Deprecate redundant function CRM_Utils_System::getUrlPath
[civicrm-core.git] / CRM / Utils / System.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
5 | |
6 | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
7 | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
8 | and copyright information, see |
9 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
10 */
12 /**
13 *
14 * @package CRM
15 * @copyright CiviCRM LLC
16 */
18 /**
19 * System wide utilities.
20 *
21 * Provides a collection of Civi utilities + access to the CMS-dependant utilities
22 *
23 * FIXME: This is a massive and random collection that could be split into smaller services
24 *
25 * @method static mixed permissionDenied() Show access denied screen.
26 * @method static mixed logout() Log out the current user.
27 * @method static mixed updateCategories() Clear CMS caches related to the user registration/profile forms.
28 * @method static appendBreadCrumb(array $breadCrumbs) Append an additional breadcrumb tag to the existing breadcrumbs.
29 * @method static resetBreadCrumb() Reset an additional breadcrumb tag to the existing breadcrumb.
30 * @method static addHTMLHead(string $bc) Append a string to the head of the HTML file.
31 * @method static string postURL(int $action) Determine the post URL for a form.
32 * @method static string|null getUFLocale() Get the locale of the CMS.
33 * @method static bool setUFLocale(string $civicrm_language) Set the locale of the CMS.
34 * @method static bool isUserLoggedIn() Check if user is logged in.
35 * @method static int getLoggedInUfID() Get current logged in user id.
36 * @method static setHttpHeader(string $name, string $value) Set http header.
37 * @method static array synchronizeUsers() Create CRM contacts for all existing CMS users.
38 * @method static appendCoreResources(\Civi\Core\Event\GenericHookEvent $e) Callback for hook_civicrm_coreResourceList.
39 * @method static alterAssetUrl(\Civi\Core\Event\GenericHookEvent $e) Callback for hook_civicrm_getAssetUrl.
40 */
41 class CRM_Utils_System {
43 public static $_callbacks = NULL;
45 /**
46 * @var string
47 * Page title
48 */
49 public static $title = '';
51 /**
52 * Access methods in the appropriate CMS class
53 *
54 * @param $name
55 * @param $arguments
56 * @return mixed
57 */
58 public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) {
59 $userSystem = CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem;
60 return call_user_func_array([$userSystem, $name], $arguments);
61 }
63 /**
64 * Compose a new URL string from the current URL string.
65 *
66 * Used by all the framework components, specifically,
67 * pager, sort and qfc
68 *
69 * @param string $urlVar
70 * The url variable being considered (i.e. crmPageID, crmSortID etc).
71 * @param bool $includeReset
72 * (optional) Whether to include the reset GET string (if present).
73 * @param bool $includeForce
74 * (optional) Whether to include the force GET string (if present).
75 * @param string $path
76 * (optional) The path to use for the new url.
77 * @param bool|string $absolute
78 * (optional) Whether to return an absolute URL.
79 *
80 * @return string
81 * The URL fragment.
82 */
83 public static function makeURL($urlVar, $includeReset = FALSE, $includeForce = TRUE, $path = NULL, $absolute = FALSE) {
84 if (empty($path)) {
85 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
86 $path = $_GET[$config->userFrameworkURLVar] ?? NULL;
87 if (empty($path)) {
88 return '';
89 }
90 }
92 return self::url(
93 $path,
94 CRM_Utils_System::getLinksUrl($urlVar, $includeReset, $includeForce),
95 $absolute
96 );
97 }
99 /**
100 * Get the query string and clean it up.
101 *
102 * Strips some variables that should not be propagated, specifically variables
103 * like 'reset'. Also strips any side-affect actions (e.g. export).
104 *
105 * This function is copied mostly verbatim from Pager.php (_getLinksUrl)
106 *
107 * @param string $urlVar
108 * The URL variable being considered (e.g. crmPageID, crmSortID etc).
109 * @param bool $includeReset
110 * (optional) By default this is FALSE, meaning that the reset parameter
111 * is skipped. Set to TRUE to leave the reset parameter as-is.
112 * @param bool $includeForce
113 * (optional)
114 * @param bool $skipUFVar
115 * (optional)
116 *
117 * @return string
118 */
119 public static function getLinksUrl($urlVar, $includeReset = FALSE, $includeForce = TRUE, $skipUFVar = TRUE) {
120 // Sort out query string to prevent messy urls
121 $querystring = [];
122 $qs = [];
123 $arrays = [];
125 if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
126 $qs = explode('&', str_replace('&amp;', '&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
127 for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($qs); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
128 // check first if exist a pair
129 if (strstr($qs[$i], '=') !== FALSE) {
130 list($name, $value) = explode('=', $qs[$i]);
131 if ($name != $urlVar) {
132 $name = rawurldecode($name);
133 // check for arrays in parameters: site.php?foo[]=1&foo[]=2&foo[]=3
134 if ((strpos($name, '[') !== FALSE) &&
135 (strpos($name, ']') !== FALSE)
136 ) {
137 $arrays[] = $qs[$i];
138 }
139 else {
140 $qs[$name] = $value;
141 }
142 }
143 }
144 else {
145 $qs[$qs[$i]] = '';
146 }
147 unset($qs[$i]);
148 }
149 }
151 if ($includeForce) {
152 $qs['force'] = 1;
153 }
155 // Ok this is a big assumption but usually works
156 // If we are in snippet mode, retain the 'section' param, if not, get rid
157 // of it.
158 if (!empty($qs['snippet'])) {
159 unset($qs['snippet']);
160 }
161 else {
162 unset($qs['section']);
163 }
165 if ($skipUFVar) {
166 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
167 unset($qs[$config->userFrameworkURLVar]);
168 }
170 foreach ($qs as $name => $value) {
171 if ($name != 'reset' || $includeReset) {
172 $querystring[] = $name . '=' . $value;
173 }
174 }
176 $querystring = array_merge($querystring, array_unique($arrays));
178 $url = implode('&', $querystring);
179 if ($urlVar) {
180 $url .= (!empty($querystring) ? '&' : '') . $urlVar . '=';
181 }
183 return $url;
184 }
186 /**
187 * If we are using a theming system, invoke theme, else just print the content.
188 *
189 * @param string $content
190 * The content that will be themed.
191 * @param bool $print
192 * (optional) Are we displaying to the screen or bypassing theming?
193 * @param bool $maintenance
194 * (optional) For maintenance mode.
195 *
196 * @return string
197 */
198 public static function theme(
199 &$content,
200 $print = FALSE,
201 $maintenance = FALSE
202 ) {
203 return CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->theme($content, $print, $maintenance);
204 }
206 /**
207 * Generate a query string if input is an array.
208 *
209 * @param array|string $query
210 *
211 * @return string
212 */
213 public static function makeQueryString($query) {
214 if (is_array($query)) {
215 $buf = '';
216 foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
217 $buf .= ($buf ? '&' : '') . urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value);
218 }
219 $query = $buf;
220 }
221 return $query;
222 }
224 /**
225 * Generate an internal CiviCRM URL.
226 *
227 * @param string $path
228 * The path being linked to, such as "civicrm/add".
229 * @param array|string $query
230 * A query string to append to the link, or an array of key-value pairs.
231 * @param bool $absolute
232 * Whether to force the output to be an absolute link (beginning with a
233 * URI-scheme such as 'http:'). Useful for links that will be displayed
234 * outside the site, such as in an RSS feed.
235 * @param string $fragment
236 * A fragment identifier (named anchor) to append to the link.
237 * @param bool $htmlize
238 * Whether to encode special html characters such as &.
239 * @param bool $frontend
240 * This link should be to the CMS front end (applies to WP & Joomla).
241 * @param bool $forceBackend
242 * This link should be to the CMS back end (applies to WP & Joomla).
243 *
244 * @return string
245 * An HTML string containing a link to the given path.
246 */
247 public static function url(
248 $path = NULL,
249 $query = NULL,
250 $absolute = FALSE,
251 $fragment = NULL,
252 $htmlize = TRUE,
253 $frontend = FALSE,
254 $forceBackend = FALSE
255 ) {
256 $query = self::makeQueryString($query);
258 // Legacy handling for when the system passes around html escaped strings
259 if (strstr($query, '&amp;')) {
260 $query = html_entity_decode($query);
261 }
263 // Extract fragment from path or query if munged together
264 if ($query && strstr($query, '#')) {
265 list($path, $fragment) = explode('#', $query);
266 }
267 if ($path && strstr($path, '#')) {
268 list($path, $fragment) = explode('#', $path);
269 }
271 // Extract query from path if munged together
272 if ($path && strstr($path, '?')) {
273 list($path, $extraQuery) = explode('?', $path);
274 $query = $extraQuery . ($query ? "&$query" : '');
275 }
277 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
278 $url = $config->userSystem->url($path, $query, $absolute, $fragment, $frontend, $forceBackend);
280 if ($htmlize) {
281 $url = htmlentities($url);
282 }
284 return $url;
285 }
287 /**
288 * Generates an extern url.
289 *
290 * @param string $path
291 * The extern path, such as "extern/url".
292 * @param string $query
293 * A query string to append to the link.
294 * @param string $fragment
295 * A fragment identifier (named anchor) to append to the link.
296 * @param bool $absolute
297 * Whether to force the output to be an absolute link (beginning with a
298 * URI-scheme such as 'http:').
299 * @param bool $isSSL
300 * NULL to autodetect. TRUE to force to SSL.
301 *
302 * @return string rawencoded URL.
303 */
304 public static function externUrl($path = NULL, $query = NULL, $fragment = NULL, $absolute = TRUE, $isSSL = NULL) {
305 $query = self::makeQueryString($query);
307 $url = Civi::paths()->getUrl("[civicrm.root]/{$path}.php", $absolute ? 'absolute' : 'relative', $isSSL)
308 . ($query ? "?$query" : "")
309 . ($fragment ? "#$fragment" : "");
311 $parsedUrl = CRM_Utils_Url::parseUrl($url);
312 $event = \Civi\Core\Event\GenericHookEvent::create([
313 'url' => &$parsedUrl,
314 'path' => $path,
315 'query' => $query,
316 'fragment' => $fragment,
317 'absolute' => $absolute,
318 'isSSL' => $isSSL,
319 ]);
320 Civi::service('dispatcher')->dispatch('hook_civicrm_alterExternUrl', $event);
321 return urldecode(CRM_Utils_Url::unparseUrl($event->url));
322 }
324 /**
325 * @deprecated
326 * @see \CRM_Utils_System::currentPath
327 *
328 * @return string|null
329 */
330 public static function getUrlPath() {
331 CRM_Core_Error::deprecatedFunctionWarning('CRM_Utils_System::currentPath');
332 return self::currentPath();
333 }
335 /**
336 * Get href.
337 *
338 * @param string $text
339 * @param string $path
340 * @param string|array $query
341 * @param bool $absolute
342 * @param string $fragment
343 * @param bool $htmlize
344 * @param bool $frontend
345 * @param bool $forceBackend
346 *
347 * @return string
348 */
349 public static function href(
350 $text, $path = NULL, $query = NULL, $absolute = TRUE,
351 $fragment = NULL, $htmlize = TRUE, $frontend = FALSE, $forceBackend = FALSE
352 ) {
353 $url = self::url($path, $query, $absolute, $fragment, $htmlize, $frontend, $forceBackend);
354 return "<a href=\"$url\">$text</a>";
355 }
357 /**
358 * Path of the current page e.g. 'civicrm/contact/view'
359 *
360 * @return string|null
361 * the current menu path
362 */
363 public static function currentPath() {
364 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
365 return isset($_GET[$config->userFrameworkURLVar]) ? trim($_GET[$config->userFrameworkURLVar], '/') : NULL;
366 }
368 /**
369 * Called from a template to compose a url.
370 *
371 * @param array $params
372 * List of parameters.
373 *
374 * @return string
375 * url
376 */
377 public static function crmURL($params) {
378 $p = $params['p'] ?? NULL;
379 if (!isset($p)) {
380 $p = self::currentPath();
381 }
383 return self::url(
384 $p,
385 CRM_Utils_Array::value('q', $params),
386 CRM_Utils_Array::value('a', $params, FALSE),
387 CRM_Utils_Array::value('f', $params),
388 CRM_Utils_Array::value('h', $params, TRUE),
389 CRM_Utils_Array::value('fe', $params, FALSE),
390 CRM_Utils_Array::value('fb', $params, FALSE)
391 );
392 }
394 /**
395 * Sets the title of the page.
396 *
397 * @param string $title
398 * Document title - plain text only
399 * @param string $pageTitle
400 * Page title (if different) - may include html
401 */
402 public static function setTitle($title, $pageTitle = NULL) {
403 self::$title = $title;
404 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
405 return $config->userSystem->setTitle($title, $pageTitle);
406 }
408 /**
409 * Figures and sets the userContext.
410 *
411 * Uses the referrer if valid else uses the default.
412 *
413 * @param array $names
414 * Referrer should match any str in this array.
415 * @param string $default
416 * (optional) The default userContext if no match found.
417 */
418 public static function setUserContext($names, $default = NULL) {
419 $url = $default;
421 $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
422 $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? NULL;
424 if ($referer && !empty($names)) {
425 foreach ($names as $name) {
426 if (strstr($referer, $name)) {
427 $url = $referer;
428 break;
429 }
430 }
431 }
433 if ($url) {
434 $session->pushUserContext($url);
435 }
436 }
438 /**
439 * Gets a class name for an object.
440 *
441 * @param object $object
442 * Object whose class name is needed.
443 *
444 * @return string
445 * The class name of the object.
446 */
447 public static function getClassName($object) {
448 return get_class($object);
449 }
451 /**
452 * Redirect to another URL.
453 *
454 * @param string $url
455 * The URL to provide to the browser via the Location header.
456 * @param array $context
457 * Optional additional information for the hook.
458 */
459 public static function redirect($url = NULL, $context = []) {
460 if (!$url) {
461 $url = self::url('civicrm/dashboard', 'reset=1');
462 }
463 // replace the &amp; characters with &
464 // this is kinda hackish but not sure how to do it right
465 $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);
467 $context['output'] = $_GET['snippet'] ?? NULL;
469 $parsedUrl = CRM_Utils_Url::parseUrl($url);
470 CRM_Utils_Hook::alterRedirect($parsedUrl, $context);
471 $url = CRM_Utils_Url::unparseUrl($parsedUrl);
473 // If we are in a json context, respond appropriately
474 if ($context['output'] === 'json') {
475 CRM_Core_Page_AJAX::returnJsonResponse([
476 'status' => 'redirect',
477 'userContext' => $url,
478 ]);
479 }
481 self::setHttpHeader('Location', $url);
482 self::civiExit();
483 }
485 /**
486 * Redirect to another URL using JavaScript.
487 *
488 * Use an html based file with javascript embedded to redirect to another url
489 * This prevent the too many redirect errors emitted by various browsers
490 *
491 * @param string $url
492 * (optional) The destination URL.
493 * @param string $title
494 * (optional) The page title to use for the redirect page.
495 * @param string $message
496 * (optional) The message to provide in the body of the redirect page.
497 */
498 public static function jsRedirect(
499 $url = NULL,
500 $title = NULL,
501 $message = NULL
502 ) {
503 if (!$url) {
504 $url = self::url('civicrm/dashboard', 'reset=1');
505 }
507 if (!$title) {
508 $title = ts('CiviCRM task in progress');
509 }
511 if (!$message) {
512 $message = ts('A long running CiviCRM task is currently in progress. This message will be refreshed till the task is completed');
513 }
515 // replace the &amp; characters with &
516 // this is kinda hackish but not sure how to do it right
517 $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);
519 $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
520 $template->assign('redirectURL', $url);
521 $template->assign('title', $title);
522 $template->assign('message', $message);
524 $html = $template->fetch('CRM/common/redirectJS.tpl');
526 echo $html;
528 self::civiExit();
529 }
531 /**
532 * Get the base URL of the system.
533 *
534 * @return string
535 */
536 public static function baseURL() {
537 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
538 return $config->userFrameworkBaseURL;
539 }
541 /**
542 * Authenticate or abort.
543 *
544 * @param string $message
545 * @param bool $abort
546 *
547 * @return bool
548 */
549 public static function authenticateAbort($message, $abort) {
550 if ($abort) {
551 echo $message;
552 self::civiExit(0);
553 }
554 else {
555 return FALSE;
556 }
557 }
559 /**
560 * Authenticate key.
561 *
562 * @param bool $abort
563 * (optional) Whether to exit; defaults to true.
564 *
565 * @return bool
566 */
567 public static function authenticateKey($abort = TRUE) {
568 // also make sure the key is sent and is valid
569 $key = trim(CRM_Utils_Array::value('key', $_REQUEST));
571 $docAdd = "More info at:" . CRM_Utils_System::docURL2("Managing Scheduled Jobs", TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, "wiki");
573 if (!$key) {
574 return self::authenticateAbort(
575 "ERROR: You need to send a valid key to execute this file. " . $docAdd . "\n",
576 $abort
577 );
578 }
580 $siteKey = defined('CIVICRM_SITE_KEY') ? CIVICRM_SITE_KEY : NULL;
582 if (!$siteKey || empty($siteKey)) {
583 return self::authenticateAbort(
584 "ERROR: You need to set a valid site key in civicrm.settings.php. " . $docAdd . "\n",
585 $abort
586 );
587 }
589 if (strlen($siteKey) < 8) {
590 return self::authenticateAbort(
591 "ERROR: Site key needs to be greater than 7 characters in civicrm.settings.php. " . $docAdd . "\n",
592 $abort
593 );
594 }
596 if ($key !== $siteKey) {
597 return self::authenticateAbort(
598 "ERROR: Invalid key value sent. " . $docAdd . "\n",
599 $abort
600 );
601 }
603 return TRUE;
604 }
606 /**
607 * Authenticate script.
608 *
609 * @param bool $abort
610 * @param string $name
611 * @param string $pass
612 * @param bool $storeInSession
613 * @param bool $loadCMSBootstrap
614 * @param bool $requireKey
615 *
616 * @return bool
617 */
618 public static function authenticateScript($abort = TRUE, $name = NULL, $pass = NULL, $storeInSession = TRUE, $loadCMSBootstrap = TRUE, $requireKey = TRUE) {
619 // auth to make sure the user has a login/password to do a shell operation
620 // later on we'll link this to acl's
621 if (!$name) {
622 $name = trim(CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $_REQUEST));
623 $pass = trim(CRM_Utils_Array::value('pass', $_REQUEST));
624 }
626 // its ok to have an empty password
627 if (!$name) {
628 return self::authenticateAbort(
629 "ERROR: You need to send a valid user name and password to execute this file\n",
630 $abort
631 );
632 }
634 if ($requireKey && !self::authenticateKey($abort)) {
635 return FALSE;
636 }
638 $result = CRM_Utils_System::authenticate($name, $pass, $loadCMSBootstrap);
639 if (!$result) {
640 return self::authenticateAbort(
641 "ERROR: Invalid username and/or password\n",
642 $abort
643 );
644 }
645 elseif ($storeInSession) {
646 // lets store contact id and user id in session
647 list($userID, $ufID, $randomNumber) = $result;
648 if ($userID && $ufID) {
649 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
650 $config->userSystem->setUserSession([$userID, $ufID]);
651 }
652 else {
653 return self::authenticateAbort(
654 "ERROR: Unexpected error, could not match userID and contactID",
655 $abort
656 );
657 }
658 }
660 return $result;
661 }
663 /**
664 * Authenticate the user against the uf db.
665 *
666 * In case of successful authentication, returns an array consisting of
667 * (contactID, ufID, unique string). Returns FALSE if authentication is
668 * unsuccessful.
669 *
670 * @param string $name
671 * The username.
672 * @param string $password
673 * The password.
674 * @param bool $loadCMSBootstrap
675 * @param string $realPath
676 *
677 * @return false|array
678 */
679 public static function authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap = FALSE, $realPath = NULL) {
680 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
682 /* Before we do any loading, let's start the session and write to it.
683 * We typically call authenticate only when we need to bootstrap the CMS
684 * directly via Civi and hence bypass the normal CMS auth and bootstrap
685 * process typically done in CLI and cron scripts. See: CRM-12648
686 *
687 * Q: Can we move this to the userSystem class so that it can be tuned
688 * per-CMS? For example, when dealing with UnitTests UF, there's no
689 * userFrameworkDSN.
690 */
691 $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
692 $session->set('civicrmInitSession', TRUE);
694 if ($config->userFrameworkDSN) {
695 $dbDrupal = DB::connect($config->userFrameworkDSN);
696 }
697 return $config->userSystem->authenticate($name, $password, $loadCMSBootstrap, $realPath);
698 }
700 /**
701 * Set a message in the UF to display to a user.
702 *
703 * @param string $message
704 * The message to set.
705 */
706 public static function setUFMessage($message) {
707 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
708 return $config->userSystem->setMessage($message);
709 }
711 /**
712 * Determine whether a value is null-ish.
713 *
714 * @param mixed $value
715 * The value to check for null.
716 *
717 * @return bool
718 */
719 public static function isNull($value) {
720 // FIXME: remove $value = 'null' string test when we upgrade our DAO code to handle passing null in a better way.
721 if (!isset($value) || $value === NULL || $value === '' || $value === 'null') {
722 return TRUE;
723 }
724 if (is_array($value)) {
725 // @todo Reuse of the $value variable = asking for trouble.
726 foreach ($value as $key => $value) {
727 if (in_array($key, CRM_Core_DAO::acceptedSQLOperators(), TRUE) || !self::isNull($value)) {
728 return FALSE;
729 }
730 }
731 return TRUE;
732 }
733 return FALSE;
734 }
736 /**
737 * Obscure all but the last few digits of a credit card number.
738 *
739 * @param string $number
740 * The credit card number to obscure.
741 * @param int $keep
742 * (optional) The number of digits to preserve unmodified.
743 *
744 * @return string
745 * The obscured credit card number.
746 */
747 public static function mungeCreditCard($number, $keep = 4) {
748 $number = trim($number);
749 if (empty($number)) {
750 return NULL;
751 }
752 $replace = str_repeat('*', strlen($number) - $keep);
753 return substr_replace($number, $replace, 0, -$keep);
754 }
756 /**
757 * Determine which PHP modules are loaded.
758 *
759 * @return array
760 */
761 private static function parsePHPModules() {
762 ob_start();
763 phpinfo(INFO_MODULES);
764 $s = ob_get_contents();
765 ob_end_clean();
767 $s = strip_tags($s, '<h2><th><td>');
768 $s = preg_replace('/<th[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/th>/', "<info>\\1</info>", $s);
769 $s = preg_replace('/<td[^>]*>([^<]+)<\/td>/', "<info>\\1</info>", $s);
770 $vTmp = preg_split('/(<h2>[^<]+<\/h2>)/', $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
771 $vModules = [];
772 for ($i = 1; $i < count($vTmp); $i++) {
773 if (preg_match('/<h2>([^<]+)<\/h2>/', $vTmp[$i], $vMat)) {
774 $vName = trim($vMat[1]);
775 $vTmp2 = explode("\n", $vTmp[$i + 1]);
776 foreach ($vTmp2 as $vOne) {
777 $vPat = '<info>([^<]+)<\/info>';
778 $vPat3 = "/$vPat\s*$vPat\s*$vPat/";
779 $vPat2 = "/$vPat\s*$vPat/";
780 // 3cols
781 if (preg_match($vPat3, $vOne, $vMat)) {
782 $vModules[$vName][trim($vMat[1])] = [trim($vMat[2]), trim($vMat[3])];
783 // 2cols
784 }
785 elseif (preg_match($vPat2, $vOne, $vMat)) {
786 $vModules[$vName][trim($vMat[1])] = trim($vMat[2]);
787 }
788 }
789 }
790 }
791 return $vModules;
792 }
794 /**
795 * Get a setting from a loaded PHP module.
796 *
797 * @param string $pModuleName
798 * @param string $pSetting
799 *
800 * @return mixed
801 */
802 public static function getModuleSetting($pModuleName, $pSetting) {
803 $vModules = self::parsePHPModules();
804 return $vModules[$pModuleName][$pSetting];
805 }
807 /**
808 * Do something no-one bothered to document.
809 *
810 * @param string $title
811 * (optional)
812 *
813 * @return mixed|string
814 */
815 public static function memory($title = NULL) {
816 static $pid = NULL;
817 if (!$pid) {
818 $pid = posix_getpid();
819 }
821 $memory = str_replace("\n", '', shell_exec("ps -p" . $pid . " -o rss="));
822 $memory .= ", " . time();
823 if ($title) {
824 CRM_Core_Error::debug_var($title, $memory);
825 }
826 return $memory;
827 }
829 /**
830 * Download something or other.
831 *
832 * @param string $name
833 * @param string $mimeType
834 * @param string $buffer
835 * @param string $ext
836 * @param bool $output
837 * @param string $disposition
838 */
839 public static function download(
840 $name, $mimeType, &$buffer,
841 $ext = NULL,
842 $output = TRUE,
843 $disposition = 'attachment'
844 ) {
845 $now = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT';
847 self::setHttpHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);
848 self::setHttpHeader('Expires', $now);
850 // lem9 & loic1: IE needs specific headers
851 $isIE = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? FALSE : strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE');
852 if ($ext) {
853 $fileString = "filename=\"{$name}.{$ext}\"";
854 }
855 else {
856 $fileString = "filename=\"{$name}\"";
857 }
858 if ($isIE) {
859 self::setHttpHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; $fileString");
860 self::setHttpHeader('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
861 self::setHttpHeader('Pragma', 'public');
862 }
863 else {
864 self::setHttpHeader("Content-Disposition", "$disposition; $fileString");
865 self::setHttpHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');
866 }
868 if ($output) {
869 print $buffer;
870 self::civiExit();
871 }
872 }
874 /**
875 * Gather and print (and possibly log) amount of used memory.
876 *
877 * @param string $title
878 * @param bool $log
879 * (optional) Whether to log the memory usage information.
880 */
881 public static function xMemory($title = NULL, $log = FALSE) {
882 $mem = (float ) xdebug_memory_usage() / (float ) (1024);
883 $mem = number_format($mem, 5) . ", " . time();
884 if ($log) {
885 echo "<p>$title: $mem<p>";
886 flush();
887 CRM_Core_Error::debug_var($title, $mem);
888 }
889 else {
890 echo "<p>$title: $mem<p>";
891 flush();
892 }
893 }
895 /**
896 * Take a URL (or partial URL) and make it better.
897 *
898 * Currently, URLs pass straight through unchanged unless they are "seriously
899 * malformed" (see
900 *
901 * @param string $url
902 * The URL to operate on.
903 *
904 * @return string
905 * The fixed URL.
906 */
907 public static function fixURL($url) {
908 $components = parse_url($url);
910 if (!$components) {
911 return NULL;
912 }
914 // at some point we'll add code here to make sure the url is not
915 // something that will mess up, so we need to clean it up here
916 return $url;
917 }
919 /**
920 * Make sure a callback is valid in the current context.
921 *
922 * @param string $callback
923 * Name of the function to check.
924 *
925 * @return bool
926 */
927 public static function validCallback($callback) {
928 if (self::$_callbacks === NULL) {
929 self::$_callbacks = [];
930 }
932 if (!array_key_exists($callback, self::$_callbacks)) {
933 if (strpos($callback, '::') !== FALSE) {
934 list($className, $methodName) = explode('::', $callback);
935 $fileName = str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className) . '.php';
936 // ignore errors if any
937 @include_once $fileName;
938 if (!class_exists($className)) {
939 self::$_callbacks[$callback] = FALSE;
940 }
941 else {
942 // instantiate the class
943 $object = new $className();
944 if (!method_exists($object, $methodName)) {
945 self::$_callbacks[$callback] = FALSE;
946 }
947 else {
948 self::$_callbacks[$callback] = TRUE;
949 }
950 }
951 }
952 else {
953 self::$_callbacks[$callback] = function_exists($callback);
954 }
955 }
956 return self::$_callbacks[$callback];
957 }
959 /**
960 * Like PHP's built-in explode(), but always return an array of $limit items.
961 *
962 * This serves as a wrapper to the PHP explode() function. In the event that
963 * PHP's explode() returns an array with fewer than $limit elements, pad
964 * the end of the array with NULLs.
965 *
966 * @param string $separator
967 * @param string $string
968 * @param int $limit
969 *
970 * @return string[]
971 */
972 public static function explode($separator, $string, $limit) {
973 $result = explode($separator, $string, $limit);
974 for ($i = count($result); $i < $limit; $i++) {
975 $result[$i] = NULL;
976 }
977 return $result;
978 }
980 /**
981 * Check url.
982 *
983 * @param string $url
984 * The URL to check.
985 * @param bool $addCookie
986 * (optional)
987 *
988 * @return mixed
989 */
990 public static function checkURL($url, $addCookie = FALSE) {
991 // make a GET request to $url
992 $ch = curl_init($url);
993 if ($addCookie) {
994 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, http_build_query($_COOKIE));
995 }
996 // it's quite alright to use a self-signed cert
997 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
999 // lets capture the return stuff rather than echo
1000 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
1002 // CRM-13227, CRM-14744: only return the SSL error status
1003 return (curl_exec($ch) !== FALSE);
1004 }
1006 /**
1007 * Assert that we are running on a particular PHP version.
1008 *
1009 * @param int $ver
1010 * The major version of PHP that is required.
1011 * @param bool $abort
1012 * (optional) Whether to fatally abort if the version requirement is not
1013 * met. Defaults to TRUE.
1014 *
1015 * @return bool
1016 * Returns TRUE if the requirement is met, FALSE if the requirement is not
1017 * met and we're not aborting due to the failed requirement. If $abort is
1018 * TRUE and the requirement fails, this function does not return.
1019 *
1020 * @throws CRM_Core_Exception
1021 */
1022 public static function checkPHPVersion($ver = 5, $abort = TRUE) {
1023 $phpVersion = substr(PHP_VERSION, 0, 1);
1024 if ($phpVersion >= $ver) {
1025 return TRUE;
1026 }
1028 if ($abort) {
1029 throw new CRM_Core_Exception(ts('This feature requires PHP Version %1 or greater',
1030 [1 => $ver]
1031 ));
1032 }
1033 return FALSE;
1034 }
1036 /**
1037 * Format wiki url.
1038 *
1039 * @param string $string
1040 * @param bool $encode
1041 *
1042 * @return string
1043 */
1044 public static function formatWikiURL($string, $encode = FALSE) {
1045 $items = explode(' ', trim($string), 2);
1046 if (count($items) == 2) {
1047 $title = $items[1];
1048 }
1049 else {
1050 $title = $items[0];
1051 }
1053 // fix for CRM-4044
1054 $url = $encode ? self::urlEncode($items[0]) : $items[0];
1055 return "<a href=\"$url\">$title</a>";
1056 }
1058 /**
1059 * Encode url.
1060 *
1061 * @param string $url
1062 *
1063 * @return null|string
1064 */
1065 public static function urlEncode($url) {
1066 $items = parse_url($url);
1067 if ($items === FALSE) {
1068 return NULL;
1069 }
1071 if (empty($items['query'])) {
1072 return $url;
1073 }
1075 $items['query'] = urlencode($items['query']);
1077 $url = $items['scheme'] . '://';
1078 if (!empty($items['user'])) {
1079 $url .= "{$items['user']}:{$items['pass']}@";
1080 }
1082 $url .= $items['host'];
1083 if (!empty($items['port'])) {
1084 $url .= ":{$items['port']}";
1085 }
1087 $url .= "{$items['path']}?{$items['query']}";
1088 if (!empty($items['fragment'])) {
1089 $url .= "#{$items['fragment']}";
1090 }
1092 return $url;
1093 }
1095 /**
1096 * Return the running civicrm version.
1097 *
1098 * @return string
1099 * civicrm version
1100 *
1101 * @throws CRM_Core_Exception
1102 */
1103 public static function version() {
1104 static $version;
1106 if (!$version) {
1107 $verFile = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
1108 [dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'xml', 'version.xml']
1109 );
1110 if (file_exists($verFile)) {
1111 $str = file_get_contents($verFile);
1112 $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($str);
1113 $version = (string) $xmlObj->version_no;
1114 }
1116 // pattern check
1117 if (!CRM_Utils_System::isVersionFormatValid($version)) {
1118 throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Unknown codebase version.');
1119 }
1120 }
1122 return $version;
1123 }
1125 /**
1126 * Gives the first two parts of the version string E.g. 6.1.
1127 *
1128 * @return string
1129 */
1130 public static function majorVersion() {
1131 list($a, $b) = explode('.', self::version());
1132 return "$a.$b";
1133 }
1135 /**
1136 * Determines whether a string is a valid CiviCRM version string.
1137 *
1138 * @param string $version
1139 * Version string to be checked.
1140 *
1141 * @return bool
1142 */
1143 public static function isVersionFormatValid($version) {
1144 return preg_match("/^(\d{1,2}\.){2,3}(\d{1,2}|(alpha|beta)\d{1,2})(\.upgrade)?$/", $version);
1145 }
1147 /**
1148 * Wraps or emulates PHP's getallheaders() function.
1149 */
1150 public static function getAllHeaders() {
1151 if (function_exists('getallheaders')) {
1152 return getallheaders();
1153 }
1155 // emulate get all headers
1156 //
1157 $headers = [];
1158 foreach ($_SERVER as $name => $value) {
1159 if (substr($name, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') {
1160 $headers[str_replace(' ',
1161 '-',
1162 ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_',
1163 ' ',
1164 substr($name, 5)
1165 )
1166 ))
1167 )] = $value;
1168 }
1169 }
1170 return $headers;
1171 }
1173 /**
1174 * Get request headers.
1175 *
1176 * @return array|false
1177 */
1178 public static function getRequestHeaders() {
1179 if (function_exists('apache_request_headers')) {
1180 return apache_request_headers();
1181 }
1182 else {
1183 return $_SERVER;
1184 }
1185 }
1187 /**
1188 * Determine whether this is an SSL request.
1189 *
1190 * Note that we inline this function in install/civicrm.php, so if you change
1191 * this function, please go and change the code in the install script as well.
1192 */
1193 public static function isSSL() {
1194 return !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off';
1195 }
1197 /**
1198 * Redirect to SSL.
1199 *
1200 * @param bool|FALSE $abort
1201 *
1202 * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
1203 */
1204 public static function redirectToSSL($abort = FALSE) {
1205 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
1206 $req_headers = self::getRequestHeaders();
1207 // FIXME: Shouldn't the X-Forwarded-Proto check be part of CRM_Utils_System::isSSL()?
1208 if (Civi::settings()->get('enableSSL') &&
1209 !self::isSSL() &&
1210 strtolower(CRM_Utils_Array::value('X_FORWARDED_PROTO', $req_headers)) != 'https'
1211 ) {
1212 // ensure that SSL is enabled on a civicrm url (for cookie reasons etc)
1213 $url = "https://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
1214 // @see if you're seeing this message.
1215 Civi::log()->warning('CiviCRM thinks site is not SSL, redirecting to {url}', ['url' => $url]);
1216 if (!self::checkURL($url, TRUE)) {
1217 if ($abort) {
1218 throw new CRM_Core_Exception('HTTPS is not set up on this machine');
1219 }
1220 else {
1221 CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('HTTPS is not set up on this machine'), ts('Warning'), 'alert');
1222 // admin should be the only one following this
1223 // since we dont want the user stuck in a bad place
1224 return;
1225 }
1226 }
1227 CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url);
1228 }
1229 }
1231 /**
1232 * Get logged in user's IP address.
1233 *
1234 * Get IP address from HTTP REMOTE_ADDR header. If the CMS is Drupal then use
1235 * the Drupal function as this also handles reverse proxies (based on proper
1236 * configuration in settings.php)
1237 *
1238 * @param bool $strictIPV4
1239 * (optional) Whether to return only IPv4 addresses.
1240 *
1241 * @return string
1242 * IP address of logged in user.
1243 */
1244 public static function ipAddress($strictIPV4 = TRUE) {
1245 $address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? NULL;
1247 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
1248 if ($config->userSystem->is_drupal && function_exists('ip_address')) {
1249 // drupal function handles the server being behind a proxy securely. We still have legacy ipn methods
1250 // that reach this point without bootstrapping hence the check that the fn exists
1251 $address = ip_address();
1252 }
1254 // hack for safari
1255 if ($address == '::1') {
1256 $address = '';
1257 }
1259 // when we need to have strictly IPV4 ip address
1260 // convert ipV6 to ipV4
1261 if ($strictIPV4) {
1262 // this converts 'IPV4 mapped IPV6 address' to IPV4
1263 if (filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) && strstr($address, '::ffff:')) {
1264 $address = ltrim($address, '::ffff:');
1265 }
1266 }
1268 return $address;
1269 }
1271 /**
1272 * Get the referring / previous page URL.
1273 *
1274 * @return string
1275 * The previous page URL
1276 */
1277 public static function refererPath() {
1278 return $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? NULL;
1279 }
1281 /**
1282 * Get the documentation base URL.
1283 *
1284 * @return string
1285 * Base URL of the CRM documentation.
1286 */
1287 public static function getDocBaseURL() {
1288 // FIXME: move this to configuration at some stage
1289 return '';
1290 }
1292 /**
1293 * Returns wiki (alternate) documentation URL base.
1294 *
1295 * @return string
1296 * documentation url
1297 */
1298 public static function getWikiBaseURL() {
1299 // FIXME: move this to configuration at some stage
1300 return '';
1301 }
1303 /**
1304 * Returns URL or link to documentation page, based on provided parameters.
1305 *
1306 * For use in PHP code.
1307 * WARNING: Always returns URL, if ts function is not defined ($URLonly has
1308 * no effect).
1309 *
1310 * @param string $page
1311 * Title of documentation wiki page.
1312 * @param bool $URLonly
1313 * (optional) Whether to return URL only or full HTML link (default).
1314 * @param string $text
1315 * (optional) Text of HTML link (no effect if $URLonly = false).
1316 * @param string $title
1317 * (optional) Tooltip text for HTML link (no effect if $URLonly = false)
1318 * @param string $style
1319 * (optional) Style attribute value for HTML link (no effect if $URLonly = false)
1320 *
1321 * @param null $resource
1322 *
1323 * @return string
1324 * URL or link to documentation page, based on provided parameters.
1325 */
1326 public static function docURL2($page, $URLonly = FALSE, $text = NULL, $title = NULL, $style = NULL, $resource = NULL) {
1327 // if ts function doesn't exist, it means that CiviCRM hasn't been fully initialised yet -
1328 // return just the URL, no matter what other parameters are defined
1329 if (!function_exists('ts')) {
1330 if ($resource == 'wiki') {
1331 $docBaseURL = self::getWikiBaseURL();
1332 }
1333 else {
1334 $docBaseURL = self::getDocBaseURL();
1335 $page = self::formatDocUrl($page);
1336 }
1337 return $docBaseURL . str_replace(' ', '+', $page);
1338 }
1339 else {
1340 $params = [
1341 'page' => $page,
1342 'URLonly' => $URLonly,
1343 'text' => $text,
1344 'title' => $title,
1345 'style' => $style,
1346 'resource' => $resource,
1347 ];
1348 return self::docURL($params);
1349 }
1350 }
1352 /**
1353 * Returns URL or link to documentation page, based on provided parameters.
1354 *
1355 * For use in templates code.
1356 *
1357 * @param array $params
1358 * An array of parameters (see CRM_Utils_System::docURL2 method for names)
1359 *
1360 * @return null|string
1361 * URL or link to documentation page, based on provided parameters.
1362 */
1363 public static function docURL($params) {
1365 if (!isset($params['page'])) {
1366 return NULL;
1367 }
1369 if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('resource', $params) == 'wiki') {
1370 $docBaseURL = self::getWikiBaseURL();
1371 }
1372 else {
1373 $docBaseURL = self::getDocBaseURL();
1374 $params['page'] = self::formatDocUrl($params['page']);
1375 }
1377 if (!isset($params['title']) or $params['title'] === NULL) {
1378 $params['title'] = ts('Opens documentation in a new window.');
1379 }
1381 if (!isset($params['text']) or $params['text'] === NULL) {
1382 $params['text'] = ts('(learn more...)');
1383 }
1385 if (!isset($params['style']) || $params['style'] === NULL) {
1386 $style = '';
1387 }
1388 else {
1389 $style = "style=\"{$params['style']}\"";
1390 }
1392 $link = $docBaseURL . str_replace(' ', '+', $params['page']);
1394 if (isset($params['URLonly']) && $params['URLonly'] == TRUE) {
1395 return $link;
1396 }
1397 else {
1398 return "<a href=\"{$link}\" $style target=\"_blank\" class=\"crm-doc-link no-popup\" title=\"{$params['title']}\">{$params['text']}</a>";
1399 }
1400 }
1402 /**
1403 * Add language and version parameters to the doc url.
1404 *
1405 * Note that this function may run before CiviCRM is initialized and so should not call ts() or perform any db lookups.
1406 *
1407 * @param $url
1408 * @return mixed
1409 */
1410 public static function formatDocUrl($url) {
1411 return preg_replace('#^(user|sysadmin|dev)/#', '\1/en/stable/', $url);
1412 }
1414 /**
1415 * Exit with provided exit code.
1416 *
1417 * @param int $status
1418 * (optional) Code with which to exit.
1419 *
1420 * @param array $testParameters
1421 */
1422 public static function civiExit($status = 0, $testParameters = []) {
1424 if (CIVICRM_UF === 'UnitTests') {
1425 throw new CRM_Core_Exception_PrematureExitException('civiExit called', $testParameters);
1426 }
1427 if ($status > 0) {
1428 http_response_code(500);
1429 }
1430 // move things to CiviCRM cache as needed
1431 CRM_Core_Session::storeSessionObjects();
1433 if (Civi\Core\Container::isContainerBooted()) {
1434 Civi::dispatcher()->dispatch('civi.core.exit');
1435 }
1437 $userSystem = CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem;
1438 if (is_callable([$userSystem, 'onCiviExit'])) {
1439 $userSystem->onCiviExit();
1440 }
1441 exit($status);
1442 }
1444 /**
1445 * Reset the various system caches and some important static variables.
1446 */
1447 public static function flushCache() {
1448 // flush out all cache entries so we can reload new data
1449 // a bit aggressive, but livable for now
1450 CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton()->flush();
1452 // Traditionally, systems running on memory-backed caches were quite
1453 // zealous about destroying *all* memory-backed caches during a flush().
1454 // These flushes simulate that legacy behavior. However, they should probably
1455 // be removed at some point.
1456 $localDrivers = ['CRM_Utils_Cache_ArrayCache', 'CRM_Utils_Cache_NoCache'];
1457 if (Civi\Core\Container::isContainerBooted()
1458 && !in_array(get_class(CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton()), $localDrivers)) {
1459 Civi::cache('long')->flush();
1460 Civi::cache('settings')->flush();
1461 Civi::cache('js_strings')->flush();
1462 Civi::cache('community_messages')->flush();
1463 Civi::cache('groups')->flush();
1464 Civi::cache('navigation')->flush();
1465 Civi::cache('customData')->flush();
1466 Civi::cache('contactTypes')->clear();
1467 Civi::cache('metadata')->clear();
1468 CRM_Extension_System::singleton()->getCache()->flush();
1469 CRM_Cxn_CiviCxnHttp::singleton()->getCache()->flush();
1470 }
1472 // also reset the various static memory caches
1474 // reset the memory or array cache
1475 Civi::cache('fields')->flush();
1477 // reset ACL cache
1478 CRM_ACL_BAO_Cache::resetCache();
1480 // clear asset builder folder
1481 \Civi::service('asset_builder')->clear(FALSE);
1483 // reset various static arrays used here
1484 CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_importableFields = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_exportableFields
1485 = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::$_importableFields
1486 = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::$_exportableFields
1487 = CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge::$_exportableFields
1488 = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::$_importFields
1489 = CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::$_cache = CRM_Core_DAO::$_dbColumnValueCache = NULL;
1491 CRM_Core_OptionGroup::flushAll();
1492 CRM_Utils_PseudoConstant::flushAll();
1493 }
1495 /**
1496 * Load CMS bootstrap.
1497 *
1498 * @param array $params
1499 * Array with uid name and pass
1500 * @param bool $loadUser
1501 * Boolean load user or not.
1502 * @param bool $throwError
1503 * @param string $realPath
1504 */
1505 public static function loadBootStrap($params = [], $loadUser = TRUE, $throwError = TRUE, $realPath = NULL) {
1506 if (!is_array($params)) {
1507 $params = [];
1508 }
1509 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
1510 $result = $config->userSystem->loadBootStrap($params, $loadUser, $throwError, $realPath);
1511 if (is_callable([$config->userSystem, 'setMySQLTimeZone'])) {
1512 $config->userSystem->setMySQLTimeZone();
1513 }
1514 return $result;
1515 }
1517 /**
1518 * Get Base CMS url.
1519 *
1520 * @return mixed|string
1521 */
1522 public static function baseCMSURL() {
1523 static $_baseURL = NULL;
1524 if (!$_baseURL) {
1525 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
1526 $_baseURL = $userFrameworkBaseURL = $config->userFrameworkBaseURL;
1528 if ($config->userFramework == 'Joomla') {
1529 // gross hack
1530 // we need to remove the administrator/ from the end
1531 $_baseURL = str_replace("/administrator/", "/", $userFrameworkBaseURL);
1532 }
1533 else {
1534 // Drupal setting
1535 global $civicrm_root;
1536 if (strpos($civicrm_root,
1537 DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sites' .
1539 DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules'
1540 ) === FALSE
1541 ) {
1542 $startPos = strpos($civicrm_root,
1544 );
1545 $endPos = strpos($civicrm_root,
1547 );
1548 if ($startPos && $endPos) {
1549 // if component is in sites/SITENAME/modules
1550 $siteName = substr($civicrm_root,
1551 $startPos + 7,
1552 $endPos - $startPos - 7
1553 );
1555 $_baseURL = $userFrameworkBaseURL . "sites/$siteName/";
1556 }
1557 }
1558 }
1559 }
1560 return $_baseURL;
1561 }
1563 /**
1564 * Given a URL, return a relative URL if possible.
1565 *
1566 * @param string $url
1567 *
1568 * @return string
1569 */
1570 public static function relativeURL($url) {
1571 // check if url is relative, if so return immediately
1572 if (substr($url, 0, 4) != 'http') {
1573 return $url;
1574 }
1576 // make everything relative from the baseFilePath
1577 $baseURL = self::baseCMSURL();
1579 // check if baseURL is a substr of $url, if so
1580 // return rest of string
1581 if (substr($url, 0, strlen($baseURL)) == $baseURL) {
1582 return substr($url, strlen($baseURL));
1583 }
1585 // return the original value
1586 return $url;
1587 }
1589 /**
1590 * Produce an absolute URL from a possibly-relative URL.
1591 *
1592 * @param string $url
1593 * @param bool $removeLanguagePart
1594 *
1595 * @return string
1596 */
1597 public static function absoluteURL($url, $removeLanguagePart = FALSE) {
1598 // check if url is already absolute, if so return immediately
1599 if (substr($url, 0, 4) == 'http') {
1600 return $url;
1601 }
1603 // make everything absolute from the baseFileURL
1604 $baseURL = self::baseCMSURL();
1606 //CRM-7622: drop the language from the URL if requested (and it’s there)
1607 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
1608 if ($removeLanguagePart) {
1609 $baseURL = self::languageNegotiationURL($baseURL, FALSE, TRUE);
1610 }
1612 return $baseURL . $url;
1613 }
1615 /**
1616 * Clean url, replaces first '&' with '?'.
1617 *
1618 * @param string $url
1619 *
1620 * @return string
1621 * , clean url
1622 */
1623 public static function cleanUrl($url) {
1624 if (!$url) {
1625 return NULL;
1626 }
1628 if ($pos = strpos($url, '&')) {
1629 $url = substr_replace($url, '?', $pos, 1);
1630 }
1632 return $url;
1633 }
1635 /**
1636 * Format the url as per language Negotiation.
1637 *
1638 * @param string $url
1639 *
1640 * @param bool $addLanguagePart
1641 * @param bool $removeLanguagePart
1642 *
1643 * @return string
1644 * , formatted url.
1645 */
1646 public static function languageNegotiationURL(
1647 $url,
1648 $addLanguagePart = TRUE,
1649 $removeLanguagePart = FALSE
1650 ) {
1651 return CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->languageNegotiationURL($url, $addLanguagePart, $removeLanguagePart);
1652 }
1654 /**
1655 * Append the contents of an 'extra' smarty template file.
1656 *
1657 * It must be present in the custom template directory. This does not work if there are
1658 * multiple custom template directories
1659 *
1660 * @param string $fileName
1661 * The name of the tpl file that we are processing.
1662 * @param string $content
1663 * The current content string. May be modified by this function.
1664 * @param string $overideFileName
1665 * (optional) Sent by contribution/event reg/profile pages which uses a id
1666 * specific extra file name if present.
1667 */
1668 public static function appendTPLFile(
1669 $fileName,
1670 &$content,
1671 $overideFileName = NULL
1672 ) {
1673 $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
1674 if ($overideFileName) {
1675 $additionalTPLFile = $overideFileName;
1676 }
1677 else {
1678 $additionalTPLFile = str_replace('.tpl', '.extra.tpl', $fileName);
1679 }
1681 if ($template->template_exists($additionalTPLFile)) {
1682 $content .= $template->fetch($additionalTPLFile);
1683 }
1684 }
1686 /**
1687 * Get a list of all files that are found within the directories.
1688 *
1689 * Files must be the result of appending the provided relative path to
1690 * each component of the PHP include path.
1691 *
1692 * @author Ken Zalewski
1693 *
1694 * @param string $relpath
1695 * A relative path, typically pointing to a directory with multiple class
1696 * files.
1697 *
1698 * @return array
1699 * An array of files that exist in one or more of the directories that are
1700 * referenced by the relative path when appended to each element of the PHP
1701 * include path.
1702 */
1703 public static function listIncludeFiles($relpath) {
1704 $file_list = [];
1705 $inc_dirs = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path());
1706 foreach ($inc_dirs as $inc_dir) {
1707 $target_dir = $inc_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relpath;
1708 if (is_dir($target_dir)) {
1709 $cur_list = scandir($target_dir);
1710 foreach ($cur_list as $fname) {
1711 if ($fname != '.' && $fname != '..') {
1712 $file_list[$fname] = $fname;
1713 }
1714 }
1715 }
1716 }
1717 return $file_list;
1718 }
1720 /**
1721 * Get a list of all "plugins".
1722 *
1723 * (PHP classes that implement a piece of
1724 * functionality using a well-defined interface) that are found in a
1725 * particular CiviCRM directory (both custom and core are searched).
1726 *
1727 * @author Ken Zalewski
1728 *
1729 * @param string $relpath
1730 * A relative path referencing a directory that contains one or more
1731 * plugins.
1732 * @param string $fext
1733 * (optional) Only files with this extension will be considered to be
1734 * plugins.
1735 * @param array $skipList
1736 * (optional) List of files to skip.
1737 *
1738 * @return array
1739 * List of plugins, where the plugin name is both the key and the value of
1740 * each element.
1741 */
1742 public static function getPluginList($relpath, $fext = '.php', $skipList = []) {
1743 $fext_len = strlen($fext);
1744 $plugins = [];
1745 $inc_files = CRM_Utils_System::listIncludeFiles($relpath);
1746 foreach ($inc_files as $inc_file) {
1747 if (substr($inc_file, 0 - $fext_len) == $fext) {
1748 $plugin_name = substr($inc_file, 0, 0 - $fext_len);
1749 if (!in_array($plugin_name, $skipList)) {
1750 $plugins[$plugin_name] = $plugin_name;
1751 }
1752 }
1753 }
1754 return $plugins;
1755 }
1757 /**
1758 * Execute scheduled jobs.
1759 */
1760 public static function executeScheduledJobs() {
1761 $facility = new CRM_Core_JobManager();
1762 $facility->execute(FALSE);
1764 $redirectUrl = self::url('civicrm/admin/job', 'reset=1');
1766 CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(
1767 ts('Scheduled jobs have been executed according to individual timing settings. Please check log for messages.'),
1768 ts('Complete'), 'success');
1770 CRM_Utils_System::redirect($redirectUrl);
1771 }
1773 /**
1774 * Evaluate any tokens in a URL.
1775 *
1776 * @param string|FALSE $url
1777 *
1778 * @return string|FALSE
1779 */
1780 public static function evalUrl($url) {
1781 if (!$url || strpos($url, '{') === FALSE) {
1782 return $url;
1783 }
1784 else {
1785 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
1786 $tsLocale = CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale();
1787 $vars = [
1788 '{ver}' => CRM_Utils_System::version(),
1789 '{uf}' => $config->userFramework,
1790 '{php}' => phpversion(),
1791 '{sid}' => self::getSiteID(),
1792 '{baseUrl}' => $config->userFrameworkBaseURL,
1793 '{lang}' => $tsLocale,
1794 '{co}' => $config->defaultContactCountry,
1795 ];
1796 return strtr($url, array_map('urlencode', $vars));
1797 }
1798 }
1800 /**
1801 * Returns the unique identifier for this site, as used by community messages.
1802 *
1803 * SiteID will be generated if it is not already stored in the settings table.
1804 *
1805 * @return string
1806 */
1807 public static function getSiteID() {
1808 $sid = Civi::settings()->get('site_id');
1809 if (!$sid) {
1810 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
1811 $sid = md5('sid_' . (defined('CIVICRM_SITE_KEY') ? CIVICRM_SITE_KEY : '') . '_' . $config->userFrameworkBaseURL);
1812 civicrm_api3('Setting', 'create', ['domain_id' => 'all', 'site_id' => $sid]);
1813 }
1814 return $sid;
1815 }
1817 /**
1818 * Determine whether this is a developmental system.
1819 *
1820 * @return bool
1821 */
1822 public static function isDevelopment() {
1823 static $cache = NULL;
1824 if ($cache === NULL) {
1825 global $civicrm_root;
1826 $cache = file_exists("{$civicrm_root}/.svn") || file_exists("{$civicrm_root}/.git");
1827 }
1828 return $cache;
1829 }
1831 /**
1832 * Is in upgrade mode.
1833 *
1834 * @return bool
1835 */
1836 public static function isInUpgradeMode() {
1837 $args = explode('/', CRM_Utils_Array::value('q', $_GET));
1838 $upgradeInProcess = CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->get('isUpgradePending');
1839 if ((isset($args[1]) && $args[1] == 'upgrade') || $upgradeInProcess) {
1840 return TRUE;
1841 }
1842 else {
1843 return FALSE;
1844 }
1845 }
1847 /**
1848 * Determine the standard URL for viewing or editing the specified link.
1849 *
1850 * This function delegates the decision-making to (a) the hook system and
1851 * (b) the BAO system.
1852 *
1853 * @param array $crudLinkSpec
1854 * With keys:.
1855 * - action: int, CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE or CRM_Core_Action::VIEW [default: VIEW]
1856 * - entity_table: string, eg "civicrm_contact"
1857 * - entity_id: int
1858 *
1859 * @return array|NULL
1860 * NULL if unavailable, or an array. array has keys:
1861 * - path: string
1862 * - query: array
1863 * - title: string
1864 * - url: string
1865 */
1866 public static function createDefaultCrudLink($crudLinkSpec) {
1867 $crudLinkSpec['action'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('action', $crudLinkSpec, CRM_Core_Action::VIEW);
1868 $daoClass = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($crudLinkSpec['entity_table']);
1869 if (!$daoClass) {
1870 return NULL;
1871 }
1873 $baoClass = str_replace('_DAO_', '_BAO_', $daoClass);
1874 if (!class_exists($baoClass)) {
1875 return NULL;
1876 }
1878 $bao = new $baoClass();
1879 $bao->id = $crudLinkSpec['entity_id'];
1880 if (!$bao->find(TRUE)) {
1881 return NULL;
1882 }
1884 $link = [];
1885 CRM_Utils_Hook::crudLink($crudLinkSpec, $bao, $link);
1886 if (empty($link) && is_callable([$bao, 'createDefaultCrudLink'])) {
1887 $link = $bao->createDefaultCrudLink($crudLinkSpec);
1888 }
1890 if (!empty($link)) {
1891 if (!isset($link['url'])) {
1892 $link['url'] = self::url($link['path'], $link['query'], TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
1893 }
1894 return $link;
1895 }
1897 return NULL;
1898 }
1900 /**
1901 * Return an HTTP Response with appropriate content and status code set.
1902 * @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
1903 */
1904 public static function sendResponse(\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) {
1905 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->sendResponse($response);
1906 }
1908 }