CRM_Utils_SQL_Select - Backport
[civicrm-core.git] / CRM / Utils / SQL / Select.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * Dear God Why Do I Have To Write This (Dumb SQL Builder)
5 *
6 * Usage:
7 * $select = new CRM_Utils_SQL_Select('civicrm_activity act');
8 * $select
9 * ->join('absence', 'inner join civicrm_activity absence on = act.source_record_id')
10 * ->where('activity_type_id = #type', array('#type' => 234))
11 * ->where('status_id IN (#statuses)', array('#statuses' => array(1,2,3))
12 * ->where('subject like @subj', array('@subj' => '%hello%'))
13 * ->where('!dynamicColumn = 1', array('!dynamicColumn' => 'coalesce(is_active,0)'))
14 * ->where('!column = @value', array(
15 * '!column' => $customField->column_name,
16 * '@value' => $form['foo']
17 * ))
18 * echo $select->toSQL();
19 *
20 * Design principles:
21 * - Portable
22 * - No knowledge of the underlying SQL API (except for escaping -- CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString)
23 * - No knowledge of the underlying data model
24 * - Single file
25 * - SQL clauses correspond to PHP functions ($select->where("foo_id=123"))
26 * - Variable escaping is concise and controllable based on prefixes, eg
27 * - similar to Drupal's t()
28 * - use "@varname" to insert the escaped value
29 * - use "!varname" to insert raw (unescaped) values
30 * - use "#varname" to insert a numerical value (these are validated but not escaped)
31 * - to disable any preprocessing, simply omit the variable list
32 * - Variables may be individual values or arrays; arrays are imploded with commas
33 * - Conditionals are AND'd; if you need OR's, do it yourself
34 */
35 class CRM_Utils_SQL_Select {
36 private $selects = array();
37 private $from;
38 private $joins = array();
39 private $wheres = array();
40 private $groupBys = array();
41 private $havings = array();
42 private $orderBys = array();
44 /**
45 * Create a new SELECT query
46 *
47 * @param $from
48 * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
49 */
50 public static function from($from) {
51 return new self($from);
52 }
54 public function __construct($from) {
55 $this->from = $from;
56 }
58 public function join($name, $expr, $args = NULL) {
59 $this->joins[$name] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args);
60 return $this;
61 }
63 /**
64 * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions
65 * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable
66 * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
67 */
68 public function select($exprs, $args = NULL) {
69 $exprs = (array) $exprs;
70 foreach ($exprs as $expr) {
71 $this->selects[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args);
72 }
73 return $this;
74 }
76 /**
77 * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions
78 * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable
79 * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
80 */
81 public function where($exprs, $args = NULL) {
82 $exprs = (array) $exprs;
83 foreach ($exprs as $expr) {
84 $this->wheres[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args);
85 }
86 return $this;
87 }
89 /**
90 * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions
91 * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable
92 * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
93 */
94 public function groupBy($exprs, $args = NULL) {
95 $exprs = (array) $exprs;
96 foreach ($exprs as $expr) {
97 $this->groupBys[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args);
98 }
99 return $this;
100 }
102 /**
103 * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions
104 * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable
105 * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
106 */
107 public function having($exprs, $args = NULL) {
108 $exprs = (array) $exprs;
109 foreach ($exprs as $expr) {
110 $this->havings[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args);
111 }
112 return $this;
113 }
115 /**
116 * @param string|array $exprs list of SQL expressions
117 * @param null|array $args use NULL to disable interpolation; use an array of variables to enable
118 * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
119 */
120 public function orderBy($exprs, $args = NULL) {
121 $exprs = (array) $exprs;
122 foreach ($exprs as $expr) {
123 $this->orderBys[$expr] = $this->interpolate($expr, $args);
124 }
125 return $this;
126 }
128 /**
129 * Given a string like "field_name = @value", replace "@value" with an escaped SQL string
130 *
131 * @param string SQL expression
132 * @param null|array $args a list of values to insert into the SQL expression; keys are prefix-coded:
133 * prefix '@' => escape SQL
134 * prefix '#' => literal number, skip escaping but do validation
135 * prefix '!' => literal, skip escaping and validation
136 * if a value is an array, then it will be imploded
137 *
138 * PHP NULL's will be treated as SQL NULL's. The PHP string "null" will be treated as a string.
139 *
140 * @return string SQL expression
141 */
142 public function interpolate($expr, $args) {
143 if ($args === NULL) {
144 return $expr;
145 }
146 else {
147 foreach (array_keys($args) as $key) {
148 $values = is_array($args[$key]) ? $args[$key] : array($args[$key]);
149 if ($key{0} == '@') {
150 $parts = array_map(array($this, 'escapeString'), $values);
151 $args[$key] = implode(', ', $parts);
152 }
153 elseif ($key{0} == '!') {
154 $args[$key] = implode(', ', $values);
155 }
156 elseif ($key{0} == '#') {
157 foreach ($values as $valueKey => $value) {
158 if ($value === NULL) {
159 $values[$valueKey] = 'NULL';
160 }
161 elseif (!is_numeric($value)) {
162 //throw new API_Exception("Failed encoding non-numeric value" . var_export(array($key => $args[$key]), TRUE));
163 throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Failed encoding non-numeric value");
164 }
165 }
166 $args[$key] = implode(', ', $values);
167 }
168 else {
169 throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Bad SQL parameter key: $key");
170 }
171 }
172 return strtr($expr, $args);
173 }
174 }
176 protected function escapeString($value) {
177 return $value === NULL ? 'NULL' : '"' . CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($value) . '"';
178 }
180 /**
181 * @return string SQL statement
182 */
183 public function toSQL() {
184 if ($this->selects) {
185 $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->selects) . "\n";
186 }
187 else {
188 $sql = 'SELECT *' . "\n";
189 }
190 $sql .= 'FROM ' . $this->from . "\n";
191 foreach ($this->joins as $join) {
192 $sql .= $join . "\n";
193 }
194 if ($this->wheres) {
195 $sql .= 'WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $this->wheres) . ")\n";
196 }
197 if ($this->groupBys) {
198 $sql .= 'GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $this->groupBys) . "\n";
199 }
200 if ($this->havings) {
201 $sql .= 'HAVING (' . implode(') AND (', $this->havings) . ")\n";
202 }
203 if ($this->orderBys) {
204 $sql .= 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $this->orderBys) . "\n";
205 }
206 return $sql;
207 }
208 }