added italics to photo credits for bios
[libreplanet-static.git] / 2018 / includes / generated-bios.html
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16 <h2>Deb Nicholson</h2>
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19 <p>Deb Nicholson is a free software policy expert and a passionate community advocate. She is the Community Outreach Director for the <a href="">Open Invention Network</a>, the world's largest patent non-aggression community, which serves GNU, the kernel Linux, Android and other key free software projects.</p>
20 <p>She won the O’Reilly Open Source Award for her work with <a href="">GNU MediaGoblin</a> and <a href="">OpenHatch</a>. She is a founding organizer of the <a href="">Seattle GNU/Linux Conference</a>, an annual event dedicated to surfacing new voices and welcoming new people to the free software community. She also serves on the <a href="">Software Freedom Conservancy</a>'s Evaluation Committee, which acts as a curator for new member projects. She lives with her husband and her lucky black cat in Cambridge, Massachusetts.</p>
21 <p><i>Photo of Deb Nicholson by <a href="">Misty Smith</a> CC-BY-NC-SA</i></p>
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37 <h2>Gabriella Coleman</h2>
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39 <p>Gabriella (Biella) Coleman holds the Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy <a href="">at McGill University</a>. Trained as an anthropologist, her scholarship explores the intersection of the <a href="">cultures of hacking and politics</a>, with a focus on the sociopolitical implications of the free software movement and the digital protest ensemble Anonymous.</p>
40 <p>She has authored two books: <em>Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking</em> (Princeton University Press, 2012) and <a href=""><em>Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous</em></a> (Verso, 2014), which was named to <a href=""><em>Kirkus Reviews</em>' Best Books of 2014</a>, and was awarded the <a href="">Diana Forsythe Prize by the American Anthropological Association</a>. Her work has been featured in numerous scholarly journals and edited volumes. Committed to public ethnography, she routinely presents her work to diverse audiences, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, and has written for popular media outlets, including the <em>New York Times</em>, <em>Slate</em>, <em>Wired</em>, <em>MIT Technology Review</em>, <em>Huffington Post</em>, and <em>The Atlantic</em>. She sits on the board of <a href=""></a>, <a href="">The Tor Project</a>, <a href="">the Advisory Board of Data and Society</a>, and <a href="">the Social Science Advisory Board of the National Center for Women and Information Technology</a>.</p>
41 <p><i>Photo of Gabriella Coleman by <a href="">Victor Jeffreys II</a> CC-BY-NC-SA</i></p>
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57 <h2>Richard Stallman</h2>
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59 <p>Richard Stallman founded the free software movement in 1983 when he <a href="">announced he would develop the GNU operating system</a>, a Unix-like operating
60 system meant to consist entirely of <a href="">free software</a>. He
61 has been the GNU project's leader ever since. In October 1985 he
62 started the Free Software Foundation.</p>
63 <p>Since the mid-1990s, Stallman has spent most of his time in
64 political advocacy for free software, and spreading the ethical ideas
65 of the movement, as well as campaigning against both software patents
66 and dangerous extension of copyright laws. Before that, Richard
67 developed a number of widely used programs that are components of GNU,
68 including the original Emacs, the GNU Compiler Collection, the GNU
69 symbolic debugger (gdb), GNU Emacs, and various others.</p>
70 <p><i>Photo of Richard Stallman by <a href="">Kori Feener</a> CC-BY-SA</i></p>
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84 <h2>Seth David Schoen</h2>
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87 <p>Seth Schoen has served for sixteen years as the first-ever Staff Technologist at the <a href="">Electronic Frontier Foundation</a>, helping to inspire the creation of similar positions at other NGOs and government agencies. Seth has sought to inform EFF's litigation, policy, and activist work with technical expertise, and has researched topics including ISPs' interference with user communications and computer memory and laser printer forensics. He created the LNX-BBC live CD. He has testified before the U.S. Copyright Office, U.S. Sentencing Commission, Federal Trade Commission, and several courts, and has been invited to speak in twelve countries. He is one of the original technical contributors to the Let's Encrypt certificate authority project.</p>
88 <p><i>Photo of Seth David Schoen by <a href="">Electronic Frontier Foundation</a> CC-BY</i></p>
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