
1069 }
1070 }
1071 if ($link->isDeprecated()) {
1072 $deprecatedAlias = $link->getAlias();
1073 \CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedWarning("Deprecated join alias '$deprecatedAlias' used in APIv4 get. Should be changed to '{$deprecatedAlias}_id'");
1074 }
1075 $virtualField = $link->getSerialize();
1076 $baseTableAlias = $joinTreeNode['#table_alias'];
1077 if ($useBridgeTable) {
1078 // When joining custom fields that directly extend the bridge entity
1079 $baseTableAlias = $explicitJoin['bridge_table_alias'];
1080 if ($link->getBaseColumn() === 'id') {
1081 $link->setBaseColumn($explicitJoin['bridge_id_alias']);
1082 }
1083 }
1085 // Cache field info for retrieval by $this->getField()
1086 foreach ($link->getEntityFields() as $fieldObject) {
1087 $fieldArray = $fieldObject->toArray();
1088 // Set sql name of field, using column name for real joins
1089 if (!$virtualField) {
1090 $fieldArray['sql_name'] = '`' . $tableAlias . '`.`' . $fieldArray['column_name'] . '`';
1091 }
1092 // For virtual joins on serialized fields, the callback function will need the sql name of the serialized field
1093 // @see self::renderSerializedJoin()
1094 else {
1095 $fieldArray['sql_name'] = '`' . $baseTableAlias . '`.`' . $link->getBaseColumn() . '`';
1096 }
1097 // Custom fields will already have the group name prefixed
1098 $fieldName = $isCustom ? explode('.', $fieldArray['name'])[1] : $fieldArray['name'];
1099 $this->addSpecField($joinTreeNode[$joinName]['#path'] . $fieldName, $fieldArray);
1100 }
1102 // Serialized joins are rendered by this::renderSerializedJoin. Don't add their tables.
1103 if (!$virtualField) {
1104 $bao = $joinEntity ? CoreUtil::getBAOFromApiName($joinEntity) : NULL;
1105 $conditions = $link->getConditionsForJoin($baseTableAlias, $tableAlias);
1106 if ($bao) {
1107 $conditions = array_merge($conditions, $this->getAclClause($tableAlias, $bao, $joinPath));
1108 }
1109 $this->join('LEFT', $target, $tableAlias, $conditions);
1110 }
1112 }
1113 $joinTreeNode =& $joinTreeNode[$joinName];
1114 $useBridgeTable = FALSE;
1115 }
1116 }
1118 /**
1119 * @param string $side
1120 * @param string $tableName
1121 * @param string $tableAlias
1122 * @param array $conditions
1123 */
1124 public function join($side, $tableName, $tableAlias, $conditions) {
1125 // INNER JOINs take precedence over LEFT JOINs
1126 if ($side != 'LEFT' || !isset($this->joins[$tableAlias])) {
1127 $this->joins[$tableAlias] = $side;
1128 $this->query->join($tableAlias, "$side JOIN `$tableName` `$tableAlias` ON " . implode(' AND ', $conditions));
1129 }
1130 }
1132 /**
1133 * Performs a virtual join with a serialized field using FIND_IN_SET
1134 *
1135 * @param array $field
1136 * @return string
1137 */
1138 public static function renderSerializedJoin(array $field): string {
1139 $sep = \CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
1140 $id = CoreUtil::getIdFieldName($field['entity']);
1141 $searchFn = "FIND_IN_SET(`{$field['table_name']}`.`$id`, REPLACE({$field['sql_name']}, '$sep', ','))";
1142 return "(
1144 `{$field['column_name']}`
1145 ORDER BY $searchFn
1146 SEPARATOR '$sep'
1147 )
1148 FROM `{$field['table_name']}`
1149 WHERE $searchFn
1150 )";
1151 }
1153 /**
1154 * @return FALSE|string
1155 */
1156 public function getFrom() {
1157 return CoreUtil::getTableName($this->getEntity());
1158 }
1160 /**
1161 * @return string
1162 */
1163 public function getEntity() {
1164 return $this->api->getEntityName();
1165 }
1167 /**
1168 * @return array
1169 */
1170 public function getSelect() {
1171 return $this->api->getSelect();
1172 }
1174 /**
1175 * @return array
1176 */
1177 public function getWhere() {
1178 return $this->api->getWhere();
1179 }
1181 /**
1182 * @return array
1183 */
1184 public function getHaving() {
1185 return $this->api->getHaving();
1186 }
1188 /**
1189 * @return array
1190 */
1191 public function getJoin() {
1192 return $this->api->getJoin();
1193 }
1195 /**
1196 * @return array
1197 */
1198 public function getGroupBy() {
1199 return $this->api->getGroupBy();
1200 }
1202 /**
1203 * @return array
1204 */
1205 public function getOrderBy() {
1206 return $this->api->getOrderBy();
1207 }
1209 /**
1210 * @return mixed
1211 */
1212 public function getLimit() {
1213 return $this->api->getLimit();
1214 }
1216 /**
1217 * @return mixed
1218 */
1219 public function getOffset() {
1220 return $this->api->getOffset();
1221 }
1223 /**
1224 * @return \CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
1225 */
1226 public function getQuery() {
1227 return $this->query;
1228 }
1230 /**
1231 * @return bool|string
1232 */
1233 public function getCheckPermissions() {
1234 return $this->api->getCheckPermissions();
1235 }
1237 /**
1238 * @param string $alias
1239 * @return array|NULL
1240 */
1241 public function getExplicitJoin($alias) {
1242 return $this->explicitJoins[$alias] ?? NULL;
1243 }
1245 /**
1246 * @param string $path
1247 * @param array $field
1248 */
1249 private function addSpecField($path, $field) {
1250 // Only add field to spec if we have permission
1251 if ($this->getCheckPermissions() && !empty($field['permission']) && !\CRM_Core_Permission::check($field['permission'])) {
1252 $this->apiFieldSpec[$path] = FALSE;
1253 return;
1254 }
1255 $this->apiFieldSpec[$path] = $field;
1256 }
1258 /**
1259 * Add something to the api's debug output if debugging is enabled
1260 *
1261 * @param $key
1262 * @param $item
1263 */
1264 public function debug($key, $item) {
1265 if ($this->api->getDebug()) {
1266 $this->api->_debugOutput[$key][] = $item;
1267 }
1268 }
1270 }