Better debug diagnosis of malformed IPv4 addresses.
[exim.git] / test / stdout / 0002
2> # These expansions can test variables in the configuration, but as there
3> # is no message being processed, there is no message-related data. But
4> # that of course gets tested in plenty of other places.
6> # Some fixed variables
8> exim_path: TESTSUITE/eximdir/exim
9> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
10> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
11> qualify_domain: myhost.test.ex
12> bounce_return_size_limit: 102400
13> spool_directory: TESTSUITE/spool
14> Failed: unknown variable in "${unknown}"
15> h_subject: (should be empty)
16> h_subject: (should be empty)
17> Failed: unknown expansion operator "header_subject"
19> # $message_headers should be empty
20> message_headers: ><
22> # Continuation
23> xy
24> xy
26> # Overlong names and overbig numbers
28> Failed: unknown variable name "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
29> Failed: unknown variable in "${aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}"
30> +
31> +
33> # Operators
35> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
36> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
37> domain: dom.ain
38> domain: dom.ain
39> escape: B7\267F2\362
40> eval: 2
41> eval: 7
42> eval: 9
43> eval: 4
44> eval: 6
45> eval: 42
46> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting number or opening parenthesis (after processing "")
47> eval: -2
48> eval: 1
49> eval: 1
50> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting closing parenthesis (after processing "-2 - (-3")
51> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting + or - (after processing "-2 - -3")
52> eval: 1
53> eval: -5
54> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting number or opening parenthesis (after processing "-2 -")
55> eval: 40962
56> eval: 63
57> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting + or - (after processing "0")
58> eval10: 77
59> eval10: 8
60> expand: $primary_hostname myhost.test.ex
61> hash: jmg monty fbWx
62> hash: abcX abX aX X
63> hex2b64:EjRWeA==
64> hex2b64:q83v
65> hex2b64:q83v
66> hex2b64:Gis8TV5v
67> Failed: "1a2b3c4d5e6" contains an odd number of characters
68> Failed: "1a2b3c4d5e6g" is not a hex string
69> hex2b64:MPPJPkZDbetYunCBao7BJA==
70> hex2b64:ztcfpyNSMb7Tg/rP3EHE3cwi7PE=
72> The base62 operator is actually a base36 operator in the Darwin and Cygwin
73> environments. Write cunning tests that produce the same output in both cases,
74> while doing a reasonable check.
76> base62: OK
77> base62d: OK
78> base62d: OK
79> Failed: argument for base62 operator is "12345x", which is not a decimal number
80> Failed: argument for base62d operator is "0003D7.", which is not a base 36/62 number
82> hmac: dd97e3ba5d1a61b5006108f8c8252953
83> hmac: 0210cf9d274b53f1550f657c378b29e8bfed1064
84> md5: 77add1d5f41223d5582fca736a5cb335
85> sha1: DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709
86> sha1: A9993E364706816ABA3E25717850C26C9CD0D89D
87> mask:
88> mask:
89> Failed: mask value too big in ""
90> mask:
91> Failed: missing mask value in ""
92> Failed: "a.b.c.d" is not an IP address
93> nhash: 19 0/61
94> lc/uc: the quick BROWN FOX
95> length: The quick abc
96> lclpt: local-part
97> lclpt: local-part
98> quote: aZ09_.-Q "ab*cd" "abcd\"ef"
99> quote: "nl(\n)"
100> quote: "cr(\r)"
101> quote: "tab( )"