if any of the standard headers are blank, read_body.php doesn't show
[squirrelmail.git] / AUTHORS
1 Developers:
2 -----------
3 Luke Ehresman <luke@squirrelmail.org>
4 Nathan Ehresman <nathan@squirrelmail.org>
5 Gustav Foseid <gustavf@squirrelmail.org>
6 Pål Løberg <pallo@squirrelmail.org>
7 Shane Wilson
8 Steve Gare
9 Gerrit Padgham
10 Matt Phillips
11 Lewis Bergman
12 Bryan Stalcup <bryan@stalcup.net>
14 Translations:
15 -------------
16 Norwegian: Gustav Foseid <gustavf@squirrelmail.org>
17 German: Chris Thil <cj@limburgerhof.de>
18 Russian: Konstantin Riabitsev <graf@relhum.org>
19 Polish: Lukasz Klimek <casa@lo.pila.pl>
20 Swedish: Tobias Ekbom <tobias@vallcom.net>
21 Dutch: Arjen Halma <arjen@halma.nl>
22 Portuguese (Brazil): Henrique Moura <henriquemoura@hotmail.com>
23 French Ali Nedjimi <lrdfrx@club-internet.fr>
24 Italian Aldo Moresco <moresco@idcm.it>
25 Spanish Hernan Collazo <hernan_collazo@salutia.com>
26 Korean Jong-II Kim <aporie@netian.com>
28 Significant Contributions:
29 --------------------------
30 i18n support: Sergiusz Pawlowicz
31 SquirrelMail logo: Libor Kopecky <libor@globe.cz>
32 Code contributions: Konstantin Riabitsev <graf@relhum.org>
33 Alex Bleeker <beheer@hackers.nl>
34 Many others...