Shorten strings
[squirrelmail.git] / templates / default / search_advanced.tpl
146acc11 1<?php
3 * search_advanced.tpl
4 *
5 * Template to display the advanced (multi-rule) search fields
6 *
7 * The following variables are available in this template:
8 * $allow_advanced_search - boolean TRUE if the advacned search feature is available
9 * $adv_toggle_link - URL to toggle between basic and advanced searches.
10 * NULL if advanced search has been disabled.
11 * $adv_toggle_text - Text to toggle between basic and advanced searches.
12 * NULL if advanced search has been disabled.
13 * $mailbox_options - array containing sanitized list of mailboxes to
14 * sort. Index of each element is the value that
15 * should be assigned to the HTML input element.
16 * $logical_options - array containing sanitized list of logical
17 * operators available, e.g. AND, OR. Index of each
18 * element is the value that should be assigned
19 * to the HTML input element.
20 * $unary_options - array containing sanitized list of unary options,
21 * e.g. NOT. Index of each element is the value that
22 * should be assigned to the HTML input element.
23 * $where_options - array containing sanitized list of fields availble
24 * to search on. Index of each element is the value
25 * that should be assigned to the HTML input element.
26 * $criteria - array containing the current list of search criteria.
27 * Each element in the array represents a set of criteria
28 * and contains the following elements:
29 * $el['MailboxSel'] - the selected mailbox for this rule
30 * $el['LogicSel'] - the selected logical operator for this rule
31 * $el['UnarySel'] - the selected unary operator for this rule
32 * $el['WhereSel'] - the selected field to search in for this rule
33 * $el['Exclude'] - boolean TRUE if this rule is to be excluded
34 * $el['IncludeSubfolders'] - boolean TRUE if this rule is to include
35 * the subfolders of the selected mailbox
36 * $el['What'] - the value that is to be searched for.
37 *
38 * @copyright &copy; 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
39 * @license GNU Public License
40 * @version $Id$
41 * @package squirrelmail
42 * @subpackage templates
43 */
45/** add required includes **/
47/** extract template variables **/
50/** Begin template **/
52<div class="search">
53<table cellspacing="0" class="table2">
54 <tr>
55 <td class="header1" colspan="5">
56 <?php echo _("Search"); ?>
57 <?php
58 if ($allow_advanced_search) {
59 ?>
60 - <small>[<a href="<?php echo $adv_toggle_link; ?>"><?php echo $adv_toggle_text; ?></a>]</small>
61 <?php
62 }
63 ?>
64 </td>
65 </tr>
66 <?php
67 foreach ($criteria as $row=>$rule) {
68 $mailbox_sel = strtolower($rule['MailboxSel']);
69 $logical_sel = $rule['LogicSel'];
70 $unary_sel = $rule['UnarySel'];
71 $subfolders = $rule['IncludeSubfolders'];
72 $where_sel = $rule['WhereSel'];
73 $what_val = $rule['What'];
74 $exclude = $rule['Exclude'];
75 ?>
76 <tr>
77 <td class="searchForm">
78 <?php
79 if($row == 0) {
80 echo _("In");
81 } else {
82 ?>
83 <select name="biop[<?php echo $row; ?>]">
84 <?php
85 foreach ($logical_options as $value=>$option) {
86 echo '<option value="'. $value .'"' . ($value==$logical_sel ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>' . $option .'</option>'."\n";
87 }
88 ?>
89 </select>
90 <?php
91 }
92 ?>
93 </td>
94 <td class="searchForm">
95 <select name="mailbox[<?php echo $row; ?>]">
96 <?php
97 foreach ($mailbox_options as $value=>$option) {
98 echo '<option value="'. $value .'"' . (strtolower($value)==$mailbox_sel ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>' . $option .'</option>'."\n";
99 }
100 ?>
101 </select>
102 <label for="sub_<?php echo $row; ?>"><?php echo _("and subfolders"); ?>:</label>
103 <input type="checkbox" name="sub[<?php echo $row; ?>]" id="sub_<?php echo $row; ?>" <?php if ($subfolders) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> />
104 </td>
105 <td class="searchForm">
106 <select name="unop[<?php echo $row; ?>]">
107 <?php
108 foreach ($unary_options as $value=>$option) {
109 echo '<option value="'. $value .'"' . ($value==$unary_sel ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>' . $option .'</option>'."\n";
110 }
111 ?>
112 </select>
113 &nbsp;
114 <select name="where[<?php echo $row; ?>]">
115 <?php
116 foreach ($where_options as $value=>$option) {
117 echo '<option value="'. $value .'"' . ($value==$where_sel ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>' . $option .'</option>'."\n";
118 }
119 ?>
120 </select>
121 </td>
122 <td class="searchForm">
123 <input type="text" name="what[<?php echo $row; ?>]" value="<?php echo $what_val; ?>" />
124 </td>
125 <td class="searchForm">
126 <label for="exclude_<?php echo $row; ?>"><?php echo _("Exclude"); ?>:</label>
127 <input type="checkbox" name="exclude[<?php echo $row; ?>]" id="exclude_<?php echo $row; ?>" <?php if ($exclude) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> />
128 </td>
129 </tr>
130 <?php
131 }
132 ?>
133 <tr>
134 <td colspan="5" class="header1">
135 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo _("Search"); ?>" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
136 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo _("Add New Criteria"); ?>" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
137 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo _("Remove All Criteria"); ?>" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
138 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo _("Remove Excluded Criteria"); ?>" />&nbsp;&nbsp;
139 </td>
140 </tr>