revert 20476
[civicrm-core.git] / templates / CRM / Event / Form / Registration / EventInfoBlock.tpl
... / ...
2 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
3 | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
4 | |
5 | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
6 | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
7 | and copyright information, see |
8 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
10{* Block displays key event info for Registration Confirm and Thankyou pages *}
11<table class="form-layout">
12 <tr>
13 <td colspan="2">
14 {if $context EQ 'ThankYou'} {* Provide link back to event info page from Thank-you page *}
15 <a href="{crmURL p='civicrm/event/info' q="reset=1&id=`$`"}"title="{ts}View complete event information.{/ts}"><strong>{$event.event_title}</strong></a>
16 {else}
17 <strong>{$event.event_title}</strong>
18 {/if}
19 </td>
20 </tr>
21 <tr><td>{ts}When{/ts}</td>
22 <td width="90%">
23 {$event.event_start_date|crmDate}
24 {if $event.event_end_date}
25 &nbsp; {ts}through{/ts} &nbsp;
26 {* Only show end time if end date = start date *}
27 {if $event.event_end_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d" == $event.event_start_date|date_format:"%Y%m%d"}
28 {$event.event_end_date|crmDate:0:1}
29 {else}
30 {$event.event_end_date|crmDate}
31 {/if}
32 {/if}
33 </td>
34 </tr>
36 {if $isShowLocation}
37 {if $location.address.1}
38 <tr><td>{ts}Location{/ts}</td>
39 <td>
40 {$location.address.1.display|nl2br}
41 {if ( $event.is_map &&
42 $config->mapProvider &&
43 ( ( !empty($location.address.1.geo_code_1) && is_numeric($location.address.1.geo_code_1) ) ||
44 ( !empty($ AND !empty($location.address.1.state_province) ) ) ) }
45 <br/><a href="{crmURL p='civicrm/contact/map/event' q="reset=1&eid=`$`"}" title="{ts}Map this Address{/ts}" target="_blank">{ts}Map this Location{/ts}</a>
46 {/if}
47 </td>
48 </tr>
49 {/if}
50 {/if}{*End of isShowLocation condition*}
52 {if $ || $}
53 <tr><td>{ts}Contact{/ts}</td>
54 <td>
55 {* loop on any phones and emails for this event *}
56 {foreach from=$ item=phone}
57 {if $}
58 {if $phone.phone_type}{$phone.phone_type_display}{else}{ts}Phone{/ts}{/if}: {$} {if $phone.phone_ext}&nbsp;{ts}ext.{/ts} {$phone.phone_ext}{/if}
59 <br />
60 {/if}
61 {/foreach}
63 {foreach from=$ item=email}
64 {if $}
65 {ts}Email:{/ts} <a href="mailto:{$}">{$}</a>
66 {/if}
67 {/foreach}
68 </td>
69 </tr>
70 {/if}