Add preliminary printerfriendly-through-css feature. This adds a new print.css
[squirrelmail.git] / templates / default / read_attachments.tpl
3cb5a0bb 1<?php
3 * read_attachments.tpl
4 *
5 * Template used to generate the attachment list while reading a message. This
6 * template is called from the function formatAttachments() in functions/mime.php.
98187795 7 *
3cb5a0bb 8 * The following variables are available in this template:
9 * $attachments - array containing info for all message attachments. Each
10 * element in the array represents a separate attachment and
11 * contains the following elements:
12 * $el['Name'] - The name of the attachment
13 * $el['Description'] - Description of the attachment
14 * $el['DefaultHREF'] - URL to the action that should occur when the name is clicked
15 * $el['DownloadHREF'] - URL to download the attachment
16 * $el['ViewHREF'] - URL to view the attachment. Empty if not available.
17 * $el['Size'] - Size of attachment in bytes.
18 * $el['ContentType'] - Content-Type of the attachment
19 * $el['OtherLinks'] - array containing links to any other actions
20 * available for this attachment that might be
21 * provided by plugins, for example. Each element represents
22 * a different action and contains the following elements:
23 * $link['HREF'] - URL to access the functionality
24 * $link['Text'] - Text representing the functionality.
25 *
26 * @copyright &copy; 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
27 * @license GNU Public License
28 * @version $Id$
29 * @package squirrelmail
30 * @subpackage templates
31 */
3cb5a0bb 33
34/** extract template variables **/
37/** Begin template **/
38if (count($attachments)==0) {
39 # If there are no attachments, display nothing.
40 return '';
44<div class="readAttachments">
45<table cellspacing="0" class="table2">
46 <tr>
47 <td class="header5" colspan="5">
48 <?php echo _("Attachments"); ?>
49 </td>
50 </tr>
51 <?php
52 foreach ($attachments as $count=>$attachment) {
53 ?>
54 <tr class="<?php echo ($count%2 ? 'odd' : 'even'); ?>">
55 <td class="attachName">
56 <a href="<?php echo $attachment['DefaultHREF']; ?>"><?php echo $attachment['Name']; ?></a>
57 </td>
58 <td class="attachType">
59 <small><?php echo $attachment['ContentType']; ?></small>
60 </td>
61 <td class="attachSize">
62 <small><?php echo humanReadableSize($attachment['Size']); ?></small>
63 </td>
64 <td class="attachDesc">
65 <small><?php echo $attachment['Description']; ?></small>
66 </td>
67 <td class="attachActions">
68 <small>
69 <a href="<?php echo $attachment['DownloadHREF']; ?>"><?php echo _("Download"); ?></a>
70 <?php
71 if (!empty($attachment['ViewHREF'])) {
72 ?>
73 &nbsp;|&nbsp;
74 <a href="<?php echo $attachment['ViewHREF']; ?>"><?php echo _("View"); ?></a>
75 <?php
76 }
98187795 77
3cb5a0bb 78 foreach ($attachment['OtherLinks'] as $link) {
79 ?>
80 &nbsp;|&nbsp;
81 <a href="<?php echo $link['HREF']; ?>"><?php echo $link['Text']; ?></a>
82 <?php
83 }
84 ?>
85 </small>
86 </td>
87 </tr>
88 <?php
89 }
98187795 90
3cb5a0bb 91 if (!empty($plugin_output['attachments_bottom'])) echo $plugin_output['attachments_bottom'];
92 ?>
94<table cellspacing="0" class="spacer">
95 <tr>
96 <td>
97 </td>
98 </tr>
d281e128 100</div>