CRM-13783 - ProfileBuilder - Create new custom field in popup dialog
[civicrm-core.git] / js / view / crm.designer.js
... / ...
1(function($) {
2 if (!CRM.Designer) CRM.Designer = {};
4 /**
5 * When rendering a template with Marionette.ItemView, the list of variables is determined by
6 * serializeData(). The normal behavior is to map each property of this.model to a template
7 * variable.
8 *
9 * This function extends that practice by exporting variables "_view", "_model", "_collection",
10 * and "_options". This makes it easier for the template to, e.g., access computed properties of
11 * a model (by calling "_model.getComputedProperty"), or to access constructor options (by
12 * calling "_options.myoption").
13 *
14 * @return {*}
15 */
16 var extendedSerializeData = function() {
17 var result = Marionette.ItemView.prototype.serializeData.apply(this);
18 result._view = this;
19 result._model = this.model;
20 result._collection = this.collection;
21 result._options = this.options;
22 return result;
23 };
25 /**
26 * Display a dialog window with an editable form for a UFGroupModel
27 *
28 * The implementation here is very "jQuery-style" and not "Backbone-style";
29 * it's been extracted
30 *
31 * options:
32 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
33 */
34 CRM.Designer.DesignerDialog = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
35 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
36 template: '#designer_dialog_template',
37 className: 'crm-designer-dialog',
38 regions: {
39 designerRegion: '.crm-designer'
40 },
41 /** @var bool whether this dialog is currently open */
42 isDialogOpen: false,
43 /** @var bool whether any changes have been made */
44 isUfUnsaved: false,
45 /** @var obj handle for the CRM.alert containing undo link */
46 undoAlert: null,
47 /** @var bool whether this dialog is being re-opened by the undo link */
48 undoState: false,
50 initialize: function(options) {
51 CRM.designerApp.vent.on('ufUnsaved', this.onUfChanged, this);
52 },
53 onClose: function() {
54 this.undoAlert && this.undoAlert.close && this.undoAlert.close();
55'ufUnsaved', this.onUfChanged, this);
56 },
57 onUfChanged: function(isUfUnsaved) {
58 this.isUfUnsaved = isUfUnsaved;
59 },
60 onRender: function() {
61 var designerDialog = this;
62 designerDialog.$el.dialog({
63 autoOpen: true, // note: affects accordion height
64 title: 'Edit Profile',
65 width: '75%',
66 height: 600,
67 minWidth: 500,
68 minHeight: 600, // to allow dropping in big whitespace, coordinate with min-height of .crm-designer-fields
69 open: function() {
70 // Prevent conflicts with other onbeforeunload handlers
71 designerDialog.oldOnBeforeUnload = window.onbeforeunload;
72 // Warn of unsaved changes when navigating away from the page
73 window.onbeforeunload = function() {
74 if (designerDialog.isDialogOpen && designerDialog.isUfUnsaved) {
75 return ts("Your profile has not been saved.");
76 }
77 if (designerDialog.oldOnBeforeUnload) {
78 return designerDialog.oldOnBeforeUnload.apply(arguments);
79 }
80 };
81 designerDialog.undoAlert && designerDialog.undoAlert.close && designerDialog.undoAlert.close();
82 designerDialog.isDialogOpen = true;
83 // Initialize new dialog if we are not re-opening unsaved changes
84 if (designerDialog.undoState === false) {
85 designerDialog.designerRegion && designerDialog.designerRegion.close && designerDialog.designerRegion.close();
86 designerDialog.$el.block({message: 'Loading...', theme: true});
87 designerDialog.options.findCreateUfGroupModel({
88 onLoad: function(ufGroupModel) {
89 designerDialog.model = ufGroupModel;
90 var designerLayout = new CRM.Designer.DesignerLayout({
91 model: ufGroupModel,
92 el: '<div class="full-height"></div>'
93 });
94 designerDialog.$el.unblock();
96 CRM.designerApp.vent.trigger('resize');
97 designerDialog.isUfUnsaved = false;
98 }
99 });
100 }
101 designerDialog.undoState = false;
102 // CRM-12188
103 CRM.designerApp.DetachedProfiles = [];
104 },
105 close: function() {
106 window.onbeforeunload = designerDialog.oldOnBeforeUnload;
107 designerDialog.isDialogOpen = false;
109 designerDialog.undoAlert && designerDialog.undoAlert.close && designerDialog.undoAlert.close();
110 if (designerDialog.isUfUnsaved) {
111 designerDialog.undoAlert = CRM.alert('<p>' + ts('Your changes to "%1" have not been saved.', {1: designerDialog.model.get('title')}) + '</p><a href="#" class="crm-undo">' + ts('Restore unsaved changes') + '</a>', ts('Unsaved Changes'), 'alert', {expires: 60000});
112 $('.ui-notify-message a.crm-undo').click(function() {
113 designerDialog.undoState = true;
114 designerDialog.$el.dialog('open');
115 return false;
116 });
117 }
118 // CRM-12188
119 CRM.designerApp.restorePreviewArea();
120 },
121 resize: function() {
122 CRM.designerApp.vent.trigger('resize');
123 }
124 });
125 }
126 });
128 /**
129 * Display a complete form-editing UI, including canvas, palette, and
130 * buttons.
131 *
132 * options:
133 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
134 */
135 CRM.Designer.DesignerLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
136 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
137 template: '#designer_template',
138 regions: {
139 buttons: '.crm-designer-buttonset-region',
140 palette: '.crm-designer-palette-region',
141 form: '.crm-designer-form-region',
142 fields: '.crm-designer-fields-region'
143 },
144 initialize: function() {
145 CRM.designerApp.vent.on('resize', this.onResize, this);
146 },
147 onClose: function() {
148'resize', this.onResize, this);
149 },
150 onRender: function() {
151 CRM.Designer.ToolbarView({
152 model: this.model
153 }));
154 CRM.Designer.PaletteView({
155 model: this.model
156 }));
157 CRM.Designer.UFGroupView({
158 model: this.model
159 }));
160 CRM.Designer.UFFieldCanvasView({
161 model: this.model
162 }));
163 },
164 onResize: function() {
165 if (! this.hasResizedBefore) {
166 this.hasResizedBefore = true;
167 this.$('.crm-designer-toolbar').resizable({
168 handles: 'w',
169 maxWidth: 400,
170 minWidth: 150,
171 resize: function(event, ui) {
172 $('.crm-designer-canvas').css('margin-right', (ui.size.width + 10) + 'px');
173 $(this).css({left: '', height: ''});
174 }
175 }).css({left: '', height: ''});
176 }
177 }
178 });
180 /**
181 * Display toolbar with working button
182 *
183 * options:
184 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
185 */
186 CRM.Designer.ToolbarView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
187 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
188 template: '#designer_buttons_template',
189 previewMode: false,
190 events: {
191 'click .crm-designer-save': 'doSave',
192 'click .crm-designer-preview': 'doPreview'
193 },
194 onRender: function() {
195 this.$('.crm-designer-save').button().attr({
196 disabled: 'disabled',
197 style: 'opacity:.5; box-shadow:none; cursor:default;'
198 });
199 this.$('.crm-designer-preview').button();
200 },
201 initialize: function(options) {
202 CRM.designerApp.vent.on('ufUnsaved', this.onUfChanged, this);
203 },
204 onUfChanged: function(isUfUnsaved) {
205 if (isUfUnsaved) {
206 this.$('.crm-designer-save').removeAttr('style').removeAttr('disabled');
207 }
208 },
209 doSave: function(event) {
210 var ufGroupModel = this.model;
211 if (ufGroupModel.getRel('ufFieldCollection').hasDuplicates()) {
212 CRM.alert(ts('Please correct errors before saving.'), '', 'alert');
213 return;
214 }
215 var $dialog = this.$el.closest('.crm-designer-dialog'); // FIXME use events
216 $dialog.block({message: 'Saving...', theme: true});
217 var profile = ufGroupModel.toStrictJSON();
218 profile["api.UFField.replace"] = {values: ufGroupModel.getRel('ufFieldCollection').toSortedJSON(), 'option.autoweight': 0};
219 CRM.api('UFGroup', 'create', profile, {
220 success: function(data) {
221 $dialog.unblock();
222 var error = false;
223 if (data.is_error) {
224 CRM.alert(data.error_message);
225 error = true;
226 }
227 _.each(data.values, function(ufGroupResponse) {
228 if (ufGroupResponse['api.UFField.replace'].is_error) {
229 CRM.alert(ufGroupResponse['api.UFField.replace'].error_message);
230 error = true;
231 }
232 });
233 if (!error) {
234 if (!ufGroupModel.get('id')) {
235 ufGroupModel.set('id',;
236 }
237 CRM.designerApp.vent.trigger('ufUnsaved', false);
238 CRM.designerApp.vent.trigger('ufSaved');
239 $dialog.dialog('close');
240 }
241 }
242 });
243 return false;
244 },
245 doPreview: function(event) {
246 this.previewMode = !this.previewMode;
247 if (!this.previewMode) {
248 $('.crm-designer-preview-canvas').html('');
249 $('.crm-designer-canvas > *, .crm-designer-palette-region').show();
250 $('.crm-designer-preview span').html(ts('Preview'));
251 return;
252 }
253 if (this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection').hasDuplicates()) {
254 CRM.alert(ts('Please correct errors before previewing.'), '', 'alert');
255 return;
256 }
257 var $dialog = this.$el.closest('.crm-designer-dialog'); // FIXME use events
258 $dialog.block({message: 'Loading...', theme: true});
259 // CRM-12188
260 CRM.designerApp.clearPreviewArea();
261 $.ajax({
262 url: CRM.url("civicrm/ajax/inline"),
263 type: 'POST',
264 data: {
265 'qfKey': CRM.profilePreviewKey,
266 'class_name': 'CRM_UF_Form_Inline_Preview',
267 'snippet': 1,
268 'ufData': JSON.stringify({
269 ufGroup: this.model.toStrictJSON(),
270 ufFieldCollection: this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection').toSortedJSON()
271 })
272 }
273 }).done(function(data) {
274 $dialog.unblock();
275 $('.crm-designer-canvas > *, .crm-designer-palette-region').hide();
276 $('.crm-designer-preview-canvas').html(data).show();
277 $('.crm-designer-preview span').html(ts('Edit'));
278 });
279 return false;
280 }
281 });
283 /**
284 * Display a selection of available fields
285 *
286 * options:
287 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
288 */
289 CRM.Designer.PaletteView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
290 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
291 template: '#palette_template',
292 el: '<div class="full-height"></div>',
293 events: {
294 'keyup .crm-designer-palette-search input': 'doSearch',
295 'click .crm-designer-palette-clear-search': 'clearSearch',
296 'click .crm-designer-palette-toggle': 'toggleAll'
297 },
298 initialize: function() {
299 this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection')
300 .on('add', this.toggleActive, this)
301 .on('remove', this.toggleActive, this);
302 this.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection')
303 .on('reset', this.render, this);
304 CRM.designerApp.vent.on('resize', this.onResize, this);
305 },
306 onClose: function() {
307 this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection')
308 .off('add', this.toggleActive, this)
309 .off('remove', this.toggleActive, this);
310 this.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection')
311 .off('reset', this.render, this);
312'resize', this.onResize, this);
313 },
314 onRender: function() {
315 var paletteView = this;
317 // Prepare data for jstree
318 var treeData = [];
319 var paletteFieldsByEntitySection = this.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection').getFieldsByEntitySection();
321 paletteView.model.getRel('ufEntityCollection').each(function(ufEntityModel){
322 _.each(ufEntityModel.getSections(), function(section, sectionKey){
323 var entitySection = ufEntityModel.get('entity_name') + '-' + sectionKey;
324 var items = [];
325 if (paletteFieldsByEntitySection[entitySection]) {
326 _.each(paletteFieldsByEntitySection[entitySection], function(paletteFieldModel, k) {
327 items.push({data: paletteFieldModel.getLabel(), attr: {'class': 'crm-designer-palette-field', 'data-plm-cid': paletteFieldModel.cid}});
328 });
329 }
330 if (section.is_addable) {
331 items.push({data: 'placeholder', attr: {'class': 'crm-designer-palette-add', 'data-entity': ufEntityModel.get('entity_name'), 'data-section': sectionKey}});
332 }
333 if (items.length > 0) {
334 treeData.push({data: section.title, children: items});
335 }
336 })
337 });
339 this.$('.crm-designer-palette-tree').jstree({
340 'json_data': {data: treeData},
341 'search': {
342 'case_insensitive' : true,
343 'show_only_matches': true
344 },
345 themes: {
346 "theme": 'classic',
347 "dots": false,
348 "icons": false,
349 "url": CRM.config.resourceBase + 'packages/jquery/plugins/jstree/themes/classic/style.css'
350 },
351 'plugins': ['themes', 'json_data', 'ui', 'search']
352 }).bind('loaded.jstree', function () {
353 $('.crm-designer-palette-field', this).draggable({
354 appendTo: '.crm-designer',
355 zIndex: $(this.$el).zIndex() + 5000,
356 helper: 'clone',
357 connectToSortable: '.crm-designer-fields' // FIXME: tight canvas/palette coupling
358 });
359 $('.crm-designer-palette-field', this).dblclick(function(event){
360 var paletteFieldModel = paletteView.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection').get($(event.currentTarget).attr('data-plm-cid'));
361 paletteFieldModel.addToUFCollection(paletteView.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection'));
362 event.stopPropagation();
363 });
364 paletteView.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection').each(function(ufFieldModel) {
365 paletteView.toggleActive(ufFieldModel, paletteView.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection'))
366 });
367 paletteView.$('.crm-designer-palette-add a').remove();
368 paletteView.$('.crm-designer-palette-add').append('<button>'+ts('Add Field')+'</button>');
369 paletteView.$('.crm-designer-palette-add button').button()
370 .click(function(event){
371 var entityKey = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.crm-designer-palette-add').attr('data-entity');
372 var sectionKey = $(event.currentTarget).closest('.crm-designer-palette-add').attr('data-section');
373 var ufEntityModel = paletteView.model.getRel('ufEntityCollection').getByName(entityKey);
374 var sections = ufEntityModel.getSections();
375 paletteView.doAddField(sections[sectionKey]);
376 event.stopPropagation();
377 })
378 ;
379 }).bind("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
380 $(this).jstree("toggle_node", data.rslt.obj);
381 $(this).jstree("deselect_node", data.rslt.obj);
382 });
384 // FIXME: tight canvas/palette coupling
385 this.$(".crm-designer-fields").droppable({
386 activeClass: "ui-state-default",
387 hoverClass: "ui-state-hover",
388 accept: ":not(.ui-sortable-helper)"
389 });
391 this.onResize();
392 },
393 onResize: function() {
394 var pos = this.$('.crm-designer-palette-tree').position();
395 var div = this.$('.crm-designer-palette-tree').closest('.crm-container').height();
396 this.$('.crm-designer-palette-tree').css({height: div -});
397 },
398 doSearch: function(event) {
399 $('.crm-designer-palette-tree').jstree("search", $(;
400 },
401 doAddField: function(section) {
402 var paletteView = this;
403 var url = CRM.url('civicrm/admin/custom/group/field/add', {
404 reset: 1,
405 action: 'add',
406 gid: section.custom_group_id
407 });
408 CRM.loadForm(url, {
409 resetButton: 'next_new',
410 onSuccess: function(data, settings) {
411 paletteView.doRefresh();
412 if (data.buttonName != 'next_new') {
413 $('close');
414 }
415 }
416 });
417 return false;
418 },
419 doRefresh: function() {
420 var ufGroupModel = this.model;
421 CRM.Schema.reloadModels()
422 .done(function(data){
423 ufGroupModel.resetEntities();
424 })
425 .fail(function() {
426 CRM.alert(ts('Failed to retrieve schema'), ts('Error'), 'error');
427 });
428 return false;
429 },
430 clearSearch: function(event) {
431 $('.crm-designer-palette-search input').val('').keyup();
432 return false;
433 },
434 toggleActive: function(ufFieldModel, ufFieldCollection, options) {
435 var paletteFieldCollection = this.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection');
436 var paletteFieldModel = paletteFieldCollection.getFieldByName(ufFieldModel.get('entity_name'), ufFieldModel.get('field_name'));
437 var isAddable = ufFieldCollection.isAddable(ufFieldModel);
438 this.$('[data-plm-cid='+paletteFieldModel.cid+']').toggleClass('disabled', !isAddable);
439 },
440 toggleAll: function(event) {
441 if ($('.crm-designer-palette-search input').val() == '') {
442 $('.crm-designer-palette-tree').jstree($('rel'));
443 }
444 return false;
445 }
446 });
448 /**
449 * Display all UFFieldModel objects in a UFGroupModel.
450 *
451 * options:
452 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
453 */
454 CRM.Designer.UFFieldCanvasView = Backbone.Marionette.View.extend({
455 initialize: function() {
456 this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection')
457 .on('add', this.updatePlaceholder, this)
458 .on('remove', this.updatePlaceholder, this)
459 .on('add', this.addUFFieldView, this);
460 },
461 onClose: function() {
462 this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection')
463 .off('add', this.updatePlaceholder, this)
464 .off('remove', this.updatePlaceholder, this)
465 .off('add', this.addUFFieldView, this);
466 },
467 render: function() {
468 var ufFieldCanvasView = this;
469 this.$el.html(_.template($('#field_canvas_view_template').html()));
471 // BOTTOM: Setup field-level editing
472 var $fields = this.$('.crm-designer-fields');
473 this.updatePlaceholder();
474 var ufFieldModels = this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection').sortBy(function(ufFieldModel) {
475 return parseInt(ufFieldModel.get('weight'));
476 });
477 _.each(ufFieldModels, function(ufFieldModel) {
478 ufFieldCanvasView.addUFFieldView(ufFieldModel, ufFieldCanvasView.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection'), {skipWeights: true});
479 });
480 this.$(".crm-designer-fields").sortable({
481 placeholder: 'crm-designer-row-placeholder',
482 forcePlaceholderSize: true,
483 receive: function(event, ui) {
484 var paletteFieldModel = ufFieldCanvasView.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection').get(ui.item.attr('data-plm-cid'));
485 var ufFieldModel = paletteFieldModel.addToUFCollection(
486 ufFieldCanvasView.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection'),
487 {skipWeights: true}
488 );
489 if (null == ufFieldModel) {
490 ufFieldCanvasView.$('.crm-designer-fields .ui-draggable').remove();
491 } else {
492 // Move from end to the 'dropped' position
493 var ufFieldViewEl = ufFieldCanvasView.$('div[data-field-cid='+ufFieldModel.cid+']').parent();
494 ufFieldCanvasView.$('.crm-designer-fields .ui-draggable').replaceWith(ufFieldViewEl);
495 }
496 // note: the sortable() update callback will call updateWeight
497 },
498 update: function() {
499 ufFieldCanvasView.updateWeights();
500 }
501 });
502 },
503 /** Determine visual order of fields and set the model values for "weight" */
504 updateWeights: function() {
505 var ufFieldCanvasView = this;
506 var weight = 1;
507 var rows = this.$('.crm-designer-row').each(function(key, row) {
508 if ($(row).hasClass('placeholder')) {
509 return;
510 }
511 var ufFieldCid = $(row).attr('data-field-cid');
512 var ufFieldModel = ufFieldCanvasView.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection').get(ufFieldCid);
513 ufFieldModel.set('weight', weight);
514 weight++;
515 });
516 },
517 addUFFieldView: function(ufFieldModel, ufFieldCollection, options) {
518 var paletteFieldModel = this.model.getRel('paletteFieldCollection').getFieldByName(ufFieldModel.get('entity_name'), ufFieldModel.get('field_name'));
519 var ufFieldView = new CRM.Designer.UFFieldView({
520 el: $("<div></div>"),
521 model: ufFieldModel,
522 paletteFieldModel: paletteFieldModel
523 });
524 ufFieldView.render();
525 this.$('.crm-designer-fields').append(ufFieldView.$el);
526 if (! (options && options.skipWeights)) {
527 this.updateWeights();
528 }
529 },
530 updatePlaceholder: function() {
531 if (this.model.getRel('ufFieldCollection').isEmpty()) {
532 this.$('.placeholder').css({display: 'block', border: '0 none', cursor: 'default'});
533 } else {
534 this.$('.placeholder').hide();
535 }
536 }
537 });
539 /**
540 * options:
541 * - model: CRM.UF.UFFieldModel
542 * - paletteFieldModel: CRM.Designer.PaletteFieldModel
543 */
544 CRM.Designer.UFFieldView = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
545 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
546 template: '#field_row_template',
547 expanded: false,
548 regions: {
549 summary: '.crm-designer-field-summary',
550 detail: '.crm-designer-field-detail'
551 },
552 events: {
553 "click .crm-designer-action-settings": 'doToggleForm',
554 "click .crm-designer-action-remove": 'doRemove'
555 },
556 modelEvents: {
557 "destroy": 'remove',
558 "change:is_duplicate": 'onChangeIsDuplicate'
559 },
560 onRender: function() {
561 CRM.Designer.UFFieldSummaryView({
562 model: this.model,
563 fieldSchema: this.model.getFieldSchema(),
564 paletteFieldModel: this.options.paletteFieldModel
565 }));
566 CRM.Designer.UFFieldDetailView({
567 model: this.model,
568 fieldSchema: this.model.getFieldSchema()
569 }));
570 this.onChangeIsDuplicate(this.model, this.model.get('is_duplicate'))
571 if (!this.expanded) {
572 this.detail.$el.hide();
573 }
574 var that = this;
575 CRM.designerApp.vent.on('formOpened', function(event) {
576 if (that.expanded && event != that.cid) {
577 that.doToggleForm(false);
578 }
579 });
580 },
581 doToggleForm: function(event) {
582 this.expanded = !this.expanded;
583 if (this.expanded && event !== false) {
584 CRM.designerApp.vent.trigger('formOpened', this.cid);
585 }
586 this.$el.toggleClass('crm-designer-open', this.expanded);
587 var $detail = this.detail.$el;
588 if (!this.expanded) {
589 $detail.toggle('blind', 250);
590 }
591 else {
592 var $canvas = $('.crm-designer-canvas');
593 var top = $canvas.offset().top;
594 $detail.slideDown({
595 duration: 250,
596 step: function(num, effect) {
597 // Scroll canvas to keep field details visible
598 if (effect.prop == 'height') {
599 if ( + $detail.offset().top - top > $canvas.height() - 9) {
600 $canvas.scrollTop($canvas.scrollTop() + + $detail.offset().top - top - $canvas.height() + 9);
601 }
602 }
603 }
604 });
605 }
606 },
607 onChangeIsDuplicate: function(model, value, options) {
608 this.$el.toggleClass('crm-designer-duplicate', value);
609 },
610 doRemove: function(event) {
611 var that = this;
612 this.$el.hide(250, function() {
613 that.model.destroyLocal();
614 });
615 }
616 });
618 /**
619 * options:
620 * - model: CRM.UF.UFFieldModel
621 * - fieldSchema: (Backbone.Form schema element)
622 * - paletteFieldModel: CRM.Designer.PaletteFieldModel
623 */
624 CRM.Designer.UFFieldSummaryView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
625 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
626 template: '#field_summary_template',
627 modelEvents: {
628 'change': 'render'
629 },
631 /**
632 * Compose a printable string which describes the binding of this UFField to the data model
633 * @return {String}
634 */
635 getBindingLabel: function() {
636 var result = this.options.paletteFieldModel.getSection().title + ": " + this.options.paletteFieldModel.getLabel();
637 if (this.options.fieldSchema.civiIsPhone) {
638 result = result + '-' + CRM.PseudoConstant.phoneType[this.model.get('phone_type_id')];
639 }
640 if (this.options.fieldSchema.civiIsLocation) {
641 var locType = this.model.get('location_type_id') ? CRM.PseudoConstant.locationType[this.model.get('location_type_id')] : ts('Primary');
642 result = result + ' (' + locType + ')';
643 }
644 return result;
645 },
647 /**
648 * Return a string marking if the field is required
649 * @return {String}
650 */
651 getRequiredMarker: function() {
652 if (this.model.get('is_required') == 1) {
653 return ' <span class="crm-marker">*</span> ';
654 }
655 return '';
656 },
658 onRender: function() {
659 this.$el.toggleClass('disabled', this.model.get('is_active') != 1);
660 if (this.model.get("is_reserved") == 1) {
661 this.$('.crm-designer-buttons').hide();
662 }
663 }
664 });
666 /**
667 * options:
668 * - model: CRM.UF.UFFieldModel
669 * - fieldSchema: (Backbone.Form schema element)
670 */
671 CRM.Designer.UFFieldDetailView = Backbone.View.extend({
672 initialize: function() {
673 // FIXME: hide/display 'in_selector' if 'visibility' is one of the public options
674 var fields = ['location_type_id', 'phone_type_id', 'label', 'is_multi_summary', 'is_required', 'is_view', 'visibility', 'in_selector', 'is_searchable', 'help_pre', 'help_post', 'is_active'];
675 if (! this.options.fieldSchema.civiIsLocation) {
676 fields = _.without(fields, 'location_type_id');
677 }
678 if (! this.options.fieldSchema.civiIsPhone) {
679 fields = _.without(fields, 'phone_type_id');
680 }
681 if (!this.options.fieldSchema.civiIsMultiple) {
682 fields = _.without(fields, 'is_multi_summary');
683 }
685 this.form = new Backbone.Form({
686 model: this.model,
687 fields: fields
688 });
689 this.form.on('change', this.onFormChange, this);
690 this.model.on('change', this.onModelChange, this);
691 },
692 render: function() {
693 this.$el.html(this.form.render().el);
694 this.onFormChange();
695 },
696 onModelChange: function() {
697 $.each(this.form.fields, function(i, field) {
698 this.form.setValue(field.key, this.model.get(field.key));
699 });
700 },
701 onFormChange: function() {
702 this.form.commit();
703 this.$('.field-is_multi_summary').toggle(this.options.fieldSchema.civiIsMultiple ? true : false);
704 this.$('.field-in_selector').toggle(this.model.isInSelectorAllowed());
705 // this.$(':input').attr('disabled', this.model.get("is_reserved") == 1);
707 if (!this.model.isInSelectorAllowed() && this.model.get('in_selector') != "0") {
708 this.model.set('in_selector', "0");
709 this.form.setValue('in_selector', "0");
710 // TODO: It might be nicer if we didn't completely discard in_selector -- e.g.
711 // if the value could be restored when the user isInSelectorAllowed becomes true
712 // again. However, I haven't found a simple way to do this.
713 }
714 }
715 });
717 /**
718 * options:
719 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
720 */
721 CRM.Designer.UFGroupView = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
722 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
723 template: '#form_row_template',
724 expanded: false,
725 regions: {
726 summary: '.crm-designer-form-summary',
727 detail: '.crm-designer-form-detail'
728 },
729 events: {
730 "click .crm-designer-action-settings": 'doToggleForm'
731 },
732 onRender: function() {
733 CRM.Designer.UFGroupSummaryView({
734 model: this.model
735 }));
736 CRM.Designer.UFGroupDetailView({
737 model: this.model
738 }));
739 if (!this.expanded) {
740 this.detail.$el.hide();
741 }
742 var that = this;
743 CRM.designerApp.vent.on('formOpened', function(event) {
744 if (that.expanded && event !== 0) {
745 that.doToggleForm(false);
746 }
747 });
748 },
749 doToggleForm: function(event) {
750 this.expanded = !this.expanded;
751 if (this.expanded && event !== false) {
752 CRM.designerApp.vent.trigger('formOpened', 0);
753 }
754 this.$el.toggleClass('crm-designer-open', this.expanded);
755 this.detail.$el.toggle('blind', 250);
756 }
757 });
759 /**
760 * options:
761 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
762 */
763 CRM.Designer.UFGroupSummaryView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
764 serializeData: extendedSerializeData,
765 template: '#form_summary_template',
766 modelEvents: {
767 'change': 'render'
768 },
769 onRender: function() {
770 this.$el.toggleClass('disabled', this.model.get('is_active') != 1);
771 if (this.model.get("is_reserved") == 1) {
772 this.$('.crm-designer-buttons').hide();
773 }
774 }
775 });
777 /**
778 * options:
779 * - model: CRM.UF.UFGroupModel
780 */
781 CRM.Designer.UFGroupDetailView = Backbone.View.extend({
782 initialize: function() {
783 this.form = new Backbone.Form({
784 model: this.model,
785 fields: ['title', 'help_pre', 'help_post', 'is_active']
786 });
787 this.form.on('change', this.form.commit, this.form);
788 },
789 render: function() {
790 this.$el.html(this.form.render().el);
791 }
792 });