(NFC) Fix possible flacky tests by splitting the parts of the checksum up so that...
[civicrm-core.git] / ang / crmMonaco.js
... / ...
1(function(angular, $, _) {
2 angular.module('crmMonaco', CRM.angRequires('crmMonaco'));
4 // "crmMonaco" is a basic skeletal directive.
5 // Example usage: <div crm-monaco ng-model="my.content"></div>
6 // Example usage: <div crm-monaco="{readOnly: true}" ng-model="my.content"></div>
7 angular.module('crmMonaco').directive('crmMonaco', function($timeout, $parse) {
8 return {
9 restrict: 'AE',
10 require: 'ngModel',
11 template: '<div class="crm-monaco-container"></div>',
12 link: function($scope, $el, $attr, ngModel) {
13 var heightPct = 0.70;
14 var editor;
15 require.config({paths: CRM.crmMonaco.paths});
16 require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function() {
17 var options = {
18 readOnly: false,
19 language: 'html',
20 // theme: 'vs-dark',
21 theme: 'vs'
22 };
23 if ($attr.crmMonaco) {
24 angular.extend(options, $parse($attr.crmMonaco)($scope));
25 }
26 angular.extend(options, {
27 value: ngModel.$modelValue,
28 minimap: {
29 enabled: false
30 },
31 automaticLayout: true,
32 scrollbar: {
33 useShadows: false,
34 verticalHasArrows: true,
35 horizontalHasArrows: true,
36 vertical: 'visible',
37 horizontal: 'visible',
38 verticalScrollbarSize: 17,
39 horizontalScrollbarSize: 17,
40 arrowSize: 30
41 }
42 });
44 var editorEl = $el.find('.crm-monaco-container');
45 editorEl.css({height: Math.round(heightPct * $(window).height())});
46 editor = monaco.editor.create(editorEl[0], options);
48 editor.onDidChangeModelContent(_.debounce(function () {
49 $scope.$apply(function () {
50 ngModel.$setViewValue(editor.getValue());
51 });
52 }, 150));
54 ngModel.$render = function() {
55 if (editor) {
56 editor.setValue(ngModel.$modelValue);
57 }
58 // FIXME: else: retry?
59 };
61 // FIXME: This makes vertical scrolling much better, but horizontal is still weird.
62 var origOverflow;
63 function bodyScrollSuspend() {
64 if (origOverflow !== undefined) return;
65 origOverflow = $('body').css('overflow');
66 $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
67 }
68 function bodyScrollRestore() {
69 if (origOverflow === undefined) return;
70 $('body').css('overflow', origOverflow);
71 origOverflow = undefined;
72 }
73 editorEl.on('mouseenter', bodyScrollSuspend);
74 editorEl.on('mouseleave', bodyScrollRestore);
75 editor.onDidFocusEditorWidget(bodyScrollSuspend);
76 editor.onDidBlurEditorWidget(bodyScrollRestore);
78 $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
79 bodyScrollRestore();
80 if (editor) editor.dispose();
81 });
82 });
83 }
84 };
85 });
87})(angular, CRM.$, CRM._);