[libreplanet-static.git] / 2015 / call_for_sessions / index.html
1 <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/header.html"-->
3 <title>LibrePlanet 2015 &mdash; Call for Sessions</title>
5 <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/banner.html"-->
6 <!--#include virtual="/server/2015/sidebar.html"-->
8 <h2> Call for Sessions</h2>
10 <p>The Call for Sessions for LibrePlanet 2015 is open from <strong>Monday, September 15th, 2014</strong> to <strong>Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 at 19:59 EST (23:59 UTC)</strong>.</p>
11 <p>This year, the theme of LibrePlanet is "Free Software Everywhere." We're looking for talks that touch on the many places and ways that free software is used around the world, as well as ways to make free software ubiquitous. Think "where" in the broadest sense of the word--it's not just geography-based talks we're after. What are some contexts where free software is thriving, and some others where it needs a push? How have you worked to gain a foothold for free software in your company or community? And what about free software on all of the myriad pieces of hardware we use, including laptops, phones, tablets, and even coffee makers? At LibrePlanet 2015, we're taking software freedom around the world, to outer space, and through all kinds of industries, governments, organizations, fields of study, and communities.</p>
13 <h2>Should I submit a session proposal for LibrePlanet?</h2>
15 <p>Yes! We encourage speakers of all experience levels to submit a proposal. LibrePlanet is a great place for new and seasoned speakers alike. While LibrePlanet always includes technical talks, our program also emphasizes topics that are appropriate for newcomers. We are especially interested to see proposals from people who use free software or apply its values for social benefit, from academic research to community organizing, education to medicine and the arts. </p>
16 <p>While we do not provide honorariums for our speakers, speakers are eligible to apply for travel scholarships (see our list of important dates for more info). So yes, please submit a proposal even if you live far away and aren't sure you can afford a plane ticket!</p>
18 <h2>Important dates (subject to change)</h2>
20 <ul>
21 <li>September 15: Call for sessions opens </li>
22 <li>November 2: Call for sessions deadline </li>
23 <li>December 8: Speakers notified </li>
24 <li>January 15: Conference schedule announced </li>
25 </ul>
27 <h2>Some ideas for sessions</h2>
29 <ul>
30 <li>Sharing a story of how free software has been applied for social benefit</li>
31 <li>Tackling a threat or organizing challenge facing the free software movement</li>
32 <li>Demonstrating a new and exciting piece of software or development within an existing software project</li>
33 <li>Engaging youth, the future of the free software movement. We're looking for proposals for all age groups, from young children, to high school age, to college students</li>
34 <li>Thinking critically about challenges and opportunities facing the movement, and charting a path to victory</li>
35 <li>Bringing a key part of free software history to life</li>
36 <li>Giving newcomers a way to learn about free software principles and philosophy, and/or giving newcomers a way to start using free software in their daily lives</li>
37 </ul>
39 <p>At LibrePlanet, we are looking for sessions that embrace the free software movement's ideals and also its language. For example, successful proposals will use phrases like "free software" and avoid phrases like "open source." </p>
41 <h2>Past sessions</h2>
43 <ul>
44 <li><a href="http://libreplanet.org/2014/program/grid_schedule.html">2014</a></li>
45 <li><a href="http://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2013/Program">2013</a></li>
46 </ul>
48 <h2>Other ways to engage</h2>
49 <p>There is also a place on the proposal form to indicate if you would like to participate in the conference in other ways in addition to your session – by framing and moderating a panel; facilitating a caucus space; sharing media-making skills; demonstrating something cool in the exhibit hall; or blogging about the conference. Please let us know about the community-building skills you have to share!</p>
51 <form action="https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/profile/create?gid=325&amp;reset=1"
52 class="form-horizontal margin-top" method="post" name="Edit"
53 id="Edit1" >
54 <div>
55 <input name="entryURL" type="hidden"
56 value="https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/contact/view/delete?=&amp;amp;reset=1&amp;amp;delete=1&amp;amp;cid=743827" />
57 <!-- change the below URL to
58 https://libreplanet.org/2015/call_for_sessions/confirmation.html
59 before merging to stable branch -->
60 <input name="postURL" type="hidden"
61 value="http://libreplanet.org/2015/call_for_sessions/confirmation.html" />
62 <!-- change the below URL to
63 https://libreplanet.org/2015/call_for_sessions/
64 before merging to stable branch -->
65 <input name="cancelURL" type="hidden"
66 value="http://libreplanet.org/2015/call_for_sessions/" />
67 <input name="add_to_group" type="hidden" value="804" />
68 <input name="_qf_default" type="hidden" value="Edit:cancel" />
69 </div>
71 <div id="crm-container1" class="crm-container crm-public" lang="en"
72 xml:lang="en">
74 <div id="editrow-first_name" class="form-group">
75 <label for="first_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
76 First Name
77 <span class="field-required">*</span>
78 </label>
79 <div class="col-sm-5">
80 <input name="first_name"
81 type="text" id="first_name"
82 class="form-control" required>
83 </div>
84 </div>
86 <div id="editrow-last_name" class="form-group">
87 <label for="last_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
88 Last Name
89 </label>
90 <div class="col-sm-5">
91 <input name="last_name"
92 type="text" id="last_name" class="form-control" />
93 </div>
94 </div>
97 <div id="editrow-current_employer" class="form-group">
98 <label for="current_employer" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
99 Organization
100 </label>
101 <div class="col-sm-5">
102 <input name="current_employer"
103 type="text"
104 id="current_employer" class="form-control" />
105 </div>
106 </div>
109 <div id="editrow-email-Primary1"
110 class="form-group">
111 <label for="email-Primary1" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
112 Email
113 <span class="field-required">*</span>
114 </label>
115 <div class="col-sm-5">
116 <input name="email-Primary" type="email"
117 id="email-Primary1"
118 class="form-control" required>
119 </div>
120 </div>
122 <div id="editrow-phone-Primary-1"
123 class="form-group">
124 <label for="phone-Primary-1" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
125 Phone
126 </label>
127 <div class="col-sm-5">
128 <input name="phone-Primary-1" type="tel"
129 id="phone-Primary-1" class="form-control" />
130 </div>
131 </div>
134 <div id="editrow-country-Primary" class="form-group">
135 <label for="country-Primary" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
136 Country
137 </label>
138 <div class="col-sm-5">
139 <select name="country-Primary" id="country-Primary"
140 class="form-control">
141 <option value="">- select -</option>
142 <option value="1228" selected="selected">United States</option>
143 <option value="1001">Afghanistan</option>
144 <option value="1241">Åland Islands</option>
145 <option value="1002">Albania</option>
146 <option value="1003">Algeria</option>
147 <option value="1004">American Samoa</option>
148 <option value="1005">Andorra</option>
149 <option value="1006">Angola</option>
150 <option value="1007">Anguilla</option>
151 <option value="1008">Antarctica</option>
152 <option value="1009">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
153 <option value="1010">Argentina</option>
154 <option value="1011">Armenia</option>
155 <option value="1012">Aruba</option>
156 <option value="1013">Australia</option>
157 <option value="1014">Austria</option>
158 <option value="1015">Azerbaijan</option>
159 <option value="1212">Bahamas</option>
160 <option value="1016">Bahrain</option>
161 <option value="1017">Bangladesh</option>
162 <option value="1018">Barbados</option>
163 <option value="1019">Belarus</option>
164 <option value="1020">Belgium</option>
165 <option value="1021">Belize</option>
166 <option value="1022">Benin</option>
167 <option value="1023">Bermuda</option>
168 <option value="1024">Bhutan</option>
169 <option value="1025">Bolivia</option>
170 <option value="1250">Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba</option>
171 <option value="1026">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
172 <option value="1027">Botswana</option>
173 <option value="1028">Bouvet Island</option>
174 <option value="1029">Brazil</option>
175 <option value="1030">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
176 <option value="1032">Brunei Darussalam</option>
177 <option value="1033">Bulgaria</option>
178 <option value="1034">Burkina Faso</option>
179 <option value="1036">Burundi</option>
180 <option value="1037">Cambodia</option>
181 <option value="1038">Cameroon</option>
182 <option value="1039">Canada</option>
183 <option value="1040">Cape Verde</option>
184 <option value="1041">Cayman Islands</option>
185 <option value="1042">Central African Republic</option>
186 <option value="1043">Chad</option>
187 <option value="1044">Chile</option>
188 <option value="1045">China</option>
189 <option value="1046">Christmas Island</option>
190 <option value="1047">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
191 <option value="1048">Colombia</option>
192 <option value="1049">Comoros</option>
193 <option value="1051">Congo, Republic of the</option>
194 <option value="1050">Congo, The Democratic Republic of the</option>
195 <option value="1052">Cook Islands</option>
196 <option value="1053">Costa Rica</option>
197 <option value="1054">Côte d'Ivoire</option>
198 <option value="1055">Croatia</option>
199 <option value="1056">Cuba</option>
200 <option value="1248">Curaçao</option>
201 <option value="1057">Cyprus</option>
202 <option value="1058">Czech Republic</option>
203 <option value="1059">Denmark</option>
204 <option value="1060">Djibouti</option>
205 <option value="1061">Dominica</option>
206 <option value="1062">Dominican Republic</option>
207 <option value="1064">Ecuador</option>
208 <option value="1065">Egypt</option>
209 <option value="1066">El Salvador</option>
210 <option value="1067">Equatorial Guinea</option>
211 <option value="1068">Eritrea</option>
212 <option value="1069">Estonia</option>
213 <option value="1070">Ethiopia</option>
214 <option value="1072">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
215 <option value="1073">Faroe Islands</option>
216 <option value="1074">Fiji</option>
217 <option value="1075">Finland</option>
218 <option value="1076">France</option>
219 <option value="1077">French Guiana</option>
220 <option value="1078">French Polynesia</option>
221 <option value="1079">French Southern Territories</option>
222 <option value="1080">Gabon</option>
223 <option value="1213">Gambia</option>
224 <option value="1081">Georgia</option>
225 <option value="1082">Germany</option>
226 <option value="1083">Ghana</option>
227 <option value="1084">Gibraltar</option>
228 <option value="1085">Greece</option>
229 <option value="1086">Greenland</option>
230 <option value="1087">Grenada</option>
231 <option value="1088">Guadeloupe</option>
232 <option value="1089">Guam</option>
233 <option value="1090">Guatemala</option>
234 <option value="1245">Guernsey</option>
235 <option value="1091">Guinea</option>
236 <option value="1092">Guinea-Bissau</option>
237 <option value="1093">Guyana</option>
238 <option value="1094">Haiti</option>
239 <option value="1095">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
240 <option value="1096">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
241 <option value="1097">Honduras</option>
242 <option value="1098">Hong Kong</option>
243 <option value="1099">Hungary</option>
244 <option value="1100">Iceland</option>
245 <option value="1101">India</option>
246 <option value="1102">Indonesia</option>
247 <option value="1103">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
248 <option value="1104">Iraq</option>
249 <option value="1105">Ireland</option>
250 <option value="1246">Isle of Man</option>
251 <option value="1106">Israel</option>
252 <option value="1107">Italy</option>
253 <option value="1108">Jamaica</option>
254 <option value="1109">Japan</option>
255 <option value="1244">Jersey</option>
256 <option value="1110">Jordan</option>
257 <option value="1111">Kazakhstan</option>
258 <option value="1112">Kenya</option>
259 <option value="1113">Kiribati</option>
260 <option value="1114">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
261 <option value="1115">Korea, Republic of</option>
262 <option value="1251">Kosovo</option>
263 <option value="1116">Kuwait</option>
264 <option value="1117">Kyrgyzstan</option>
265 <option value="1118">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
266 <option value="1119">Latvia</option>
267 <option value="1120">Lebanon</option>
268 <option value="1121">Lesotho</option>
269 <option value="1122">Liberia</option>
270 <option value="1123">Libya</option>
271 <option value="1124">Liechtenstein</option>
272 <option value="1125">Lithuania</option>
273 <option value="1126">Luxembourg</option>
274 <option value="1127">Macao</option>
275 <option value="1128">Macedonia, Republic of</option>
276 <option value="1129">Madagascar</option>
277 <option value="1130">Malawi</option>
278 <option value="1131">Malaysia</option>
279 <option value="1132">Maldives</option>
280 <option value="1133">Mali</option>
281 <option value="1134">Malta</option>
282 <option value="1135">Marshall Islands</option>
283 <option value="1136">Martinique</option>
284 <option value="1137">Mauritania</option>
285 <option value="1138">Mauritius</option>
286 <option value="1139">Mayotte</option>
287 <option value="1140">Mexico</option>
288 <option value="1141">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
289 <option value="1142">Moldova</option>
290 <option value="1143">Monaco</option>
291 <option value="1144">Mongolia</option>
292 <option value="1243">Montenegro</option>
293 <option value="1145">Montserrat</option>
294 <option value="1146">Morocco</option>
295 <option value="1147">Mozambique</option>
296 <option value="1035">Myanmar</option>
297 <option value="1148">Namibia</option>
298 <option value="1149">Nauru</option>
299 <option value="1150">Nepal</option>
300 <option value="1152">Netherlands</option>
301 <option value="1153">New Caledonia</option>
302 <option value="1154">New Zealand</option>
303 <option value="1155">Nicaragua</option>
304 <option value="1156">Niger</option>
305 <option value="1157">Nigeria</option>
306 <option value="1158">Niue</option>
307 <option value="1159">Norfolk Island</option>
308 <option value="1160">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
309 <option value="1161">Norway</option>
310 <option value="1162">Oman</option>
311 <option value="1163">Pakistan</option>
312 <option value="1164">Palau</option>
313 <option value="1165">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
314 <option value="1166">Panama</option>
315 <option value="1167">Papua New Guinea</option>
316 <option value="1168">Paraguay</option>
317 <option value="1169">Peru</option>
318 <option value="1170">Philippines</option>
319 <option value="1171">Pitcairn</option>
320 <option value="1172">Poland</option>
321 <option value="1173">Portugal</option>
322 <option value="1174">Puerto Rico</option>
323 <option value="1175">Qatar</option>
324 <option value="1179">Reunion</option>
325 <option value="1176">Romania</option>
326 <option value="1177">Russian Federation</option>
327 <option value="1178">Rwanda</option>
328 <option value="1180">Saint Helena</option>
329 <option value="1181">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
330 <option value="1182">Saint Lucia</option>
331 <option value="1183">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
332 <option value="1184">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
333 <option value="1185">Samoa</option>
334 <option value="1186">San Marino</option>
335 <option value="1207">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
336 <option value="1187">Saudi Arabia</option>
337 <option value="1188">Senegal</option>
338 <option value="1242">Serbia</option>
339 <option value="1238">Serbia and Montenegro</option>
340 <option value="1189">Seychelles</option>
341 <option value="1190">Sierra Leone</option>
342 <option value="1191">Singapore</option>
343 <option value="1249">Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)</option>
344 <option value="1192">Slovakia</option>
345 <option value="1193">Slovenia</option>
346 <option value="1194">Solomon Islands</option>
347 <option value="1195">Somalia</option>
348 <option value="1196">South Africa</option>
349 <option value="1197">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
350 <option value="1247">South Sudan</option>
351 <option value="1198">Spain</option>
352 <option value="1199">Sri Lanka</option>
353 <option value="1200">Sudan</option>
354 <option value="1201">Suriname</option>
355 <option value="1202">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</option>
356 <option value="1203">Swaziland</option>
357 <option value="1204">Sweden</option>
358 <option value="1205">Switzerland</option>
359 <option value="1206">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
360 <option value="1208">Taiwan</option>
361 <option value="1209">Tajikistan</option>
362 <option value="1210">Tanzania, United Republic of</option>
363 <option value="1211">Thailand</option>
364 <option value="1063">Timor-Leste</option>
365 <option value="1214">Togo</option>
366 <option value="1215">Tokelau</option>
367 <option value="1216">Tonga</option>
368 <option value="1217">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
369 <option value="1218">Tunisia</option>
370 <option value="1219">Turkey</option>
371 <option value="1220">Turkmenistan</option>
372 <option value="1221">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
373 <option value="1222">Tuvalu</option>
374 <option value="1223">Uganda</option>
375 <option value="1224">Ukraine</option>
376 <option value="1225">United Arab Emirates</option>
377 <option value="1226">United Kingdom</option>
378 <option value="1227">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
379 <option value="1229">Uruguay</option>
380 <option value="1230">Uzbekistan</option>
381 <option value="1231">Vanuatu</option>
382 <option value="1232">Venezuela</option>
383 <option value="1233">Viet Nam</option>
384 <option value="1031">Virgin Islands, British</option>
385 <option value="1234">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option>
386 <option value="1235">Wallis and Futuna</option>
387 <option value="1236">Western Sahara</option>
388 <option value="1237">Yemen</option>
389 <option value="1239">Zambia</option>
390 <option value="1240">Zimbabwe</option>
391 </select>
392 </div>
393 </div>
396 <div class="crm-section
397 helprow-custom_117-section"
398 id="helprow-custom_117">
399 <br/>
400 <h3>Session information</h3>
401 </div>
403 <div id="editrow-custom_187"
404 class="form-group">
405 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">
406 Session type
407 <span class="field-required">*</span>
408 </label>
409 <div class="col-sm-9">
410 <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Individual_Presentation_2"
411 class="radio-inline">
412 <input value="Individual Presentation"
413 type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_Individual_Presentation_2"
414 name="custom_187" required />
415 Individual Presentation
416 </label>
418 <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Panel_4"
419 class="radio-inline">
420 <input value="Panel" type="radio"
421 id="CIVICRM_QFID_Panel_4" name="custom_187" />
422 Panel
423 </label>
425 <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Workshop_6"
426 class="radio-inline">
427 <input value="Workshop"
428 type="radio" id="CIVICRM_QFID_Workshop_6"
429 name="custom_187"/>
430 Workshop
431 </label>
433 <label for="CIVICRM_QFID_Strategic_Action_Session_8"
434 class="radio-inline">
435 <input value="Strategic Action Session" type="radio"
436 id="CIVICRM_QFID_Strategic_Action_Session_8" name="custom_187"/>
437 Strategic Action Session
438 </label>
440 </div>
441 </div>
444 <div class="form-group"
445 id="helprow-custom_1171">
446 <p><strong>Individual presentations</strong></p>
448 <p>Presentations are typically 45 minutes in length. This is an
449 opportunity to talk about your software project, organizing effort,
450 licensing knowledge, or just something you've learned from using free
451 software, with time for discussion. Describe your proposal, your
452 background, how it relates to the conference theme, and what you hope
453 participants will gain from your presentation. </p>
455 <p><strong>Panels</strong></p>
457 <p>Panels are typically 1 ½ hours long and are composed of three or more
458 people who want to engage deeply with a particular question, challenge,
459 or theme. Describe your proposal, how it relates to the conference
460 theme, and what you hope participants will gain from your presentation.
461 We encourage you to propose a full list of panelists from diverse
462 backgrounds. In addition to you own biography, please use the "Presenter
463 bio(s)" field to include biographical and contact information for each
464 panelist and indicate whether you have approached them about
465 participating in your panel. If accepted, we will work with you and
466 connect you with similar proposals. In some cases we may combine
467 proposals or add speakers to a proposed panel.</p>
469 <p><strong>Workshops</strong></p>
471 <p>Workshops are generally 1 ½ hours long and are submitted by one or
472 more people who have an intersectional, interactive presentation to
473 share. Workshops take many formats – from software or hardware
474 demonstrations, to workshops for new contributors, to skillshares and
475 tutorials. If you are submitting a proposal for a workshop, please
476 describe the goals and take-aways for the session. In addition to you
477 own biography, please use the "Presenter bio(s)" field to include
478 biographical and contact information for each panelist and indicate
479 whether you have approached them about participating in your workshop. </p>
481 <p><strong>Strategic Action Sessions</strong> </p>
483 <p>Strategic action sessions are generally 1 ½ hours long and provide a
484 space for activists to learn from each other’s organizing work and share
485 strategies, successes, and challenges. Examples of strategy sessions
486 might include: starting a local user group, discussing how to message
487 free software to political activists, sharing PR best practices to
488 promote free software, among others. </p>
489 </div>
491 <div id="editrow-custom_118"
492 class="form-group">
493 <label for="custom_189" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
494 Session title
495 (no more than 80 characters, please)
496 <span class="field-required">*</span>
497 </label>
498 <div class="col-sm-7">
499 <textarea name="custom_189" rows="4"
500 id="custom_189"
501 class="form-control" required></textarea>
502 </div>
503 </div>
505 <div class="form-group"
506 id="helprow-custom_118">
507 The working title for your proposed session. If your
508 session is accepted, we will contact you to finalize the title and
509 description.
510 </div>
512 <div id="editrow-custom_188"
513 class="form-group">
514 <label for="custom_188" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
515 Session description
516 <span class="field-required">*</span>
517 </label>
518 <div class="col-sm-7">
519 <textarea rows="4"
520 name="custom_188" id="custom_188"
521 class="form-control" required></textarea>
522 </div>
523 </div>
525 <div id="editrow-custom_181"
526 class="form-group">
527 <label for="custom_181" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
528 Presenter bio(s)
529 <span class="field-required">*</span>
530 </label>
531 <div class="col-sm-7">
532 <textarea rows="4"
533 name="custom_181" id="custom_181"
534 class="form-control" required></textarea>
535 </div>
536 </div>
539 <div id="editrow-custom_183" class="form-group">
540 <label for="custom_183" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
541 Other ways to participate
542 </label>
543 <div class="col-sm-7">
544 <textarea
545 rows="4" name="custom_183" id="custom_183"
546 class="form-control"></textarea>
547 </div>
548 </div>
550 <div class="form-group" id="helprow-custom_142">
551 <p>Would you like to participate in the conference in other
552 ways – by framing and moderating a panel; facilitating a caucus space;
553 sharing media-making skills, or blogging about the conference? Please
554 let us know about the community-building skills you have to
555 share!</p>
556 </div>
558 <div class="form-group"
559 id="helprow-custom_140">
560 <br>
561 <h3>Identity and demographics</h3>
563 <p>LibrePlanet is committed to increasing the diversity of the free
564 software movement, and to making the diversity that already exists more
565 visible. To that end, our CFS process takes demographic information
566 into account in order to build a program that features as many different
567 voices and perspectives as possible. We ask you to please share any demographic information about yourself
568 that you are comfortable sharing.</p>
570 <p><strong>Your proposal will not be judged negatively if you decline to
571 answer any of the following questions.</strong></p>
573 </div>
576 <div id="editrow-custom_185"
577 class="form-group">
578 <label for="custom_185" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
579 Race/Ethnicity
580 </label>
581 <div class="col-sm-5">
582 <input name="custom_185"
583 type="text"
584 id="custom_185" class="form-control" />
585 </div>
586 </div>
588 <div id="editrow-custom_184"
589 class="form-group">
590 <label for="custom_184" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
591 Gender
592 </label>
593 <div class="col-sm-5">
594 <input name="custom_184"
595 type="text"
596 id="custom_184" class="form-control" />
597 </div>
598 </div>
600 <div id="editrow-custom_186"
601 class="form-group">
602 <label for="custom_186" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
603 Anything else you'd like to share about your identity?
604 </label>
605 <div class="col-sm-7">
606 <textarea
607 rows="4"
608 name="custom_186" id="custom_186"
609 class="form-control"></textarea></div>
610 </div>
612 <div class="form-group"
613 id="helprow-custom_127">
614 <br>
615 <h3>Miscellaneous</h3>
616 </div>
618 <div id="editrow-custom_179"
619 class="form-group">
620 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">
621 Have you come to the conference before?
622 <span class="field-required">*</span>
623 </label>
625 <div class="col-sm-9">
626 <input type="hidden"
627 name="custom_179[attended previous conference(s)]" value="" />
629 <label class="checkbox-inline"
630 for="custom_179_attended_previous_conference(s)">
631 <input
632 id="custom_179_attended_previous_conference(s)"
633 name="custom_179[attended previous conference(s)]"
634 type="checkbox"
635 value="1" />
636 Attended previous conference(s)
637 </label>
640 <input type="hidden"
641 name="custom_179[received travel stipend to attend previous conference(s)]"
642 value="" />
643 <label class="checkbox-inline"
644 for="custom_179_received_travel_stipend_to_attend_previous_conference(s)">
645 <input id="custom_179_received_travel_stipend_to_attend_previous_conference(s)"
646 name="custom_179[received travel stipend to attend previous conference(s)]"
647 type="checkbox" value="1"
648 />
649 Received travel stipend to attend
650 previous conference(s)</label>
652 <input type="hidden"
653 name="custom_179[presented at previous conference(s)]" value="" />
654 <label class="checkbox-inline" for="custom_179_presented_at_previous_conference(s)">
655 <input
656 id="custom_179_presented_at_previous_conference(s)"
657 name="custom_179[presented at previous conference(s)]" type="checkbox"
658 value="1" />Presented at previous conference(s)</label>
660 <input type="hidden" name="custom_179[have not attended]" value="" />
661 <label class="checkbox-inline"
662 for="custom_179_have_not_attended">
663 <input id="custom_179_have_not_attended"
664 name="custom_179[have not attended]" type="checkbox" value="1" />
665 Have not attended</label>
666 </div>
667 </div>
671 <div id="editrow-custom_197" class="form-group">
672 <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">I would like to apply for a travel scholarship</label>
674 <div class="col-sm-9">
675 <input type="hidden" name="custom_197[yes]" value="" />
677 <label class="checkbox-inline"
678 for="custom_197_yes">
679 <input
680 id="custom_197_yes"
681 name="custom_197[yes]"
682 type="checkbox"
683 value="1" />
684 Yes
685 </label>
686 </div>
687 </div>
689 <div class="form-group"
690 id="helprow-custom_128">
691 <p>We are unable
692 to provide honorariums or speaker's fees to presenters at LibrePlanet.
693 However, presenters are eligible to apply for travel scholarships which
694 may fund or partially fund transportation and hotel
695 expenses.</p>
696 </div>
698 <div id="editrow-custom_791"
699 class="form-group">
700 <label class="col-sm-3">
701 Would you like to join the FSF's low-volume
702 mailing list and receive our monthly newsletter?
703 </label>
704 <div class="col-sm-5">
705 <input
706 type="hidden" name="custom_79[yes]" value="" />
707 <label class="checkbox"
708 for="custom_79_yes1">
709 <input id="custom_79_yes1"
710 name="custom_79[yes]"
711 type="checkbox" value="1"
712 checked="checked"
713 />Sign me up!
714 </label>
715 </div>
716 </div>
717 </div> <!-- end form-layout-compressed for last profile -->
719 <div class="form-group">
720 <p>We will not publish or share your information with any party
721 outside the FSF. See our
722 <a href="https://my.fsf.org/donate/privacypolicy.html">privacy policy</a>
723 for more information.</p>
724 <p><strong>Please hit save when you complete the form, then check your
725 email for a confirmation. Your session proposal will not be submitted
726 until you confirm.</strong></p>
727 <p><strong>Thanks for submitting a proposal!</strong></p>
728 </div>
730 <div class="form-group">
732 <input class="btn btn-default"
733 accesskey="S"
734 name="_qf_Edit_next"
735 value="Save" type="submit"
736 id="_qf_Edit_next1" />
738 </div>
739 </form>
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