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19 <h1><a href="/server/staging/lpc14"> LibrePlanet <small>2014</small></a></h1>
20 <p><strong>March 2014 in Cambridge, MA</strong></p>
21 <p class="text-muted">The yearly conference of the free software community</p>
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92 <li><a href="/2014/exhibit">Exhibition tables</a></li>
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100 <li><a href="/2014/anti-harassment/">Anti-harassment policy</a></li>
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111 <h2> Exhibitor <small>application</small> </h2>
112 <p>
113 Thanks for applying to exhibit at LibrePlanet. We will review your application and get in touch via email.
114 </p>
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119 <strong>Please check your email for a confirmation link.</strong>
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