[libreplanet-static.git] / 2011 / skins / common / ajaxwatch.js
1 // dependencies:
2 // * ajax.js:
3 /*extern sajax_init_object, sajax_do_call */
4 // * wikibits.js:
5 /*extern changeText, akeytt, hookEvent, jsMsg */
7 // These should have been initialized in the generated js
8 /*extern wgAjaxWatch, wgPageName */
10 if(typeof wgAjaxWatch === "undefined" || !wgAjaxWatch) {
11 var wgAjaxWatch = {
12 watchMsg: "Watch",
13 unwatchMsg: "Unwatch",
14 watchingMsg: "Watching...",
15 unwatchingMsg: "Unwatching..."
16 };
17 }
19 wgAjaxWatch.supported = true; // supported on current page and by browser
20 wgAjaxWatch.watching = false; // currently watching page
21 wgAjaxWatch.inprogress = false; // ajax request in progress
22 wgAjaxWatch.timeoutID = null; // see wgAjaxWatch.ajaxCall
23 wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks = []; // "watch"/"unwatch" links
25 wgAjaxWatch.setLinkText = function(newText) {
26 for (i = 0; i < wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks.length; i++) {
27 changeText(wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[i], newText);
28 }
29 };
31 wgAjaxWatch.setLinkID = function(newId) {
32 // We can only set the first one
33 wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[0].setAttribute( 'id', newId );
34 akeytt(newId); // update tooltips for Monobook
35 };
37 wgAjaxWatch.setHref = function( string ) {
38 for( i = 0; i < wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks.length; i++ ) {
39 if( string == 'watch' ) {
40 wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[i].href = wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[i].href
41 .replace( /&action=unwatch/, '&action=watch' );
42 } else if( string == 'unwatch' ) {
43 wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[i].href = wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[i].href
44 .replace( /&action=watch/, '&action=unwatch' );
45 }
46 }
47 }
49 wgAjaxWatch.ajaxCall = function() {
50 if(!wgAjaxWatch.supported) {
51 return true;
52 } else if (wgAjaxWatch.inprogress) {
53 return false;
54 }
55 if(!wfSupportsAjax()) {
56 // Lazy initialization so we don't toss up
57 // ActiveX warnings on initial page load
58 // for IE 6 users with security settings.
59 wgAjaxWatch.supported = false;
60 return true;
61 }
63 wgAjaxWatch.inprogress = true;
64 wgAjaxWatch.setLinkText( wgAjaxWatch.watching
65 ? wgAjaxWatch.unwatchingMsg : wgAjaxWatch.watchingMsg);
66 sajax_do_call(
67 "wfAjaxWatch",
68 [wgPageName, (wgAjaxWatch.watching ? "u" : "w")],
69 wgAjaxWatch.processResult
70 );
71 // if the request isn't done in 10 seconds, allow user to try again
72 wgAjaxWatch.timeoutID = window.setTimeout(
73 function() { wgAjaxWatch.inprogress = false; },
74 10000
75 );
76 return false;
77 };
79 wgAjaxWatch.processResult = function(request) {
80 if(!wgAjaxWatch.supported) {
81 return;
82 }
83 var response = request.responseText;
84 if( response.match(/^<w#>/) ) {
85 wgAjaxWatch.watching = true;
86 wgAjaxWatch.setLinkText(wgAjaxWatch.unwatchMsg);
87 wgAjaxWatch.setLinkID("ca-unwatch");
88 wgAjaxWatch.setHref( 'unwatch' );
89 } else if( response.match(/^<u#>/) ) {
90 wgAjaxWatch.watching = false;
91 wgAjaxWatch.setLinkText(wgAjaxWatch.watchMsg);
92 wgAjaxWatch.setLinkID("ca-watch");
93 wgAjaxWatch.setHref( 'watch' );
94 } else {
95 // Either we got a <err#> error code or it just plain broke.
96 window.location.href = wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[0].href;
97 return;
98 }
99 jsMsg( response.substr(4), 'watch' );
100 wgAjaxWatch.inprogress = false;
101 if(wgAjaxWatch.timeoutID) {
102 window.clearTimeout(wgAjaxWatch.timeoutID);
103 }
104 // Bug 12395 - avoid some watch link confusion on edit
105 var watchthis = document.getElementById("wpWatchthis");
106 if( watchthis && response.match(/^<[uw]#>/) ) {
107 watchthis.checked = response.match(/^<w#>/) ? "checked" : "";
108 }
109 return;
110 };
112 wgAjaxWatch.onLoad = function() {
113 // This document structure hardcoding sucks. We should make a class and
114 // toss all this out the window.
115 var el1 = document.getElementById("ca-unwatch");
116 var el2 = null;
117 if (!el1) {
118 el1 = document.getElementById("mw-unwatch-link1");
119 el2 = document.getElementById("mw-unwatch-link2");
120 }
121 if(el1) {
122 wgAjaxWatch.watching = true;
123 } else {
124 wgAjaxWatch.watching = false;
125 el1 = document.getElementById("ca-watch");
126 if (!el1) {
127 el1 = document.getElementById("mw-watch-link1");
128 el2 = document.getElementById("mw-watch-link2");
129 }
130 if(!el1) {
131 wgAjaxWatch.supported = false;
132 return;
133 }
134 }
136 // The id can be either for the parent (Monobook-based) or the element
137 // itself (non-Monobook)
138 wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks.push( el1.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a"
139 ? el1 : el1.firstChild );
141 if( el2 ) {
142 wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks.push( el2 );
143 }
145 // I couldn't get for (watchLink in wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks) to work, if
146 // you can be my guest.
147 for( i = 0; i < wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks.length; i++ ) {
148 wgAjaxWatch.watchLinks[i].onclick = wgAjaxWatch.ajaxCall;
149 }
150 return;
151 };
153 hookEvent("load", wgAjaxWatch.onLoad);